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ASM Handbook, Volume 4C, Induction Heating and Heat Treatment Copyright # 2014 ASM InternationalW

V. Rudnev and G.E. Totten, editors All rights reserved

DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v04c.a0005873

Tempering of Induction Hardened Steels

Valery Rudnev, Inductoheat Inc.
Gregory A. Fett, Dana Corporation
S. Lee Semiatin, Air Force Research Laboratory

TEMPERING OF INDUCTION-HARDENED heating. This article briefly describes tempering tempering is done at a longer time, there is little
STEEL is a form of subcritical heat treatment, in general but with particular emphasis on the to go wrong. With induction tempering, the
primarily to increase ductility and toughness. different time-temperature exposure require- heating time must be controlled more precisely.
Induction-hardened steels are also tempered to ments for furnace and induction tempering. In Smaller changes in this case can produce signif-
obtain specific values of mechanical properties, terms of process variables, emphasis also is icant changes in hardness. In addition, the uni-
to relieve residual stresses after quenching, and placed on the parameters for induction tem- formity of heating and the depth of heating
to ensure dimensional stability. pering. For a more general overview, see the are important. It is desirable to create the same
Furnace or oven tempering is a well-proven, article “Tempering of Steels” in Steel Heat amount of softening and residual stress relief at
robust process. When using this process, it is Treating Fundamentals and Processes, Volume all locations within a hardness region. This will
typical to soak the part at the tempering temper- 4A of ASM Handbook, 2013. A general over- be very dependent on the part geometry, the
ature for approximately 1 to 2 h. Most of the view on both the hardening and tempering of coil design, hardness pattern and position of
reduction in hardness of plain and low-alloy steel is also given in the article “Introduction the coil relative to the part, as well as the power
carbon steels occurs in a time that is shorter to Steel Heat Treatment” in Steel Heat Treating and frequency used. If not done properly, there
than this, so the process becomes very stable Fundamentals and Processes, Volume 4A of can be problems related to improper hardness
at this point, although it is important to consider ASM Handbook, 2013 (Ref 34). This article or unfavorable residual stresses. With furnace
furnace loading and to make certain all parts also provides some examples of how tempering tempering, the part geometry and uniformity
within a load reach the proper temperature for affects the mechanical properties of induction- of heating is not normally an issue. However,
the specified amount of time. Tempering of hardened steels. with batch tempering, it is necessary to ensure
alloy steels may require appreciably longer the entire load is at the proper temperature for
times and multiple tempering cycles. the proper time. With induction tempering, dif-
Induction tempering also is a proven method Tempering of Hardened Steel ferent coils may be required for different parts,
with several operational advantages, such as whereas with furnace tempering, one furnace
manufacturing flexibility, reduced tempering Furnace tempering can be done as either a can accommodate numerous parts and their
time, single part processing, and a smaller foot- batch or continuous process. The batch process mixture.
print (floor space) for equipment. However, requires that parts be accumulated after harden- The decision as to which tempering process
more care must be used to ensure proper results. ing and then be moved to the tempering opera- to use should be carefully weighed. Studies
With induction tempering, the results are tion. In a continuous process, an in-line system show that in some cases the mechanical proper-
achieved in a matter of seconds or dozens of sec- (such as hanging parts on an overhead con- ties of parts processed by both tempering tech-
onds rather than hours. When tempering times veyor) moves from the hardening operation into niques are, for all practical purposes, identical.
are only a few seconds, it is imperative to have the tempering furnace. Continuous processing However, in other cases, regardless of the hard-
a control system sufficient to avoid excessive can be very beneficial in eliminating any delay- ness profile pattern, the properties of the tem-
variations in the process parameters that could ed cracking issues, because it minimizes the pered parts subjected to higher-temperature/
alter the tempering conditions. time between hardening and tempering. Induc- shorter-time tempering can be different from
Tempering of steels is described in detail in tion tempering also is well suited to continuous those of parts subjected to lower-temperature/
many references (Ref 1–30). This article processes and can also be put directly in line longer-time tempering.
focuses on the tempering after induction hard- with the machining and induction-hardening When considering the appropriateness of
ening, which is described in more detail in process. certain tempering processes for a particular
other articles in this Volume, as follows: Induction tempering, like hardening, has application, tempering parameters require eval-
been found to be a viable commercial process, uation in terms of various mechanical pro-
 “Principles of Induction Hardening and replacing conventional furnace operations in perties, including tensile properties, toughness,
Inspection” (Ref 31) many high-volume-production applications, and fatigue resistance. Steels often are tempered
 “Metallurgy of Induction Hardening of such as oil-well pipe and railroad rails. Because at a low temperature after hardening, but some-
Steel” (Ref 32) induction tempering is done at a shorter time times tempering is done at higher temperatures
 “Quenching of Induction-Heated Steel” and higher temperature than furnace tempering, for more ductility and toughness. The change in
(Ref 33) the process is not as forgiving. At a given tem- ductility may or may not be significant with a
pering temperature, most of the change in hard- low-temperature temper. However, an improve-
Tempering of induction-hardened steels can be ness occurs within the initial stage, and then the ment of ductility is not the only factor for temper-
done by either furnace heating or induction change versus time levels off. Because furnace ing. Tempering also can affect the yield and

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ultimate strengths as well as the fatigue life of a temperature, such as 177  C (351  F). Testing The most desirable compromise between
component. The fact that tempering may produce of the actual part is recommended to determine strength and hardness, on the one hand, and
a certain result in tension does not necessarily what benefits tempering may or may not pro- toughness and residual stress, on the other,
mean the same result will be seen in bending or vide. Examples of induction-hardened parts determines the required tempering temperatures
in torsion. Therefore, it is good practice to evalu- used in the untempered condition include the and time. Tempering temperatures are always
ate a component under the actual loading condi- aforementioned axle shafts as well as low-to- below the lower transformation temperature,
tions to determine the benefits of tempering. medium-carbon steels hardened to improve Ac1, and, depending on tempering conditions, var-
However, more than just the mechanical wear resistance and/or residual compressive ious microstructural changes develop. Changes
properties must be considered. A more compel- stress. With this said, the majority of induction- associated with the decomposition of as-quenched
ling reason for tempering is to reduce the high hardened parts produced today (2013) include martensite into a structure that consists of the
level of residual stress created by induction tempering after hardening. a-iron matrix with a fine dispersion of carbide
hardening. High residual stresses can cause Autotempering. Martensitic transformation particles occur via a precipitation reaction
cracking and dimensional changes when resid- occurs over a temperature range between the (Ref 1–5).
ual stresses are relieved during service. If some martensite start (Ms) and martensite finish Tempering Stages. A conventional way of
hardened components are left in the untem- (Mf) temperatures, which depends on carbon tempering is to process the components through
pered condition, delayed cracking due to resid- content and alloying. Some Ms temperatures a tempering furnace or oven (gas, resistance,
ual stress can occur. This phenomenon depends are high. For example, for plain carbon steels lead or molten salt bath, muffle tube, or other
on the chemical composition of the steel, its with 0.2 to 0.5% C, Ms temperatures are within type of infrared furnace). Furnace (oven) tem-
hardenability, the hardening cycle, and the the range of approximately 450 to 330  C pering is a diffusion-type process that usually
geometry of the part. For example, it may be (840 to 630  F). Therefore, martensite formed takes approximately 1 to 3 h but can require
possible to leave SAE 1035 induction-hardened upon reaching Ms will be, to some degree, 5 to 6 h or even longer. In some cases, multi-
flanged axle shafts in the untempered condition, exposed to tempering conditions during the temper cycles are used. Tempering may also
whereas SAE 15B41 shafts may tend to crack remainder of the quench cycle, providing auto- be performed using induction heating. When
in the flange radius if not properly tempered tempering (also called autosoftening). The this is done, the time is typically much shorter
within a few hours after hardening. effect of this phenomenon increases with a and the temperature is higher compared to fur-
In addition, tempering can affect how hard- reduction in quench severity (which lengthens nace tempering.
ened steel components respond to grinding. the time that fresh martensite is exposed to On reheating of as-quenched martensite, the
Without tempering, parts may be more prone elevated temperatures) and with lower carbon tempering takes places in different stages; see,
to grinding burns and cracks. In addition, tem- content (because lower-carbon steels have for example, the article “Tempering of Steels”
pering can help to decompose retained austenite higher Ms). Most alloying elements reduce Ms in Steel Heat Treating Fundamentals and Pro-
(which may occur after quenching of steels with temperatures, thus reducing the potential for cesses, Volume 4A of ASM Handbook, 2013.
medium or high levels of carbon or alloying). autotempering. Various interpretations recognize different tem-
Retained austenite not only reduces hardness For the majority of medium- and high-carbon pering stages (typically, from three to five). For
but also can cause brittleness and distortion in steels, Mf temperatures are below room temper- example, Sir R.W.K. Honeycombe and H.K.D.H.
service due to the transformation of retained aus- ature. This inevitably leads to a certain amount Bhadeshia suggest that the tempering of plain
tenite into martensite. of retained austenite in the as-quenched struc- carbon steels takes place in four distinct but
In some cases, induction-hardened parts are ture. Properly hardened medium-carbon steels overlapping stages (Ref 9). Table 1 shows a
sometimes used in the untempered condition. do not have a significant amount of retained brief summary of tempering stages of hardened
There is a common misconception that untem- austenite. However, retained austenite rapidly plain carbon steels.
pered martensite is extremely brittle and cannot increases with an increase of carbon content, The tempering of alloy steels typically
be used in actual service. However, in reality and so, cast irons and high-carbon steels often involves more complex kinetics than that of
there may be little difference in mechanical have a substantial amount of retained austenite plain carbon steels. One such complexity is asso-
properties and ductility between untempered (unless subsequent cryogenic treatment is ciated with carbide formation, because the car-
martensite and martensite tempered at a low used). bides that form are of three basic types: e-iron

Table 1 Tempering stages of plain carbon steel according to R.W.K. Honeycombe and H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia
Stage Temperature range Reaction
Stage 1 Up to 250 C (480 F) Precipitation of e-iron carbide; partial loss of tetragonality in martensite. Martensite formed in medium- and high-carbon steels (0.3–1.5 wt% C) is not
stable at room temperature because interstitial carbon atoms can diffuse in the tetragonal martensite lattice at this temperature. In the higher-carbon
steels, an increase in hardness has been observed on tempering in the range 50–100  C (120–210  F), which is attributed to precipitation hardening of
the martensite by e-carbide (epsilon transition carbide). Steels with low carbon content are unlikely to precipitate e-carbide.
Stage 2 Between 200–300  C Decomposition of retained austenite
(390–570  F)
Stage 3 Between 200–350  C Replacement of e-iron carbide by cementite; martensite loses tetragonality. Cementite first appears in the microstructure as a Widmanstätten distribution
(390–660  F) of plates that have a well-defined orientation relationship with the matrix, which has now lost its tetragonality and become ferrite. The most
likely sites for the nucleation of the cementite are the e-iron carbide interfaces with the matrix, and as the Fe3C particles grow, the e-iron carbide
particles gradually disappear. The twins occurring in the higher-carbon martensite are also sites for the nucleation and growth of cementite.
A third site for the nucleation of cementite is the grain-boundary regions, both the interlath boundaries of the martensite and the original
austenite grain boundaries. During this stage, the tetragonality of the matrix disappears, and it is then essentially ferrite not supersaturated with
respect to carbon.
Stage 4 Above 350  C (660  F) Cementite coarsens and spheroidizes. Recrystallization of ferrite. The coarsening commences between 300–400  C (570–750  F), while
spheroidization takes place increasingly up to 700  C (1290  F). At the higher end of this range of temperature, the martensite lath boundaries
are replaced by more equiaxed ferrite grain boundaries (recrystallization of ferrite). The final result is an equiaxed array of ferrite grains with
coarse spheroidized particles of Fe3C. Spheroidized particles are located mainly at interlath boundaries and prior-austenite boundaries, although
some particles remain in the matrix. Between 600–700  C (1110–1290  F), there is the continued coarsening of the Fe3C particles and gradual
ferrite grain growth.
Source: Ref 9

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132 / Induction Heat Treating

carbide, Fe3C, and complex metal carbides. temperature range. It can be eliminated if ele- The presence of alloying elements can have a
For plain carbon steels and low-alloy steels, an ments that tie up nitrogen are added to the steel, significant effect on the kinetics of tempering
increase in tempering temperature generally for example, aluminum or titanium. Tempered and on the formation (both nucleation and
results in a monotonic reduction of hardness martensite embrittlement (TME) is distinguished growth) of carbides and steel softening. The
(Fig. 1) and strength (Fig. 2) (Ref 35). As an from that of temper embrittlement (TE) in tempering process in alloy steels is con-
example, Fig. 3 shows a comparative analysis several ways (besides the temperature range siderably slower than in their plain carbon
of engineering stress-strain curves versus of embrittlement). First, TE is reversible as counterparts (Ref 8). Again, this comparative
low-temperature tempered curves for SAE noted, while TME is not. Once TME appears, slowness is due to the effects of alloying ele-
43xx steels. An exception to the monotonic there is no heat treatment to reverse the effect, ments on diffusion processes. Hence, for a
reduction of the hardness sometimes appears: other than to reaustenitize and quench the given tempering temperature and time, alloy
a small increase in hardness may occur during steel, followed by tempering in an appropriate steels quenched to the same hardness may be
low-temperature tempering of high-carbon steels. temperature range where TME does not occur. expected to have a higher tempered hardness.
This increase is usually attributed to the precipi- For more details, see the article “Tempering of Tempering also can cause an increase in the
tation of fine transition carbides within the mar- Steels” in Steel Heat Treating Fundamentals hardness of alloy steels with strong carbide
tensitic plates (Ref 5, 9). and Processes, Volume 4A of ASM Handbook, formers (chromium, molybdenum, vanadium,
In contrast to hardness, a change in impact 2013. etc.). This phenomenon, known as secondary
toughness may not be monotonic with an
increase of tempering temperature. Embrittle- Treatment: Normalized at 1700 °F: reheated to 1600 °F: Treatment: Normalized at 1650 °F: reheated to 1550 °F:
ment phenomena can occur at certain tempering As-quenched HB 514. As-quenched HB 534.

temperatures, thus resulting in a reduction of psi psi

impact toughness. There are three types of
200,000 200,000
embrittlement that can occur during tempering: 1030 1040

 Temper embrittlement: when carbon or low-

alloy steels are tempered for extended times
between 450 and 600  C (840 and 1110  F) 150,000 150,000
 Blue brittleness: when plain carbon steels or
some alloy steels are heated in the tempera- Tens
ile s
ture range of 230 to 370  C (450 to 700  F), Tens
ile s

resulting in increased tensile and yield th
100,000 100,000 Yield point
strength as well as decreased ductility and Yield
impact strength
 Tempered martensite embrittlement: when 70% 70%
ion of n of area
high-strength alloy steels are tempered in the Reduct 60% Reductio 60%
range of 200 to 370  C (400 to 700  F), also 50,000 50% 50,000 50%

referred to as 350  C (or 500  F) embrittlement 40% 40%

tion 30% 30%

Elonga Elongation
Blue brittleness is an accelerated form of strain- 20% 20%
10% 10%
age embrittlement caused by carbide and/or
nitride precipitation hardening within the critical Temper, °F 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Temper, °F 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
HB 495 429 401 375 302 277 255 235 207 179 HB 514 495 444 401 352 293 269 235 201 187

Treatment: Normalized at 1650 °F: reheated to 1450 °F:

Treatment: Normalized at 1650 °F: reheated to 1525 °F: As-quenched HB 601.
As-quenched HB 601.
1050 200,000 Te


150,000 ns

ile 150,000





ld p


70% 70%
on of are 60% 60%
50,000 Re ducti
50% 50,000 50%
40% n of area 40%
30% 30%
Elonga 20% 20%
10% 10%

Fig. 1 Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of Temper, °F 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Temper, °F 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
as-quenched carbon and low-alloy steels. HB 514 495 444 415 375 352 293 277 235 217 HB 601 601 534 461 388 331 293 262 235 201
One-hour temper done in circulating-air furnace or in
lead bath for temperatures above 370  C (700  F). Fig. 2 Effect of tempering temperature on the mechanical properties of plain carbon steels. Water quenched, 1 in.
Source: Ref 4 round treated, .505 in. round tested. Source: Ref 11

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3000 435 3000 435

2500 365 2500 365
Engineering stress, MPa

Engineering stress, MPa

Engineering stress, ksi

Engineering stress, ksi

2000 290 2000 290
1500 215 1500 215

1000 145 1000 145


500 75 500 75

0 0 0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 0 5 10 15 20
(a) Engineering strain, % (b) Engineering strain, %

