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Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983

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The Northern Sea Route versus the Suez Canal: cases from bulk shipping
Halvor Schøyen a,⇑,1, Svein Bråthen b,2
Vestfold University College, Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation, P.O. Box 2243, NO-3103 Tønsberg, Norway
Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics, P.O. Box 2110, NO-6402 Molde, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The navigation distance via the Northern Sea Route (NSR) from a Northwest-European port to the Far East
Northern Sea Route is approximately 40% shorter compared to the route via the Suez Canal. The shorter distance may facil-
International bulk shipping itate more than a doubling of vessels’ operational energy efficiency performance. There is at present sub-
Green logistics stantial uncertainty in schedule reliability via the NSR. Unless the schedule reliability is improved, the
Energy efficiency
NSR should primarily be explored for bulk rather than for liner shipping. A major disadvantage with
Supply chain
the NSR is its seasonality. Shipping operations in the summer time via the NSR may already today be prof-
itable for minor bulk trades. Additional shipping routes may give more flexibility, and the NSR route
choice option may facilitate supply chain agility and adaptability.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and vessel repair facilities may be located thousands of kilome-

tres away (Kitagawa, 2008; Ragner, 2000b; Ho, 2009).
As emissions into air from ships mainly correlate to travel The decline of the Arctic sea ice and the changes in the political
distances, shorter ocean shipping routes may result in less envi- environment enable the possible opening and commercialization
ronmental impact as well as corporate savings. The Northern Sea of the NSR for transits. From 1979 to 2006 the length of the ice-free
Route (NSR) is the shipping route along the coast of Siberia, run- season in all seas and straits in the Russian Arctic increased in
ning from west of the Kola Peninsula through the Bering Strait in average from 84 to 129 days (Rodrigues, 2008). Near real-time
the east. The present predominant shipping routes between Eur- sea ice monitoring and operational forecasting is available (Johann-
ope and Far East are via the Suez Canal and Cape of Good Hope essen et al., 1996). Verny and Grigentin (2009) impart predictions
(South of Africa). The commercial annual shipping transit vol- of a navigable Arctic Ocean all year-round in year 2015, including
umes via the NSR and North West Passage are at present negli- the Russian Arctic coast.
gible. This paper focuses on the NSR and the Suez alternatives; Establishing the NSR as an alternative shipping route (see Sec-
on NSR because it is the shortest distance alternative, and on tion 3) to Suez and Cape of Good Hope could contribute to more
Suez because it is a part of many present logistics structures flexible, agile and adaptable supply chains, because more route
facilitating trade between Europe and Asia (see Fig. 1). choices will result in a higher capacity, and may reduce chances
The five possible route choices between North West Europe and for disruption and congestion.
the Far East and the approximate transport distances are given in Reduced fuel consumption for ship propulsion by sailing via the
Table 1. shorter NSR route could emerge as a driver to improve energy effi-
The Asia to Europe trade is today dependent on the shipping ciency. This paper explores whether benefits achievable through
route via Suez. The present alternative to Suez is via Cape of energy efficiency improvements due to a shorter route (the NSR)
Good Hope, more than double the distance compared to NSR might offset the disadvantages caused by uncertainty linked to
(Table 1). The uncertainty and the risk connected to the NRS both the NSR and the route via the Suez Canal. The explorative ap-
are, among other factors, due to limited accident preparedness proach is from the ship operator’s perspective, and includes possi-
as a ship in distress might have difficulties in receiving assis- ble consequences to other members in the supply chain. This study
tance from rescue teams and ice-breakers within a short time, focuses on bulk shipping (tramp) and not liner shipping. The main
reason for this choice is that in liner shipping, schedule reliability is
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 33 03 1132; fax: +47 33 03 11 00. crucial (Notteboom, 2006). High schedule reliability can at present
E-mail addresses: (H. Schøyen), (S. not be achieved via the NSR, and this will be further elaborated in
Bråthen). Section 3.1.
Molde University College, Norway. The research questions are:
Tel.: +47 71 21 42 97; fax: +47 71 21 41 00.

