Allah Answers Our Prayers

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Date Of Writing: 17-05-2022

Date Of Editing: 25-05-2022

Writer Name: Babar
Editor's Name: Hamza
Date of article finalization: 25-05-2022
Plagiarism: 0%
Number of words: 688
Category Type: Website Blog
Title: Four Promises Of Allah That You Should Never Forget
Meta Description: Take a look at this guide and find out the four promises of Allah that we
muslims should never forget
Main Target Keyword: memorize quran online
H1: Four Promises Of Allah That You Should Never Forget
The Quran is the only main source of guidance for Muslims where Allah has guided us about
everything in our lives. Though everything written in the Holy Quran holds a special position for
every Muslim, there are a few places where Allah has emphasized more on things by promising

Here, we'll take a closer look at the promises that Allah Almighty made to Muslims in the Holy
Quran. Because most people used to make pledges but never kept them, Allah explicitly stated
that Allah never breaks His commitments.

1. Allah Answers Our Prayers

Allah, is the ultimate, the most merciful and generositous, is the ultimate. He is the ocean of
mercy, so how could He forget about his creatures? He promised that whether we call or think
of him at a moment of peril or in a normal scenario, he will reply and will listen to our fears and

‫ۚ ٱدعُون ِٓى َأسْ َت ِجبْ لَ ُك ْم‬


“Call upon Me, I will respond to you” – Surah Ghafir (40:60)

2. Allah Forgives Those Who Sincerely Seek Forgiveness

We are born weak by nature as humans. And Shaytaan is naturally strong. He vows Allah that
he will do everything he can to make us fail in our good acts. He will attack us by putting us in
tough situations and attempting to weaken our Emaan.

In times of misfortune, we must be strong and patient, clinging to the rope of Islam and having
unwavering faith in Allah's promises. We must believe in Allah and seek His forgiveness and
protection from Shataan's wickedness.

َ ‫ان ٱهَّلل ُ ُم َع ِّذ َب ُه ْم َو ُه ْم َيسْ َت ْغفِر‬

‫ُون‬ َ ‫َو َما َك‬

“Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness”. – Surah- Al-Anfal (8:33 Quran)

Also, read – Duas For Forgiveness

3. Remember Allah In Every Condition
Regardless of our qualifications or worldly power, we all require assistance at some point in our
lives. The same is true for believers, who cannot merely rely on having embraced Islam and
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Allah's ultimate and last Messenger; rather, in order to navigate
through difficult situations, they must seek Allah Almighty's mercy and guidance on a regular

Allah promised that if we remember Him in whatever circumstance, he will remember us.
Humans are naturally weak, which is why, as previously stated, we require Allah's help in any

‫َف ْٱذ ُكرُون ِٓى َأ ْذ ُكرْ ُكم‬

“So remember Me; I will remember you.” – Surah Al-Baqarah (2:152).

4. Allah Blesses Those Who Are Grateful

Despite the fact that gratitude is the fruit of careful nurture, we rarely show it. Do we take time to
reflect on all of Allah Almighty's free gifts to us?

He spread foliage like a carpet and created the sky above us. He is the only one who controls
the skies above us. We breathe in air, drink water to quench our thirst, and receive rain as a gift
from the heavens.

Who is responsible for all of this? Of course, all of this is caused by forces beyond our control,
and Allah is the sole owner of that power.

We owe it to Allah to thank Him for all of His favours. We will undoubtedly obtain more if we do
this because Allah has promised it to His people.

‫ۖ لَِئن َش َكرْ ُت ْم َأَل ِزي َد َّن ُك ْم‬

“If you are grateful, I will surely increase you.” – Surah Ibrahim (14:7)

Final Words
Muslims believe in a divine creator. They prostrate themselves to worship Allah despite the fact
that they have never seen Him. They prostrate themselves before Him in reverence. They do
what He directs and follow His directions on what to do and what not to do. This is a quality only
believers have.

Allah Almighty offered them enormous heights in Heaven in exchange for their absolute belief.
In other Quranic verses, Allah has offered believers a big reward in response for tiny acts of

For more information visit: memorize quran online

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