Fig. 3 Engineering stress-strain curves for (a) untempered martensitic microstructures in 4330, 4340, and 4350 steels and (b) 43xx steels quenched to martensite and tempered at
150  C (300  F) for 1 h. Source: Ref 5

hardening, often occurs at approximately 500 to The effect of tempering temperature on hard- Tempering temperature, °C
600  C (930 to 1110  F), when alloy carbides ness is plotted in Fig. 1 from a 1 h temper of 0 200 400 600

Hardness, HRC
are precipitated from a solution (Ref 8). Silicon as-quenched carbon and low-alloy steels. Ten-
could promote the hardness increase at lower sile properties of QT steels also correlate
temperatures, approximately 315  C (600  F) strongly with hardness, as described in more 50

(Ref 15). detail in the article “Tempering of Steels” in 40

Other solid-state reactions occur when Steel Heat Treating Fundamentals and Pro- 30
retained austenite or upper transformation pro- cesses, Volume 4A of ASM Handbook, 2013.
ducts (i.e., pearlite or bainite) are tempered For example, Fig. 2 shows the effect of temper- 340
(Ref 8). During tempering, retained austenite ing temperature on tensile properties of four 320 2.2
transforms to pearlite or bainite, depending on different carbon steels after quench hardening.
the tempering temperature. This pearlite and The decrease in hardness with increasing tem- 2.0

Strength, GPa
280 Tensile strength
Strength, ksi

bainite, as well as those that may also be pering temperature is accompanied by a general
260 1.8
contained (if any) in the microstructure, are decrease in yield and tensile strengths. By con-
also softened by tempering. This is a result of trast, ductility, as measured by both elongation 240
the general coarsening and spheroidization of and reduction in area, increases with the drop 220 Yield strength
the Fe3C in these microstructures. in strength as the tempering temperature is 200 1.4
Some steels may require a double or triple increased. A similar trend of tensile properties 180
tempering. This is often the case when there is occurs for 4340 alloy (Fig. 4), which is a com- 160
a concern that with the precipitation of alloy mon alloy steel. This observed trend is followed
carbides, the Ms temperature may increase and for all QT steels and poses a question of trade-
retained austenite will transform to martensite off for the designer.
Ductility, %

during cooling from the tempering temperature Although ductility generally increases with 40 Reduction of area

(Ref 15). For example, the heat treatment of the drop in strength as the tempering tempera- 20 Elongation

high-speed tool steels and die steels often ture is increased, other factors also can influ- 0
requires a double or even triple tempering. ence ductility. Steel cleanliness has an effect
Mechanical Properties of Quenched and on ductility. Unlike the strength properties, 50 65
Tempered (QT) Steels. In general, tempering which are controlled primarily by heat treat-
Impact energy, ft-lb

Impact energy, J
decreases hardness, residual stress, and fatigue ment, the ductility parameters also are substan- 50
life while increasing ductility and impact resis- tially influenced by melting practice. In 35
tance. As a result of the decrease in internal stress, addition, tempering in certain temperature 20
parts will be less likely to crack and distort after regimes can cause a reduction in toughness, as 10
hardening. The effect of tempering on strength is previously noted with respect to the well- 0 100 300 500 700 900 1100
not as well defined and can vary depending on known phenomena of TE and TME. For exam-
Tempering temperature, °F
the loading conditions. As has been discussed in ple, Fig. 4 also provides data on the toughness
this article, the effects of tempering are not always or impact energy of SAE 4340 steel at room
the same on every component and for all loading temperature as a function of the tempering tem- Fig. 4 Mechanical properties of 4340 steel hardened by
oil quenching and tempered for 1 h at various
conditions. For this reason, it is best to validate perature. For SAE 4340 steel, impact energy temperatures. Source: Ref 8, 47
the effects on the actual part using the anticipated increases at first with tempering temperature,
service conditions. passes through a minimum, and then increases tin segregate to the grain boundaries during
Tempering in a furnace is typically done for again (Fig. 4 bottom). The minimum is due to the long-time tempering of as-quenched mar-
1 or 2 h, and the tempering temperature is TME at 260  C (500  F). At this temperature, tensite. Precipitation of Fe3C may also be partly
varied to obtain the desired extent of softening. residual elements such as lead, antimony, and responsible for embrittlement. Tensile ductility

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is not affected by this phenomenon; there are no workpiece. A second mechanism of heat gener- classical definition of the skin effect, induced
minima in the plots of elongation and reduction ation, which takes place only in ferromagnetic eddy currents primarily flow in the surface
in area versus tempering temperature. Only the materials such as carbon steels, occurs from layer (the “skin”), where the majority of
toughness is affected, and this effect occurs magnetic hysteresis energy loss (i.e., energy induced power is concentrated. This layer is
only when toughness is measured at close to dissipation during the reversal of magnetic called the reference depth or current penetration
ambient or cryogenic temperatures. domains) (Ref 31). depth and is typically designated by the symbol
Fatigue Resistance. Tempering can also have The induction heating intensity and effi- d. Its value varies with the square root of elec-
a significant effect on residual stress, which in turn ciency as well as the temperature distribution trical resistivity (r) and inversely with the
can also affect fatigue life. Fatigue resistance can depend on several major factors, including the square root of frequency (F) and relative mag-
be increased by forming compressive residual following: netic permeability (mr):
stresses. This behavior is a result of the fact that
 Electrical and magnetic properties of the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fatigue is initiated under the action of tensile stres- r
ses. Thus, superimposing a compressive residual- heated material, such as electrical resistivity d ¼ 503 (Eq 1)
mr F
stress pattern may partially or totally eliminate the (r) and relative magnetic permeability (mr)
 Proximity of the workpiece to the induction
surface tensile-stress component and allow higher where d is measured in meters, r is the electri-
applied tensile loads to be supported without coil, their geometries, and the specifics of cal resistivity of the metal in O  m, mr is the
reaching the endurance limit, assuming failure the design relative magnetic permeability (unitless), and
 Induced power density
initiation is on the surface. This effect is illustrated F is the frequency in Hertz.
 Frequency of the electromagnetic field
by the results shown for bending fatigue in Fig. 5. Current penetration depth is one of the main
Formation of significant compressive residual factors affecting temperature distribution. The
stresses is very typical in induction surface hard- The magnetic field and the induced current value of d determines the surface layer where
ening. Dramatic reduction or even reversal of distribution within the heated workpiece are approximately 86% of all induced power (heat
residual stresses is highly undesirable in applica- nonuniform due to several electromagnetic phe- sources) is concentrated.
tions where fatigue is the typical failure mode of nomena, including but not limited to skin Both physical properties (r and mr) are dep-
a component. effect, proximity effect, end effect, and others endent not only on temperature but also on
(Ref 16, 31, 36). Nonuniformities in the heat- chemical composition, microstructure, and grain
source distribution may produce certain heat size. For steels and cast irons, electrical resistiv-
profiles or patterns. ity increases with temperature. For example, the
Specifics of Induction Heating Skin Effect and Current Penetration value of r for SAE 1040 steel can increase
Process Depth. When an alternating current flows during the tempering cycle from 0.171 mO  m
through the electrical conductor, the current (at 21  C, or 70  F) to 0.763 mO  m (at 600  C,
The basic electromagnetic and thermal phe- distribution is not uniform. The maximum or 1110  F) (Ref 37), causing a corresponding
nomena of induction heating are discussed in value of the current density is located on the variation in d.
detail in the article “Principles of Induction surface of the conductor; the current density Magnetic permeability is a function not only
Heating” in this Volume (Ref 36) as well as will decrease from the surface of the conductor of temperature but also of magnetic field inten-
in several other publications, including Ref 8, toward its center. sity. It is a nondimensional parameter. As the
16, 17, 23, and 31. The primary mechanism of This phenomenon of nonuniform current temperature increases, mr initially remains
heat generation is Joule (I2R) heating from ind- distribution within the conductor cross section unchanged. However, upon reaching a certain
ucted eddy currents in an electrically conductive is called the skin effect. According to the temperature, its value starts to decline increas-
ingly fast. When the Curie point (A2 tempera-
Surface residual stress at root of notch, MPa ture) is reached, steel becomes nonmagnetic,
–1200 –1000 –800 –600 –400 –200 0 200
and mr = 1. In physical terms, the decrease in
160 magnetic permeability with temperature sig-
8645, notch warm rolled 1000
nifies the loss of ferromagnetic properties.
6.4 mm notch radius For plain carbon steels with less than approx-
8645, imately 0.45% C, the Curie point is 768  C
1045, shot peened (1414  F). In higher-carbon steels, the Curie
120 tempered 800 temperature follows the A3 line on the iron-
tempered carbon phase diagram to the eutectoid composi-
8645, notch cold rolled tion; thereafter, it coincides with the A1 line.
Endurance limit, ksi

Endurance limit, MPa

6.4 mm notch radius Alloying elements change the Curie point to
tempered 600
1036, some degree. Molybdenum and silicon increase
80 tempered 8630, 8630, it, and manganese and nickel decrease it.
tempered oil quenched Relative magnetic permeability (mr) is also a
Specimen complex function of frequency and magnetic field
171 mm 171 mm 8660, intensity. For frequencies less than 1 MHz, its
oil quenched
impact on mr is insignificant and can be neglected
40 (from the engineering perspective).
tempered 200 The same type of carbon steel at the same
39.4 mm diameter 8645, temperature and frequency can have a different
44.4 mm diameter 60º V-notch oil quenched
value of mr because of differences in the power
0.64 mm root radius Compression ↔ Tension
applied to the induction coil (because mr is a
0 0
–200 –160 –120 –80 –40 0 40
function of the intensity of the magnetic field).
For example, if the applied magnetic field is
Surface residual stress at root of notch, ksi
sufficiently strong, the magnetic material can
Fig. 5 Relationship between bending fatigue endurance limit and surface residual stresses for various carbon and be saturated and start to respond almost as a
alloy steels. All steels were water quenched except where otherwise indicated. Source: Ref 8, 45 nonmagnetic body.

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Power densities applied in induction temper- may be an excessively high temperature at the calculated based on the magnetic field intensity
ing are substantially lower than in induction surface, and the heat may not flow sufficiently at the workpiece surface.
hardening; the values of mr in tempering are quickly to the subsurface region. This is one rea- It is also important to note that as a result of
therefore always significantly greater than dur- son why inductor geometry and process para- electromagnetic end and edge effects, magnetic
ing a magnetic stage of induction hardening. meters for induction tempering must be selected field intensity is nonconstant not only along the
As an example, Fig. 6 illustrates the range of with care. radius/thickness of the workpiece but also along
typical variations in mr for induction hardening Higher frequencies lead to smaller values of its perimeter (e.g., along its length and across
versus induction tempering. In an extremely the current penetration depth, resulting in a its width) (Ref 16).
low power density tempering, the value of mr more pronounced skin-heating effect and often Electromagnetic End Effect. The electro-
can be even higher. greater thermal gradients across the workpiece. magnetic end effect (Ref 16, 31) represents a dis-
In induction tempering, mr typically decreases Table 2 shows current penetration depths in tortion of the electromagnetic field at both ends of
with increasing temperature. However, in very medium-carbon steel for the field intensities the induction coil. A rule of thumb is that with a
weak fields, it can first increase with temperature typically used in induction tempering at two conventional solenoid coil, a measurable power
and later begin to decline drastically just near the temperatures (21 and 621  C, or 70 and 1150  F) deficit often occurs at the extreme end of the ferro-
Curie point (Ref 16). for four different frequencies (60 Hz, 500 Hz, magnetic workpiece. This results in a noticeable
Both a reduction of relative magnetic perme- 3 kHz, and 10 kHz). Note that steel retains its underheating, which may be caused by one or
ability (mr) and an increase in electrical resist- magnetic properties at those temperatures. more of following factors (Ref 16, 31):
ivity (r) with temperature lead to an increase As can be seen from Table 2, when heating
 Lower-than-optimal frequency
of d during the heat cycle (in accordance with through-hardened workpieces of appreciable
 Low power density
Eq 1). However, when carbon steel is heated size, thick-walled pipes, or surface-hardened
 Large coil-to-workpiece longitudinal (axia)
from ambient temperature (for example, 20  C, components with deep case depths, the skin
or 70  F) to temperatures of approximately effect can be very pronounced. An improperly radial gaps
 Insufficient (small) coil overhangs (s)
550 to 580  C (1020 to 1080  F), a change in controlled skin effect could lead to undesirable
d is relatively insignificant, because such steel tempering conditions and even reversed distri-
retains its magnetic properties. Typically, heat- bution of hardness and residual stresses. The In contrast, the use of too-high frequencies and
ing in this range is associated with relatively use of lower frequencies and the selection of power densities, as well as large coil overhangs,
small penetration depths and a pronounced skin appropriate process recipes are imperative in usually leads to a power surplus in the end area.
heating effect when using frequencies greater these tempering applications. As a result, an excessive temperature may occur
than 500 Hz for a majority of steel and cast iron It should be noted that the classical definition in that area.
components that have exposed ferromagnetic of eddy current penetration depth (the expres- Computer modeling and field tests show that
properties. sion on the right side of Eq 1) does not have a with a conventional coil design and a coil-
If the current penetration depth is small com- fully determinate meaning because of the non- workpiece radial gap of 25 mm (1 in.), even
pared to the workpiece physical sizes (for exam- constant distribution of magnetic field intensity with a considerable coil overhang of s =
ple, thickness), then practically all induced power and therefore nonconstant distribution of mr 75 mm (3 in.), when tempering carbon steel
will be concentrated within a thin surface layer, within the heated workpiece (Ref 16). Com- pipes of 205 mm (8 in.) diameter and 25 mm
and the rest of the workpiece will be heated by monly, the value of d for induction tempering (1 in.) wall thickness to final temperatures of
thermal conduction only. In such a case, there is calculated using the value of mr that is approximately 600  C (1110  F) using the line
frequency (50 to 60 Hz), the pipe end will be
noticeably underheated (approximately 60 to
Temperature, ºF
80  C, or 110 to 140  F, cooler) due to an
appreciable deficit of the heat sources caused
0 210 390 570 750 930 1110 1290 1470
by the electromagnetic end effect of the ferro-
magnetic body. Practice shows that increasing
the heating time in an attempt to promote ther-
mal conduction does not noticeably improve
the temperature uniformity but reduces the pro-
160 duction rate. The use of a higher frequency can
compensate for the heat deficit at the pipe end,
140 but it also makes the system more sensitive to
Relative magnetic permeability

variations in the pipe position with respect to

120 the induction coil and worsens temperature non-
uniformity within the wall thickness.
100 Figure 7 shows several coil designs that
allow improved pipe end heating (Ref 16).
80 One way to obtain a more uniform longitudinal
heating pattern is to vary the radial gaps along

40 Table 2 Typical current penetration depths

Induction hardening (d) in carbon steel versus temperature and
frequency for typical tempering applications
Current penetration depth, mm

1 Frequency
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temperature,  C 60 Hz 500 Hz 3 kHz 10 kHz
Temperature, ºC
21 4.7 1.63 0.67 0.36
621 15.5 5.38 2.2 1.2
Fig. 6 Typical variation in relative magnetic permeability (mr) during induction hardening and induction tempering

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the coil by reducing the coil-to-pipe gap near

the coil ends (Fig. 7b) and/or using profiled
inductors with various turn pitches, with tighter
turn windings near the coil ends and looser
windings in its central region (Fig. 7d). Another
option is to use multilayer windings near the
coil end (Fig. 7e) and a single-layer winding in
its central region, assuming use of sufficiently
low frequencies (e.g., 50 to 60 Hz). All of these
approaches, as well as the other designs shown
in Fig. 7, require dedicated coils for various pipe
sizes, driving up capital costs and reducing both
flexibility and robustness. Another apparatus,
referred to as FluxManager (Inductoheat, Inc.)
(Ref 38), represents a unique patented design
of an induction heater, providing an effective
way of controlling the end effect and providing
temperature uniformity (end to end and outside
diameter to inside diameter when tempering
thick-walled carbon steel pipes with a diameter
of 75 mm, or 3 in., and greater).
The end effect in complex-geometry induc-
tors is hard to analyze. Hence, numerical com-
puter modeling (i.e., finite-element analysis)
may provide an effective way to study and
determine the best ways to control various
electromagnetic and thermal phenomena taking
place in a particular induction tempering appli-
cation (Ref 16, 38–40). Other electromagnetic
effects that should be taken into account when
designing induction tempering systems include
the proximity effect, slot effect, ring effect,
Fig. 7 Coil designs that improve pipe end heating. See text. Source: Ref 16

electromagnetic edge effect, and several others

(Ref 16). Heating Quenching

1000 1830
900 1650
There are two ways to temper in induction
processing. One method is induction tempering 800 Surface 1470
per se, whereby a hardened part is reheated by
700 1 mm below 1290
induction to a tempering temperature. The sec-
Temperature, °C