0966-6923/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
978 H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983

of which, we claim, are linked to route choice. There are two cate-
gories of services in shipping: tramp and liner trade (Ragner,
2000a). In a commercial and logistics perspective, liner shipping
business is very different from bulk shipping with respect to ser-
vice attributes. In our opinion, this affects the NSR’s potential for
each type of shipping in the short term, as long as the NSR service
level for the commercial shipping is not clear.

2.1. Supply chain uncertainty and risk categories

Knemeyer et al. (2009) claim that at present there is less ‘‘slack’’

available in supply chains to deal with catastrophic events. Chopra
and Sodhi (2004) list the supply chain risk categories disruptions,
delays, systems, forecasts, intellectual property, procurement,
receivables, inventory and capacity. Each of these nine categories
has corresponding conditions and events, which are caused by
states of environmental and behavioral uncertainty. In this study
we focus on the first two categories, i.e. disruptions and delays.
Three kinds of freight transport delays related to carriers were
identified by Fowkes et al. (2004): (i) delay resulting from an in-
creased journey time with fixed departure time, (ii) an increase
in the spread in arrival times for a fixed departure time and (iii)
schedule delay, where the departure time is behind schedule.
Byrne (2007) suggests dividing risk into uncontrollable risk,
Fig. 1. Overview on the Northern Sea Route and the Suez Route. Adapted from:
(Ragner, 2000b). somewhat controllable risk and controllable risk. He claims that
controllable events are often the source of most disruptions, and
the risks with the largest impact tend to be the most controllable
ones. Wilson (2007) identified the impact of transportation disrup-
Table 1
tions on supply chain performance. Transport disruptions on the
Ocean route alternatives between Northwest Europe and Far East, with respective
approximate navigation distances, in nautical miles (nm). 1 nm = 1.852 km. Adapted whole have received less attention than supply chain disruptions.
from: (Ragner, 2000a; Christensen, 2009). By definition, transport disruptions affect the flow of goods, and
can be caused by a natural disaster, labor dispute, dependence on
Route Panama North Northern Suez Cape
canal West Sea Canal of a single supplier, bankruptcy, terrorism, war and political instabil-
Passage Route Good ity. The results can be such as long lead-times, stock-outs, inability
Hope to meet customer demand and increased costs. There is a lack of
North West Europe 12,580 8600 7200 11,400 14,750 preparedness in most companies to handle crisis or disruptions
(London) to Far East (Wu et al., 2007). Lee and Whang (2005) claim the ocean segment
(Yokohama) of a supply chain to be most vulnerable to security threats (for con-
Relative distance 175% 119% 100% 158% 205%
tainerized goods), and they describe how Total Quality Manage-
ment (TQM) can be used to assure supply chain security.
(1) Which players in a global supply chain may gain from a The challenge entailed by disruption and delay risk assessment
shorter transport route? of commercial shipping on the NSR is threefold.
(2) What are the potential gains with respect to costs and Firstly, the scarce availability of data, making it more difficult to
potential CO2 emissions savings? both identify and quantify risks compared to the alternative ship-
(3) Does the NSR, as a possible complementary route to Suez, ping routes.
represent an opportunity to improve agility and adaptability Secondly, the identification of supply chain risk distribution is
in supply chains? challenging due to the globalization process, resulting in increased
complexity in supply chain management (Rodrigue et al., 2006).
Two exploratory cases from tramp shipping of raw materials in The attitude to risk among the supply chain partners may be differ-
bulk are presented here, where the potential gains in vessel fuel ent, e.g. it can be rooted in culture.
consumption and CO2 emissions are illustrated. Thirdly, the broad range and widespread nature of environmen-
The methodology used to collect the data throughout this study tal and behavioral uncertainties for both the NSR and Suez routes
consists of literature reviews, interviews, and e-mail and telephone makes the risk issue complex. For NSR, ice-season variations and
communication with shipping professionals. The next section is a future Russian policy to NSR infrastructure developments and for-
literature review focusing on supply chain (SC) uncertainty, risk eign vessel transits currently appear as decisive uncertainties.
distribution among members, corporate social responsibility Many of the coast states neighboring the Suez route are developing
(CSR) and energy use. The exploratory cases are presented in Sec- nations, and the Middle East is a politically tense area. Little re-
tion 3. Conclusions and suggestions for future research are pre- search has been done on the forecasting on Suez Canal throughput
sented in Section 4. of vessels and queuing delays (Griffiths, 1995; Mostafa, 2004).

