Corporate Performance Article

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International Journal of Performance & Organizations (IJPO)

International Journal of Performance &

Organizations (IJPO)

The Contribution of internal audit to the corporate performance:

a proposal of measurement indicators

HILMI Yassine, FATINE Fatima Ezzahra

Université Chouaib Doukkali, ENCG El Jadida



Internal audit This paper relies on the link between internal audit and corporate performance.
Indeed, internal audit is an important function in the company as it plays the role of
Corporate Performance
counselor to good management and towards improving the competitiveness of
Effectiveness organizations. However, to fully take this role, structure of internal audit is expected to
have qualified staff who care for the effectiveness of procedures and control costs. An
Measurement indicators
effective audit helps to increase business performance through risk management, by
Investigation. improving production and management processes and maintaining an internal control
itself which will arise later in a in a contribution performance.

The objective of this articleHowever,

is to propose and calculate
the company indicators
is able to havethat will allow us to
a rigorous
measure the contribution of the structure of internal audit performance. To collect data
internal control system in order to provide it with
for this study, we conducted in-depth interviews and a survey using a questionnaire to
various employees of an SME.

The subject of this article is part of a broad debate. reasonable assurance and reduce the various risks

This is the contribution of internal audit to improving to which it is exposed. The effectiveness of this

corporate performance. Indeed, internal audit is an system will better contribute to achieving its goals

important function in the company because it plays and long-term profitability objectives and becoming

the role of the guide towards good management and increasingly efficient and competitive in the market.

towards improving the competitiveness of The subject of this article fits into the perspective of

organizations. However, to take this role, the an already developed work entitled “internal audit in

internal audit structure is called to: companies: degree of integration and explanatory
variables” (Y. HILMI 2016). Among the companies
- Have qualified, high-level and high-potential staff responding to our questionnaire, we took the case
who are familiar with the organization's "business", of a COMPANY that strongly integrates internal
its management style, its culture and its internal audit into its management system and then
control system; calculated indicators to measure financial
- Have a team that constantly strives to meet the
This article aims to study the contribution of internal
expectations of its customers;
audit to the corporate performance. Indeed, if the
- Have an internal audit director who cares about internal audit function takes correctly its role within
the efficiency of procedures and the control of the organization, it can become not only a means of
operating costs. protection and the fight against misappropriation of
assets and fraud in general, but also as a means of materialized. The corporate performance revolves
achieving earnings. This document has two points: around everything that contributes to improving the
value-cost couple and which thus tends towards the
- The first point will focus on the conceptual
maximization of the net creation of value. A
framework of internal audit and performance as an
performant company can be considered as:
objective to be achieved for companies.
- A sustainable business, which earns money and is
- The second point will deal with the contribution of
sustainably profitable
internal audit to performance through the calculation
of direct and indirect performance indicators. - A company that challenges its competitors in
terms of quality and speed of service
1. The conceptual framework of internal audit
and performance - An innovative, efficient, responsive company that
evolves surely, constantly and sustainably
1.1. Corporate performance
- A company that creates value while meeting
The concept of performance is not so easy to pin
market requirements with a head start
down. Each theoretical current tries to approach it in
its own way. Like internal audit, it has evolved over - A company that has implemented good
time. Each approach provided a definitional surplus performance indicators to establish winning
or addition to the one before it. Performance is a development strategies
global concept that relates to the achievement of 1.2. Conceptual framework of audit and internal
objectives, which themselves depend on the control
strategy and key players. Performance protection The definitions given to the term "audit" are
varies from the point of view of shareholders, generally varied and often confusing, thereby posing
managers, customers, etc. However, there are a serious problem of terminology. The term “audit”
recognized performance measurement criteria: remains, however, impregnated with its origin
profitability, profitability, productivity and auditus which means hearing. According to Stetter
performance. There are two conceptions of (1974): “An audit is, in effect, a review and an
performance audit; One, concerning the quality of interview or hearing leading to an evaluation or
the technical performance of the systems; assessment”. Originally and until the 1970s,
implemented by the company in order to achieve its According to Collins and Valin (1996) the audit was
objectives. The other, passing judgment on the considered as a “Set of techniques allowing to
performance of the company itself and its analyze and evaluate the methods of the company”.
management. An effective audit makes it possible to In the minds of many, the audit was linked to
increase the performance of companies by accounting and financial methods. Benedict and
controlling risks, by improving production and Keravel (1974) define the audit in a simple way: the
management processes and by maintaining internal audit is a critical examination which makes it
control itself. possible to verify the information given by the
company”. The same definition was used by
The effectiveness of internal control therefore
Raffegeau et al. who emphasized the fact that the
contributes to the performance of the company and
audit corresponds to a need for control that is
constitutes for the internal audit department a basic
difficult to dissociate from economic activity. They
tool for the assessment of the company and the
define it as follows: “the audit is a critical
system. Indeed, a deficient internal control obliges
examination which makes it possible to verify the
the auditor to examine the activities in more depth
information given by the company and to assess the
and pose a permanent risk to their performance,
operations and the systems put in place to introduce
even their opportunity, even if this risk has not yet
International Journal of Performance & Organizations (IJPO)

