13 Uplink Signal

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* Demodulation Reference Signal s (DM-R S) are used for channel estimation and synchroni sation during demodulation. The eN ode B
can also use the timing ofthc Demodulation Reference Signal to generate timing ad vance in structions for the UE
* There are two types of Demodulation Reference Signal:
o PUSCH Demodulation Reference Signal
o PUCCH Demodulation Reference Signal
* Both types of Demodulation Reference Signal are generated from a common set of base sequences. 3GPP TS 36.211 specifies 30
groups of base sequences, where the number of seq uences within each grou p depends upon the uplink chann el bandwidth. Each group
o 5 base sequences which have lengths of { 12. 24, 36, 48. 60}
o 2 x y base seq uences which have lengths of {72. 72. 84. 84. 96. 96. I 08. I 08 .... }. where y = maximum number of uplink
Resource Blocks- 5
All base sequences have lengths which are multiples of 12. i. e. the number of subcarriers within a Resource Block. Figure 151
illu strates the 30 groups of sequences for th e 3 MHz channel bandwidth ( 15 Resource Blocks)

30 Groups of Sequences

Example for 3 MHz channel bandwidth

Maximum of 15 uplink Resource Blocks
Each group includes 1 sequence with lengths of:
m x 12, form= 1 to 5

Each group includes 2 sequences with lengths of:

m x 12, for m = 2 to 15
(m = 1 to 5)

2 sequences
of each length
(m 6 to 15)

Total of 5 + (2 x 10) = 25 base sequences per group

Figu re 151- G1·oups of base scqucuces used by the PUSCH and PUCCI-I Demodulation Reference Signals

* The U E selects a gro up of base sequences using a Group Hopping calculation. Thi s calculation (presented in the following section s) is
dependent upon wheth er the seq uence is going to be used for the PUSCH or PUCCI-I Ref'erence Signal
* The UE se lects a sequence length depending upon the number of Resource Blocks being transm itted . For example. if the UE is
transmitting the PUSCH usi ng 10 Resource Blocks then it will se lect a seq uence with a length of 10 x 12 = 120. Similarly. ifthe UE is
transmitting the PUCCI-I using I Resource Block then it we ll se lect a sequence with a length of I x 12 = 12
* When the sequence lengt h is greater than 60. the UE al so has to select which sequence to use from the pair of sequences with the
appropriate length. This is only applicable to the PUSCH Reference Signal because the PUCC I-I Reference Signa l always has a length
of 12. i.e. a sing le Resource f31ock is used within each time slot when transmittin g the l'lJCC II. The sequence 'ckclioll proc..:durc for
the PUSCH is presented in the follo win g section
* The eNode B applies the same se lection procedures as the UE so it knows wh ich Reference Signa l seque nce to expect
* 3GPP Ref'erences: TS 36.211



* T he PUSCH Demodulation Reference Sig na l is included within every Resource Block a llocated to th e PUSCH. Fig ure ! 52 illustrates
the Resource Elements allocated to the PUSCH Demodulation Reference Sig nal , i.e. a sing le column of Resource Elements w ithin
each Resource B lock

Normal Cyclic Prefi x Extended CycHc Prefix


Resource Element
used for
Reference Signal

7 symbols= 0.5 ms 6 symbols= 0.5 ms

Figure 152- Resource Elements used by the PUSCH Demodulation Reference Signal

* Recall that in the downlink direction, Cell Specific Reference Signa ls are di stributed in both the time and frequency domains. T hi s
app roach allows channel estimation to generate a result which is representative of the complete Resource B lock. In the uplin k
direction, PUSCH Demodulation Reference S ignals are di stributed in only the frequency do main. T hi s is necessary to preserve the
reduced peak-to-average power ratio provided by SC-FDMA

* T he release 8 and 9 versions of the 3GPP specifications limit the PUSCH to transmission using a single antenna port. In this case, it is
only necessary to generate a s ingle PUSCH Demodul at ion Reference Signal sequence for each time slot. T hi s sequence is given by:

(a) ( )
ru,v n
a is the cyclic shift applied to the base sequence ( 12 di fferen t cyclic shifts are available)
u is the base seq uence group number (0 to 29)
v is the index of the base seq uence w ith an app ropri ate length (0 or I)
n ranges from 0 to (number of allocated subcarri ers- I)

* The base sequence group number, ' u' is selected using the equation:

fgh = 0 if group hopping is di sabled (configuration is cell specifi c and is broadcast in SIB2)

fgh is a pse udo-random number between 0 and 29 if group hopping is enabled. T his pseudo-random number is
dependent upon the time slot number and the Physical layer Cell Identity (PC!)
f~ 5 = ((PC! mod 30) + L'l. 55 ) mod 30
L'l. 55 is cell specific and is broadcast in SIB2. It defines an offset between 0 and 29 wh ich can be used to se lect different
sequence groups for cells w ith eq ua l PC!

* The equation above indi cates that the sequence group is ce ll specifi c rather than UE specific. Plann ing of sequence groups is di sc ussed
in section 3 I. 7

* T he index of the seq uence, 'v' is always 0 whe n the sequence length belongs to the set { 12, 24, 36, 48, 60} because there is onl y I
sequence of each length. T he index can have va lues of 0 or I for longer sequenc es because th ere are 2 seq uences of each length

o index 0 is used by default

o if gro up hopping is d isabled and sequence hopp ing is enab led then the index is based upon a pse udo-random sequence wh ich is
dependent upon the PC! and the value of f 55 . S IB2 includes a flag to indi cate whether or not sequ ence hopping is enab led for the
cel l. If enabled for the ce ll , it can be disab led for a specific UE usin g the ' Disable Sequence Group Hopping' parameter w ithin an
RRC Connection Setup, RRC Connecti on Reconfiguration or RRC Con nect ion Re-establishm ent message

* Seq uence hopping helps to red uce the probability of c las hes between th e sequences used by the population ofUE


* The cyc li c shift app li ed to the base sequence is given by:

a = 2Jr ncs I 12
whe re.