2. Maritime transport routes and their impact on supply chain 2.2. Lead times impacts on route choice
As shown in Table 1, the difference in navigational distance
Stopford (2009) identifies parcel size, price, speed, reliability from North West Europe (London) to the Far East (Yokohama) is
and security as factors for product differentiation in shipping; all 4200 nm, which at 15 knots sustained speed computes a difference
H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983 979

Table 2 cept and enforce requirements, legislation and standards not tar-
Comparing days at sea and vessel speeds. geted on them.
North West Europe Equal speeds Days at sea Hargett and Williams (2009) explored the depth of integration
(London) to Far Corresponding Corresponding speeds of CSR in a deep sea shipping company where social responsibility
East (Yokohama) days at sea and contribution to sustainable development is explicitly defined
via Suez 11,400 32 days 32 days in the company policy. They identified a tangible awareness of
15 knots 15 knots environmental and corporate social responsibility, which was
via NSR 7200 18 days 32 days translated into initiative and practice of some crucial elements.
15 knots 9 knots For example, the company’s ocean fleet of ships were fuelled on
bunker oil with a maximum content of 1.5% sulfur, while the inter-
in time at sea of about 12 days, all other factors being identical for national shipping regulations (year 2007) allowed for a maximum
the two routes. of 4.5%, except for some coastal areas (Emission Control Areas).
A shorter distance via the NSR may result in either reduction of This 1.5% limit was set by the company itself at that time, which
the number of days at sea or in reduced speed, as shown in Table 2, entailed an added expenditure of about USD 10.5 million annually
or a combination of both. (Wilhelmsen, 2007). Measuring CSR are however challenging
Table 2 shows that if the sustained speed for the Suez route is (Hargett and Williams, 2009).
15 knots, this voyage’s duration will be 32 days steaming, plus pos- CO2 emissions from commercial shipping are unregulated (Psa-
sible waiting time and time in port. Thirty two days steaming via raftis and Kontovas, 2009). According to Eyring et al. (2009), the
the NSR will only require 9 knots sustained speed. most effective way to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse
Fuel consumption for propulsion per day is directly proportional gas emissions from shipping is to reduce and optimize vessel speed
to the cube of the speed; the fuel consumption per distance unit is and to adjust ship routes. The meaning of ‘‘optimizing vessel
directly proportional to the squares of the speed (Dykstra, 2005). speed’’ is not clearly defined and may be different in a port-to-port
CO2 emissions are directly proportional to the amount of fuel con- approach and in a supply chain context. In the latter there are more
sumed (IMO, 2009). This entails that the daily fuel consumption at actors involved, with possible conflicting interests, thus making it
9 knots is theoretically 22% of the consumption at 15 knots. The sav- difficult to establish the criteria required to conduct an optimiza-
ings in consumptions can be relatively higher than the distance tion. Speed reduces both the inventory costs for cargo in transit
reduction, while at the same time the days at sea would be as many and the required level of safety stock. The cases in Section 3 com-
as via Suez. An identical number of days at sea entails that several pare the NSR and the Suez Canal route with the same number of
logistics attributes will be identical for the two route choices, making days at sea.
conceptual exploration easier to conduct: One leading professional in a deep sea shipping company (the
