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(Retineri IndianOil ca ~ 123201819596 Vendor Code-13204345 wane SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LiMiTED MANDLIK ROAD, COLABA MUMBAT~ 400001, Péail: APRTLTP@MADCORFE.COM fhe ere pleased to forward here with a document for y ference and action Purchasing Document Number: PRMM164085/24988996 Document Date : 23.01.2017 Name & Designation : Sandeep Kharbanda, SMTO EMATL KHARBANDAS@INDTANOTL. TN PH : 0180-2522388 FAX 1 0180-2578844 Corporate Website: Corporate Tenders Site: http://www. IndianOiltenders.con/ Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra(E), Mumbai-51,India Vendor Code:13204345 Qtn.Ref. 70033 PURCHASE ORDER WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — Q¢ LIMITED Payment Terms PO No. : PRMM164085/24988996 8, CANDY HOUSE Details Below PO Date:23.01.2017 MUMBAT~400001. coll.Ref, :PRMMTS4025, MUMBAT~400001. Incoterms Total items on 20) 1 Maharashtra Tot PO AME (TNR) 543, 300.00 Nowe FOR ALL CORRESPONDENCE PLS. QUOTE PO No. AS ABOVE. Dear Sirs, Subject to the terms and conditions and instruction given herein, over leaf (if any) alongwith enclos 2 please dispatch / deliver the following naterial. Unless otherwise specified at item level Supply to Plant: 9061, Petrochemical Plant - Panipat Store: REVI, Revenue Store. Sr.No. Material Code UOM Quantity Unit Price Amount croup: 1 SWIVELL JOINT 00010 s4ig0s4so4 EA 4 each INR /1 EA INR PIVOT MASTER, SIZE: 4 cat - 2.000 8 Delivery Schedule: 03.05.2017 ; Qty = 4 Item Text: Bend maste: Roof drain Joint for Floating Roof Tank Size :- 4" 150#Pivot Joint Flanged Type MOC:-SS 304 Test Pre 6 bar,Design Temp.: -40 deg C/+100deg ¢ Vacuum Range:-0.85 bar ;Service :~ 100% Aromatic Helix Material :-ss 304 Inner Lining :-Polypropylene Fabric ¢ films:-Polyster Filn & Po: Outer Cover ‘obylene fabric r-Polypropylene ¢ Outer Helix Wire:-Ss 304 Total PO Anount (INR) :Exclusive of Header and Item conditions page 1 13204345 gensRer. 20033 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ MINTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 Header Text: ‘*##THTS PO TS BRING ISSUED TO REGULARIZE OUR LOA DTD. 20.01.2017##* TECHNICAL NOTES: Technical specifications confirming to your (Vendor's) offer Ref: 0033-PRMMI64085 dtd 20.09.2016 , our tender documents ¢ further correspondence (if any) upto Purchase order date shall apply. "he details / specs. of the item(s)in Invoice showld be exactly as appearing in our Purchase order to ensure timely payment. Any extra remark , if required can be put as note in challan etc." 1) Technical specification for Primary & secondary foam seal spares of floating roof tanks has been attached. Annexure-I1 Terms_& Condition:~ 1, Price basis: Free Delivery To panipat Refint Mumbai Basis ) Despatch Point Vashi, Navi 2. Packing & Forwarding Charges:~ INCLUSIVE 3, Excise Duty: NA. 4.Sales Tax : Extra @ 2% against form c ‘s**Statutory variation in ED rate and Sales Tax /VAT rate up to contractual delivery date(CDD) shall be to IOCL account. Any increase in the rate of sales tax beyond CDD shall ke to vendor's account. Any increase in the rates of ED & VAT beyond CDD will be borne by IOCL to the extent CENVATABLE documents passed on to IOCL and I0CL is in a position to get the CENVAT benefit fron the authorities. However, the benefit of any reduction nust be passed on to IOCL***. 5, Freight: INCLUSIVE 6, Service Tax on Freight: N.A. page 2 13204345 gen.ner. 20083 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ LINTTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 ‘7, TRI: INCLUSIVE BY AGENCIES AS PER TENDER. Vendor Supplier will arrange Third Party Inspection by IOCL approved agency (as below). Inspection Release Note is to be submitted along with despatch documents. 