ncs = (ng~RS + n 6~RS + n PRs) mod 12

ng~RS is cell specific, and is determined from a look-up table indexed using the cycli c shift broadcast in SIB2

n 6~RS is UE speci fic. and is determined from a look-up table indexed using the cyc li c shift within the DC !
nPRS is generated using a pseudo-random sequence whi ch is dependent upon the time slot number, the Physical laye r
Ce ll Identity (PC !) and the value of f~ 5

* The cyc lic shift is app li ed to the approp ri ate base sequence using the equation :

.(al (11 ) -- e .wn

-:- (n) where r;, ,v(n) is the base sequence

* In genera L users with in a cell are all ocated difTerent Reso urce Blocks so do not need to be differentiated by their cyc lic sh ifts. Mu ltiple
UE share the same uplink Reso urce Blocks if multi-user MIMO is used. In thi s case. users are differentiated by th ei r cyclic shifts
whi ch provide orthogonality as long as the number of Resource Blocks allocated to each user is eq ual
* The processing used to generate the Demodulation Refe rence Signal fo r the PUSCH is shown in Figure 153

Cell specific Cell specific

Base Sequence
(length 12) l
r-------------- ------------!
Base Sequence
(length 12)

r ·~ --~ ------
' C I '
Map onto
Res ource
i' '"'~
Shift 0 i'
L_____________ ____ ________;
Map onto
Res ource
Shift 0 .i
Elem ents Elem ents
De~od-~ lation Demodulation
Reference Reference
Signal Signal

I ···-
~ ~
sym bols sy mbols

Time domain SC-FDMA signal Time domain SC-FDMA signal

(slot n) (slot n+1)

Figure 153- Pt·ocessing to generate Demodulation l{eference Signal lot· the PliSCII (JGI'P rclcnses 8 nnd 9, normal cyclic pt·cfix)

* The release I0 vers ion of the specifications introduces the use of an Orthogonal Cover Code (OCC) to allow an add iti onal dimen sion
of differentiation. The OCC allows orthogona lity to be maintained when multi-user MIMO UE are all ocated different numbers of
Resource Blocks
* The re lease I 0 ve rsion of the spec ifi cations provides support for uplink MIMO and all ows transm ission us ing up to 4 laye rs. In th is
case. a PUSCH Demod ul ation Reference Signal is generated fo r each layer. These Demodulation Reference Signals are different iated
using a combinat ion of'OCC and cyclic shifts. The 3GPP release 10. PUSCH Demodulation Reference Signal sequence is defined as:

w 1" l(m) is the OCC which is a funct ion of the laye r number · A_'

m correspo nds to the time slot within the subf'rame (0 for the first time slot and I for the seco nd ti me slot)
a(A.) is the cycl ic shift which is a fu nct ion of the laye r num ber · A_'


* T he use o f an OCC can be e nab led/di sabl ed o n a per user basis using th e ' dmrs-Wi thO CC-Activated ' n ag w ithin an RRC Co nn ecti on
Setup, RR C Connection Reco nfi g urati on or RRC Connecti on Re-establi shm ent message

* T he OCC is appli ed in the tim e doma in so an OCC [ w<-'l(O), w<-'l (J )] = [1 , - I) mean s that th e Demodul ati on Refe rence S ig nal
belong ing to the first tim e slot is multipli ed by I , whil e th e Demodul ati o n Refe rence S igna l be longing to th e seco nd tim e slot is
multiplied by -I

* T he OCC is determined from a look- up table indexed using th e cyc li c shift w ithin the DC !. Thi s means th at both n \3~RS and th e OCC
are determin ed by th e cycli c shi ft value w ithin the DC !. Thi s ap proac h has bee n adopted to avo id th e requirement for additiona l
s ig na lling

* T he cyc lic shi ft becomes a functi on of th e layer number by makin g the va lue of n \3~s a fun ction of the layer number. The loo k-up

table w hi ch defin es n \3~ RS as a fun cti on of the cyclic shift w ithin th e DC !, spec ifies a n \3~ RS va lue fo r eac h layer. Th ere are 12

poss ibl e cyclic shifts so th e va lues of n \3~RS are separated by 3 to provid e suppo rt for up to 4 layers. Fo r exampl e, when th e cyc lic

shift w ithin the DC ! is sig na led as 000 then the n\3~ R S valu es fo r laye rs I to 4 and 0, 6, 3 and 9

* T he process ing used to generate the Demodulation Reference Signa l fo r the PUSC H when usin g OCC is shown in Fig ure !54

Cell specifi c Cell specific

Base Sequence Base Sequence
(length 12) J (length 12) J
:R·-------~----.------------: :·-------------.------------:
! Cyclic~
t Shift 0
Shift T i
l_ _:_
=1_ _ _ _ _j
: () :
Map onto
Res ource ~=~0~~~~ lj __________
w~ 1) .
_____________ _]j
Elem ents Elements
oe~oC!ui~tion ~ r--+-+ oe~odul~tion +--+--1
Reference ·;:: r--t--+ Reference
Signal ~ Signal
~ r--t---r--~~r--t---r--4

1 symbols

Time domain SC-FDMA signal Time domain SC-FDMA signa l
(slot n) {slot n+ 1)

Fig ure 154- Processing to ge nerate Demodulation Reference Signal for th e PUSC H (3GPP release 10 norma l cycli c preli x)

* If uplin k MI MO is used, th e set of laye r specific Demodul ati o n Refe rence S igna ls are precoded usin g th e sa me matri x as used fo r the
PUSC H data. T hi s a llo ws the eNode B to use th e Demodul ati o n Reference S ig nals to estim ate the propagati o n chann el for each layer
of PUSC H data. T he conce pt o f apply ing the same precodin g to both the P USC H data and th e Demodul ati on Re ference Signals is
illustrated in Figure 155. T hi s exampl e is based upon 2x2 MI MO and assum es that 2 laye rs of data are being transfe rred. The precoded
data and th e precoded Reference S ig nals are sub sequently mapped o nto th eir Reso urc e Elements ready for SC-FDM A signal
ge nerati o n

* 12 Reso urce Elements per Reso urce Bloc k are a ll ocated to the PUSC H Demodul ati on Reference S ig na l. T hese 12 Reso urce Elements
re present an overh ead fro m th e perspecti ve of transfe rring data on the PUSC H. T he overh eads generated by the PUSC H Demodul ati o n
Reference S igna l are presented in Tab le 160