Temperature, °F
ond method is self-tempering, whereby the 3 mm below
residual heat in the part accumulated after 600 1110
induction hardening is exploited. Core
In the self-tempering process, the part is not 500 930
completely quenched to ambient temperature.
Figure 8 shows the dynamics of the radial 400 750
temperature distribution during a single-shot
hardening of SAE 4340 steel shaft using a 300 570
frequency of 125 kHz. The shaft diameter is
16 mm (0.6 in.). The required case depth 200 390
16 mm diam
is 1.2 mm (0.05 in.). The time of heating is 125 kHz
2 s, and the time of spray quenching is 6 s 100 210
(Ref 31). At the end of quenching, the shaft
surface temperature was approximately 50  C 0 0
(120  F), but its core was approximately 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
82  C (180  F). Taking into account that mar- Cycle time, s
tensitic transformation is a shear-type transfor-
mation, the great majority of the martensite Fig. 8 Variation of radial temperature distribution during a single-shot hardening of SAE 4340 steel shaft using
a frequency of 125 kHz. The shaft diameter was 16 mm (0.6 in.) with a required case depth of 1.2 mm
would be already formed in the surface layer (0.05 in.). The time of heating was 2 s, and the time of spray quenching was 6 s. Source: Ref 31
upon reaching 50  C (120  F). The quench time
may be further extended and the shaft further
cooled to ensure its safe transportation to the heat accumulated within it. For example, in this approximately 290  C (550  F). If at this
next operation (e.g., tempering). particular case, its surface temperature would moment the supply of quenchant is cut off, the
If quenching was interrupted after 3 s, then be approximately 125  C (260  F); however, shaft surface layer will be reheated again, due
the shaft would have an appreciable amount of the temperature of its core would be to the heat accumulated in its core. Because

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steel has a relatively good thermal conductivity  Self-tempering should be avoided when pro- profiles are created as the result of such temper-
and because the radius of this shaft is only filed heating is used or in applications ing, while minimizing process cycle time. In
8 mm (0.3 in.), there will be a relatively fast requiring selective hardening (e.g., when some cases, a single-pulse induction tempering
reverse heat flow from the shaft core toward hardening only a portion or a section of the can result in an undesirable residual-stress distri-
its surface. After a short time, the surface tem- component). The presence of substantially bution if the applied power is too high. In cases
perature will increase and the core temperature colder neighboring regions may negatively such as this, appreciable tensile residual stresses
will decrease to an average temperature equal affect self-tempering conditions because of may appear at the surface. A combination of mul-
to the temperature the shaft had at the moment a cold-sink effect. tipulse induction tempering with self-tempering
when quenching was interrupted (which was  It is very difficult to control residual heat provides gentle tempering conditions, optimizing
approximately 200  C, or 390  F). This retained when hardening relatively small-sized parts tempered martensite structures.
heat can be used for tempering. (e.g., wires, strips, ropes, thin-walled tubing,
There are several obvious benefits associated etc.).
 Self-tempering is typically used (if applica-
with self-tempering, including the following: Induction Tempering Methods
ble) in static heating, single-shot heating,
 It is an energy-efficient process that does not and, to a lesser degree, horizontal scan hard- Induction tempering uses one of the follow-
require any additional power for tempering; ening. It should not be used in vertical scan- ing heating modes (Fig. 9):
it uses a portion of energy acquired by the hardening applications, because of unequal
workpiece during its austenitization. Less cooling conditions and variations of the  Single-shot
total energy is used not only during heating accumulated residual heat in the top and bot-  Progressive or continuous
but also during part cooling. tom regions of the workpiece.  Scanning
 The time delay between hardening and tem-  Static heating
pering is eliminated. Too long a time delay The foregoing are some of the challenges
can be detrimental in some cases, in particu- that prevent the wide use of self-tempering in Single-Shot Tempering. With the single-
lar when hardening materials that exhibit industry, with the result that furnace tempering shot method, neither the part nor the coil moves
low toughness, because crack development and induction tempering are more popular pro- relative to the other, although part rotation is
may occur during that time. cesses. In some cases, self-tempering is suc- typically applied. The entire length of the
 There is a substantial space savings, because cessfully used in conjunction with induction workpiece being tempered is heated all at once
no additional space for tempering equipment tempering, resulting in desirable microstructures. (Fig. 9a). A single-shot inductor induces eddy
is needed. For example, a combination of self-tempering currents that flow along the length of the part,
 The method is cost-effective. With self- and multipulse induction tempering is effectively except, for example, for the half-moon regions
tempering, the tempering is incorporated used in crankshaft hardening using a nonrota- (also called the cross-over or bridge sections)
into the hardening operation. Therefore, it tional stationary hardening process technology of a single-shot inductor, where eddy current
eliminates an additional operation, which (Ref 41). In this process, the journals of a crank- flow is circumferential. Only two opposite sides
is associated with a reduction of the capital shaft are heat treated while it is stationary. For of the regular area of the cylindrical workpiece
equipment cost and total cycle time. most automotive crankshafts, it takes approxi- are heated at the same time: the regions facing
mately 3 to 4 s to austenitize a journal surface the inductor. The rest of the part experiences
It may appear that self-tempering is the most layer using frequencies in the range of 10 to soaking. Thanks to part rotation, an entire
logical and best way to temper induction-hardened 30 kHz (depending on the specifics of the heated area is taken through the heat-soak cycle
components. However, it is imperative to recog- crankshaft). After completion of austenitiza- during a single-shot induction tempering.
nize its limitations: tion, quenching is applied for only 4 to 5 s, fol- Normally the single-shot method is better
lowed by 3 to 5 s of the first air soaking. Then, suited for tempering relatively short parts or
 It is essential for self-tempering that residual low-power induction tempering is applied for parts where only a relatively small area is to
heat be closely controlled, which can be approximately 3 to 5 s, followed by the second be heat treated. This method is also better
challenging. It is relatively easy to precisely soaking and the second induction tempering. suited to cylindrical parts having axial symme-
control applied energy during the austenitiz- The process may be repeated to achieve desirable try and geometrical irregularities, such as diame-
ing stage, but it is more difficult to accu- tempering conditions, providing a multipulse tem- ter changes, fillets, shoulders, and so on, because
rately and reliably monitor quench severity. pering effect. inductor copper can be easily profiled to accom-
Quench severity deviations could produce A combination of induction tempering modate the geometrical features of the part.
variation of the residual heat, which, in turn, (in which heat flows from the surface toward Progressive or Continuous Tempering. In
would negatively affect the quality and a subsurface region) and self-tempering (in which progressive or continuous heating (Fig. 9b),
repeatability of self-tempering. heat flows from the internal region toward the a workpiece is moved via pusher, indexing
 Self-tempering is usually used in heat treat- surface) provides significant advantages com- mechanism, and so on or in a continuous
ing workpieces with relatively simple geom- pared to either one alone. One such advantage motion through a single-coil or multicoil induc-
etry (e.g., solid cylinders or plates). When is the substantially more uniform thermal condi- tion heater. This process is often applied for
dealing with complex-geometry components tions and better controllability. Self-tempering, tempering elongated fast-moving workpieces
or components with geometrical discont- if applied alone, relies only on heat accumulated (wires, rods, tubes, strips, etc.).
inuities, those geometrical subtleties may in internal regions of the crank journal during For example, Fig. 10 shows a time-temperature
produce localized variations in both the heat its hardening cycle. Therefore, when only self- diagram for induction tempering of 18 mm
intensity and the cooling intensity, thus neg- tempering is used, the residual heat distribution (0.7 in.) diameter medium-carbon steel rods
atively affecting the overall self-tempering is nonuniform because various metal masses of travelling at a speed of 102 mm/s (4 in./s). The
conditions. counterweights adjacent to hardened journals induction tempering line consists of four in-line
 The Ms temperatures of some steels are quite produce thermal conduction effects of different multiturn coils with a profiled power distribution.
low. Therefore, there may be an insufficient magnitudes. In contrast, when self-tempering The frequency is 1 kHz. Prior to induction temper-
amount of martensite formed at the moment and induction tempering are used simultaneously, ing, the rods were induction surface hardened; the
when quenching is interrupted, which would the processes complement each other and produce case depth is 1.75 mm (0.07 in.). The length of the
also be associated with the presence of a a more uniform heat distribution. Reduced ther- entire induction tempering system was approxi-
substantial amount of retained austenite. mal gradients and favorable residual-stress mately 0.5 m (20 in.), representing a substantial

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space-savings, environmental friendliness, and

energy efficiency. A gas or infrared tempering fur-
nace would require a system at least 10 times
Scan Tempering. Induction tempering using
a scan heating mode can be performed on
the outside and/or inside diameters (OD/ID)
of cylindrical components as well as on flat
surfaces. Either a horizontal or a vertical coil
arrangement can be used; the vertical design is
more popular for tempering short and moderate-
length workpieces using single-turn or multiturn
inductors (Fig. 9c). In scan heating of cylinder-
shaped parts, induced eddy currents flow cir-
cumferentially, instantly heating the workpiece
to a short depth. The workpiece generally rotates
inside the coil to even out the induction-hardened
The main constraint on using this process
for tempering interior surfaces is the difficulty
of scan heating small diameters. Because the
return leg of the inductor usually goes through
the center of the coil, the OD of solenoid-type
ID coils must usually be at least 16 mm (0.6 in.),
and 19 mm (0.75 in.) is more typical. This limita-
tion places an obvious lower bound on the size of
the workpiece. Hairpin-type or pancake inductors
are often used for scan tempering flat surfaces
(Ref 16).
Fig. 9 Four heating modes that can be used in induction tempering applications. (a) Single shot. (b) Progressive or Static Tempering. In static heating, a work-
continuous. (c) Scanning. (d) Static heating piece is placed into the horizontal or vertical
inductor for a given period of time, and a set
Processing amount of power is applied until the compo-
nent reaches the desired heating conditions
4 turns 3 turns 3 turns 3 turns
(Fig. 9d). It is possible to use either single-post
Coil # 1 Coil # 2 Coil # 3 Coil # 4 or multipost heating. This process can be used
to temper both regularly and irregularly shaped
Although the inductor is static, in some
instances the part may be rotated; in other
450 840
cases, both the workpiece and the inductor are
motionless. Single-turn or multiturn solenoid
coils encircle the component. Generous coil-
400 750 to-workpiece gaps are commonly used.
In other cases, nonsolenoidal inductors can
350 660 be used. For example, for the static tempering
of ring-shaped components and other hollow
parts with sufficiently large ID (typically 70 mm,
300 570
or 3 in., or greater), C-, O-, or E-core inductors
Temperature, °C

Temperature, °F

can be used very effectively (Ref 16). (These

250 480 inductors are named for the shapes of the
laminated cores used in their design.) Laminated
200 390 low-carbon steel thin sheets similar to those used
in transformers are used for core fabrication.
1 kHz
A low frequency (50 to 200 Hz) is commonly
150 300
T 2 mm below surface selected. A multiturn induction coil is wound
T surface around the core to create the magnetic flux flow.
100 T average 210 There are several design variations of such induc-
tors. However, the basic concept in its simplest
50 120
form can be described as follows:
 A movable section of the core can be lifted
0 0 or hinged to allow free loading of the hollow
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
workpiece and its placement around a por-
Time, s tion of the core.
 The system is ready for heating after placing the
Fig. 10 Computer simulation of time-temperature diagram for induction tempering of 18 mm (0.7 in.) diameter
hinged portion of laminated core into the work-
medium-carbon steel rods travelling at a speed of 100 mm/s (4 in./s). Each coil is 50 mm (2 in.) long,
and the distance between coils is 100 mm (4 in.). ing position and closing the magnetic circuit.

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 After alternating current (ac) starts flowing Numerous charts, diagrams, tables, and simpli- to heat a particular workpiece according to
in the coil circuit, an ac magnetic flux occurs fied formulas for estimation of basic process basic process requirements. Unfortunately, the
in the magnetic core, which provides a low- parameters have been accumulated in industry great majority of simplified ballpark-estimation
reluctance, closed-loop magnetic circuit. over the years. techniques have many restrictions, making it
The workpiece becomes a part of the circuit, Approximate power densities required for difficult to obtain design details and process
acting as the single-turn secondary winding. through heating of steel for hardening and tem- subtleties. This is true not only for through-
 Heat is generated within the workpiece via pering are provided in Table 3. The major dif- hardened parts but, to an even greater degree,
the Joule effect and hysteresis heat. ference is that somewhat lower frequencies are for induction-surface-hardened components.
employed because the electrical and magnetic Advanced numerical simulation software based
Magnetic core technology typically provides properties of steel are different at typical tem- on tightly coupled electromagnetic and thermal
better temperature uniformity than other induction pering temperatures compared to induction phenomena enable induction heating profes-
processes, in part (although not only) because of hardening. The resistivity (r) is lower, and the sionals to determine details of the process that
its use of low frequencies. relative magnetic permeability is higher. The could be costly, time-consuming, and, in some
equation for reference depth reveals that, for cases, extremely difficult to determine experi-
temperature uniformity and efficiency equiva- mentally. The subject of numerical computer
Process Parameters for Induction lent to those for austenitizing applications, simulation of induction heat treating is discussed
Tempering lower frequencies should be employed. Typical in other articles in this Volume as well as in the
frequencies are given in Table 4 for through article “Simulation of Induction Heat Treating”
The selection of equipment for tempering of tempering of steel bars of various sizes. in Metals Process Simulation, Volume 22B of
steel using induction heating is similar to that As with through hardening, the power den- ASM Handbook, 2010.
for induction hardening, although there are sity employed with induction tempering is kept
some differences. This includes specifics of coil very low, usually approximately 0.046 kW/cm2
design and equipment for part handling, and (0.3 kW/in.2). As before, this is done to mini-
electronic controls, which find particular impor- mize the temperature gradients. Typical Selection of Tempering
tance in continuous heat treating lines. operating parameters that satisfy this require- Temperatures and Time
The selection of power, frequency, required ment are given in Table 5 for through-hardened
heat time, and coil design is highly subjective parts. Tempering of hardened steels accelerates the
and affected by designer past experience, the It is important to keep in mind that rules of diffusion of carbon atoms locked in the dis-
type of heated material, the necessary tempera- thumb as well as simplified rough-estimation torted body-centered tetragonal crystal structure
ture distribution (e.g., temperature uniformity techniques only allow a basic idea to be quickly of martensite, thus causing the decomposition
or required heat pattern in case of selected tem- obtained regarding electrothermal process para- of martensite into carbides. Diffusion is a
pering/stress relieving), cycle time, application meters for induction tempering (including time-temperature process, and so the effect of
specifics, and so on. Articles in other sections power, frequency, time, etc.). This knowledge tempering can be intensified by increasing either
of this Volume provide more details on process is imperative for developing a general under- the tempering temperature or the time at temper-
parameters selection and coil design subtleties. standing of the process and what would it take ature. Experience shows that similar tempering

Table 3 Approximate power densities required for through heating of steel for hardening, tempering, or forming operations
150–425  C (300–800  F) 425–760  C (800–1400  F) 760–980  C (1400–1800  F) 980–1095  C (1800–2000  F) 1095–1205  C (2000–2200  F)
Frequency(a), Hz kW/cm2 kW/in.2 kW/cm2 kW/in.2 kW/cm2 kW/in.2 kW/cm2 kW/in.2 kW/cm2 kW/in.2

60 0.009 0.06 0.023 0.15 (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)
180 0.008 0.05 0.022 0.14 (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)
1000 0.006 0.04 0.019 0.12 0.08 0.5 0.155 1.0 0.22 1.4
3000 0.005 0.03 0.016 0.10 0.06 0.4 0.085 0.55 0.11 0.7
10,000 0.003 0.02 0.012 0.08 0.05 0.3 0.070 0.45 0.085 0.55
(a) The values in this table are based on use of proper frequency and normal overall operating efficiency of equipment. (b) In general, these power densities are for section sizes of 13 to 50 mm (½ to 2 in.). Higher inputs can be
used for smaller section sizes, and lower inputs may be required for larger section sizes. (c) Not recommended for these temperatures. Source: Ref 8, 46