same company as in Hargett and Williams (2009) has stated that
 As transit times for deep sea steaming are identical, cargo the costs for burning fuel will reach 1000 $/mt (mt = metric ton-
inventory costs may also be assumed to be identical. nes) in a not too distant future. At present, the fuel price for Rotter-
 Ship fuel consumption other than for propulsion is more or less dam deliveries is USD 469/mt for heavy fuel oil and USD 716/mt for
the same. marine gas oils (Bunkerworld, 2010). Included in the USD 1000/mt
 Port loading and discharging time are the same, for the same cost is the possible enforcement or policy to run on distillates, the
vessel type and size. costs for technical installations on board, such as investments and
 Vessel positioning and timing for possible back haul cargo is running expenses for exhaust scrubbers and catalysts, as well as
similar. prospective Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) or other taxation on
emissions. Hence, the fuel cost of USD1000/mt can be seen as com-
In the cases in Section 3, the differences in fuel consumption for prehensive of ‘‘CSR surcharge’’ external costs (from global and local
propulsion for the two routes will be explored, and the approach environmental impacts), and will be the amount used in calcula-
explained above will be applied in the single leg calculations. Pos- tions in the cases in Section 3.
sible differences in voluntary and involuntary speed losses due to If the NSR is to be a feasible route in a CSR context, the global
for example wind, current, seaway, ice, congestion, waiting etc. benefits of reduced CO2 emissions from shipping and potential
are neither discussed nor taken into account in the cases. other environmental benefits should compensate for the added
external costs caused by operating on the NSR. Examples of such
external costs in the Arctic sea are effects from increased air pollu-
2.3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the supply chain. GHG- tion (e.g. soot), deposition of various materials, and ship incidents
emissions and the impact on route choice and accidents with oil spill in highly vulnerable areas. Ships fuelled
with LNG, a proven propulsion technology, might reduce the envi-
CSR is increasingly viewed as a necessity rather than an option ronmental costs on the NSR.
in corporate strategy. Logistics has a more prominent role in the Based on the research questions and the literature review we
execution than in the formulation of CSR policies (Murphy and Po- formulate the following proposition.
ist, 2002). Sustainability in the supply chain management context Minor dry bulk is the shipping segment that will benefit most
is defined as the management of supply chains where all the three from the NSR in the short term, due to suitable parcel sizes and less
dimensions of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) time-sensitive commodities.
are taken care of (Ciliberti et al., 2008; Kovács, 2008; Aronsson
et al., 2008). Companies face environmental demands, and have
also the means to require environmental responsibility from their 3. Minor and major bulks trade: identifying commodities, flows
suppliers. The environmental demand varies, and may be dis- and potential gains via the NSR
rupted somewhere in the chain, mainly because lack of alignment
among SC members. Closer investigations on these environmental 3.1. Background
demands (Kovács, 2008) found that disruptions arise at the inter-
face of different industries. Environmental demand spillover from The case in Section 3.2 is from the minor bulks trade (nitrogen
other industries means that customers may force suppliers to ac- fertilizers). The company Yara International ASA (hereafter called
980 H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983