* 3GPP Refe rences : TS 36.2 11 , TS 36.33 1


Precedi ng Matrix

Layer 0 /

for Spatial
Multiplexing /

Cyclic Shift and Reference Signal

OCC for layer o Generation

Cyclic Shift and Reference Signal

OCC for layer 1 Generation

Fig ure 155 - C ommon prccoding applied to both 1>lJSC I-I data and Demodulation Reference Signal when using uplink MIMO

Normal Cycl ic Prefix Extended Cycl ic Prefix

Total Number of Resource Elements 84 72
Reference Signal Resource Elements 12 12
Reference Signal Overhead 12 / 84 = 14.3% 12/72= 16. 7%

Table 160 - Overheads gene r ated by the PUSCH Demodulation Reference Signal


* The PUCC H Demodu lation Reference Signal is inc luded within every Resource Block all ocated to the PUCCH. The PU CC H
occup ies I Reso urce Block within each time slot of a subframe
* The number of Reso urce Elements occupi ed by th e PU CC I-I Demodulation Reference Signal depends upon the PUCCI-I format and
whether a norm al or extended cyclic prefi x is used . Figure 156 shows th e Resource Elements used by the PUCCH Demodu lati on
Reference Signal. One Reso urce Block is shown for each scenario. Each PUCC I-I transmi ss ion uses two Resource Blocks but the
all ocation of Resource Elements is the same for both. PU CC I-I formats 2a and 2b are not app li cab le to the ex tended cycli c prefix
* The Demodulation Reference Signal for PUCCH form als I, Ia and I b occupi es a rel atively large number of Resource Elements. Th is
is poss ible because these PUCCH fo rm ats transfer onl y I or 2 bits of information. 96 Reso urce Elements are suffi cien t to reliabl y
signal thi s small quantity of info rmatio n
* Increasing the number of Resource Elements all ocated to the Demodul ation Reference Signa l helps to improve the performance of
channel estimation
* PUCCI-I formals 2. 2a. 2b and 3 tran sfer greater quantities of informat ion so requ ire a larger number of Resource Elements. Formats
2a and 2b transfer an add iti onal I and 2 bits of informat ion respectivel y using the Demodu lation Reference Signa l sequence. i. e. the
receive r can deduce these bits of information by identifying which seq uence has been used for the Demodu lation Reference Signal
* PUCC I-I format I b supports channel selection whi ch means that add itiona l information can be signall ed by se lecting a specific
PUCCI-I resource for tran smi ss ion, i. e. all ocating the UE wi th 4 PUCC I-I resources all ows an add itional 2 bits of information to be
signall ed when the UE selects I of those 4 reso urces
* PUCCI-I formats I. Ia I b. 2. 2a and 2b were introduced within the release 8 version of the 3GPP specification s. whereas format 3 was
introduced wit hin the re lease I 0 version


Normal Cyclic Prefix Extended Cyclic Prefix

PUCCH Formats
1, 1a, 1b

PUCCH Formats
2, 3

PUCCH Formats 2a and

2b are not applicable to
the Extended Cyclic Prefix
PUCCH Formats
Resource Element
used for
Reference Signal

Figure 156- Resource Elements used by the PUCCI-I Demodulation Reference Signal

* The release 8 and 9 versions of the 3GPP specifications limit the PUCCI-I to transmission using a single antenna port. T he PUCCI-I
Demod ulation Reference Signal for release 8 and 9 is given by:

w(m) X z(m)x r1~~)(n)

w(m) is only applicable to PUCCI-I formats I, I a and I b. It represents a time domain orthogonal code. The length of
the code is equal to the number of SC-FDMA symbols allocated to the Demodulation Reference Signal within a time
slot, i.e. the length is 3 for the normal cyclic prefix and 2 for the extended cyclic prefix. These orthogonal codes are UE
specific and provide one mechanism for differentiating between multiple users sharing the same PUCCI-I Resource
B locks. Simi lar orthogonal codes are app lied to the PUCCI-I data as illustrated in Figure 169 (section 14.2.1)

z(m) is set equal to I by default. In the case of PUCCI-I formats 2a and 2b, z(m) for the second SC-FDMA symbol
within each time slot (m = I) is set equal to the II 111 modulation symbol generated from the PUCCI-I information bits.
The first 10 modulation symbo ls are transferred usin g the PUCCI-I itself

' m' reference s the SC-FDMA sy mbol s for the PUCCI-I Demodu lation Reference Signal within a time slot, e.g. m
ranges from 0 to 2 for PUCCI-I formats I, Ia and I b when using the normal cycl ic prefix

r,~~l(n) represe nts the Demodulation Reference Signal sequence generated from the appropriate base sequence by
having a cyclic shift applied

a is the cycli c shift app li ed to th e base seque nce (12 different cycli c shifts are avail ab le). T he cyclic shift is UE spec ific
so can be used in combination with the orthogonal codes to differentiate betwee n multiple users sharing the sa me
PUCCI-I Resource Blocks (the cyc li c shift is appl icable to all PUCCI-I formats, whereas the use of orthogonal codes is
only applicable to PUCCI-I formats I, I a and I b within the re lease 8 and 9 versions of the specifications)

u is the base sequ ence group number (0 to 29)

v is the index of th e seq uence with an appropriate length (0 or I)

n ranges from 0 to II , i.e. a value for eac h subcarrier within the PUCCI-I Resource Block

* Th e base sequenc e group number, ·u· is se lected using th e equation:

1~ 11 = 0 if group hopping is di sabled (confi guration is ce ll specific and is broadcast in SIB2)

fgh is a pseudo-random number between 0 and 29 if group hopping is enabled. This pseud o-random number is
dependent upon th e t ime slot number and th e Physical layer Cell Identi ty (PC I)
f 55 = PC! mod 30

* The ex pression for fgh is the same for both PUSCH and PUCCI-I Demodu lation Reference Signal s, whe reas th e express ion for 155 is
different. The PUCC I-I expression for f 55 does not include L\. 55

* The index of the base sequence. ·v · is always 0 for the PUCCI-I because th ere is on ly I sequence of length 12