Table 4 Selection of power source and frequency for various applications of induction tempering
Rating for(a):
Maximum tempering
Section size temperature Solid-state systems or motor generators
cm in. C F Power lines, 50 or 60 Hz Frequency converter, 180 Hz 1000 Hz 3000 Hz 10,000 Hz Vacuum tube, over 200 kHz

0.32 – 0.64 ⅛–¼ 705 1300 ... ... ... ... ... Good
0.64 – 1.27 ¼–½ 705 1300 ... ... ... ... Good Good
1.27 – 2.54 ½–1 425 800 ... Fair Good Good Good Fair
705 1300 ... Poor Fair Good Good Fair
2.54 – 5.08 1–2 425 800 Fair Fair Good Good Fair Poor
705 1300 ... Fair Good Good Fair Poor
5.08 – 15.24 2–6 425 800 Good Good Good Fair ... ...
705 1300 Good Good Good Fair ... ...
Over 15.24 Over 6 705 1300 Good Good Good Fair ... ...
(a) Efficiency, capital cost, and uniformity of heating are considered in these rating. “Good” indicates optimum frequency. “Fair” indicates a frequency higher than optimum that increases capital cost and reduces uniformity of
heating, thus requiring lower heat inputs. “Poor” indicates a frequency substantially higher than optimum that substantially increases capital cost and reduces uniformity of heating, thus requiring substantially lower heat inputs.
Source: Ref 8, 46

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Table 5 Operating and production data for progressive induction tempering

Work temperature
Section size Scan time coil Leaving coil Production rate Inductor input(b)
cm in. Material Frequency, Hz Power(a), kW Total heating time, s s/cm s/in. C F C F kg/h lb/h kW/cm2 kW/in.2

1.27 ½ 4130 9600 11 17 0.39 1 50 120 565 1050 92 202 0.064 0.41
1.91 3
/4 1035 mod 9600 12.7 30.6 0.71 1.8 50 120 510 950 113 250 0.050 0.32
2.54 1 1041 9600 18.7 44.2 1.02 2.6 50 120 565 1050 141 311 0.054 0.35
2.86 1⅛ 1041 9600 20.6 51 1.18 3.0 50 120 565 1050 153 338 0.053 0.34
4.92 115=16 14B35H 180 24 196 2.76 7.0 50 120 565 1050 195 429 0.031 0.20
1.59 5
/8 1038 60 88 123 0.59 1.5 40 100 290 550 1449 3194 0.014 0.089
1.91 3
/4 1038 60 100 164 0.79 2.0 40 100 315 600 1576 3474 0.013 0.081
2.22 7
/8 1043 60 98 312 1.50 3.8 40 100 290 550 1609 3548 0.008 0.050
2.54 1 1043 60 85 254 1.22 3.1 40 100 290 550 1365 3009 0.011 0.068
2.86 1⅛ 1043 60 90 328 1.57 4.0 40 100 290 550 1483 3269 0.009 0.060
Irregular shapes
1.75 – 3.33 ¹¹∕¹6 – 15=16 1037 mod 9600 192 64.8 0.94 2.4 65 150 550 1020 2211 4875 0.043 0.28
1.75 – 2.86 ¹¹∕¹6 – 1⅛ 1037 mod 9600 154 46 0.67 1.7 65 150 425 800 2276 5019 0.040 0.26
(a) Power transmitted by the inductor at the operating frequency indicated. For converted frequencies, this power is approximately 25% less than the power input to the machine because of losses within the machine. (b) At the
operating frequency of the inductor. Source: Ref 8, 46

responses can be obtained by manipulating

those two factors. Under certain conditions, a
shorter-time, higher-temperature tempering can
provide the same hardness as a longer-time,
lower-temperature tempering. For example, as
illustrated in Fig. 11, the tempering of SAE
4340 steel (Ref 8, 22) to a hardness of 35 HRC
can be achieved by tempering either for 10 min
at 665  C (1230  F) or for 100 min at 620  C
(1150  F).
In induction tempering, conventional long-
time, low-temperature treatments are replaced
by short-time, higher-temperature ones. Data
illustrating the effects of time and temperature
are presented in Fig. 12 for a 1050 carbon steel
austenitized and quenched to a martensitic
microstructure with a hardness of 62 HRC. For
a 1 h furnace tempering, the total amount of soft-
ening increases with temperature, as shown.
Similar responses are obtained for induction
tempering for shorter times and higher tempera-
tures. For instance, a 40 HRC temper is pro-
duced by a 1 h furnace heat treatment at 425  C
(800  F) as well as by a 5 s induction treatment
at 540  C (1000  F) (Ref 8).
A substantial amount of work has gone into
establishing the time-temperature relationships
that result in identical hardness values for a
variety of steels. Most of these relations show
that hardness is a logarithmic function in the Fig. 11 Tempering behavior of an AISI 4340 steel at various temperatures as a function of time. Source: Ref 8
form of a Larsen-Miller parameter, which sug-
gests that it is the product of the absolute
tempering temperature times the sum of a con-
For more details on the Hollomon-Jaffe exhibit secondary hardening. In these cases, the
stant and the logarithm of the tempering time:
method, see the section “Hollomon-Jaffe Tem- values of the constant C may vary for different
pering Correlation” in this article as well as processes of Fe3C precipitation and alloy carbide
Hardness is a function of: T  ½C þ log10 ðtÞ (Eq 2) the article “Tempering of Steels” in Steel Heat precipitation, which in turn are functions of tem-
Treating Fundamentals and Processes, Volume perature. Hollomon and Jaffe also successfully
where T is the absolute temperature, t is time, 4A of ASM Handbook, 2013. demonstrated an applicability of an expression
and C is a constant that depends on alloy com- There is evidence for a unique dependence of (Eq 2) to describe the kinetics for tempering of
position. This relation was first proposed by tempering hardness on the Hollomon-Jaffe time- pearlite and bainite. Figure 13, taken from their
Hollomon and Jaffe (Ref 2), who found that temperature parameter. It is likely that the para- work, suggests that the value of the parametric
the value of the constant C was generally metric method can provide an empirically valid constant C is weakly affected by a microstruc-
between 10 and 15 for the steels in their study. relationship for most steels, except those that ture (Ref 2).

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irrespective of the alloy content. Grange and

Baughman (Ref 3) determined that a single
value of C = 18 was a satisfactory constant
for various carbon steels (from 1026 to 1080)
and low-alloy steels (4027, 4037, 4047, 4068,
1335, 2340, 3140, 4140, 4340, 4640, 5140,
and 6145). Tempering data were satisfactorily
modeled by the following parametric equation:

P ¼ ½ F þ 460 ½18 þ log10 ðt; in hoursÞ  103

For more details on the Grange-Baughman

method, see the section “Grange-Baughman
Tempering Correlation” in this article as well
as the article “Tempering of Steels” in Steel
Heat Treating Fundamentals and Processes,
Volume 4A of ASM Handbook, 2013.

Hollomon-Jaffe Tempering Correlation

As discussed earlier, relations for the time-
temperature equivalence of different treatments,
such as those employing furnace and induction
heating, were investigated first by Hollomon
Fig. 12 Hardness as a function of tempering temperature and time for furnace- and induction-treated 1050 steel and Jaffe (Ref 2). According to their formula-
austenitized at 860  C (1575  F) and quenched in brine. Source: Ref 17 tion, the tempered hardness of martensite is a
unique function of the quantity T(C + log10 t),
where T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin,
C is a material constant, and t is time in sec-
onds. In the aforementioned example, the con-
stant C can be found by equating (425 + 273)
(C + log103600) to (540 + 273) (C + log105),
resulting in a value of C of approximately 17. With
this value for C, equivalent time-temperature
combinations for other hardnesses of the quenched
SAE 1050 steel can be obtained.
For instance, a 30 HRC temper obtained in a
1 h furnace treatment at 540  C (1000  F) may
be obtained by a 60 s induction treatment at a
temperature of (540 + 273) (17 + log103600)/
(17 + log1060) = 890 K = 615  C (1140  F),
which is in approximate agreement with the
experimental data shown in Fig. 12.
The values of C in the Hollomon-Jaffe rela-
tion for several plain carbon steels are given
in Table 6, taken from the work of Hollomon
and Jaffe (Ref 2). From this table, it can be seen
that the magnitude of C tends to increase with
decreasing carbon content. In general, parame-
ter C tends to be between 14 and 18 for steels
with carbon contents below 0.5%, and between
10 and 14 for steels of higher carbon content.
From Table 6, a C-value of approximately
14.5 would be estimated for 1050 steel. This
is somewhat different than the value of 17.0
estimated from Fig. 12. For the two 40 HRC
tempering treatments discussed previously (1 h
Hardness as a function of the Hollomon-Jaffe tempering parameter (T in Kelvin; t in seconds) for a 0.94% C
at 425  C, and 5 s at 540  C), a correlation
Fig. 13 based on C = 17.0 provides a tempering param-
plain carbon steel with starting microstructures of martensite, bainite, fine pearlite, and coarse pearlite.
Source: Ref 2, 8 eter of approximately 14,370 in both cases.
On the other hand, using a C-value of 14.5
yields tempering parameters of 12,605 and
Another parametric method for correlating their work is the same, namely, of the form 12,355 for the low- and high-temperature
equivalent time-temperature condition, which T(C + log t), where T is the absolute tempering tempering, respectively. Assessment of curves
is very similar to that of Hollomon and Jaffe, temperature, and t is the tempering time. Unlike like the one in Fig. 14(a) reveals that such dif-
was established by Grange and Baughman the Hollomon-Jaffe formulation, however, the ferences in the tempering parameter would
(Ref 3). The form of the parametric relation in parametric constant (C) is a fixed number give rise to differences in predicted hardness

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of perhaps one HRC point, or an amount well a large variety of carbon and alloy steels, such instance, by induction) may be derived by an
within experimental accuracy. Because of this, as those in the SAE 10xx to 92xx series. extension of the Hollomon-Jaffe concept using
it can be concluded that the correlation of tem- The Hollomon-Jaffe equation, although quite a discretization technique. This is done by calcu-
pered hardness data is not especially sensitive useful in conjunction with conventional temper- lating an equivalent or effective tempering time
to the value of C employed, within certain ing curves, should be applied with care for the (t*) for a constant-temperature cycle of heating
limits, of course. This hypothesis was verified induction tempering of martensite. It must be that corresponds to a continuous cycle. One
by Grange and Baughman (Ref 3), who deter- noted that there is a limit above which the tem- way of doing this is illustrated in Fig. 15
mined that a C-value of 14.44, when t is pering temperature should not be raised. This, (Ref 7). Here, the induction tempering cycle
expressed in seconds and T in degrees Rankine, of course, is the A1 temperature (or Ac1 for (shown schematically in Fig. 15a) consists of a
results in very good hardness correlations for rapid heating processes), at which carbides start heating stage and a subsequent cooling stage,
to go back into solution and reaustenitization the latter occurring at a somewhat lower rate.
begins. The total continuous cycle is broken into a num-
Table 6 Hollomon-Jaffe C-parameters for Effective Tempering Time. It should be ber of very small time increments, each of dura-
tempering of various plain carbon steels noted that the Hollomon-Jaffe and Grange- tion (Dti) and characterized by some average
Steel Starting microstructure C Baughman approaches apply only to short-time temperature Ti. It is assumed that the tempera-
tempering at a fixed temperature, that is, iso- ture for the equivalent isothermal treatment is
1030 Martensite 15.9
1055 Martensite 14.3 thermal tempering treatments. In other words, the peak temperature of the continuous cycle,
1074 Martensite 13.4 it assumes that the temperature of the work- or T*. This specification of the temperature for
1090 Martensite 12.2 piece is increased instantaneously to the tem- the isothermal cycle is arbitrary, however.
1095 Martensite 9.7 pering temperature. When the heating time is Once the temperature of the equivalent iso-
1095 Martensite + retained austenite 14.7
1095 Bainite 14.3 of the same order of magnitude as the actual thermal cycle has been specified as T*, an
1095 Pearlite 14.1 soak time, it must be taken into account. effective tempering time (t*) for this cycle can
Source: Ref 2 A means by which a particular time-temperature be estimated. This is accomplished by solving
history is accounted for in rapid heating (for the following equation (Ref 6–8):

Fig. 15 Equivalence of (a) continuous heating/cooling

Fig. 14 Tempering curves for (a) 0.31% C plain carbon steel and (b) 0.35C-2Mo alloy steel that exhibits secondary tempering cycle and (b) isothermal treatment
hardening. Note that time-temperature data are correlated in both cases with a parameter of the form T(C + through the use of an effective tempering time (t*) and
log10 t), where T is absolute temperature in Kelvin, C is a constant, and t is time in seconds. Source: Ref 2, 8 temperature (T *). Source: Ref 8

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Ti ðC þ log10 ti Þ ¼ T  C þ log10 ti increment at which Ti = 850 K, ti = 0.402 s. P ¼ ½T ðin KÞ  ½14:44 þ log10 ðt in secondsÞ
Thus, it is apparent that relatively large contri-
Summing the ti for each portion of the con- butions to the effective tempering time come or in units of  F with time in hours:
tinuous cycle yields the total effective temper- from temperatures near the peak temperature,
ing time, t*, at temperature T* and hence the and relatively small amounts are the result of P ¼ ½ F þ 460  ½18 þ logðt; in hoursÞ  103
effective tempering parameter T*(C + log10 t*), tempering that occurs at temperatures 50 K or
as shown in Fig. 15(b). more below the peak temperature. When all of The success of the Grange-Baughman method is
In the application of this method, care should the ti values are summed, the total effective demonstrated by the results shown in Fig. 17
be exercised in selecting the time interval (Dti). t* is found to be equal to 4.92 s, a time consid- (Ref 3, 8) for a series of plain carbon steels.
These time increments should be chosen small erably shorter than the total heating time of 110 s. Note that the absolute temperature is in degrees
enough so that the temperature does not change At the completion of tempering, the effective Rankine, not Kelvin. The fact that equally good
too much during the increment, thus enabling a tempering parameter for this grade of pipe is correlation is obtained by both the Hollomon-
reasonable average for the temperature Ti to be therefore: Jaffe and the Grange-Baughman results again
obtained and used in the previous expression. suggests that the exact value of C has little effect
For continuous heating from room temperature 855:2ð15:9 þ log10 4:92Þ ¼ 14; 190 and that the most important variables are the
to typical induction tempering temperatures, absolute temperature and the logarithm of the
sufficient accuracy is obtained when the Dti The tempering parameter is increased some- tempering time.
time increments are 0.005 to 0.01 times the what during slow cooling of the pipe in cooling Grange and Baughman also presented a
total heating time. beds following induction heating. Assuming means by which the tempered hardness in alloy
Another consideration in estimating the effec- cooling by free convection and radiation, the steel (10xx to 92xx grades) could be estimated.
tive tempering time is the fact that tempered initial rate of cooling for the pipe from 855.2 K This is done by first obtaining a base hardness
steels are usually air cooled. As implied earlier, is estimated to be 0.5 K/s. As the temperature from a tempering curve for the mild steel of
the cooling rates are typically much lower than drops, the rate of heat loss decreases, but the the same carbon content (e.g., Fig. 18) (Ref 3, 8).
the heating rates, giving rise to substantially specific heat decreases as well. Thus, the rate To this are added certain hardness increments for
greater times at high temperature during the of cooling is fairly constant over at least the first each alloying element. These increments
cooling cycle. Therefore, the tempering that 50 K or so of the cooling period, during which depend on the amount present and the value of
occurs during cooling must also be included in the vast majority of the softening resulting from the tempering parameter. The hardness incre-
the effective tempering parameter. To do this, the cool-down portion of the tempering occurs. ment in diamond pyramid hardness (DPH, and
the cooling rate must be measured or estimated The effective time for the tempering that occurs also called Vickers hardness) points for each
from a heat-transfer analysis. The increments in during the cooling period, assuming a constant element is equal to the product of a certain fac-
the effective tempering time (ti ) are then esti- cooling rate of 0.5 K/s (0.9 F/s) and T* = tor (given in Table 7) and the percentage of that
mated from this cooling curve and the afore- 855.2 K as before, was found to be 41.57 s. This element minus some base percentage. For man-
mentioned relation, and they are added to time is approximately ten times that for the ganese and silicon, the base percentages are
those for the heating portion of the cycle prior much more rapid heating cycle. 0.85 and 0.3, respectively. For nickel, chro-
to calculation of the effective tempering param- Combining the effective tempering times mium, molybdenum, and vanadium, they are
eter from T*(C + log10 t*). for both the heating and cooling cycles leads zero (Ref 8).
Application of the Hollomon-Jaffe Corre- to a t* value of approximately 46.5 s for the Much of the tempering data used by Grange
lation to Induction Tempering of Line Pipe. entire process and an effective tempering and Baughman in determining their tempering
The application of the previous relations is illu- parameter of 15,025, or a quantity approxi- correlation was for tempering time exceeding
strated with data on the induction tempering of mately 800 greater than that for the heating 10 min. Only a limited amount was obtained
a grade of tubular oil-country piping of the same cycle alone. An estimate of the hardness of for the shorter times that are more typical for
nominal composition as that of 1030 steel, for the pipe after heat treatment can be derived induction tempering. However, work by Semia-
which C = 15.9 (Table 6). This product has been from Fig. 14(a). From this plot, it is found that tin and his co-workers (Ref 6, 7) verified the
processed in a continuous heat treatment line to a hardness of 25 HRC corresponds to a temper- approach developed by Grange and Baughman
produce a hardness of approximately 26 HRC ing parameter of 15,025. This is very close for times as short as 6 s. To do this, samples
(ultimate tensile strength: 870 MPa, or 126 ksi) to the expected hardness for this product, 2 mm (0.08 in.) thick were quench hardened
using the time-temperature cycle (for heating) 26 HRC. In contrast, the hardness is predicted and tempered in salt pots. Tempering times
shown in Fig. 16 (Ref 8, 42). The induction gen- to be 28.5 HRC for a parameter of 14,190. were 6, 60, and 600 s at temperature. It was
erator had a frequency of 300 Hz. This, com- Thus, it can be concluded that the cooling stage
bined with a relatively low power density and a following induction heating results in a further
long processing line consisting of eight heating softening of approximately 3.5 HRC points. Time, s
stations, ensured relatively uniform heating A similar calculation can be performed for 0 20 40 60 80 100 110
through the 10 mm (0.4 in.) thick wall of the other induction-tempered products, provided 580 °C (1080 °F) 600
Surface temperature, °C
Surface temperature, °F