Case input data Route input data Trip costs for single leg

Commodity Distance Vessel charter rate

Port of departure and Speed Fuel costs


Per route alternative

Shipping unit costs

Fig. 2. Conceptual model for calculation of costs and ranking of energy efficiency. Adapted from (Hjelle, 2010).

Yara) is the world largest supplier of nitrogen fertilizers, and the cases. This ship will operate on the NSR only a part of the year,
case explores shipping costs between two ports where they have when NSR is free of ice, and in other trading areas worldwide the
operations. rest of the year, at any speed within its design interval (about 8–
The case in Section 3.3 is from the major bulk trades (iron ore). 15 knots). If the Arctic Ocean is navigable all year round the ship
The company Luossavaara–Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB) is a producer of may operate here continuously. The ship sailing via Suez is a stan-
upgraded iron ore products for the steel industry. The case explores dard design bulker, as given in e.g. Stopford (2009). Voyage calcu-
shipping costs for the transport via the export port in Norway to lations for one single leg fully loaded are done. All shipping and
China. cost calculations are based on free available information from the
For both cases ocean shipping appears to be the only practical data compilation performed as stated in earlier sections and done
transport mode choice alternative. by the authors. The calculations do not necessarily reflect Yara’s or
Fig. 2 illustrates the conceptual model that has been applied for LKAB’s actual or planned operations or costs.
the calculations in the cases. The model is based on the content in Possible backhaul cargo may be taken via any shipping route. It
Sections 2 and (Stopford, 2009). will affect both revenue and costs, and may improve profitability.
The assumptions for the calculations in the cases in Sections 3.2 Round trip voyages may be between the same two ports or for
and 3.3 are as follows: example in triangular trade. The NSR type bulk carrier is flexible
The vessel draught constraint for operating on the NSR on a reg- to deploy in any route choice, and will only trade on the NSR when
ular basis is 12.5 m. The vessel beam constraint to follow behind ice conditions and potential other navigation obstacles endanger
ice-breakers is 30 m (Ragner, 2000b). The NSR type bulk carrier safety or make this route choice unfeasible.
modified is an ice-classed special purpose new ship, capable of Knowledge about recent commercial navigation along the Sibe-
actually operating at slow steam speeds as stated in each of the rian coastline has been sparse. According to our knowledge, the Be-
luga Shipping transits yield the most updated available
Table 3a
information on commercial NSR operations and lead time varia-
Mineral fertilizer. Distances and sailing time for a single leg voyage via Suez and via
the NSR. Adapted from: (Ragner, 2000a; Christensen, 2009; UK Hydrographic Office, tions (Schøyen and Bråthen, 2010). In September and October
1980). 2009, two heavy lift project carriers belonging to the German ship-
ping company Beluga Shipping GmbH made a transit voyage
Porsgrunn–Shekou Distance Transit time Corresponding
(nm) (days) speed (knots) through NSR, demonstrating that such Arctic navigation is possible
for non-Russian shipping. The purpose of the voyage was to deliver
via Suez 10,320 30 14.4
via NSR 8280 30 11.5
heavy lift modules manufactured in South Korea to a power plant
Difference 2040 in Siberia. The voyage commenced in South Korea in July and
ended with exiting the NSR in September. The Beluga Shipping
2009 transit is considered by many as a pioneer voyage, as it is be-
lieved to be the first non-Russian commercial transit voyage ever.
Table 3b According to Verny and Grigentin (2009) and Ragner (2000a), the
Mineral fertilizer. Comparison of vessels particulars via Suez and via the NSR.
Russian Administration of NSR (ANSR) is ruling the access to
via Suez via NSR NSR. The initial step towards organising a vessel passage through
Ship type Handymax NSR type bulk the NSR is to obtain official permission at least 4 months in ad-
carrier modified vance, according to Liu and Kronbak (2009). However, according
(Stopford, (Ragner, 2000a) to Beluga (2009) as referred to in (Schøyen and Bråthen, 2010), ac-
cess to NSR was in 2009 somewhat more cumbersome, as the
Draft laden (m) 10.8 10.8 authorization was granted only after the Russian Ministry of Agri-
Cargo capacity (mt) 40,000 40,000
culture, the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Russian Secret Service
Speed in calm water (knots) 14.4 11.5
Daily fuel consumption for propulsion 31.3 15.9 and finally the Russian Government had approved the venture and
(mt/d) several hundred documents had been sealed.
According to
Section 3.1
Fuel consumption for propulsion, per 940 480 3.2. Shipping nitrogen fertilizer (NPK) from Porsgrunn (Southern
single leg trip (mt) Norway) to Shekou (Southern China)
CO2 emissions (mt) (IMO, 2009) 2928 1495
Relative energy efficiency ranking 51% 100%
Yara is a global company in terms of manufacturing and mar-
CO2 emissions saving via NSR is 1433 mt. keting, with operations in more than 50 countries. In the nitrogen
H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983 981

Table 3c Fuel costs for propulsion: As discussed in Section 2.