* Th e processing used to generate th e Demodu lation Reference Signal for PUCCI-I when using OCC (appl icab le to PUCC I-I formats I.
I a and I b) is shown in Figure 157

Cell specific Cell specific

Base Seq uence Base Sequence
{length 12) (length 12)
--------- ·----------------------------------------


w :~~
· · · · · T·· ·
+ w~ i

Map onto Map onto

Resource Resource
Elements j I Elements
I l
... I l
. Demodulation ~ 1---+-+.Demodulation il---+---1
Reference ·c: Reference
Signal B
~ 1---t--r-~-r--t--r-~

~ ~ ~

Time domain SC-FDMA sig na l Time domain SC-FDMA signal
:.Je>t n) {slot n+1)

Fig m·e 157 - l't·occssing to gcncntte Demodulation Rcfuencc Signnl for l'l iCCII fonnats I, Ia and lb (nonnal cyclic pn·lix)

* Thi s fi gure il lustrates th e use of th e time domain orthogonal codes. In th e ca se of th e norma l cyc lic prefi x. th e orth ogonal codes have a
length of3 and there are 3 codes avai lable to provide different iation betwee n UE. In th e case of the ex tended cyc li c prefi x. th e
orth ogonal codes have a length of 2 and th ere are 2 codes ava ilable to prov ide differenti ati on between UE

* The process ing used to generate th e Demod ulation Reference Signal for PUCCI-I form ats 2a and 2b is sho wn in Figure 157. Th is case
uses the I I modu lation symbol belonging to the PUCC I-I informati on bits to mask th e Reference Signal sequence belonging to th e
second Reference Signal SC-FDMA symbol w ithin each tim e slot


Cell specific Cell specific

Base Sequence Base Sequence
(length 12) (length 12)

.. ------------------ --------- ------------- ----------- , ,.~ ~------ ---- --------- ------------- ----------------·
''' ''
'' '''

'' ''

i Shift
: Cycl<
-. " l
. i Shift -. "
cvo< ~
Shift -. "

[_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~::=~-------~
Map onto · t·· Ma p onto
!_ _ '(m~-~
Resource Res ource
Elements Ele ments

<f) <f)
(j; 1--- (j;
·;:: ·;::


<f) <f)
··-·- 1-----
+4== Signal r..

~ ~ ~
~ ~Fr l

Time domain SC-FDMA signal Time domain SC-FDMA signal

(slot n) (slot n+1)

Figure 158- Processing to generate Demodulation Reference Signal for I'lJCCH formats 2a and 2b (normal cyclic prefix)

* The release I 0 version of the specifications provides support for PUCCH transmit diversity using 2 antenna ports. In this case, a
PUCCH Demodulation Reference Signal is generated for each antenna port. This is in contrast to the PUSCH Demodulation
Reference Signals for MIMO which are generated for each layer, rather than each antenna port The PUCCH Demodulation Reference
Signals are generated directly for the antenna ports because transmit diversity does not involve any precoding across layers

* These Demodulation Reference Signals are differentiated using a combination of OCC and cyclic shifts. The 3GPP release 10,
PUSCH Demodulation Reference Signal sequence is defined as:

l/JP X W(p)(m) X z(m)x r(a(

ll, v
p)) (n)

* This is similar to the expression used by the release 8 and 9 versions of the specifications but now includes an initial scaling factor to
keep the total transmit power independent of the number of antenna ports (' P' is the number of antenna ports) . The release I 0
expression also introduces an antenna port dependency upon the orthogonal codes and cyclic shift

* Use of the orthogonal codes remains limited to PUCCH formats I, I a and I b. Different orthogonal codes can be allocated to each
antenna port when using transmit diversity . Sim ilarly, different cyclic sh ifts can be applied to each antenna port when using transmit
* Table 161 presents the Resource Element figures for each PUCCH Demodulation Reference Signal scenario . These figures can be
deduced from Figure 156

PUCCI-I Formats 1, Ia, lb 2, 3 2a, 2b

Cyclic Prefix Nonnal Extended Nomtal Extended Normal Extended
Total Resource -
168 144 168 144 168
Elements Available
Reference Signal
72 48 48 24 48 -
Resource Elements
PUCCI-I Resource
96 120 120 -
Table 161 - Resource Elements occupied by the I'lJCC H Demodulation Reference Signal

* Both the PUCCH and the PUCCI-I Demodulation Reference Signal represent overhead s from the perspecti ve of transferring PUSCH
data. Thi s means that Resource Blocks a llocated to the PUCCH are I 00% overhead from the perspective of tran s ferring PUSCH data
* 3GPP References: TS 36.211



* The Sou nding Reference Signal (SRS) can be used to measure the upl in k channel qual ity over a section of the chan nel bandwidth. T he
eN ode B ca n use thi s information for upli nk frequency se lecti ve schedu li ng and link adaptation. When uplink/down l ink channel
reciproc ity is assumed, measu rements fro m th e SRS ca n also be used to support down link transm iss ions, e.g. th e SRS can be used to
support A ngle o f A rri va l (AoA) measurements for downl ink beam form ing. Channel reciproc ity is most appl icable to TDD in w hich
case th e same RF ca rri er is use d for uplink and downlink transmi ssion s. A ngle of Arr iva l measurements from the SRS can also be
used to support locat ion based serv ices

* T he SRS was in troduced w ith in the release 8 version of the 3G PP speci ficat ions. and was subsequently enhanced w ithin th e release 10
version. En hanceme nts prov ide support fo r upl ink M IMO and rapid tr iggering ofSRS tran smi ss ions usin g a nag w ithin the DC !

