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Sittie Raisam M. Pumbaya BSMT-1st Year

Make an essay about your reaction on the attached videos below with minimum of
500 words. 

The video talks about the nature of mathematics. Patterns the we can find or see in
nature like on animals, plants or flowers and even on food. Also, about the origin of
math, where and when it started. Where the first equation came from. The negative
numbers were invented in India. There are two types of math that can be divided into
two. The applied and pure mathematics. The video helps us to understand the history
of mathematics. Also, mathematics is the study of the measurement, properties, and
relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols. Problem solving is the key to
being able to do all other aspects of mathematics, and it also gives a better
understanding of the problem at hand. When problem solving, we learn that there are
many different ways to solve a problem, and that more than one answer is possible. It
involves the ability to explore, think through an issue, and the reason logically to solve
routine as well as non-routine problems. For example, in real life, when you get into a
conflict, there are many ways to solve that problem. When we can do something to a
pattern that leaves it unchanged, we call that a symmetry of the pattern.

In every happening in our surrounding has anything to do with math because math is
everywhere. I have also learned that patterns of form and motion reveal deep
regularities in the world around us specifically the sixfold symmetry of
snowflakes which to conjecture that all matter is composed of atoms; patterns
of waves and dunes give clues to the laws of fluid flow; and tiger stripes and
hyena spots give a key to understanding the processes of biological growth.
It's like science and mathematics is connected in some ways. I enjoyed
watching the videos that are attached on google classroom because it is truly
interesting, informative and educational in a way that its presented and
provided evident examples of mathematics in our nature.
Mathematics in Modern World
trains us to maximize our usage
of creativity and logic,
things that are both
essential and salient to us
architecture students. In the
first half of
semester, we were taught how
mathematics is found
everywhere and how it does
wonder. The
short film “Nature by
Numbers” creatively displays
some of the millions of
examples of
mathematical concepts found in
our own unique world. This
course reminded us to
the things we always neglect
and that mathematics is more
than just a powerful tool that
complex problems.
Mathematics in Modern World
trains us to maximize our usage
of creativity and logic,
things that are both
essential and salient to us
architecture students. In the
first half of
semester, we were taught how
mathematics is found
everywhere and how it does
wonder. The
short film “Nature by
Numbers” creatively displays
some of the millions of
examples of
mathematical concepts found in
our own unique world. This
course reminded us to
the things we always neglect
and that mathematics is more
than just a powerful tool that
complex problems
Mathematics in Modern World
trains us to maximize our usage
of creativity and logic,
things that are both
essential and salient to us
architecture students. In the
first half of
semester, we were taught how
mathematics is found
everywhere and how it does
wonder. The
short film “Nature by
Numbers” creatively displays
some of the millions of
examples of
mathematical concepts found in
our own unique world. This
course reminded us to
the things we always neglect
and that mathematics is more
than just a powerful tool that
complex problems.

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