140 mm (5.5 in.) OD pipe. that the time-temperature history is known or 1000
The effective tempering time (t*) for the can be modeled.
800 400
heating portion of the tempering cycle was cal-
culated the same way as discussed previously. Grange-Baughman Tempering 600 300
The temperature T* was taken to be equal to Correlation 400 200
the peak temperature in the cycle, or 855.2 K.
Furthermore, the cycle was broken into time As noted, Grange and Baughman (Ref 3) 200 100
increments of 0.5 s. Thus, the increments ti also established a parametric relation very 0
were estimated from the following equation: 0
similar to the Hollomon-Jaffe method, except 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the parametric constant is a single value irrespec- Tempering coil location
log10 ti ¼ ðTi =855:2Þð15:9 þ log10 0:5Þ  15:9 tive of the alloy content. With temperature (T)
expressed in units of Kelvin (K) on the absolute Fig. 16 Typical heating cycle for induction-tempered
seamless pipe with a 140 mm (5.5 in.)
For example, for the time increment at which temperature scale, and with time (t) expressed in outside diameter and a 10 mm (0.42 in.) wall thickness.
Ti = 800 K, ti = 0.049 s. For the time seconds, the parametric, C, is 14.44 such that: Source: Ref 8, 42

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Fig. 17 Hardness data for 1030, 1050, and 1080 plain carbon steels plotted in terms
of the Grange-Baughman tempering parameter. Source: Ref 3, 8 Fig. 18 Tempering curves for plain carbon steels plotted in terms of hardness as a
function of the Grange-Baughman tempering parameter. Source: Ref 3, 8

determined that heating times were on the order is (0.13) (6) + (0.18) (55) + (0.046) (160) = 18 24,940. From Fig. 18, interpolating to 0.26%
of 3 to 4 s in all cases. DPH (HV) points. This hardness increase, C, the base hardness of the equivalent carbon
Short-time tempering data obtained by Semi- added to the base hardness of 279 DPH steel is estimated to be 24 HRC, or 257 DPH.
atin et al. for SAE 1020, 1042, and 1095 (27 HRC), yields a predicted hardness of At a tempering parameter level of 25,000, the
(Table 8) are compared in Fig. 19 (Ref 6, 8) approximately 297 DPH, or 29.5 HRC. Other increments in DPH points due to alloying are
with base hardness data for SAE 1020, 1050, calculations of this type result in the prediction (1.31  0.85)30 = 13.8 for manganese, 0 for sil-
and 1080 steel grades obtained by Grange and in Fig. 20 (Ref 6), which shows much better icon, 1.1 for chromium, 0.1 for nickel, and 30.4
Baughman. For the SAE 1042 and 1095 steels, agreement with actual tempering data. Other for molybdenum, resulting in a total predicted
the trends are very reasonable. However, short-time tempering data for SAE 4130, hardness increase of approximately 45 DPH
short-time SAE 1020 results diverge consider- 4340, 4620, and 8620 are depicted in Fig. 21 points. Thus, the DPH hardness is estimated to
ably from the SAE 1020 base hardness curve. (Ref 6). Agreement between the data and predic- be 257 + 45 = 302, equal to an HRC hardness
An explanation for this was found in a chemical tions based on the appropriate base hardness of approximately 30, which is four points
analysis of that steel, which revealed 0.22% C, plots (Fig. 18) and the hardness increments higher than that ordinarily found for this grade
0.81% Mn, 0.18% Si, 0.014% P, 0.036% S, (Table 7) appears to be quite good. and processing sequence. This deviation can
0.13% Ni, 0.18% Cr, and 0.046% Mo. This Application of the Grange-Baughman be compared with that estimated from the Hol-
chemical composition is typical for SAE 1020 Parameter to Induction Hardening. The lomon-Jaffe correlation (one point on the low
except for the manganese, nickel, chromium, Grange-Baughman correlation can also be side), which did not account for the different
and molybdenum contents, the presence of applied to such continuous heating cycles as alloying/residual elements present.
which suggests the use of alloy steel scrap dur- the tempering of the oil-country pipe product The induction tempering data obtained by
ing steel refining. mentioned previously. Complete chemical anal- Semiatin and his co-workers (Ref 6–8) add
The increase in hardness due to these additions ysis of the steel in this case revealed, on the further credence to the concept of an effective
can be estimated from the data in Table 7. The average, a composition of 0.26% C, 0.23% Si, tempering parameter based on the Grange-
effect of manganese can be neglected because 1.31% Mn, 0.02% Cr, 0.02% Ni, 0.16% Mo, Baughman formulation. In this work, a number
its concentration is below the base amount of and 0.01% V. For the same heating and cooling of austenitized and water-quenched bars of the
0.85 wt%. At a parameter level of 24,000, for cycle discussed earlier, the Grange-Baughman steels listed in Table 8 were induction tempered.
instance, the increase due to the other elements tempering parameter is found to be equal to These bars were 25.4 mm (1 in.) in diameter and

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152.4 mm (6 in.) long; they were tempered using hardness versus the effective Grange-Baugh- and salt-pot results was greatest for the SAE
a 10 kHz generator at a power setting of 5 kW. man parameter) are shown in Fig. 22 (Ref 6). 1020. Nevertheless, when the SAE 1020 induc-
After being heated to a nominal peak surface The overall decrease in hardness with increas- tion data were compared with the tempering
temperature of 400, 540, or 675  C (750, 1000, ing tempering parameter seen in the isothermal curve prediction based on the Grange-Baughman
or 1250  F), the bars were air cooled. Hard- salt-pot trials (Fig. 19) was replicated in the and the hardness increment factors, the deviation
nesses were measured at the same near-surface induction results. However, the induction sam- was narrowed (Fig. 23) (Ref 6). In fact, the
location as that at which the temperature history ples exhibited somewhat lower hardnesses prediction lay between the induction and the
had been measured for the purpose of calculat- (1 to 3 HRC points) than the salt-pot samples, salt-pot results.
ing the effective tempering parameter. the measurements on which are indicated by The induction tempering data for the alloy
Induction tempering data for the carbon the solid trend lines reproduced here from steels, the chemistries of which are given in
steels listed in Table 8 (in terms of HRC Fig. 19. The difference between the induction Table 8, revealed a trend similar to that for the
carbon steels Fig. 24 (Ref 7). The hardnesses
are lower than those of the corresponding salt-
Table 7 Hardness increment factors for various elements in tempered alloy steels pot-treated samples (Fig. 24). For these steels,
Hardness increment factor at parameter value of: however, the difference is only approximately
Elements(a) Range, % 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 1 to 2 HRC, which is almost within experimental
Manganese 0.85–2.1 35 25 30 30 30 25
Silicon 0.3–2.2 65 60 30 30 30 30 From the aforementioned industrial and labo-
Nickel Up to 4 5 3 6 8 8 6 ratory results, it can be concluded that the
Chromium Up to 1.2 50 55 55 55 55 55 effective tempering parameter offers a useful
Molybdenum(b) Up to 0.35 40 90 160 220 240 210 means of correlating induction temperature-
(20) (45) (80) (110) (120) (105)
Vanadium(c) Up to 0.2 0 30 85 150 210 150 time histories with such mechanical properties
as hardness level.
Note: (a) Factor for boron is 0. (b) If 0.5 to 1.2% Cr is also present, use factors in parentheses. (c) For SAE chromium-vanadium steels; may not
apply when vanadium is the only carbide-forming element present. Source: Ref 3, 8

Effect of Process Variables

Table 8 Chemical analyses of steels used in investigation
Composition, wt% Probably one of the most extensive investi-
Steel C Mn P S Si Cu Sn Ni Cr Mo Al V Co gations of the effects of induction heating vari-
1020 0.22 0.81 0.014 0.036 0.18 0.17 0.010 0.13 0.18 0.046 0.003 0.001 0.005 ables (heating rate, cooling rate, power density,
1042 0.44 0.92 0.025 0.050 0.26 0.029 0.003 0.053 0.078 0.019 0.039 ... 0.002 etc.) and hardenability on tempering response
1095 0.96 0.45 0.023 0.029 0.24 0.013 0.002 0.021 0.094 0.015 0.025 0.002 ... was that conducted by Semiatin, Stutz, and
4130 0.32 0.52 0.012 0.021 0.25 0.11 0.007 0.13 1.04 0.16 0.024 0.005 0.005 Byrer (Ref 7), as briefly summarized in this sec-
4340 0.40 0.76 0.008 0.020 0.28 0.13 0.009 1.62 0.85 0.22 0.039 0.001 0.010
4620 0.17 0.54 0.007 0.016 0.29 0.17 0.009 1.80 0.14 0.26 0.012 0.001 0.033 tion. The investigation demonstrated that rela-
8620 0.19 0.83 0.016 0.025 0.25 0.054 0.004 0.48 0.56 0.19 0.041 0.001 0.006 tively uniform properties could be obtained by
Source: Ref 6
short induction tempering cycles, and the follow-
ing conclusions were determined (Ref 7, 8):

Fig. 20 Comparison of short-time tempering data for 1020 steel (0.22C-0.81Mn-

Fig. 19 Comparison of short-time tempering data for 1020, 1042, and 1095 carbon 0.18Si-0.014P-0.036S-0.13Ni-0.18Cr-0.046Mo) with predictions based on
steels with base hardness curves for 1020, 1050, and 1080 steels from Grange-Baughman base data for 1020 steel and hardness increment factors. Source:
Grange and Baughman. Source: Ref 6, 8 Ref 6, 8

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tempering processes is typically much less

than the constant to which this function is
added when deriving the tempering
 The effect of surface-to-center temperature
differences during induction heating of solid
cross sections for the purpose of tempering
is mitigated, to a large extent, by the con-
duction of heat into the interior after the
power is turned off. Because of heat conduc-
tion, the interior temperature continues to
increase while the surface is cooling, leading
to differences between the peak temperatures
experienced by the surface and center that are
considerably smaller than the steady-state
temperature difference during the heating
cycle. In addition, the effective tempering
time for the central regions of an induction-
heated bar are somewhat greater. These char-
acteristics of the heating process minimize
through-thickness variations in the effective
tempering parameter. Thus, they enable
induction heating to be applied to impart
uniform tempered hardnesses across sections
that have been previously austenitized and
quenched to a uniform hardness.
 Induction heating may also be used to
through temper cross sections that have not
been previously hardened uniformly. Such
tempering treatments tend to decrease pre-
existing hardness gradients by an amount that
increases with the effective tempering param-
eter. As-quenched hardness gradients can be
essentially eliminated in induction tempering
processes in which the effective tempering
parameter equals or exceeds the value at
which the tempered surface hardness equals
the as-quenched center hardness of the part.

Effect of Heating Rate. The effect of heating

rate on induction tempering response was estab-
lished by heating hardened 2.5 cm (1.0 in.)
diameter samples of the steels listed in Table 8
using power settings of 2.5, 5.0, and 10 kW.
These power settings gave rise to heating rates
between 3 and 14  C/s (5 and 25  F/s). In all cases,
bars 15.2 cm (6.0 in.) long were heated to a nomi-
nal peak surface temperature of 540  C (1000  F)
and air cooled. Actual measured peak tempera-
tures were between 525 and 550  C (980 and
1020  F). In these experiments, temperature-
versus-time histories were measured at the
same near-surface location as that at which
Fig. 21 Comparison of short-time tempering data with predictions based on Grange-Baughman base hardness curves the hardnesses were taken.
for carbon steels and hardness increment factors. (a) 4130 steel. (b) 4340 steel. (c) 4620 steel. (d) 8620 steel. With these temperature measurements, effec-
For chemical compositions of these steels, see Table 8. Source: Ref 6, 8 tive tempering parameters (of the Grange-
Baughman form) were estimated. These cal-
culations revealed the parameter to vary only
 The heating rate during induction tempering larger than that of the heating portion of the between approximately 22,500 (10 kW power
can be varied over a wide range without tempering treatment. setting) and 23,500 (2.5 kW power setting).
noticeably affecting the final tempered hard-  Similarly, for a given heating rate, the The rather small variations in the effective
ness. This is a result of the slow air cooling method of cooling has a second-order effect tempering parameter in these cases can be
that typically follows heat treatment. Because on the effective tempering parameter and thus ascribed to the nearly identical (air) cooling
cooling occurs at a much lower rate than on tempered hardness levels. This behavior is cycle in all experiments. Because the cooling
heating, the contribution of the cooling cycle a consequence of the fact that time enters rate was considerably lower than any of the
to the effective tempering time and hence the the tempering parameter equation as a loga- heating rates, it is apparent that the cooling por-
effective tempering parameter is ordinarily rithm whose magnitude for induction tion made a larger contribution to the effective