Mineral fertilizer. Cost comparison for a single leg voyage via Suez and via the NSR. Suez Canal charge: Calculated with the Suez Canal Authorities
via Suez via NSR toll calculator (SCA, 2010)
Vessel charter rate 600,000 $ 720,000 $ NSR charges: According to Verny and Grigentin (2009), for com-
Fuel costs for propulsion 940,000 $ 480,000 $ parable ships, NSR charges are about twice as expensive as the
Suez Canal charge 190,000 $ Suez Canal charges: The NSR charges include escort of ice-
NSR charges 380,000 $ breakers during parts of the NSR voyage, if required by the Rus-
NSR added insurance premium 125,000 $
Sum costs 1,730,000 $ 1705,000 $
sian authorities. The total amount depends on the season of
43.3 $/mt 42.6 $/mt passage and the type of ice-class on the cargo ship.
NSR added insurance premium: One of the larger marine insur-
ance companies indicate an added H&M and P&I premium of
fertilizer value chain, 91% of the energy is consumed in production, 125,000 $ per trip, for a GL E3 ice-classed Handymax bulker.
2% is for logistics and transport and 7% for application. Yara aims at An assumption is that the ship operator can demonstrate
connecting its social responsibility to its core business (Yara, 2010). acceptable plans, crew competences and risk management sys-
An in-depth interview with the maritime logistics manager has tems for the voyage. Discounts on this amount will be granted if
been carried out. Ocean freight of dry bulk is not considered to be a there are several voyages, several ships (fleet) and if the ship
core business; the company is not directly involved in ownership operator over time manages to carry out successful Arctic oper-
or operations of dry bulk vessels. Dry bulk shipping is outsourced, ations. Cargo insurance is not included.
and they buy dry bulk freight capacity on Contract of Affreight-
ment (COA) terms, with a typical contract time horizon of one to At present, the ship operators selling capacity to Yara are not
3 years. Yara does not define social responsibility as the main willing to pass the Gulf of Aden due to hijacking risks, preferring
determining factor when deciding its dry bulk shipping; this is instead the route via Cape of Good Hope. According to the Suez Ca-
confirmed both by their webpage and by the interview. nal Authority’s pricing policy, the expected cost per mt should not
Annually, Yara ships 300,000–500,000 mt of nitrogen fertilizer be very different from the Suez route. The relative energy efficiency
(NKPs) in full shiploads from the production plant in Porsgrunn, ranking will change by 3350 nautical miles longer than via Suez, as
Southern Norway to Shekou in Southern China (close to Shenzen). via Cape of Good Hope, as stated in Table 1. A similar cost calcula-
There is a vessel draft constraint of 10.8 m along the berth in Pors- tion is made for this case, with the same assumptions as above (see
grunn, allowing for Handymax bulkers of approximate 40,000 mt Tables 3d–3f).
cargo load. For this particular trade, ocean freight in COA terms ac- It is worth noting that the NSR speed of 8.7 knots is lower than
counts to 15–20% of the NKP cost and freight (CFR) value in South- the economic speed for this combination of trip charter rate and
ern China. fuel price, as the costs increased compared to the 11.5 knots situa-
NKPs may physically also be distributed in bulk inside contain- tion used when compared NSR to Suez.
ers, something which is done from Porsgrunn to markets in South To summarize this case, the NSR route is about twice as energy
East Asia. The quantities of 300,000–500,000 mt to Southern China efficient as the one via Suez. The NSR route is four to five times as