4) M/s ABS Industrial Cerification (India) Pvt. Ltd. ii)M/s Project & Development India Limited iii) M/s TOV SUD South Asia Pvt. Ltd. iv)M/s SGS India Pvt. Ltd. v)M/s IR Class Systems and Solutions Private Limited vi)M/s Velosi Certification Services India Pvt. Ltd. vii) M/s TOV Rheinland India Pvt. Ltd viii) M/s Certifications Engineers International Limited ix)M/s Rites Ltd x) M/s TOV India Private Limited xi)M/s Moody International India Pvt. Ltd. 8. Service Tax on TPI : INCLUSIVE 9. Transit Insurance: Insurance shall be arranged by 1OcL under our open general policy. (FOR DESPATCHES from 01.08.2016 to 31.07.2017. Please intimate despatch details inmediately & do not insure the material at your end while dispatching. Our Open Declaration Policy No, is 261401/21/2017/263 with The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. Please intimate us dispatch details inmediately on shipnent vide scan copy clearly indicating LR details, Invoice ete to following nail ID. A. asingh B, 10.Performance Bank Guarantee 1 N.A. 11.WARRANTEE: 12 months of supply vhichever is e: ‘rom the date of conmissioning or 18 nonths from the date 12.Material to be supplied preferably in one lot only. 13.Price shall be firm and fixed till execution of entire P.O. quantity and shall not be subject to any variation on any account except statutory variation in taxes and duties within the contractual delivery date. 14,Price reduction schedule (late delivery clause) : the time and date of page 3 13204345 gen.ner. 20083 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ LINTTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 delivery of stores / material / equipment as stipulated in the order shall be deemed to be essence of the contract. In case of delay in execution of the order beyond cDD, the owner may at its option either: (a) Accept delayed delivery at prices reduced by 2 sum equivalent to one half of one percent (1/2%) of the value of any goods not delivered for every week of delay or part thereof limited to a maximum of 05% of the total order value. oR (b)Cancel the order in part or full and purchase such cai elsewhere on account and at the risk of vendor witho under (a ), above in respect of goods delivered. celled quantities from 1 prejudice to its right However the maximum liability under this clause shall be the total contract value or part thereof for undelivered material This clause shall not limit liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the vendor. 15.10CL reserves the right to place repeat purchase order within six months fron the date of original PO at same price, terms & condition. 16.Vendor / Supplier will supply the naterial indicating or tagging IOcL Ten digit material code on each item. PACKING & FORWARDING - WHILE DESPATCHING THE MATERIALS, PLEASE INDICATE EXACT QUANTITY OF MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY YOU IN YOUR PACKING LIST. TAE ITEM SHOULD BE DULY TAGGED FOR EASY IDENTIFICATION WITH IOCL SAP ITEM CODE WITH SHORT ITEH DESCRIPTION, PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER, DATE OF PURCHASE ORDER AND ITEM SERIAL NUMBER OF THE PURCHASE ORDER WITHOUT FAIL 17.Supplier to ensure that material is supplied in environnent friendly packing material, wherever possible, which is strong enough to ensure safety & preservation of the material up to refinery site e.g. plastic packing material, if used, is to be of > 20 nicron size. SUPPLIER TO ALSO ENSURE TO PUT SYMBOL INDICATING THICKNESS AND PLASTIC GRADE. 18.The supplier/vendor to indicate the name of driver/khalasis on the lorry receipt/challan etc., so that the same can be verified at the entry gate vhile page 4 13204345 gen.ner. 20083 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ LINTTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 allowing entry by CISF, This is required for enhancing security measures for inconing material. 