* An exampl e o f the Sounding Reference Signal is illustrated in Figure 159. T hi s examp le is based upon th e 3 MHz channel bandw idth
and a Sou nding Reference Signal which spans 8 Resource B locks

20 slots = 10 subframes = 1 radio frame = 10 ms


! ~

~ i

"' ?
.......... •§·~··

... I


/= ~
i' -~ .
Last symbol within . Ev!ry se~ond ~esou.rce
the subframe Element allocated to
Sounding Reference Signal ~.- · - · - - - - - "

Figure 159- Examp le So und ing Reference Sig na l (SRS)

* The eNode B instru cts the UE to tran sm it the Sounding Reference Signal across a specifi c section of the channel bandw idth using a
co mbination of common information in SIB2, and ded ica ted information w ithin an RRC Connection Setup, RRC Connection
Reconfig uration or RRC Connection Re-establi shment message

* The SRS informat ion broadcast by SIB2 is presented in Table 162. w hil e the 3GPP release 8 and 9 inform ati on tran smit1ed w ith in an
"'' '' r ·nn ncct ion Set up. RRC Connection Reconfi guration or RRC Connection Re-establishment message is presented in Tab le 163

* Slll2 broadcasts the ·SRS Bandwidth Configuration·. w hich ca n have a va lue from 0 to 7. w hile the dedicated signalling message
spec ifi es an ·sRS Bandw idth'. wh ich ca n have a val ue f'rom 0 to 3. Theses two param eters defi ne a row and co lumn w ithin a look-up
tab le specified by 3GPP TS 36 .2 11

* A n examp le o f the SRS Bandw idth Configuration I SRS Bandw idth look-up tab le is sho wn in Tab le 164. Th is example is app licable to
th e 1.4. 3 and 5 MH z channe l bandwidth s. 3GPP TS 36.2 11 also includes similar tables fo r th e large r channe l bandwidth s

* The fi rst parameter defined by the look-up table. msRs de ti nes th e number or Resource B locks over w hi ch the SRS is transmi tted. The
1.4 MH z channel bandwidt h has 6 Resource B lock s in total so channel sounding is always co mpleted across 4 Resource B locks. The 3
MHz channel bandwidth has 15 Reso urce Blocks in tota l so channe l sounding can be across 4. 8 or 12 Resource Block s

* T he LJE is never in stru cted to trans mi t th e SRS ac ross th e entire channe l band w idth. It is not necessary to transmit th e SRS w ithin the
Resource B locks rese rved for th e PUCC H. These Resource B locks are located at th e two edges of th e channel band w idth. T he SRS is
used for freq uency se lec ti ve scheduling of the PUSC II rather than freq uency se lecti ve sched uli ng of th e PUCCI !

* The msRs va lues have been de fin ed in a tree struct ure. The ·sRS Bandwidt h Confi guration· is ce ll spec ifi c so a single ce ll operates
using a single row from Tab le 164 (ass um ing a channel bandw idth of 1.4. 3 or 5 MH z). For example, a ce ll usin g the 5 MH z channel
bandwidth (25 Reso urce Blocks) co ul d use · SRS Bandw idth Con fi gurat ion· 3 so an indi vidual UE with in th e cel l could be in stru cted
to transmi t th e SRS across either 20 Re source B locks or 4 Reso urce B lock s. T hi s example is illu strated in Figu re 160


Information Elements
Uplink Sounding Reference Setup SRS Bandwidth Configuration
Signal Configuration
SRS Suh!Tame Configuration
Ack!Nack + SRS Simultaneous Tnmsmission

Table 162- Common SRS configuration information from SIB2

lnfonnation Elements
Uplink Sounding Reference Setup SRS Bandwidth
Signal Configuration
SRS Hopping Bandwidth
Frequency Domain Position
SRS Configuration Index
Trans mission Comb
Cyclic Shift

Table 163- UE specific SRS configuration information from dedicated signalling

SRS Bandwidth SRS Bandwidth= 0 SRS Bandwidth = I SRS Bandwidth = 2 SRS Bandwidth= 3
Configuration lllSRS.O No ll1SRS.l Nt msru;.z N2 ll1sRS.3 N,
0 36 12 3 4 3 4
32 16 2 8 2 4 2
2 24 4 6 4 4
3 20 4 5 4 4
4 16 4 4 4 4
5 12 4 3 4 4
6 8 4 2 4 4
7 4 4 4 4

Table 164- Look-up table for SRS Bandwidth Configuration and Bandwidth parameters (channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3 and 5 MHz)

SRS Bandwidth Configuration = 3 SRS Bandwidth Configuration = 4


Bandwidth = 0 Bandwidth = 1 Bandwidth = 0 Bandwidth = 1

4, 9, 14,
3, 7, 11,
15, 19, 23
3, 8, 13,
2, 6, 10,
14, 18, 22
2, 7, 12, Frequency
Oto 23 Oto 23 Domain
17, 22 Domain
Positions 1, 5, 9,
13, 17, 21
1, 6, 11,
16, 21
0, 4, 8,
12, 16, 20
0, 5, 10,
15, 20

Figure 160- Example SRS transmissions for the 5 MHz channel bandwidth (25 Resource Blocks)

* The tree structure is visible in Figu re 160 as there is suppo rt for SRS transm ission across a single set of 20 Resource Blocks, and 5 sets
of 4 Reso urce Blocks. The set of 20 Reso urce Blocks is used when a U E is all ocated an · SRS Bandwidth· of 0, whereas a set of 4
Reso urce Blocks is used when a UE is allocated an 'SRS Band width ' of I. In the latte r case. selection between the 5 sets of 4
Reso urce Blocks is dependent upon th e ·Frequency Domain Position' parameter signall ed to th e UE within an RRC Con nection Setup.
RRC Connection Recon fi gurat ion or RRC Connection Re-estab lishment message. The · Freq uency Domain Position· parameter can
range from 0 to 23. and is shown in Table 163
* The N 0 , N 1, N 2 and N 3 parameters shown in Table 164 are used in comb in at ion with the msRs and 'Frequ ency Domain Position·
parameters when calcul ating the starting position of the SRS in the frequ ency domain. T he result of the calculation is a pointer towards
th e lowest subcarrier to be used by the SRS
* Figu re 160 sho ws a second example for th e 5 MHz chann el bandw idth based upon a cell co nfi gured with an ·sRS Band wid th
Confi g uration· of 4. In thi s case. the maximum bandwidth for SRS transmi ssion is 16 Reso urce Blocks. wh ile th e tree structure also
supports SRS transmi ss ion across 4 Resource Blocks. The ·Frequency Domain Position • parameter determines whi ch set of 4
Resource Blocks is used
* The tree structures in Figure 160 have depths of 2 because th ey are based upon a relativel y small channe l ba ndwidth . The larger
chann el bandwidths allow in creased flexibility and the tree stru ctures have depths of up to 4. The tree stru ctures for each comb inat ion
of chann el bandwidth and ·sRS Bandw idth Confi gurat ion· are presented in Tab le 165. Thi s table presents the number of Resource
Blocks x the number of possible all ocations. The layer within th e tree is determined by the 'SRS Bandw id th' parameter