are rather large compared to those bound for South East Asia. Be- energy efficient as the one via Cape of Good Hope. The cost calcu-
cause of the economy of scale effects, the maritime logistics lation indicates that NSR is competitive, given the stated
department has found that full Handymax shiploads outperform assumptions.
containerized freight. The average cargo size for bulk shipments
of fertilizers in the spot market is 26,000 mt. Storage facility capac- 3.3. Shipping iron ore from Narvik (North Norway) to Qingdao
ities both at terminals for sending and receiving nitrogen fertilizers (Northern China)
are dimensioned for parcel size equal to a Handymax bulker. The
draught constraint for the berth in Porsgrunn and draught and About 16 million mt of iron ore are shipped annually out from
beam constraints on the NSR coastal route give the parcel size – Narvik, a port located in Northern Norway. The ore is sold on
a large Handysize/small Handymax, whose hull and size character- FOB terms. The ore mines are located in Kiruna (Northern Sweden),
istics can be as those stated in Stopford (2009). The calculations re- where the iron ore is transformed into pellets or fines before being
ported in Tables 3a–3c are done by the authors, and hence they do transported to Narvik by rail. The port of Narvik is the selected ex-
not necessarily reflect Yara’s actual or planned operations or costs. port port for iron ore, as it is always ice-free, unlike the Baltic Sea
The following comments can be made about the table: which is blocked by ice in the winter. This amount is shipped in
A cost difference of 25,000 $ (1.5%) is marginal. 200–250 Capesize or Panamax shiploads. Qingdao in Northern Chi-
na is one of the country’s largest iron ore import ports. Compared
Vessel charter rate: The average trip charter rate for Handymax with Case 1, economies of scale will play a role. Larger ships can be
bulkers was for 2008 and 2009 in average about 20,000 $/day used on the southerly routes if the NSR coastal routes draught and
(Platou, 2010), which for a 30 days trip gives 600,000 $. ice-breaker beam apply as constraints.
Included in the vessel trip charter rate are capital costs and Iron ore is a low value commodity, its market value being typ-
operational expenses (opex). Voyage expenses, like fuel and ically 35 $/mt (FOB). The ocean freight cost is on average 10–20 $/
transit fees, are not included. The NSR type bulker is given the mt. Therefore, the transport costs amount to about 1/3 of the CIF
rate of a Handymax, plus a surcharge for design and construc- value. The average cargo size for bulk shipments of iron ore in
tion for ice-class, and for Arctic operations. Included in (Liu the spot market is 147,804 mt. In Table 4b we have selected the
and Kronbak, 2009) are 20% extra building costs for ice-class, Panamax size and not the larger type Capesize. This choice is sup-
and we have used this number to estimate the market price ported by Laulajainen (2009), which indicate very few Capesizers
for a trip charter rate as well. We assume 20% added operational trade between Northwest Europe and The Far East. According to
expenses (opex) for NSR operations, which totally gives an esti- Stopford (2009), the cost savings by using a Capesize rather than
mated added 20% higher trip charter than for an ice-classed a Panamax on a 11,000 nm round voyage are 3.6 $/mt. Iron ore is
Handymax, compared to a standard Handymax. A combined always carried in bulk. Containerization is not an option due to
20% extra on a Handymax gives a trip charter rate of 24,000 $/ the high density of the material. The distance via the NSR is 42%
day; for 30 days 720,000 $. shorter than the route via Suez (see Tables 4a and 4c).
982 H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983