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Fig. 22 Comparison of tempering behavior of carbon steels heat treated in salt pots (solid Fig. 23 Comparison of tempering data for 1020 steel given salt-pot and induction
lines) and by induction (data points). The induction results are plotted in terms of treatments with a prediction based on Grange and Baughman’s 1020
hardness versus the effective Grange-Baughman parameter. Source: Ref 6, 8 results and hardness increment factors (alloying factors). Source: Ref 8

tempering time and thus the effective tempering led to effective tempering parameters of 23,250 in Fig. 25 and 26 for bars 2.54 and 6.35 cm
parameter. and 22,720, respectively. This small parameter (1.0 and 2.5 in.) in diameter heated to a nomi-
Examination of tempering data, such as those difference, despite the large effective tempering- nal peak temperature of 700  C (1300  F). In
shown in Fig. 19, shows that a variation of time difference (35 versus 9 s), is a result of both figures, the measured surface and center
500 in the tempering parameter should give the fact that the time variable (t) enters the temperature histories for the induction-heated
rise to rather small hardness variations (on the tempering parameter equation as log10 t. Also, solid round bars are plotted. The important fea-
order of 1 HRC point). This hypothesis was the log10 t term is additive to a rather large number tures of these graphs are the following:
verified by the hardness measurements given (14.44). The variation of tempering parameter
in Table 9. It can be seen that, for each steel, with cooling method for the other pairs of data in  The surface temperature exceeds the center
the hardnesses were nearly independent of the Table 10 is similar. The variation of tempering temperature during the heating portion of
heating rate (i.e., power setting). If there is a parameter with cooling method following induc- the cycle.
definite trend, the results suggested a very slight tion heating correlated well with the measured  Beyond the initial heating transient, a
increase in hardness with heating rate. This midwall thickness hardness values (Table 10). As steady-state temperature difference (DT) is
trend is as expected in view of the slight expected, the air-cooled specimens exhibited developed. The magnitude of DT increases
decrease in the effective tempering parameter hardnesses 1 to 2.5 HRC points lower than their with the power setting.
with increasing heating rate. water-quenched counterparts.  At the cessation of heating, the surface temper-
Effect of Cooling Rate. The influence of The data in Table 10 also further confirm con- ature begins to drop immediately (partially due
cooling rate following induction heating on clusions regarding the effect of heating rate on to thermal radiation and convection surface
tempering response was also explained by induction tempering behavior. If the results for heat losses to the surroundings but primarily
Semiatin et al. through the application of the just air-cooled (or water-quenched) specimens due to thermal conduction toward the center
effective tempering parameter. This was done heated to the same nominal peak temperature, of the workpiece). In contrast, the center
for a series of 25.4 cm (10 in.) long tubes of but at different power settings, are compared, temperature continues to rise.
8620 steel that were tempered by heating to the hardnesses are seen to be nearly identical.  Eventually, the center temperature slightly
nominal peak temperatures of either 540 or Effect of Temperature Gradients on Tem- exceeds the surface temperature, and both
675  C (1000 or 1250  F) and subsequently pering Parameter Gradients. The major effect positions cool at approximately the same
air cooled or water quenched. Heating was done of induction heating on hardness and property gra- rate thereafter.
at a power setting of either 5 or 10 kW. The dients in through-tempered parts arises from the
process parameters and calculated effective variation of the temperature-versus-time history The aforementioned characteristics play an
tempering parameters for this series of trials experienced at various locations in the cross sec- important role in determining the difference
are summarized in Table 10. tion. In addition, the existence of nonuniform start- in the effective tempering parameter between
For a given power setting and peak tempera- ing or as-quenched through-thickness hardness the center and surface of induction-tempered
ture, the results in Table 10 demonstrate that patterns plays an important role. The influence of bars.
the major effect of cooling rate on the effective induction-heating temperature gradients is dis- First, it is important to note that the differ-
tempering characteristics was to reduce the cussed in this section. That of nonuniform initial ence in peak temperature between the two loca-
effective tempering time. For example, for the hardness is addressed in the next section. tions is considerably less than the steady-state
experiments in which tubes were heated to Induction heating of round bars (and parts of DT, as revealed by the data in Table 11, which
approximately 540  C (1000  F), using a power similar geometry) gives rise to distinctive heat- have been extracted from Fig. 25 and 26.
setting of 5 kW, air cooling and water quenching ing patterns. Typical examples are depicted This peak temperature difference is only

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approximately one-half the steady-state DT. In

addition, the diffuseness of the center tempera-
ture history gives rise to somewhat larger effec-
tive tempering times. Both of these traits tend
to minimize the variation in effective tempering
parameter between the surface and center loca-
tions. For the heating trials listed in Table 11,
these variations were less than 300 for 2.5 cm
(1.0 in.) diameter bars and less than 1000 for
6.35 cm (2.5 in.) diameter bars.
Based on the results shown in Fig. 19, such
variations in effective tempering parameter
can be expected to produce maximum hardness
variations of 2 HRC points across the cross sec-
tion of uniformly through-hardened steel bars.
Of the two major factors controlling the tem-
pering parameter variation, that is, the varia-
tions in peak temperature and effective
tempering time, the former is surely the more
important. This is because temperature enters
the parameter equation [T*(C + log10 t*)] as a
multiplicative rather than an additive term. For
this reason, gross estimates of the difference
in the tempering parameter and thus predicted
hardnesses based on steady-state DT can be
substantially greater than those based on the
peak temperatures at the surface and center.
Effect of Initial Hardness Pattern on Tem-
pered Hardness Gradients. Besides the tem-
perature distribution prior to quenching,
hardness uniformity through the section in the
as-quenched condition depends, of course, on
the steel hardenability and the quench severity.
Of the alloys used in the investigation, 4130
and 4340 had the highest hardenability, and
hardenability calculations suggested that
2.5 cm (1.0 in.) diameter bars of both steels
and 6.35 cm (2.50 in.) diameter bars of
4340 could be readily through hardened to
practically 100% martensite. Hardness measure-
ments on as-quenched, cross-sectioned samples
supported this conclusion. For the 4130, a
uniform hardness of 52 HRC was obtained.
The hardness for 4340 bars of both diameters
was also fairly uniform; it was 59 HRC.
Based on these measurements and the afore-
mentioned tempering parameter calculations,
the tempered hardnesses of bars of these two
steels would be expected to be fairly uniform.
Fig. 24 Comparison of tempering data for alloy steels given salt-pot and induction treatments with predictions based
This conclusion was supported by the data in
on Grange and Baughman’s carbon steel results and hardness increment factors (alloying factors). (a) 4130
steel. (b) 4340 steel. (c) 4620 steel. (d) 8620 steel. The induction results are plotted in terms of hardness versus the Table 12. Experimental scatter of 1 HRC point
effective Grange-Baughman parameter. Source: Ref 8 tends to mask any effect of tempering parameter

Table 10 Effect of cooling method on hardness of 8620 steel tubes following induction
Table 9 Effect of heating rate (power input) Peak temperature
on hardness of induction-tempered steels Effective Power Air cool (AC) effective tempering
C F tempering time, s setting, kW or water quench (WQ) parameter Hardness, HRC
Hardness, HRC, at power input of:
535 995 35 5.0 AC 23,250 32.8
Alloy 2.5 kW 5 kW 10 kW 548 1018 9 5.0 WQ 22,720 33.8
681 1257 38 5.0 AC 27,500 22.0
1020 30.2 30.7 31.3
678 1252 17 5.0 WQ 26,810 24.0
1042 35.0 35.6 36.6
535 995 30 10.0 AC 23,150 32.9
1095 44.5 44.6 46.4
563 1045 4 10.0 WQ 22,630 34.4
4130 38.4 39.0 40.0
691 1275 31 10.0 AC 27,640 22.8
4340 41.4 41.8 41.4
704 1300 6 10.0 WQ 26,770 25.4
4620 30.6 31.9 31.7
8620 32.2 32.8 33.0 Source: Ref 6, 8

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The hardness gradients shown in Fig. 27 for

the low-hardenability steels were carried over,
to a certain degree, in the induction-tempered
hardness distributions. Sample tempered hard-
ness measurements from these experiments
are given in Table 13. The data show that, in
some instances, the hardness gradient has been
substantially decreased or almost eliminated
(e.g., the data for 1095, 4620, and 8620). This
behavior can be rationalized by reference to
Fig. 28, a schematic illustration of the temper-
ing response of starting microstructures of mar-
tensite, bainite, and pearlite; the basis for these
curves is found in the research of Hollomon and
Jaffe (Fig. 13).
In the work of Semiatin et al., the microstruc-
tures in the as-quenched bars actually consisted
of combinations of the three constituents shown
in Fig. 28. However, it was concluded that tem-
pering behavior at various locations could still
be represented by curves such as these; the
lower curves would be used for the interior
locations and the upper curve for surface and
near-surface locations.
Examination of Fig. 28 reveals that, to elimi-
nate hardness gradients in bars of low harden-
ability, large values of the tempering parameter
must be employed. Specifically, the tempering
parameter must be large enough so that the
hardness of the tempered martensite is dropped
at least to the level of the as-quenched hard-
ness of the lower-temperature transformation
products. With this proviso, the results in Table
13 were easily explained. For the 1020 and 1042
steels, tempering gave rise to surface hardnesses
above those of the as-quenched structures at the
centers of the bars, thereby leaving these locations
relatively untempered. On the other hand, the
1095, 4620, and 8620 steels were tempered to give
hardnesses comparable to, or lower than, the
corresponding as-quenched hardnesses at the cen-
ters of bars of these steels. Neglecting the small
differences in the effective tempering parameter
discussed in the previous section, it is therefore
not unexpected that the hardness gradient in the
latter three steels was eliminated, at least to a first

Good Practice in Induction

It is possible to harden and temper parts
using the same coil and the same power source.
In some applications, it is a legitimate process
that reduces capital cost and requires less tool-
Fig. 25 Temperature-versus-time histories measured at the surface (solid lines) and center (dashed lines) of ing to be stored and maintained. In other cases,
induction-heated and air-cooled bars of 1042 steel. Power settings during induction heating were (a) 2.5,
(b) 5, and (c) 10 kW. Bars were 2.5 cm (1 in.) in diameter and 15 cm (6.0 in.) long. Source: Ref 7
it may not be the best choice. There are several
reasons why, in many applications, the same
inductor and/or inverter should not be used for
variations on hardness gradients across the diam- patterns measured across 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) diam- both induction hardening and tempering.
eter, which would be very small anyway (a max- eter bars of these steels (Fig. 27). The surface When hardening complex-geometry parts, as
imum gradient of 2 HRC points). hardnesses for these steels were indeed repre- well as components with geometrical irregulari-
In contrast to 4130 and 4340, the other steels sentative of structures of 100% martensite, but ties, and when it is necessary to obtain nonuni-
studied (1020, 1042, 1095, 4620, and 8620) lower subsurface hardnesses (and accompany- form hardness patterns, a hardening inductor
had significantly lower hardenability. This fact ing metallography) established a lack of full may be profiled in a certain way to accommo-
was manifested by as-quenched hardness hardening. date the heat intensity in certain areas. The

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Hardness, HRC



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) x/r
Fig. 26 Temperature-versus-time histories measured at the surface (solid lines) and center (dashed lines) of
induction-heated and air-cooled bars of 1042 steel. Power setting during induction heating was 15 kW. 45
Bars were 2.5 cm (1 in.) in diameter and 15 cm (6.0 in.) long. Source: Ref 7


Hardness, HRC
Table 11 Effect of temperature gradients on tempering parameter gradients during 8620
induction heating
Bar diameter Steady-state DT(a) Peak temperature
Effective Effective 4620
cm in. Power setting, kW C F Location C F tempering time, s tempering parameter

2.54 1.0 2.5 14 25 Surface 704 1300 35 28,140 30

Center 693 1280 43 27,980 1020
2.54 1.0 5.0 28 50 Surface 710 1310 28 28,120
Center 699 1290 36 28,000
2.54 1.0 10.0 56 100 Surface 718 1325 25 28,270 25
Center 702 1295 34 28,020 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
6.35 2.5 15.0 97 175 Surface 721 1330 36 28,640 (b) x/r
Center 671 1240 74 27,730
(a) Steady-state DT = Tsurface  Tcenter during steady-state heating portion of induction cycle. Source: Ref 7 Fig. 27 Rockwell C hardness profiles in 2.5 cm (1 in.)
diameter steel bar following furnace austeni-
tizing and water quenching. (a) 1042 and 1095 steels. (b)
1020, 4620, and 8620 steels. The hardnesses are plotted
versus the fractional radial distance (x/r) from the center
Table 12 Hardness measurements on induction-tempered bars of high-hardenability steels of the bar (r = 0). Source: Ref 7

Bar diameter Peak surface temperature Hardness, HRC, at:

Alloy cm in. Power setting, kW C F Surface Center Table 13 Hardness measurements on
4130 2.54 1.0 2.5 535 995 38.4 38.3 induction-tempered bars of low-
5.0 424 796 44.3 43.9 hardenability steels
5.0 545 1013 39.0 38.9
5.0 677 1250 30.1 30.2 Bar diameter Hardness, HRC, at:
10.0 531 987 40.0 39.9 Alloy cm in. Surface Center
4340 2.54 1.0 2.5 546 1014 41.4 42.0
5.0 413 776 48.0 48.7 1020 2.54 1.0 30.7 23.7
5.0 540 1004 41.8 42.0 1042 2.54 1.0 35.6 27.5
5.0 677 1250 34.3 35.1 6.35 2.5 36.1 24.3
10.0 553 1027 41.4 42.3 1095 2.54 1.0 44.6 43.3
4340 6.35 2.50 5.0 539 1002 40.4 40.9 4620 2.54 1.0 31.9 28.8
10.0 685 1265 33.3 33.4 8620 2.54 1.0 32.8 30.6
15.0 543 1010 42.3 43.4 Note: All samples were heated to a nominal peak surface temperature of
Source: Ref 7 540  C (1000  F) at a power setting of either 5 kW (2.54 cm diam bars)
or 15 kW (6.35 cm diam bars). In all cases, the effective tempering param-
eter at the surface and center locations was 23,000 600. Source: Ref 7

optimal coil field distribution for induction In tempering, it is often highly desirable to
hardening (which primarily “sees” a nonmag- use significantly lower frequencies than in hard- steels retain their magnetic properties, loose cou-
netic body because austenitization takes place ening because of the noticeably smaller values pling typically does not appreciably reduce coil
above the Ac3 line) may not be the same as of d. It is also recommended that in tempering electrical efficiency, because a magnetic body
the optimal field distribution for tempering selectively hardened areas, the temper inductor has a greater tendency to attract a magnetic
(because steel is always magnetic when heated should heat not just the hardened region but a field than does a nonmagnetic body. However,
below the Ac1 temperature). Most of the elec- much larger area or, in some cases, even the an ability to provide a uniform and gentle heat-
tromagnetic effects (skin effect, end effect, entire workpiece in order to provide sufficient ing is imperative in induction tempering.
proximity effect, etc.) involved in induction tempering conditions and reduce the radial and As noted, tempering calls for much lower
heating have their own subtleties, both qualita- longitudinal tensile residual stresses typically power densities (6 to 15 times lower) than hard-
tive and quantitative, in hardening and temper- formed in the transition area. A loosely coupled ening. This is because it is important to avoid
ing (Ref 16, 31). multiturn coil can be used for this purpose. Since the occurrence of hot spots in induction

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tempering. Induction hardening is often more hole of sufficient size). Threads are commonly tempered part, and the ductility is only approx-
forgiving in this respect. Too high a power den- tempered by induction. imately one-quarter. With furnace tempering,
sity could also cause the surface temperature to Because tempering is a diffusion-type the hardness was reduced approximately 2 to
exceed the desirable tempering conditions, process, the time needed for its completion 3 HRC compared to the as-quenched hardness.
which could result in an unacceptably soft sur- may be longer than that for hardening and However, in this particular induction tempering
face and an inverse hardening distribution. quenching. Thus, if the same system is used process, the hardness was nearly the same as
Because output power needed for hardening for hardening and tempering, the power utiliza- the as-quenched hardness, which is reasonable
is substantially greater than for tempering, tion factor may suffer. given the short duration of the tempering cycle.
when the same inverter is used for both pro- Example 1: Embrittlement from Induction This particular induction tempering cycle was
cesses, the use of very low powers in tempering Tempering Cycle. Consider the example of found to cause embrittlement of the shaft. The
may pose some challenges, because the output an axle shaft that was induction tempered in a embrittlement was not reversible upon a
power of some inverters is hard to control when scanning operation using the same coil and subsequent furnace temper or even upon reinduc-
they operate at a small fraction (3 to 5%) of equipment used for hardening. After the hard- tion hardening. Figure 30 shows the fracture ori-
their nominal power. ening operation was completed and an average gin surface of the furnace-tempered shaft (Ref
To induction temper gearlike components, effective case depth (40 HRC) of 3.5 mm 43). The fracture mode is intergranular, with some
the choice of process parameters and coil (0.1 in.) was obtained, the shaft was scanned dimple-rupture-type fracture, which would be
geometry is primarily dictated by the need to in the opposite direction at a reduced power, considered normal. Figure 31 shows the fracture
provide enough energy to the root of the tooth with no quench, in order to temper. The indi- origin for the induction-tempered part (Ref 43).
without overheating its tip. However, there are cated surface temperature was approximately Again, the fracture mode is intergranular, but this
several factors that complicate this task, includ- 155  C (310  F) during this tempering portion time very little dimple-rupture-type fracture is
ing the following (Ref 16): of the cycle. The shaft was then scanned at a present.
fast rate in the original direction with the
 There is a poor electromagnetic coupl- quench only in order to cool the part. The fre-
ing between the encircling-type coil and the quency used was 4 kHz. Shafts processed in Properties of Tempered
tooth root. Because the skin effect is often this manner were found to be low in strength Components
highly pronounced in tempering, an un- and ductility, or essentially brittle.
equal electromagnetic coupling poses some Figure 29 shows the bending strength of the As example 1 makes clear, it is important to
challenges in generating sufficient heat in induction-tempered shafts versus a traditional examine the mechanical properties and the part
the root area. furnace temper at approximately the same tem- performance. When validating an induction
 If the same frequency is used for hardening perature (Ref 43). There is a considerable dif- tempering cycle, more than just hardness must
and tempering, then a combination of using ference in strength and ductility between the be considered. This section reviews the effect
lower power densities and dealing with mag- shafts tempered by these two methods: the of tempering on properties of axle shafts and
netic steels in all temperature applications strength of the induction-tempered part is spindles. A comparison also is given of furnace
leads to a highly pronounced skin effect dur- approximately half the strength of the furnace- and induction tempering.
ing induction tempering, which is associated
with a tendency to overheat tooth tips.
 The substantial mass of metal located just below
the root results in an intense heat sink that com-
plements the reduced electromagnetic coupling
and complicates the task of obtaining uniform
heating of the tooth profile.
These are some of the reasons why the majority
of gears are tempered in furnaces. Still, some
gears and gearlike components are tempered
by induction using conventional low-frequency
solenoid coils or C-core inductors (if there is a