Channel Bandwidth
14 3 5 10 15 20
Total Reso urce Blocks
6 15 25 50 75 100

0 - - - 48 RB X I 72 RB X I 96 RB X I
I 24 RB X 2 24 RB X 3 48 RB X 2
2 12 RB X 4 12 RB X 6 24 RB X 4
3 4 RB X 12 4 RB X 18 4 RB X 24
0 - - - 48 RB X I 64 RB X I 96 RB X I
I 16 RB X 3 32 RB X 2 32 RB X 2
2 8 RB X 6 16 RB X 4 16 RB X 4
3 4 RB X 12 4 RB X 16 4 RB X 24
0 - - 24 RB X I 40 RB X I 60 RB X I 80 RB X I
1 4 RB X 6 20 RB X 2 20 RB X 3 40 RB X 2
2 4 RB X 10 4 RB X 15 20 RB X 4
·;:; 3
<!.) 4 RB X 20
~ -
a:; t;:: 0 - - 20 RB X I 36 RB X I 48 RB X 1 72RBx 1
~ 0 I 4 RB X 5 12 RB X 3 24 RB X 2 24 RB X 3
0 3 ~
4 RB X 9 12 RB
4 RB X
X 4
12 RB
4 RB X
X 6
~ - - 16 RB I 32 RR I 48 RB I 64 RB I
'§; 0 X X X X
"§ 1 4 RB X 4 16 RB X 2 16 RB X 3 32 RB X 2
.::.5 co 2 8 RB 4 8 RB 6 16 RB 4
·~ Vl
0<:: 3 4 RB

X 8 4 Rl3 X

12 4 Rl3 X

§ Vl
co ~

Vl 0 - 12 RI3 X I 12RI3 x l 24 RB X I 40 RI3 X I 60 RB X I

Vl 1 4 RB X 3 4 RB X 3 4 RB X 6 20 RB X 2 20 RB X 3
2 4 RB X 10 4 RB X 15
0 - 8 RB X I 8 RB X I 20 RB X I 36 RB X I 48 RB X I
I 4 RB X 2 4 RB X 2 4 RB X 5 12RI3 x3 24 RB X 2
2 4 RB X 9 12 RB X 4
4 RB X 12
0 4 RB X I 4 RB X I 4 RB X I 16 RB X I 32 RB X I 48 RB X I
I 4 RB X 4 16 RB X 2 16 RB X 3
2 8 Rl3 X 4 8 RB X 6
3 4 RB X 8 4 RB X 12

Table 165- Tt·cc stntctures for SRS transmission (Number of Resource Blocks x Number of Possibilities)


* The minimum bandwidth for SRS transmission is 4 Resource Blocks. Smaller bandwidth s provide the eNode B with less information
regarding the propagation channel but allow the UE to transmit the SRS towards cell edge. UE at cell edge may not have sufficient
tran smit power for a wideband SRS transm ission. When transmitting the SRS using a small bandwidth, multiple transmissions can be
used to allow channel estimation across the same section of the channel bandw idth as the wideband SRS. This concept is illustrated in
Figure 161

UEin Good
D UE in Poor

UE has enough power to
transmit wideband SRS
Figure 161- Wideband SRS transmissions in good coverage, and narrowband SRS transmissions in poor cover-age
UE only able to transmit
narrowband SRS

Frequency hopping is used to change the set of Resource Blocks between one narrowband SRS transmission and the next. If frequency
hopping is disabled, the Resource Blocks used for SRS transmission remain unchanged unless they are reconfigured by dedicated
signalling (RRC Co nnection Setup, RRC Connection Reconfiguration or RRC Connection Re-establishment message)
* T he 'SRS Hopping Bandwidth' parameter shown in Table 163 is used to determine whether or not frequency hopping is enabled. This
UE specific parameter can be configured with values ofO, I, 2 and 3. Frequency hopping is enabled if the value of the 'SRS Hopping
Bandwidth' is less than the value of the 'SRS Bandwidth ' . Otherwise, hopping is disabled
* Transmitting the SRS with a wide bandwidth reduces the number of UE which can simultaneously transmit the SRS during a specific
SC-FDMA symbol. The 'Transmission Comb' parameter presented in Table 163 has been introduced to increase the number of UE
which can be multiplexed during the same SC-FDMA symbol. The transmission comb parameter is signalled to individual UE using a
value of either 0 or I. The value of 1 instructs the UE to apply a I subcarrier offset when allocating Resource Elements to the SRS .
The SRS is transmitted on every second subcarrier so this allows 2 transmissions to be interleaved (frequency multiplexing is applied)
* Figure 162 illustrates how the transmission comb parameter can be combined with the tree structure to multiplex the SRS
transmissions from different users. This example is based upon the 5 MHz channel bandwidth with a total of25 Resource Blocks and
an ' SRS Bandwidth Configuration' of 4 ( 16 Resource Blocks x I, and 4 Resource Blocks x 4)

2 users multiplexed 5 users multiplexed 8 users multiplexed

----- --- -------- --- ------------------- ---------:

User 2 transmits User 1 transmits User 5 transmits

across 4 across 4 across 4
Resource Blocks Resource Blocks Resource Blocks

User 3 transmits User 2 transmits User 6 transmits

2 users User 1
across 4 across 4 across 4
multiplexed transmits
Resource Blocks Resource Blocks Resource Blocks
across 16 across a/116
Resource Resource
User 4 transmits User 3 transmits User 7 transmits
Blocks Blocks
across 4 across 4 across 4
Resource Blocks Resource Blocks Resource Blocks