Table 3d Table 4a
Mineral fertilizer. Distances and sailing time for a single leg voyage. via Cape of Good Iron ore. Distances and sailing time for a single leg voyage. Adapted from: (Ragner,
Hope and via the NSR. Adapted from: (Ragner, 2000a; Christensen, 2009; UK 2000a; Christensen, 2009; UK Hydrographic Office, 1980).
Hydrographic Office, 1980).
Narvik–Quingdao Distance (nm) Equal transit time
Porsgrunn–Shekou Distance Equal transit time and corresponding speed
(nm) corresponding speed
via Suez 11,800 34 days, 14.4 knots
via Cape of Good Hope 13,670 40 days, 14.4 knots via NSR 6800 34 days, 8.3 knots
via NSR 8280 40 days, 8.7 knots Difference 5000
Difference 5390

Table 4b
Table 3e Iron ore. Comparison of vessels particulars.
Mineral fertilizer. Comparison of vessels particulars. via Cape of Good Hope and via
via Suez via NSR
the NSR.
Ship type Panamax bulk NSR type bulk
via Cape via NSR
carrier carrier
of Good
(Stopford, (Ragner, 2000a)
Ship type Handymax NSR type bulk Draft laden (m) 13.4 12.5
carrier modified Cargo Capacity (mt) 68,000 50,000
(Stopford, (Ragner, 2000a) Speed in open water (knots) 14.4 8.3
2009) Daily fuel consumption for propulsion 36.7 6.0
Draft laden (m) 10.8 10.8 (mt/d)
Cargo Capacity (mt) 40,000 40,000 According to
Speed in calm water (knots) 14.4 8.7 Section 3.1
Daily fuel consumption for 31.3 6.9 Fuel consumption for propulsion, per 1250 200
propulsion (mt/d) single leg trip (mt)
According to CO2 emissions (mt) (IMO, 2009) 3893 623
Section 3.1 Relative energy efficiency ranking 22% 100%
Fuel consumption for propulsion, per 1250 280
CO2 emissions saving via NSR is 3270 mt.
single leg trip (mt)
CO2 emissions (mt) (IMO, 2009) 3893 872
Relative energy efficiency ranking 22% 100%

CO2 emissions saving via NSR is 3021 mt. Table 4c

Iron ore. Cost comparison for a single leg voyage.

via Suez via NSR

Table 3f
Cost comparison for a single leg voyage. Vessel charter rate 1,224,000 $ 1156,000 $
Fuel costs for propulsion 1,250,000 $ 200,000 $
via Cape of via NSR Suez Canal charge 203,000 $
Good Hope NSR charges 380,000 $
Vessel charter rate 800,000 $ 960,000 $ NSR added insurance 125,000 $
Fuel costs for propulsion 1,250,000 $ 280,000 $ premiums
Suez Canal charge Sum costs 2,677,000 $ 1,861,000 $
NSR charges 380,000 $ 39 $/mt 37 $/mt
NSR added insurance 1,25,000 $
Sum costs 2,050,000 $ 1,745,000 $ to explore the NSR for commercial transits, and not necessarily re-
51 $/mt 44 $/mt
duced lead time. Summer operations on the NSR may be profitable
already today, with reference to the costs per mt freight as shown
in cases 3.2 and 3.3. The NSR coastal route alternatives, with vessel
The cost calculation shows that NSR is competitive given the draught and beam limitation, are a hindrance for large vessels, and
stated assumptions. It should be noted that a larger vessel (e.g. a therefore achieve the same economies of scale in shipping as via
Capesize), via one of the southern routes will produce even stron- Suez.
ger economy of scale effects compared with a Panamax ship. This Environmental demands faced by the maritime shipping indus-
kind of vessel will probably also outperform the NSR type bulk car- try may emerge as one of the drivers for developing the NSR. In-
rier in terms of costs. Narvik and Qingdao allow for Capesize ves- creased knowledge about environmental benefits and costs for
sels. In terms of energy efficiency performance, Tables 4a - 4c both the NSR and Suez routes will probably be important factors
supports the view that the NSR with its 50,000 mt parcels will be in this respect.
competitive also with respect to Capesize carriers going via one It may be difficult to do assessments and quantifications of the
of the southern routes. relevant aspects of supply chain transport risks via both the NSR
and Suez. Combined with the fact that added shipping alternatives
4. Conclusions and future research gives more route alternatives and flexibility, the NSR option may
possibly increase supply chain agility and adaptability. Bulk ship-
Due to uncertainty in schedule reliability on the NSR in the ping on the NSR route may be a prosperous market segment for
short term, this route should first be of viable interest and explored niche shipping companies. For innovators and risk takers in ship
for bulk shipping (tramp), rather than for liner shipping. The gains operations and technology, the NSR appears as a possible market
from shipping operations on an ice-free NSR appear to be reduced niche and opportunity to gain market power.
number of days at sea and more than doubling of the vessel fuel effi- This paper has an empirical approach, where elements from
ciency. For the corporate players in bulk shipping of relative low logistics management theory related to supply chains are used to
value raw materials, cost savings for fuel may appear as a driver discuss how NSR can contribute to supply chain efficiency. The
H. Schøyen, S. Bråthen / Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 977–983 983

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