Starting Microstructure

Tempering parameter

Fig. 28 Schematic illustration of the tempering behav-

ior (in terms of hardness versus tempering
parameter) of a hypothetical steel initially heat treated
to produce a microstructure of martensite, bainite, or pe- Fig. 29 Bending strength of induction-tempered shafts versus a traditional furnace temper at approximately the same
arlite. Source: Ref 2 temperature. Source: Ref 43

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Effect of Furnace Tempering Tempera- increases only slightly when tempered at tested under fully reversed torsional fatigue.
tures on Properties of Induction-Hardened 150  C (300  F) compared to the untempered The results show a modest increase in fatigue
Axle Shafts. Specifics of the induction harden- condition. By further increasing the tempering life for the shafts tempered at 150  C (300  F)
ing of axle shafts and their mechanical proper- temperature to 230 and 315  C (450 and versus the untempered shafts. However, the
ties also are discussed in a separate article, 600  F), the yield strength increases more shafts tempered at 230  C (450  F) exhibited a
“Induction Case Hardening of Axle Shafts,” in significantly and becomes closer to the ultimate significant decrease in life, and those tempered
this Volume (Ref 44). As a further example, strength. The greatest difference between the at 315  C (600  F) had less than 10% of the life
Fig. 32 shows torsional test data for an induction- torsional ultimate and yield strengths occurs at of the untempered shafts. The large decrease in
hardened semifloat axle shaft made from SAE the 150  C (300  F) tempering temperature, life is likely due to the decrease in residual
1038 steel (Ref 43). These shafts were tested followed by the untempered shafts. At 230 compressive stress as a result of the elevated
in the untempered condition as well as with and 315  C (450 and 600  F), this difference tempering temperatures.
several different tempering temperatures. Tem- decreases. It would be logical to expect ductil- Figure 34 shows the bending strength versus
pering was done at 150, 230, and 315  C ity to behave similarly. However, if one exam- tempering temperature for the SAE 1038 axle
(300, 450, and 600  F) using a furnace. ines the ductility of the shafts, as measured by shafts (Ref 43). The results are somewhat
The data show that the torsional ultimate the degrees of twist to failure, it is evident that the similar to the previous torsion results. The
strength initially increases for shafts tempered 150 and 230  C (300 and 450  F) tempering primary difference is that the bending ultimate
at 150  C (300  F) compared to shafts tested temperatures provide the highest results. At strength does not significantly change with
in the untempered condition. As the tempering these temperatures, the results are nearly the tempering temperature. However, the
temperature increases to 230  C (450  F), the double those in the untempered condition. bending yield strength, or JEL, does increase
torsional ultimate strength decreases to that From the data shown, it appears that tem- with tempering temperature, similar to what
of the untempered shafts. By further increas- pering these SAE 1038 axle shafts at 150 to was observed in the torsion data. The largest
ing the tempering temperature to 315  C 230  C (300 to 450  F) offers a benefit with spread between the bending ultimate and yield
(600  F), the ultimate strength decreases even respect to torsional strength and ductility. strengths is in the untempered condition,
more. The torsional yield strength, as measured Tempering at these temperatures provides the which is contrary to what may be expected.
by the Johnson elastic limit (JEL), the point maximum torsional ultimate strength, the max- Leaving the shafts in this condition prior to
where a 50% change in slope from the elastic imum torsional yield strength, and the maxi- mechanical straightening can be beneficial,
portion of the load-versus-deflection curve mum ductility. because the yield strength is at a minimum
intersects the plastic portion of the curve, Figure 33 shows the torsion fatigue life ver- and the ultimate strength is at a maximum.
sus tempering temperature for the same SAE This would allow the shaft to deform perma-
1038 axle shafts (Ref 43). These shafts were nently at a lower load and provide a large
margin of safety before reaching the ultimate
1600 strength. This condition may also be expected
Ultimate to provide a reasonable amount of energy-
Torsion strength (MPa) and degrees of twist

absorption capability under bending impact
1200 conditions. However, a later example shows
that this is not the case.
Figure 35 shows the rotating-bending fatigue
800 versus tempering temperature for the SAE 1038
shafts (Ref 43). The results show that the maxi-
mum fatigue life is achieved in the untempered
400 condition. There is a moderate decrease in fatigue
life when tempering at 150  C (300  F) versus the
Twist untempered condition. However, there is a signif-
0 icant decrease in life as the tempering temperature
Fig. 30 Fracture origin surface of the furnace-tempered
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 increases above 150  C (300  F). At 315  C (600
Tempering temperature, °C 
shaft. The fracture mode is intergranular, with F), the rotating-bending fatigue life is less than
some dimple-rupture-type fracture, which would be con- 10% of that in the untempered condition.
sidered normal. Source: Ref 43 Fig. 32 Torsional test data for an induction-hardened
From what has been shown so far, the best
semifloat axle shaft made from SAE 1038 steel
furnace tempered 1h. Source: Ref 43 tempering temperature for the SAE 1038 shafts


400 35

350 30
Fatigue life, cycles × 1000

Bending strength, kN

300 25
200 Yield

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Tempering temperature, °C Tempering temperature, °C

Fig. 31 Fracture origin for the induction-tempered part.

Like Fig. 30, the fracture mode is intergranular, Fig. 33 Torsion fatigue life versus tempering tempera- Fig. 34 Bending strength versus tempering temperature
but this time very little dimple-rupture-type fracture is pres- ture for the SAE 1038 axle shafts furnace tem- for the SAE 1038 axle shafts furnace tempered
ent. Source: Ref 43 pered 1h. Source: Ref 43 1h. Source: Ref 43

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in torsion appears to be approximately 150  C increases slightly at 150  C (300  F) and then 315  C (600  F) tempering temperature. This is
(300  F). However, in bending, the best condi- again at 230  C (450  F), where it levels off. the only condition that exhibited any plasticity.
tion appears to be the untempered state. In both The ductility, as measured by degrees of twist, Figure 39 shows the rotating-bending fatigue
torsion and bending, elevated tempering tem- is relatively constant under all conditions results for the SAE 1050M shafts (Ref 43). The
peratures appear to cause a significant reduction except at 315  C (600  F), where it nearly dou- results show a sharp decrease in life when
in fatigue life. The only exception is at 150  C bles. The optimum condition for torsional going from the untempered condition to tem-
(300  F) when the shafts are loaded in torsion. strength and ductility is the highest tempering pering at 150  C (300  F). The life in the latter
For these shafts, the selection of a tempering temperature. condition is approximately 25% of that in
temperature is a compromise, depending on Figure 37 shows the fully reversed torsional the former condition. At 230 and 315  C
whether ultimate strength, yield strength, or fatigue results for the SAE 1050M shafts (450 and 600  F), the rotating-bending life
fatigue life is most important in torsion or bend- (Ref 43). These shafts were run at the same continues to decrease. At 315  C (600  F), the
ing. Induction-hardened SAE 1035 and 1038 stress level as the previous SAE 1038 shafts. life is approximately 10% of that at the untem-
axle shafts have been produced without temper- Unlike the SAE 1038 shafts, the fatigue life pered condition.
ing. The SAE 1035 shafts were completely of the SAE 1050M shafts steadily declines Purely with regard to torsional and bending
untempered, and the SAE 1038 shafts were with increasing tempering temperature. The strength, the best condition for the SAE 1050M
selectively tempered based on hardness to fatigue life at 315  C (600  F) is approximately shafts is at the 315  C (600  F) tempering
reduce any risk of cracking after induction 25% of the life in the untempered condition. temperature. This offers the highest strength
hardening. The tendency for induction-hardened This decrease in life is not quite as drastic as and ductility. With regard to fatigue, the best
parts to crack is increased by increasing carbon that of the SAE 1038 steel. The fatigue life of condition is the untempered condition. However,
content and hardenability. the SAE 1050M axle shafts is also noticeably this is not practical because of the risk of
Figure 36 shows the torsional strength versus lower than that of the SAE 1038 shafts, except cracking after induction hardening. This is a
tempering temperature properties for a different at the highest tempering temperature. The opti- good example of the way a tempering process
semifloat axle shaft produced from SAE 1050M mum condition for torsional fatigue life is in sometimes involves a compromise between
steel (Ref 43). The modification of the steel the untempered condition. conflicting effects. The best compromise is
grade is an increase in manganese to 0.80 to Figure 38 shows the bending strength for the the 150 or 230  C (300 or 450  F) tempering
1.10%. In the untempered condition, the shaft SAE 1050M shafts tempered at the various condi- temperature, depending on whether strength or
has the lowest torsional yield and ultimate tions (Ref 43). The results show a gradual increase fatigue life is more important.
strength. The torsional ultimate strength in the bending ultimate strength with increas- Tempering SAE 1038 and 1050M semifloat
increases somewhat at 150  C (300  F) and ing tempering temperature. The bending yield axle shafts can offer some benefits to static tor-
then remains constant from 230 to 315  C strength is the same as the bending ultimate sional and bending properties. However, with
(450 to 600  F). The torsional yield strength strength for all of the conditions except the one exception, tempering degrades both the tor-
sional and bending fatigue life. Although tem-
pering may affect a component in a defined
90 manner for a given load, this does not necessar-
ily mean it will have a similar effect with a dif-
70 ferent material, part configuration, or load.
Fatigue life, cycles × 1000

Sometimes the effects can be opposite to each

Fatigue life, cycles

60 80

Life other for different load conditions, and the
60 design may end up being a compromise in order
Life to satisfy all conditions.
30 Figure 40 shows an example of another
20 induction-hardened sample tested under bend-
10 ing (Ref 18). The sample is a round SAE
0 0
1038 bar with a shoulder or radius near the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Tempering temperature, °C
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 middle, representative of a semifloat axle shaft.
Tempering temperature, °C
The test data are shown in Fig. 41 as strength,
Fig. 35 Rotating-bending fatigue versus tempering tem- impact energy, and fatigue life versus temper-
perature for the SAE 1038 shafts furnace tem- Fig. 37 Fully reversed torsional fatigue results for the
ing temperature (Ref 18). Both the bending ulti-
SAE 1050M shafts. Source: Ref 43
pered 1h. Source: Ref 43 mate strength and yield strength appear to
remain relatively constant over the range of
Torsional strength (MPa) and degrees of twist

1200 45 180
40 160
Yield Yield 140
Bending strength, kN

30 120
Fatigue life, h

600 25 100
20 80
15 60

200 10 40
5 20
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0 0
Tempering temperature, °C 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Tempering temperature, °C Tempering temperature, °C

Fig. 36 Torsional strength versus tempering tempera-

ture properties for a different semifloat axle Fig. 38 Bending strength for the SAE 1050M shafts Fig. 39 Rotating-bending fatigue results for the SAE
shaft produced from SAE 1050M steel. Source: Ref 43 tempered at various conditions. Source: Ref 43 1050M shafts. Source: Ref 43

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tempering temperatures. This is slightly dif- agreement with the previous shaft data. The impact resistance because of the large spread
ferent from the actual SAE 1038 semifloat impact energy is constant up to 175  C (350  F) between the yield and ultimate strength. How-
shaft data previously shown. The fatigue life and then begins to increase above that. With the ever, the data generated here does not support
is constant up to 175  C (350  F) but decreases previous shaft data, it was suspected that the that conclusion.
rapidly above that. This is in reasonable untempered condition may provide the greatest Figure 42 shows data from an SAE 1040
induction-hardened test shaft tempered at
various temperatures and tested in torsion
(Ref 43). This information is similar to what
Load was previously presented for the SAE 1038 axle
shafts. However, the test shafts are fully
1.25 in. (31.75 mm)
machined with a reduced-gage section in the
R =0.09 in. (2.29 mm) middle and a larger-diameter spline on both
Induction pattern ends. The torsional properties are plotted on
the vertical axis, and the tempering temperature
1 in. is shown on the horizontal axis. Compared to
1.6 in. (40.6 mm) diam (25.4 mm)
the untempered condition, the torsional ultimate
1 in. (25.4 mm) strength increases slightly at 150  C (300  F)
and then decreases at tempering temperatures
above that. The torsional yield strength also
3 in. (76.2 mm) 3.75 in. (95.25 mm) increases slightly at 150  C (300  F) and then
increases above that. The ductility, or degrees
of twist, increases with the tempering tempera-
6 in. (152.4 mm) ture, reaches a maximum at 200  C (390  F),
and then drops back down. Figure 43 shows
Fig. 40 Example of another induction-hardened sample tested under bending. Source: Ref 18 the same data for an SAE 1541 test shaft. The
curves of the torsional properties versus the
20 tempering temperature appear to be nearly
identical to the previous SAE 1040 curves
(Ref 43).
16 Figures 44 and 45 show the fully reversed
Slow bend ultimate torsional fatigue data for the same SAE 1040
Fatigue life,
cycles × 1000 14 and 1541 test shafts (Ref 43). The SAE 1040
shafts exhibit a large increase in life at 200  C
Impact energy,
ft • lb × 100 Torsional fatigue B50 life at 470 MPa, cycles × 100 12
10 Slow bend
(J × 135.6)
8 10

Bending strength, Fatigue life at 7000 lb Life

lb × 1000 6 8
(31,137.4 N)
(N × 4448.2)
Impact 6

2 energy
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 2
(–18) (38) (93) (149) (204) (260) (316) (371) (427)
Tempering temperature, °C (°F) 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Tempering temperature, °C
Fig. 41 Strength, impact energy, and fatigue life versus tempering temperature of induction-hardened round test bar
(1038 steel) with effective case depth of 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) to 40 HRC. Source: Ref 18
Fig. 44 Fully reversed torsional fatigue data for SAE
1040 test shafts. Source: Ref 43
Torsional strength, N/m × 1000, degrees of twist × 100

Torsional strength, N/m × 1000, degrees of twist × 100

Torsional fatigue B50 fatigue life at 513 MPa, cycles × 1000

Ultimate 8 5
7 4.5
5 4
4 5

3 4 2.5
Twist Yield
2 3 Life
Twist 1.5
1 1

1 0.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0
Tempering temperature, °C 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Tempering temperature, °C Tempering temperature, °C

Fig. 42 Torsional strength of SAE 1040 induction-

hardened test shaft tempered at various tem- Fig. 43 Torsional strength of SAE 1541 test shaft ver- Fig. 45 Fully reversed torsional fatigue data for SAE
peratures and tested in torsion. Source: Ref 43 sus the tempering temperature. Source: Ref 43 1541 test shafts. Source: Ref 43

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Tempering of Induction Hardened Steels / 155