User 5 transmits User 4 transmits User 8 transmits

across 4 across 4 across 4
Resource Blocks Resource Blocks Resource Blocks

User 1 has transmission comb = 0 User 1 has transmission comb = 0 Users 1 to 4 have transmission comb = 0
User 2 has transmission comb = 1 ,_ -~~~~~ _~- t?_-~ -~~v~ tr_~n_sf77!~~Jon__corn_~_ ~ _1____ ,
·---- ------ --------- - '----- ~~e~s- ~ -t~ -8- ~a-~~-t~a~~-~i~s!o_~ .?~/77~ _=_ 1________ ,
Figure 162 -Use of the comb parameter and tree structure to multiplex SRS transmissions from different users

* Additional multiplexin g capac ity can be achieved by allocating different cyclic shifts to each user. The UE specific ' cyclic shift '
parameter shown in Table 163 can be allocated values between 0 and 7 (8 different cyclic shifts are defined). The cyclic shift is
applied to the sequence used for SRS tun smi ssion. T he sequence used for SRS tran smi ssion is g ive n by :


,(a) (n).

a is the cyclic shift applied to the base sequence
u is the base sequence group number (0 to 29)
v is the index of the base sequence with an appropriate length (0 or I)
n ran ges from 0 to (number of allocated subcarri ers - I)
* Th e SRS uses the same 30 groups of base sequences as the Demodulation Reference Signal s. These 30 groups of base sequences are
illustrated in f'i gure !51 within section 13.1. The value of·u· is selected using the same ca lculation as for th e PU CC I-I Demodulation
Reference Signal. The value of ·v' is se lected using the same calculation as for the PUSCH (' v' is al ways 0 for the PUCC I-I)
* The cyc lic shift applied to the base sequence is defin ed as:


n .~:;?>; is th e ·cyclic shift' paran1eter sho\vn in Tabl e 163 (0 to 7)

* The minimum number of Resource Blocks for SRS transmi ssion (4 Resource Block s) has been se lected to ensure that the SRS
sequence length is al ways a multiple of 8. i. e. 4 Resource Blocks include 48 subcarriers in totaL with 24 of those subcarriers used by
an indi vidual UE for SRS tran smi ssion. Us ing sequences which are a multiple of 8 helps to improve the performance of the eN ode B
receiver when differentiating between the SRS transmi ss ion s sharing the same subcarriers with different cyclic shifts
* With the exception of TOO special sub frames, the SRS is al ways transmitted during the last symbol of the sub frame. In the case of
TOO special sub fram es, the SRS can be transmitted during the UpPTS field. If the UpPTS field includes 2 SC-FDM A sy mbol s then
both sy mbol s can be used for SRS transmi ssion. and both sy mbol s can be allocated to a single UE
* The set of subframes during which the Sounding Reference Signal is transmitted is determined by combining the cell specific 'SRS
Subframe Configuration' , with the UE specific ·sRS Configuration Index'
* The cell specific ' SRS Subframe Configuration ' can be allocated values between 0 and 15, although the value of 15 is currently
reserved and is not used. Thi s parameter is broadcast in SIB2 and is sho wn in Table 162. The FDD subframes during which the SRS
can be acti ve for each ·sRS Sub frame Configuration · are presented in Table 166

SRS Subframe Subframe Number

Configuration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 ,( ,( ,( ,( ,( ,( ./ ,( ,( ./

l ,( ,( ./ ,( ,(

2 ,( ,( ./ ,( ,(

3 ,( ,(

4 ,( ./
5 ,( ./

6 ,( ,(

7 ,( ./ ,( ,(

./ ,( ,( ,(
9 ,(
I ! ,(
-- ·-·-"
12 ,(

13 ,( ./ ,( ,( ./ ,( ./
14 ./ ,( ,( ./ ,( ./ ./ ,(

Table 166 - S ubframes durin g which Soundin g Reference S ig na l can be tran smitted (FDD)

* The equi va lent information for TOO is presented in Tabl e 167. In the case of TOO, SRS transmi ss ions are not permitted durin g
subframes 0 and 5 because these are always downlink subfram es. Subframe I is always a speci al subframe so SRS transmi ss ion durin g
subframe I is within the UpPTS fi eld. Subframe 6 may. or may not be a spec ial subframe depending upon the TOO uplink-downlink
subframe confi guration . In the case ofTDD . ·SRS Subframe Confi guration · values of 14 and 15 are reserved. and are not used
* The ce ll spec ific ·SRS Subf'rame Confi guration ' defin es the FDD and TOO subf'rames which are ava ilabl e for SRS transmi ssion
within a ce ll. but indi vidual UJ:: are limited to using the subframes defin ed by their ·s RS Configuration Index · value. Thi s parameter
can be all ocated values between 0 and 1023. although va lues 637 to 1023 are not used by FDD. and values 645to 1023 are not used by
TOO. The ·SRS Confi gurati on Index· is used to determin e the SRS Peri odicity and SRS Subframe Offset. Tabl e 168 presents the
relati onships for both FDD and TOO


SRS Subframc Subframe Number

Configuration 0

Table 167- Subframes during which Sounding Reference Signal can be transmitted (TDD)

SRS Configuration SRS Periodicity SRS Subframe SRS Configuration SRS Periodicity SRS Subftame
Index OM~) (TsRO) Offset (Toffsct) Index OsRs) crsRs) Offset (Toff«tl
0-1 2 ms lsRS 0 2 ms 0, 1
2-6 5ms lAAs - 2 2 ms 0,2
7- 16 tOms JsRS -7 2 2 ms 1, 2
17-36 20 ms lsRs-17 3 2 ms 0, 3
37-76 40ms lsRs -37 4 2ms 1, 3
77-156 80 ms lsRs- 77 5 2 ms 0.4
157 -3 16 160 IUS lsRs-157 6 2 ms 1, 4
317 -636 320 IUS fsRS- 317 7 2 ms 2, 3
8 2ms 2,4
9 2 111$ 3, 4
10- 14 5 ms 1sRs - 10
15-24 10 ms lsas - 15
25-44 20ms isRS- 25
45 - 84 40 ms lsRS - 45
85- 164 80ms 1sRS - 85
165-324 160 ms lsRS - 165
325-644 320 ms 1sRS - 325
Table 168- Look-up tables for UE specific Sounding Reference Signal subframe parameters (FDD and TDD)

