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em e wfaden ( uTT 154 . fsAT FiRAm 3F7ia) faFU.-

Bdo: Nc
1376 Serial No.
1. ..
District PS: Year FIR No. Date
New Delhi CBI, ACB 2022 RCO032022A0044 14.07.2022
New Delhi
2. (1) fa eTRT 120 B, 409, 477A
IPC Sections

(2) faT7 PC Act 1988 13(2) rw 13(1)(c) and

(as amended in 2018)
Sections corresponding sec.13(2) rfw
(3) faT
Act Sections

CBL (4) 7 faHra g

Other Acts & Sections

Criminal Conspiracy criminal breach of trust by pubic

3. ( ) aa F servants, falsification of accounts and criminal
(a Susnected Offence misconduct by public servants.

(a) f¢a
(b) Day Date Time


received at PS Date
(c) Iniformation

feais 14.07.2022 5:30 P.M.

Date Time
Entry No.

fefantfa% Written
Type of Information Written/Oral

Place of Occurrence

(5) 4T À f¢m a qî
Direction & Distance from PS

ate . / Beat No.

(a) A:
(b) Address

(c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then

Name of PS

6. Complainant/ Informant

( ) T4 Sh. Ravinder Kumar Bharti

(a) Name

(b) Father's / Husband's Name

(T)TM: Indian
(T) fafa (d) Nationality
(c) Date of Birth

()THNTE i. Palce of lssue

(e) Passport No Date of Issue

Inspector of Police
() Profession

CBI/ACB/New Delhi

(g) Address

7. unknown accused with full particulars

Details of known / suspected/
(Attached separate sheet, if necessary)
(1) Attached Separate Sheet

List of Accused Persons in RCO032022A0044 dated 14.07.2022
1. Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra, President 1OA, Office at Olympic Bhavan, B29,
Qutub Institutional Area, Delhi 110016. Present r/o W 11, GK 2, New Delhi
110048. Also at House No. 49-A/D, Greenbelt Park, Gandhi Nagar,
Jammu, J&K-180004.

2. Cdr. R. K. Srivastava, Executive Director, Hockey India, Executive

Director, Hockey India, B1/E14, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate,
Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044. Present and Permanent R/o H-1705,
Amarpali Shaphire, Sector-45 Noida
3. Sh. Rajinder Singh, the then President, Hockey India, Secretary General
HI, the then President, HI. Present and permanent Rio House No. 22,
Sector-2, Nanak Nagar Jammu-180004.
4. Mohd. Mushtaque Ahmad, the then Secretary General, Hockey India.
Present and permanent R/o Plot No 27, Shrine Villa, New Colony,
Gurugama, Jamaluddin Chak, Khagaul, Patna- 801105
5. Unknown Officials of Hockey India and
6. Unknown others.
PC) No l13| AMD
iled on. 2
S5S e 2
8. f informant
Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant/
No delay
9 Particulars of properties Stolen (Attach separate sheet, if necessary)
10. 767/FE A
Total value of property stolen
Inquest Report/ U. D. case No. if any
First information contents (Attach separate sheet, if required)
20.06.2022 of Sh. Ravinder Kumar
A typed written complaint dated
Delhi has been received. The
Bharti, Inspector of Police, CBI, ACB, New
complaint is reproduced as under
The Head of Branch,
CBI, ACB, New Delhi
of Hockey India
Sub: Registration of a Regular Case (RC) in the matter
against Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra, President lOA and others-: Reg.
Sir, from Sh.
A written complaint dated 28.02.2022 was received
Anandeshwar Pandey, Honorary Treasurer of Indian Olympic Association
(1OA) alleging that when Dr. Narendra Dhruv Batra was elected as
at his
of 1OA on 14.12.2017, he got his office furnished in 1OA Bhawan
complaint that
personal cost on loan Basis. It is further mentioned in the
during Internal Audit, the fixed assets register was updated by the Internal
Auditor M/s V. K. Bajaj and Co. in which the items installed in the office of the
on returnable from M's Sno.
stated to be
"taken on o a n
Dr. Batra were
for the office of the President." Prices aaainot

Parts Private Limited

also mentioned in the register, totaling Rs. 37.67
items were
each of these
owned company of Dr. Batra. Further
is a family
lakhs. M/s SPPL
the name of Hl and details of all the ito
from OA in

prices thereor exactiy talied with the impugned items in the

those bills and
to the extent or RS. 18.41 Lakhs. Hockey India (HN)
Eived Assets Register
ledid not give any reply to the queries of the complainant. Dr. Batra
throuah his email replied to the complainant stating that "regarding furniture's
in my room which is on loan to IOA and which I will take back at the end of
my tenure'

22. Accordingly a PE-0032022A0003 was registered in CBI, ACB, Delhi on

05.04.2022 against Sh. Narinder Dhruv Batra, President, Indian Olympic
Association and unknown officials of Hockey India and Unknown others to
enquire into the allegations and it was entrusted to the undersigned for

3. Enquiry revealed that Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra is the life time member
of Executive Board of Hockey India. He was elected as president of the India

Olympic Association on 14.12.2017.

