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— Because its faculty is made up of teachers from
The Politecnico, together with its advanced a variety of fields, from both inside and outside
production system and a top-class historic culture, the Politecnico di Milano, the Specializing Master
creates for its master students access to this value. establishes a set of multidisciplinary skills called upon
Politecnico’s technical and design culture, placed in throughout the course of training. Cultural visits to
Design 5th place in the world and powered by Italian foundations and museums, along with technical field
design masters such as Marco Zanuso and Achille trips to manufacturing companies, round out the
Castiglioni, is integrated with the high technology training and foster the attainment of educational
and engineering expertise in the field of production objectives. Many graduates from previous editions are
and innovative materials, feeding the tradition of playing leading roles in major manufacturing concerns
excellence from the Nobel Prize for Chemistry Giulio or renowned design studios, including: Whirlpool
Natta to our day. Europe, Chicco Artsana, 3M, Polti, Cini&Nils
It is a high profile professionalism the Specializing Lighting, V12 Design, Studio Volpi, Studio Luca Trazzi,
Master purpose, placing the designer and product Serralunga, Rupes spa, Zinc, Design Group Italia, Toys
design expert in line with contemporary technology Toys, Ditronetwork srl. Others have founded and
and innovation, starting from a solid tradition on directed their own studio.
creativity and method.
The Specializing Master in Industrial Design TRAINING OBJECTIVES
Engineering and Innovation, directed by Prof. Matteo —
O. Ingaramo, was created to mold capable designers The Master aims to develop professionals who are
who can manage the entire development of a new able to deal with the design and production process
product from the initial concept to the manufacturing of large and small series industrial products, placing
stage. special emphasis on technological, production and
This Specializing Master joins the artistic and cost aspects,without neglecting the aspects of
humanistic skills belonging to design culture with expressivequality.
the technical know-how that relates to production The curriculum offered by the Master in Industrial
technology, materials, and manufacturing costs. It Design, Engineering and Innovation combines the
strives to meet the need to operate in a worldwide artistic and humanistic skills related to project
landscape of heightened competition where the culture and language of the product with techniques
designer can increase the value of a product by related to manufacturing technologies, materials
making innovations – in both aesthetics and usability and industrial costs. This way, it aims to respond to
– that take advantage of available technologies. The the need to compete in an increasingly competitive
aim is to train professionals whose creative capacity international scene, in which the designer is able to
is matched by technical expertise and awareness in a enhance product value by generating innovations
product’s industrial feasibility. (aesthetic and use) that take advantage of the

25 1500 13 €12.500
students hours months cost

p. / 2 Specializing Master
possibilities offered by the available technologies. in manufacturing enterprises to acquire an
It is therefore of primary importance to develop understanding of how to manage – at the design
professionals that combine creative skills with sound stage – all the variables related to planning new
technical skills related to industrial feasibility of the manufactured products of medium complexity, with
product. an eye to applying planning systems to industrial
DIDACTIC PL AN • 3 – Production Processes and Methods
— Students acquire the ability to understand and
The Masters teaching includes lectures, seminars, manage the technical, technological, organizational,
practical classes and workshops. The program is and financial issues involved in manufacturing
divided into three main topics of study: processes and the workflow of industrial logistics for
• large appliances; medium-complexity products.
• small appliances; • 4 – Financial Evaluation of a Design
• consumer electronics and IT products. Students acquire the knowledge about the cost
Particular attention will be given to learning the of running machinery, tooling up, machining, and
theoretical methods and techniques behind the use finishing that is needed to evaluate the ‘industrial
of software for three-dimensional digital modelling. cost’ of a product. They learn to select among
The course provided is divided intoareas – comprising possible design solutions, taking into account the
a total of modules, workshops and the Internship to project’s economic feasibility.
achieve a total of 60 CFU credits (university credits). • 5 – Quality Control and Certification, Patenting
The final exam consists in the development and We learn about certification procedures for
presentation of an elaborate in which the candidate manufactured goods and for stages of the production
will take care of bringing out the experience gained process, as well as the procedures for protecting
during the curricular internship and all the master inventions and a product’s planning value.
activities and developed projects. • 6 – Materials and Technologies
This module provides the knowledge and tools that
DIDACTIC MODULES enable designers to understand how manufactured
— products relate to the materials they are made of,
The 11 learning modules: using material-selection information systems such
• 1 – Computer-aided Design (CAD) as the design version of the Cambridge Engineering
We learn both the theoretical methods and the Selector (CES).
practical techniques for applying dedicated software • 7 – Enterprise and Innovation
to three-dimensional modeling. This includes an Objectives include acquiring the main skills needed to
in-depth understanding of the issues involved in organize a product portfolio coherent with company
modelling and in photorealistic rendering. We learn strategy and to organize the innovation process so as
to handle both suface modelling and top-down to integrate all the corporate skills involved, as well
parametric 3D modelling. as some know-how for setting up, managing, and
Specifically, we deal with the stages of form verifying the individual development projects for a
development starting from product conception and new product.
we develop skills in using engineering software during • 8 – Tools for Design-driven Innovation
execution stages of the design that are compatible Defining the concept of innovation led by design.
with rapid prototyping and putting items into This involves an in-depth look at design’s contribution
automated production. to new product development, providing knowledge
• 2 – Processes and Criteria for Designing needed in creating innovative product concepts.
This module analyzes the development process