19.Terms & conditions (if any) not covered in this docunent shall be as per I0CL General Purchase Conditions, available at our site 20.PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THE RECEIPT OF THIS PURCHASE & ALONGWITH YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER IMMEDIATELY WITHIN 7 DAYS OF I7S RECEIPT. NON-RECEIPT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER WITHIN 7 (SEVEN) DAYS, SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE AN ACCEPTED OR 21.Until and unless specifically mentioned in Purchase order; (2)Material should be booked through any bank approved transporter only having their office at Panipat, preferably through M/s TCT/Associated Road Carrier. Please note these in case of non-compliance of above, any delay/denurrage/ delivery charges incurred will be to your account. CONSIGNES ADDRESS: Mr. S.K, ROY Senior Material Manager (stores) Indian 0il Corporation Limited, Panipat Refinery, Distt. Panipat 132 140, Haryana, India Tel.No. (+91) # 180 - 2522385, 2522391, 2522393, 2522389, 2578747 Fax No. (+91) # 180 # 2579044 Note:- * All disputes arising out of this purchase order shall be first referred to the sole arbitration of a person selected by the vendor out of a panel of three person nominated by the General Manager of the Panipat Refinery & his decision /awazd shall be final and binding on the Panipat Refinery and the vendor. Subject to as aforesaid the Indian Arbitration Act 1940 shall apply to the arbitration proceedings under this contract * The court situated at Panipat alone shall have the legal jurisdiction to hear and determine all action and proceedings arising out of the contract. page 5 13204345 gen.Res. 20033 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ LINTTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 new ECC No, is AAACI1681GXMO15 % Location code is 510305 Cs? Regn.No.: PNP/CST 11272 De.21/09/2000 ST Regn. No.: PNP/11272 Dt. 21/09/2000 TIN: 06832611272 1.Contact Person for delivery / unloading / Inspection / Acceptance of Materials Sh. Amandeep Singh, DMIM: 0180-2522391/95/89; azingh@indiano Ast succession Sh. GS Sagar, MTM : 0180-2522389 ; 2.a) Contact Zerson for Payment: 0180-2522087: Sh. Garib Dass, 0180-2522077; b) Contact Person for 8G related issues: sh. shiv Kartik : 0180-2522084: ist succession for Payment and BG: re Gupta : 0180-2522064; Note * Your vehicle / representative should reach the naterial entry section (PTA / Sulphur Gate) before 12.00 Noon on working day for unloading on the sane day. For Entry in Refinery Premises, Vehicle should be fitted with Spark Arrestor, Fire Extinguisher. Drives and Cleaner should wear Shoes and Safety Helnets. * CNG / Two Stroke engine Vehicles are not allowed to enter the refinery premises, hence, send the material in Non-CNG / Non-Two Stroke Engine Vehicles. ‘Terms_of Payment: 100% within 20 days after receipt and acceptance of materials at site. (4) Despatch documents must contain all documents as per order Viz. page 6 13204345 gen.Res. 20033 PURCHASE ORDER (cont.) WADCO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PRIVATE — o¢ MINTED Currency :THR PO number: PRIM164085/24988996 PO Date:23.01.2017 (a) Invoice & Challan (b) Consignee copy of consignment (c) Packing list of the consignment. (d) original TPI Inspection release note (e) Warrantee certificate (44) All Original despatch document must be sent to the following address Senior Materials Manager (Stores) Indian 0il Corporation Ltd. Panipat Refinery Panipat ~ 132 140 Ph: 0180-2522382/2522391 (ii) One set OF despatch document should also be sent to the following address within seven days of despatch of material. Chief Finance Manager Indian 0il Corporation Ltd. vanipat Refinery Panipat . 132 140 chief Materials Manager (purchase) Indian 0il Corporation Ltd. Panipat Refinery Panipat . 132 140 Relivery Pariad Within 100 DAYS FROM PO/LOA. For and on behalf of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMZ’ Sandeep Kharbanda Dy. Manager (Materials) (Quthorised Signatory) page 7

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