* In the case of FDD, and TDD when the SRS Periodicity > 2 ms, the SRS sub frames for a specific UE are those whi ch satisfy the

(I 0 · nr + k 1Rs - ~Jffset ) mod Ts11s = 0

nr is the System Frame Number (0 to I 023)
ksRs for FDD is the subframe number within the radio frame (0 to 9)
ksRs for TDD is defined us ing the look-up table prese nted as Table 169
* For examp le, if an FDD use r is all ocated an SRS Configuration Index of 4 then TsRs is 5 ms and TofTset is 2. SRS transmi ss ion s are
consequently all ocated during subframes 2 and 7 of all radio frames

* Simil arly, if a TDD use r is all ocated an SRS Configuration Index of 12 then TsRs is 5 ms and TofTset is 2. SRS tran smi ssions are
consequent ly allocated during subframes 2 and 7 of all radio frames (ass uming those subframes are uplin k rather than down li nk)

Sub frame Number

I 6
0 JSI 2'1d 2 3 4 5 I'' 2'1d 7 8 9
Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol
I UpPTS with 2 SC-FDMASymbols ~ 0 I 2 3 4 ~ 5 6 7 8 9
[ UpPTS with I SC-FDMA Symbol ~ I ~ ~ 6 ~
Table 169- Look- up table for the value of ksRs when using TDD

* If a TDD user is all ocated an SRS Configurat ion Index of II then TsRs is 5 ms and T0 rrse1 is I. SRS transmi ss ion s are th en all ocated
dur in g sub fram es I and 6 of all radio frames. Sub fra me I is always a spec ial subf'ram e an d the T01rse< value of I means that th e 2"d SC-
FDMA sy mbol is used fo r SRS transm iss ion when the UpPTS fie ld includes 2 sym bol s. and the 1st SC-FDMA sy mbol is used fo r SRS
transm iss ion when the UpPTS fie ld includes on ly I symbol. Subfram e 6 is always either a special subfl·ame or a downlink subfram e.
When sub fram e 6 is a special subframe. the se lect ion betwee n SC-FDMA symbol s is the same as for subframe I
* In th e case ofTDD when the SRS Peri odic ity= 2 ms. the SRS subframes for a specific UE are those whi ch satisfy the exp ression:

(ksRS - Toff\ e{ ) mod 5 = 0

* For example. if a TDD user is all ocated an SRS Configurat ion Index of 5 then TsRs is 2 ms and T 0 rrse< is 0. 4. SRS transm iss ions are
consequently allocated for ksRs va lues ofO. 4. 5 and 9. The values ofO and 5 are app licab le to spec ial subframes and are on ly used
when there are 2 SC-FDMA symbol s withi n the UpPTS fi eld. The values of 4 and 9 are app li cable to sub fram es 4 and 9 when those
subframes are uplin k rather than down link
* Tab le 163 also shows that the UE is pro vided w ith a ·Duration ' parameter whi ch can be signalled using values of either True or False.
A value of True indicates that the UE shou ld co ntinu e transmitting the SRS during the all ocated subframes until instructed otherw ise.
A value of False indicates that the UE shou ld comp lete onl y a single transm iss ion
* When tran smit antenna se lection is enab led for a UE (described in section 12 .3.1) tran smi ssion of the SRS switches between the
anten na so the eN ode B is ab le to measure the propagation channel from each . The eNode B can then use thi s in formati on for the
closed loop mode of operation to prov ide the UE with instructions regarding the best an tenna from which to transm it
* The release I 0 vers ion of3G PP TS 36.213 defines two types of triggering for the SRS :
o triggering type 0: based upon RRC signa lling (s imilar to the 3GPP release 8 and 9 mechanism for tran smitting the SRS)
o triggering type I: aperiod ic transmi ssion triggered by infor mation within the Down lin k Control Information (DCI)
* When using triggerin g type I. the UE is ini tiall y provided with aperiodic SRS configuration information using RRC signalling but th e
UE does not transmit an aperiod ic SRS until in structed by a DC I. The UE comp letes a single SRS transmissio n after rece iving an
in struction from a DC I. T hi s all ows the eNode B to rapid ly request an SRS transm iss ion as and when required
o DCI formats 0. 4 and I A can be used to trigger an SRS transmission for both FDD and TDD
o DCI form ats 2B and 2C can be used to trigger an SRS transmission for TDD
* The UE can be provided with 3 aperiodic SRS configurations to be triggered by DCI format 4. The ·SRS Request' fie ld within DCI
format 4 has a length of2 bits so is ab le to se lect between 4 different instructions. An ·sRS Request' signal led using the bit
combinat ion ·oo· indicates that the UE should not transm it an aper iod ic SRS. whereas the remaining bit combinations point towards
the set of 3 aperiodic SRS configurations
* DCI formats 0 4 <111d 1A each · ·~·~ separate aper iodic SRS configurations. whereas DCI formats 2B and 2C share the same
configurat ion information
* In the case of triggering type I. the ·sRS Confi gurat ion Inde x· is limi ted to a range between 0 and 31 . and additional look-up tab les
are spec ifi ed in 3GPP TS 36.213. These additio nal look-up tabl es repl ace the release 8 and 9 tables presented in Tab le 168 when using
aperiodic SRS transmiss ion
* The release 10 version of the 3GPP speci ficat ions supports SRS tran smission on multiple anten na ports. This all ows the eNode B to
complete SRS based chann el estimat ion for each antenna port when the UE is configured to use uplink MIMO. The SRS transmiss ions
on each antenna port occur during th e same SC-FDMA sy mbol and occupy th e same Resource Blocks but are differentiated by the ir
combination of Cycli c Shift and Transm ission Comb
* The release 10 ve rsion of th e 3GPP spec ifi cations al so supports SRS transm iss ion on multipl e RF carriers. Th is allows th e eNode B to
complete SRS based channe l estimat ion for eac h RF carrier whe n the UE is configured to use Carri er Aggregat ion
* The Sounding Reference Signa l represents an ove rhead from the perspective of transferring data on the PUSCH so its periodicity
shou ld be carefu lly controll ed
* 3GPP References: TS 36.2 11. TS 36.2 13. TS 36.331


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