p. / 3
• 9 – Empowerment • Product-development Laboratory: Executive
This course contributes to the student’s individual development of industrial products
learning process through lessons in self- Students are called upon to develop the designs laid
empowerment, public speaking, and teamwork. out in the preceding phase. Specifically, they have
• 10 – English Language to make detailed choices about materials, production
Improved language skills are needed to work in processes and logistics, and how to present the
a corporate or professional environment, both design. This must be done with an eye to chances
for technical purposes and for managing product for optimizing product parts for actually putting
development. it into production. Special attention is thus paid
• 11 – Seminars to execution design, using parametric modeling
The seminars led by professionals from the corporate software and, where called for, physical modeling and
world deal with issues in designing products of component prototyping.
medium complexity, in production processes, and in There will be a strong focus on learning theoretical
tools for innovation. methods and acquiring the techniques that underlie
Workshops and Product-development Laboratory the use of dedicated software applied to three-
The workshops are design simulations on topics dimensional modeling.
identified in the course of training. The Specializing
Master follows two sequential workshop phases, in TITLE RELEASED
incremental difficulty. This makes it possible to coach —
students gradually into a growing design awareness. Upon completion of the Specializing Master, students
Practical design work wraps up with the Product- earn a first-level Politecnico di Milano Specializing
development Laboratory, where students learn Master Degree, provided they have met the 75%
product-plan execution. minimum attendance requirement.
• Workshop 1: Product Concept and Layout In addition to the degree, the program also issues:
In this design simulation students identify usability • certificate for completion of course in Rhinoceros
limitations in specific product categories. They start with software-manufacturer accreditation from
by analyzing state-of-the-art products and users McNeel;
on the market, in an attempt to uncover unsatisfied • certificate for completion of course in CREO with
needs. Using this analysis, students are expected software-manufacturer accreditation from PTC.
to design a new product, including layout and
determining its main components. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
• Workshop 2 and Product-development Laboratory: —
Design and executive development of industrial The Master programme was created to train
product expert designers, who can develop a new product
The exercise consists in the design of mass from its concept to production. The employment
consumption products of medium complexity starting opportunities are:
from removal and relief of an existing product. After • working with professional firms which participate
analyzing and understanding the starting material, in the various product development stages, from
students are required to prepare a brief that highlights concept to engineering;
the possible areas of project. Improvement focus on • working with manufacturing companies belonging
formal and usability aspects of the product, without to the sectors which make up the Italian production
ever neglecting the industrial feasibility aspects industry (e.g. house hold and professional appliances,
and methods of assembly. The level of definition lighting, furniture, toys and children’s products);
of the project is accurate, with great attention to • freelancing with enhanced skills to interact with the
the producibility and the clear identification of all business world.

p. / 4 Specializing Master
The professional role will be an expert DEADLINES
productdesigner, with theoretical knowledge —
combined with significant experience applied to To take part to the selection process, the application
production processes. By achieving the necessary form must be completed online within the following
professional field experience, students can aspire deadlines:
to the role of product manager responsible for the • for Italian / foreign citizens with a qualification
development of new products. obtained in Italy within October 28th, 2022
• for Extra U.E. citizens within September 28th,

Candidates with Bachelor or Master of Science on PRICE
Engineering, Architecture,Industrial Design fields can —
be eligible. The Specialising Master’s Board requires The Specializing Master costs € 13.000 (including
applicants to pass a selection interview. Politecnico di Milano enrollment fee of € 500 €)
The selection interview will take place online after exempt from VAT under Article 10 of DPR 633/72.
they will have sent their application documents.
The Board reserves the right to select and admit
graduates or applicants with a three-year university
degree (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) from
other universities, on condition that those academic
qualifications are compatible with the Specializing
Master’s subjects and/or applicants with a curriculum
vitae that is coherent with the Specialising Master.
Foreign applicants holding equivalent qualifications
are welcome to apply for enrolment in the
Specialising Master.


Scientific Director Matteo O. Ingaramo


p. / 5
Politecnico di Milano / Campus Bovisa
Via Don Giovanni Verità, 25
20158 — Milano

T. 02 2399 7206


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