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15.1 UL-SCH
* The Uplink Shared Channel (UL-SCI-I) is used to transfer RRC signalling and appli cation data. Uplink Control Information (UC I) can
also be added during physical laye r process ing pt·ior to mapping onto the PUSCH phys ical channel. UCI is tran sferred using th e
PUCCI-I rath er than the PU SCH when th ere is no RR C signalling nor app li cation data to transfer
* The release 8 and 9 ve rsion s of' th e 3GPP specification s support the tran sfer of I uplink tran sport block per subfi·ame for each
connection with a reso urce all ocation. The release I0 version of the 3GP P specification s increases thi s to 2 uplink transport blocks per
sub fram e when using uplink M IMO. The release I 0 version of the spec ification s furth er increases thi s when using Carrier Aggregation.
i. e. there can be up to 2 tran sport blocks per Com ponent Carri er
* Transport blocks belonging to the UL-SC H have a va riable size. The set of allo wed Transport Block Si zes (TBS) is presented in
section 33.4. The set of all owed TBS is the same as that for the DL-SCI-1 (exc luding the larger sizes whi ch are app li cab le to the
downlink when a single transport block is mapped onto 3 or 4 layers- Tabl e 393 and Ta bl e 394)
* The TB S schedul ed during a specific subframe is signall ed to the UE within PDCCI-1 Down lin k Control Information (DC I) formats 0
and 4. These DCI specify the Modulation and Coding Scheme (M CS ) which defines the modulation scheme. the TBS index and the
Redundancy Version (RV). The TBS index can be comb in ed with the number of al located Resource Blocks to deduce the TB S
* An UL-SCI-I transport block includes the RRC signalling and app li cation data to be transferred. UCI is multiplexed separately as part
of the physical laye r processing. The physica l laye r process ing applied to an UL-SC!-1 transport block is illustrated in Figure 177. This
processing is comp leted prior to modulation and the subsequent generation of the uplink SC-FDMA signal
* A 24 bit CRC is attached to th e tran sport block to allo w error detection at the eN ode B recei ve r. The eN ode B uses the PH ICH to
provide acknow ledgements to the UE based upon the result of the CRC check. Transport block retran smi ss ion s are completed if the
UE does not recei ve a positi ve acknowledgement
* Fill er bits are attached if the total size of the tran sport block plus CRC is less than 40 bits. This is necessary because Turbo coding
requires at least a minimum block size
UL-SCH Transport Block

Rate Matching NARQ-ACK

Data and Control Multiplexing


UL-SCH Codeword

Figure 177- Physical la ye r processing for liL-SCH transport block

* If the total size of the transport block plus CRC (and any fill er bits) is less than or equal to 6144 bits then it is forwarded for channel
* If the code block exceeds 6 144 bits then segmentation is requ ired . Th is is necessary for the purposes of Turbo cod ing. A code block or
size ·z· is segmented into ·x · secti ons where X = ROUNDUP( Z I 6120 ). The denominator is 6120 rather than 6 144 to allo w for an
addi tional 24 bit CRC whi ch is added to each segment

* Rate 1/3 Tu rbo coding is co mpl eted to tripl e the tota l number of bits, and to provide redundancy which protects the data when
transferred across the a ir-interface. T urbo coding ge nerates I set of Systematic bits and 2 sets of Parity bits. The Systematic bits are a
copy of input bits. The Parity bits provide the red undancy to protect the input bits

* Rate matching starts w ith an interleav in g function. In terleaving is used to help avo id bursts of contiguous bit errors at th e inp ut of the
Turbo decoder at the recei ve r. T he perfor mance of the decoder is improved w hen bit erro rs are di stributed at random rather than in
contiguous gro up s. Propagation channel fading tends to generate bursts of contiguous errors but de-interleaving at the receiver
random ises th e position of tho se bit errors

* The concept of interleav ing is illustrated in Figu re 178 . UE travelling at low speeds are more like ly to experience fades w ith long
durations (UE travel li ng at hi g h speeds pass through the fades more rapidly). T hi s means that UE trave lling at low speeds may
experience w ider bursts of errors. Th is can lead to co nti g uo us errors eve n afte r de-interleaving which can subseq uently lead to red uced
physical laye r performance

Data interleaved at the transmitter

1 7 110 1 5 114 1 6 1 2 1 8 111 1 3 1 9 113 1 112 1 4

Fading channel

1 7 110 1 5 114 [s-12 1s !11 13 1 9 113 1

Burst of errors experienced
across the air-interface

Data de-interleaved at the recei ver

Figure 178- Genet·at concept of in terleaving

* Rate matching then adjusts the total number of bits to match the capacity of the allocated PUSCH Resource Blocks. The total numb er
of bits can be increased us ing repetition or decreased using puncturing

* T he Redundancy Version (RV) is used as an input during rate matching, i.e. it determines the puncturing pattern w hen puncturing is
a pplied. T he RV is sig nall ed using the MCS Index within DCI formats 0 and 4

* Code block concatenation is completed if segmentation was required prior to channe l cod ing. Segments are concatenated to generate a
single codeword

* Data and control multiplexing is used to combine the code block (which contains RRC signalling and/or app lication data) w ith CQ I
and PM! control information. T he CQI and PMI control information is coded into a block of 32 bits prior to multiplexing with the data

* A channel interleavi ng stage is th en used to include Rank Indication (RI) and HARQ acknowledgement inform ation . Interleaving is
completed such that HARQ acknowledgments occupy the Reso urce Elements adjacent to the PUSCH Demodulation Reference Sig na l.
Rl information is al located Resource Elements adj acen t to the HARQ Acknowledgements. Keep ing the control information close to
the Demodulation Reference S ignal helps to impro ve its reli ab ility

* T he resulting UL-SCH codeword is modu lated and subsequently used to generate the SC-FDMA signal. Eac h UL -SCH codeword is
transferred during a sin gle 1 ms subframe

* 3G PP References: TS 36.212


15.2 RACI-I
* The RACH transpo rt channe l is used to transfer random access preamble control information between the MAC and Physica l layers.
Th is concept is illustrated in Figure 179

MAC Layer

.Phy"""'''Y" · l:,:,::,: : ,: Chomml

Generation and Transmission

of random access preamble

Figure 179- RACH transport channel transferring control information

* The RACI-l transport channe l for LTE does not transfer any higher laye r messages. This differs from the RACH tran sport channel for
UMTS which can be used to transfer both RRC signal ling and app lication data. In the case of LTE. the UL-SCH and DL-SCI-l are
used to transfer RRC signalling and appl ication data
* The Physical layer is responsibl e for using the control in formation to calcu late the PRACH transmit power, se lecting a preamble
sequence and tran smitting the preamble using the indicated PRACH resources
* The structure of the random access pream ble is described in section 14. L while the comp lete random access procedure is described in
section 24 .1
* 3GPP References: TS 36.321

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