(390  F), compared to the untempered condition Figure 46 shows the torsional fatigue life impact conditions (Ref 18). The material was
and those tempered at 150  C (300  F). At tem- versus tempering temperature for several differ- SAE 15B35, quenched and tempered to 229 to
pering temperatures above 200  C (390  F), the ent shafts (Ref 18). The shafts were tested at 269 HB and with the radius induction hardened
fatigue life decreases, and at 260  C (500  F), different torques, so the numeric values from to an effective case depth of 2.54 mm (1 in.)
the life is approximately equal to the untempered one shaft to the next are not directly compara- and a hardness of 40 HRC. This material, pro-
condition. Even though the static torsional ble. However, comparing the trend from one cessed in this way, represents that used in a front
properties are similar for the SAE 1040 and group to the next is valid. It can be seen that wheel spindle, where the induction-hardened
1541 shafts, the fatigue life is much different. for most of the SAE 1035 to 1040 shafts, the case is normally induction tempered back to
With the SAE 1541 shafts, the fatigue life fatigue life increases from the untempered 41 to 48 HRC. Various tempering temperatures,
does not increase at a tempering temperature condition to approximately 200  C (390  F). from no temper, shown at 25  C (75  F), to
of 200  C (390  F) but rather remains steady However, the degree of the increase varies 430  C (800  F), were used. The bending impact
up to this temperature. Above 200  C (390  F), greatly, from insignificant to very significant. data are shown in Fig. 48 (Ref 18). The data
the fatigue life does begin to drop off, similar Variability is always present when running show that the bending strength starts to decrease
to the SAE 1040 shafts. With both materials, static or cyclic tests on components. Because above 180  C (350  F). The surface hardness
there is no significant degradation in life until of this, the effect of tempering may be different decreases slightly at 180  C (350  F) and then
the tempering temperature is above 260  C from one test to another. The more data gener- decreases more rapidly above that. Tempering
(500  F). This is different from the SAE 1038 ated, especially from different lots of material, at 345 to 430  C (650 to 800  F) provides
semifloat axle shaft data previously shown, where the clearer the picture will be. 41 to 48 HRC hardness. The bending yield
the life degraded at a much lower tempering Spindles. Figure 47 shows a U-notched test strength, shown as the JEL, increases to a maxi-
temperature. bar that was tested under three-point bending mum at 275  C (525  F) and then falls off.
The absorbed impact energy is steady up to
260  C (500  F) and then increases slightly from
(G) SAE 1035 semifloat
345 to 430  C (650 to 800  F).
24 The data show that tempering at 345 to 430  C
22 (650 to 800  F) does maximize the absorbed
(F) SAE 1038 full float impact energy. The gain is approximately 35%.
20 Tempering within this range also increases the
18 yield strength compared to no tempering or a
low-temperature temper, while the ultimate
16 strength is lower.
Fatigue life,
cycles × 10,000 14 Figure 49 shows the bending fatigue life of
(curves E–G) (E) SAE 1038 full float actual SAE 15B35 induction-hardened spindles
12 versus the induction power setting (Ref 18).
Fatigue life, Also shown is the hardness at each power
cycles × 100,000 (D) SAE 1038 semifloat setting, which can be equated to the furnace
(curves A–D) 8 tempering temperatures in the previous figure.
(C) SAE 1038 semifloat The maximum fatigue life is in the untempered
condition, and there is no change up to 180  C
4 (350  F). Above this temperature, the fatigue
(B) SAE 1040 cold-drawn bar life drops off very rapidly. The life at 42 HRC
(A) SAE 1541 hot rolled bar is approximately 25% of that in the untempered
0 condition.
(0) (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) By induction hardening and tempering the
–18 38 93 149 204 260 316 371 427
spindle back to 41 to 48 HRC, the yield
Tempering temperature, (°F)°C
strength and impact energy are maximized;
however, the fatigue life is significantly reduced
Fig. 46 Torsional fatigue life versus tempering temperature for several different shafts. Source: Ref 18
compared to a low-temperature temper or no
temper. The designer needs to be aware of this
and decide which criteria are most important
for the application.
Induction Tempering versus Furnace Tem-
pering. There are a number of studies related to
a comparison of components having different
conditions: as-quenched versus furnace tem-
pered versus induction tempered. One such
study was conducted in Germany by Madler
0.425 in. (10.8 mm) and Grosch (Ref 39). Specimens of three plain
carbon steels and three low-alloy steels with
different carbon content were induction hard-
ened to varying case depths, followed by
conventional furnace tempering (180  C, or
R = 0.09 in. (2.29 mm)
360  F, for 2 h) and induction tempering (peak
temperature was 250  C, or 480  F, with a heat-
2 in. (50.8 mm) ing rate of 46  C/s, or 83  F/s). A third group of
specimens was evaluated in the as-quenched
U-notched test bar that was tested under three-point bending impact conditions. 64.5 mm (2.5 in.) bar, 13  condition. Table 14 shows the chemical compo-
Fig. 47
13 mm (0.5  05 in.). Source: Ref 18 sition of the investigated steels. Steels with

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156 / Induction Heat Treating

higher carbon content were selected to examine

the influence of high-carbon martensite and Impact bending
retained austenite. Most of the specimens were 10
ultimate strength
normalized after mechanical processing, the
exceptions being the Ck45 specimens, which
Bending strength,

Surface hardness, HRC

already had a mixed ferritic-pearlitic micro- lb × 1000 8
structure. The 100Cr6 specimens were annealed. (N × 4448.2) Hardness 50
After tempering, the parts were air cooled.
Table 15 shows the case depths of the investi- Impact energy, 6
gated steels. Hardness profiles of the 10 mm ft • lb × 100
Impact bending 40
(0.4 in.) diameter parts in as-quenched condi- (J × 135.6)
yield strength
tion versus furnace tempered versus induction 4
tempered are shown in Fig. 50. The hardness
profiles for induction- and furnace-tempered 30
parts are nearly identical. 2
Impact energy
Tests were performed to determine the bend-
ing strength of the various materials (Ref 39).
The study revealed that the bending strength 0 20
(0) (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800)
for the tempered samples versus the untempered
–18 38 93 149 204 260 316 371 427
samples was substantially increased for medium-
Tempering temperature, °C (°F)
carbon steels regardless of the tempering method
(Fig. 51). In contrast, steels with higher carbon
Fig. 48 Bending impact data from U-notched bar of SAE 15B35 steel, quenched and tempered to 229 to 269 HB.
contents showed lower bending strength, and Induction-hardened effective case depth of 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) to 40 HRC. Source: Ref 18
the difference between the untempered and tem-
pered samples was not as significant.
The results of the impact tests are summar- 200
ized in Fig. 52 (Ref 39). The results mirror Same hardness as 350 °F (177 °C) furnace temper
the bending-strength data. The toughness of 180
medium-carbon steels was increased apprecia- 160
bly by both tempering methods. The steels with 54 HRC 53 HRC
higher carbon contents, in particular the 100Cr6 Same hardness as 650 °F (343 °C)
steel, showed a considerably lower increase in 120 furnace temper
toughness by tempering, but, in general, the Fatigue life,
cycles × 1000 100
conventional and induction tempering were
47 HRC
approximately equal. 80 Same hardness as 800 °F
46 HRC (427 °C) furnace
60 47 HRC
Final Remarks 44 HRC
42 HRC

The decision whether to temper or not tem- 0

per an induction-hardened part and what tem- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
pering method and process settings should be Induction temper power, kW/s
used depends on the application specifics. In
general, tempering decreases hardness (exclud- Fig. 49 Bending fatigue life of actual SAE 15B35 induction-hardened spindles versus the induction power setting.
ing secondary-hardening cases) and residual Source: Ref 18
stress but increases ductility and impact resis-
tance (excluding cases when an embrittlement Table 14 Chemical composition and hardness of the investigated materials
occurs). The effect of tempering on other
Chemical composition, wt%
mechanical properties is not as well defined
and can vary, depending on the specific loading Steel grade C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Al Cu Ni V N hardness, HV 10
conditions, geometry of the component, its ... ... ...
Ck45 1.1191 0.45 0.26 0.57 0.017 0.011 0.11 0.01 0.1 0.003 242
functionality, and the steel grade. For this rea- Cf53 1.1213 0.56 0.29 0.69 0.009 0.016 ... ... 0.032 ... ... ... 0.011 190
son, it is best to validate the effects of temper- Ck67 1.1744 0.7 0.29 0.79 0.016 0.025 0.21 0.02 0.031 0.02 0.03 ... ... 210
ing on the actual part by using the anticipated 42CrMo4 1.7225 0.4 0.24 0.71 0.014 0.023 1.03 0.17 ... ... ... ... ... 195
50CrMo4 1.7228 0.51 0.23 0.68 0.01 0.017 1.08 0.26 0.027 0.08 0.06 ... ... 208
service conditions. ... ...
100Cr6 1.3505 0.97 0.26 0.31 0.012 0.008 1.52 0.05 0.029 0.13 0.14 259
Furnace tempering is a well-proven and
robust process. It can be done using the batch
process or the continuous process. The batch
process requires that parts are accumulated Table 15 Case depth of hardened steels in tempering investigation
after hardening and then moved to the temper- Steel grade Limiting hardness, HV 1 Case hardness depth (n = 3), mm
ing operation. However, it is important to con- Ck45 550 ... 1.1 0.08 1.6 0.10 2.7 0.05 ...
sider furnace loading and to make certain all Cf53 650 ... ... 1.6 0.20 2.2 0.20 Through hardened
parts within a load reach the proper temperature Ck67 675 0.7 0.01 1.0 0.04 1.7 0.06 ... ...
42CrMo4 500 ... 1.3 0.04 1.9 0.03 2.5 0.19 ...
for the specified amount of time. The continu- ... ...
50CrMo4 600 1.0 0.01 1.7 0.07 2.5 0.07
ous process with an overhead furnace and con- 100Cr6 675 0.5 0.02 1.2 0.02 1.8 0.05 ... ...
veyor would provide in-line capability.

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950 950
Cf53 Case depth: 1.6 mm 50CrMo4 Case depth: 1.7 mm
850 850
Vickers hardness, HV

Vickers hardness, HV
750 750

650 650

550 550

450 450

350 350
As-quenched As-quenched
250 Tempered at 180 °C 250 Tempered at 180 °C
Induction tempered Induction tempered
150 150
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
(a) Distance from surface, mm (b) Distance from surface, mm

950 950
Ck67 Case depth: 1.6 mm 100Cr6 Case depth: 1.8 mm
850 850
Vickers hardness, HV

750 750

Vickers hardness, HV
650 650

550 550

450 450

350 350
As-quenched As-quenched
250 Tempered at 180 °C 250 Tempered at 180 °C
Induction tempered Induction tempered
150 150
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
(c) Distance from surface, mm (d) Distance from surface, mm

Fig. 50 Hardness profiles in 10 mm (0.4 in.) diameter specimens of induction-hardened steels. (a) Cf53. (b) 50CrMo4. (c) Ck67. (d) 100Cr6. Source: Ref 39

Induction tempering offers a single-part pro- to higher-temperature/shorter-time tempering 2. J.H. Hollomon and L.D. Jaffe, Time-
cessing. Its in-line capability can be very ben- could be different than parts subjected to Temperature Relations in Tempering Steel,
eficial in eliminating any delayed cracking lower-temperature/longer-time tempering. Trans. AIME, Vol 162, 1945, p 223
issues, because it minimizes the time between Although, in some cases, furnace and induc- 3. R.A. Grange and R.W. Baughman, Trans.
hardening and tempering. Because of econom- tion tempering methods may provide parts with ASM, Vol 48, 1956, p 165
ics, individual part traceability, and manu- slightly different properties, it does not mean 4. R.A. Grange, C.R. Hribal, and L.F. Porter,
facturing flexibility, induction tempering is that one tempering method is always better than Hardness of Tempered Martensite in Car-
becoming more prevalent. It can greatly another. It is application specific. The ultimate bon and Low-Alloy Steels, Metall. Trans.
reduce the tempering time as well as decrease proof of any production process is how well A, Vol 8, 1977, p 1775–1785
the floor space needed. Induction tempering the component performs in testing and actual 5. G. Krauss, Steels: Heat Treatment and Pro-
is used in many applications; however, more service. cessing Principles, ASM International, 2005
care is needed to ensure proper results. With 6. S.L. Semiatin, D.E. Stutz, and T.G. Byrer,
induction tempering, the results are achieved Induction Tempering of Steel, Part I:
in a matter of seconds or dozens of seconds Development of an Effective Tempering
versus hours. When short tempering times are Some of the materials in this article were Parameter, J. Heat Treat., Vol 4 (No. 1),
applied, it is imperative to have closer control adapted from material previously published in American Society for Metals, June 1985,
of process parameters and to assure proper part S.L. Semiatin and D.E. Stutz, Induction Heat p 39–46
positioning in respect to the induction coil to Treatment of Steel, ASM International, 1986, 7. S.L. Semiatin, D.E. Stutz, and T.G. Byrer,
avoid excessive variations in the tempering along with the research and design data accu- Induction Tempering of Steel, Part 2:
results. mulated by the authors as well as materials Effect of Process Variables, J. Heat Treat.,
The decision as to which tempering process mentioned in the reference list. Vol 4 (No. 1), American Society for
to use should be carefully weighed. Studies Metals, June 1985, p 47–55
show that, in some cases, mechanical properties 8. S.L. Semiatin and D.E. Stutz, Induction
of parts processed by both tempering techni- REFERENCES Heat Treatment of Steel, American Society
ques are identical (practically speaking). How- for Metals, 1986
ever, in other cases, regardless of the similar 1. M.A. Grossmann and E.C. Bain, Principles 9. R.W.K. Honeycombe and H.K.D.H. Bha-
hardness readings and achieved patterns, the of Heat Treatment, American Society for deshia, Steels: Microstructure and Proper-
properties of the tempered parts subjected Metals, 1964 ties, Arnold, Great Britain, 1995

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5000 5000
Cf53 50CrMo4
4500 4500

Bending-crack stress, N/mm

Bending-crack stress, N/mm

4000 4000
3500 Tempered at 180 °C 3500 Tempered at 180 °C
Induction tempered
3000 3000 Induction tempered

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000
1.6 2.2 Through hardened 1.0 1.7 2.5
Case depth, mm Case depth, mm
(a) (b)

5000 5000
Ck67 100Cr6
4500 4500
Bending-crack stress, N/mm

Bending-crack stress, N/mm

4000 4000

3500 3500

3000 As-quenched 3000 As-quenched

Tempered at 180 °C Tempered at 180 °C
2500 2500
Induction tempered Induction tempered
2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000
0.7 1.0 1.6 0.5 1.2 1.8
(c) Case depth, mm (d) Case depth, mm

Fig. 51 Bending-crack stresses in 10 mm (0.4 in.) diameter specimens of induction-hardened steels. (a) Cf53. (b) 50CrMo4. (c) Ck67. (d) 100Cr6. Source: Ref 39

10. K.E. Thelning, Steel and Its Heat Treat- 20. G. Krauss, Heat Treatment Martensitic Steels: Tempering and Tempering Kinetics in
ment, Butterworths, London, 1975 Microstructural Systems for Advanced Martensitic Medium-Carbon Steel, Metall.
11. C. Brooks, Principles of the Heat Treat- Manufacture, ISIJ, Vol 35 (No. 4), 1995, Mater. Trans. A, Vol 40, March 2009,
ment of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy p 349–358 p 551–558
Steels, ASM International, 1996 21. H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, Tempered Martens- 28. S.K. Dhua, D. Mukerjee, and D.S. Sarma,
12. Heat Treating, Vol 4, ASM Handbook, ite, University of Cambridge, Great Britain, Influence of Tempering on the Micro-
ASM International, 1991 2005 structure and Mechanical Properties
13. L. Samuels, Light Microscopy of Carbon 22. D.K. Bullens, Steel and Its Treatment, Wiley, of HSLA-100 Steel Plates, Metall.
Steels, ASM International, 1999 New York, 1948 Mater. Trans. A, Vol 32, Sept 2001,
14. R.N. Penha, L. Canale, and S. Lampman, 23. M. Lozinskii, Industrial Applications of p 2259–2270
Tempering of Steels, Steel Heat Treat- Induction Heating, Pergamon Press, London, 29. R. Gingras and M. Grenier, Software
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ASM Handbook, ASM International, 2013 24. G. Golovin and M. Zamiatin, High Fre- Ind. Heat., Dec 2005, p 49–52
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tional, 1999 25. J.D. Wong, D.K. Matlock, and G. Krauss, erties of Low Alloy Steel Tempered by
16. V. Rudnev, D. Loveless, R. Cook, and Effects of Induction Tempering on Induction Heating, J. Mater. Process.
M. Black, Handbook of Induction Heating, Microstructure, Properties and Fracture Technol., Elsevier, 2005, p 54–58
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17. T.H. Spencer, Induction Hardening and Tem- of the 43rd Mechanical Working and taglia, Principles of Induction Hardening
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18. G. Fett, “Tempering of Case Hardened ISS, 2001, p 21–36 Heat Treatment, Vol 4C, ASM Handbook,
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Tempering of Induction Hardened Steels / 159

350 300
Ck45 42CrMo4
300 250
250 Tempered at 180 °C 200
Impact work

Impact work
Induction tempered
50 50 Tempered atat180
Tempered 180°C
Induction tempered
Induction tempered
0 0
1.1 1.6 2.7 1.3 1.9 2.5
(a) Case depth, mm (b) Case depth, mm

300 300
Ck67 100Cr6
250 250

200 200
Impact work

Impact work
Tempered at 180 °C As-quenced
150 150
Induction tempered Tempered at 180 °C
100 100 Induction tempered

50 50

0 0
0.7 1.0 1.7 0.5 1.2 1.8
(c) Case depth, mm (d) Case depth, mm

Fig. 52 Impact work in 10 mm (0.4 in.) diameter specimens of induction-hardened steels. (a) Ck45. (b) 42CrMo4. (c) Ck67. (d) 100Cr6. Source: Ref 39

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