4. Enquiry further revealed that Sh. Rajinder Singh, President of HI and
Mohd. Mushtaque Ahmad, Secretary General of HI, had verbally approved
and executed the work in the office of President IOA Dr. Narinder
Batra. However, in order to justify and to cover up the fraudulent expenditure

assigned to firms for renovation and

at approval stage, the work was seven

furnishing of another office of Hockey India at Mathura Road, New Delhi and

not office of Dr. Batra at 1OA.

5 Enquiry further Hockey India has paid these bills
revealed that
for furniture
by the vendors against the fixed assets worth Rs. 18,41,772/-
1OA and for Rs.
and fixtures in office of Dr. Narendra Druv Batra, President,
18,26,484/- on renovations. In order to cover up this expenditure,

agreement dated 28.09.2018 was also executed between Cdr. R.K

Srivastava on behalf of Hockey India and Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra

shown to be ratified in the Executive Board dated 30.09.2018. ThisIs

only for the fixed assets, not for the repair work.
6. Ehquiry further revealed that the agreement dated
28.09.2018 made
beween Hookéy India through its authorized
Srivastava and Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra was neverrepresentative Cdn R.K
discussed in the
meefing dated 30.09.2018. Neither the Agenda nor the minutes of this EBM
were circulated to the members of EBM.
Hence, it is revealed that the
President Sh. Rajinder Singh and
Secretary General Mohd. Mushtaque
Ahmad of Hockey India have prepared a false minutes dated 30.09.2018 in
connivance with Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra and Cdr. R.K Srivastava after
initiation of CBI enquiry.
7. Enquiry further
revealed that Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra, President 1OA,
Cdr. R. K. Srivastava, Executive Director, HI, Sh. Rajinder Singh, the then
President HI, Mohd. Mushtaque Ahmad, HI, Unknown Officials of Hockey
India and Unknown Others entered into criminal conspiracy with each other
and in pursuance thereto prepared false and fake documents namely the
agreement dated 28.09.2018 and EB Meeting Minutes dated 30.09.2018
thereby the aforesaid officials of Hockey India have fraudulently and
dishonestly allowed Dr. Batra to criminally misappropriate property purchased
out of funds of Hockey India, by misusing theirofficialposition.
8. The abeve facts and circumstances discloses the commissions of
sognizable offences punishable under section 120B, 409, 477A of IPC and
u/s section 13(2) r/w 13(1)(¢) of PC Act, 1988 and (corresponding section 13
(2) rlw 13 (1) (a) of PC Act 1988 (as amended in 2018) against () Dr.
Narinder Dhruv Batra, President 1OA (i) Cdr. R. K. Srivastava, Executive
Director, Hockey India (i) Sh. Rajinder Singh, the then President, Hockey
India, (v) Mohd. Mushtaque Ahmad, the then Secretary General, Hockey
India, (v) Unknown Officials of Hockey India and (vi) unknown others.
Therefore, a Regular Case may be registered accordingly against them.
Yours Sincerely

Sd/- dated 20.06.2022

(Ravinder Kumar Bharti)

Inspector of Police
CBI/ACB/ Delhi
A copy of the
letter F. No.
received from Sh. C-32011/27/2022-Vig dated 13.07.2022
Dharmendra Kumar Yadav, Under
of India, Secretary to the Govt.
Ministry of Youth Affairs &
New Delhi-110001 regarding
Sports, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. R. P.
approval of the
Section 17 A of PC Act, 1988 competent authority under
(as amended in 2018) to
against Sh. conduct investigation
Rajender Singh, the then President
Mushtaque Ahmad, the then
Hockey India and Mohd.
Secretary General, Hockey India is also
The aforesaid facts disclose
the commission of offences punishable
u/s 120B, 409, 477A of IPC and u/s section 13(2) rtw
13(1)(©) of PC Act,
1988 and (corresponding section 13
(2) rw 13 (1) (a) of PC Act 1988 (as
amended in 2018) against (i) Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra, President
IOA (i) Cdr.
R. K. Srivastava, Executive Director,
Hockey India (ii) Sh. Rajinder Singh, the
then President, Hockey India, (iv) Mohd.
Mushtaque Ahmad, the then
Secretary General, Hockey India, (v) Unknown Officials of Hockey India and
(vi) unknown others.
Hence, a Regular Case is registered and entrusted to Sh. C.M.S. Negi,
Inspector, CBI, ACB, New Delhi for investigation.
13. at
Since the above
information reveals commission of offernce(s) u/s as mentioned
Action taken
investigation or
and took up the
Registered the
RC registered
fÅ I A4)
(2) farfa (T No. Took up for
Directed (Name of I0)
New Delhi
Inspector, CBI, ACB,
Sh C.M.S. Negi
(3) 5U À TH or
Refused investigation
due to
on point of jurisdiction
Transferred to PS
anda copy given
complainant/informant, admitted to
be correctly recorded
FIR read over to the cost.
the complainantinformant, free of
R. O.A. C.
Signature/ Thumb impression Signature of Officer in-charge
of the complalnantinformant Police Station
Rajiv Kumar P o l i c e 4 2
c Policet 2 2
Sup ofNew
(T) /Rank Delhi
Date and time of despatch to the ourt
Signature of recording Officer with date

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