International Journal of Performance &

Organizations (IJPO)

them”. But beyond this objective of controlling a Mikol, internal control is defined under a classic
situation at a given moment, according to Marders approach, as "All the provisions included in the
(2004) the audit must focus "on the proper organizations and in the procedures, provisions
management and safeguarding of financial assets whose purpose is to ensure the quality of
as well as on the concrete effectiveness of the information, the protection of assets, compliance
decisions taken". . It is in this sense that the with the laws as well as the plans and policies of the
definition proposed by Bouquin and Bécour (2007) general management as well as the efficiency of the
meets this objective. Indeed, they define the audit operation of the company”. This approach, however,
as "the activity which applies, in complete has its limits. Currently, internal control has a
independence, consistent procedures and broader and more precise definition. Indeed, internal
examination standards with a view to evaluating the control is considered, according to IFACI (2004), as
adequacy and functioning of all or part of the actions "a process implemented by the general
carried out, in a organization, by reference to management, the hierarchy and the staff of a
standards”. The audit plays here a primary role of company to achieve the objectives, mentioned
observation of reality, verification of data and quality above, and the efficiency operations ".
of information. A second role consists, then, in
2. The contribution of internal audit to the
seeing how the consistency of the practices
performance case of a COMPANY.
implemented is ensured both with the regulatory
structures and with the various policies of the The analysis of the relationship between internal
organization: financial, industrial, commercial, audit and performance revealed that the link is
social, etc. positive. The theory confirmed that, on the one
Nowadays, we can encounter many forms of audit hand, internal audit influences performance and, on
that tend to resemble each other while sometimes the other hand, the very high degree of integration
being complementary. Among these forms of audit, of internal audit has a much stronger impact on
some are more common, such as external audit and performance. Thus, as the degree of internal audit
internal audit. Coming from accounting and financial integration moves from one level to another,
control, the internal audit function nowadays covers performance improves even further. The
a much broader and richer conception, meeting the measurement of the recognition of internal audit
growing demands of the increasingly complex within the COMPANY can be carried out by
management of companies. Indeed, for Collins & highlighting the link of involvement between internal
Valin (1996) “Internal audit is, within a company or audit and performance.
an organization, an independent activity of
In this paragraph, we will try to test whether there is
appreciation of the control of the operations. He is in
an implication relationship between internal audit
the service of management. In this area, it is a
and company performance. This relationship can be
control that has the function of a better control of
demonstrated through two main categories of
their activities”. This control is possible thanks to a
indicators: direct indicators and indirect indicators.
good internal control system. According to Sawyer:
This study will be conducted based on the
"control includes all the means created in a
responses of 20 employees belonging to a
company to direct, contain, govern and control its
Moroccan COMPANY
activities in order to ensure the achievement of its
objectives". Every entity has internal control, 2.1. Internal audit and performance: direct
whether good or bad, but it does exist. According to indicators.
The first measure of the effect of internal audit on 30% 1996
business performance is through direct indicators. Source: Corporate Internal Audit Department
These indicators fall into three categories: impact
This table shows that the the internal audit’s
indicators, management indicators and results
recommendations of the company increases
turnover with a proportion of 20% and of the net
2.1.1 Impact indicators result with a proportion of 15%. Indeed, one year
after the creation of the internal audit department in
These consist on the direct effects and the added
1994, the internal auditors issued 13
value on the company's activities, as well as
recommendations following an evaluation by a
customer satisfaction, with regard to the
systematic and methodical approach of the risk
achievement of objectives. This is indeed the
management and internal control processes, from
indicator called: Potential monetary gain. This
which the subsequent improvement in the
monetary gain can be measured by the increase in
company's turnover by more than 40% and the net
turnover, market share, or by that of the result. But
result by more than 20%. Then, the
this gain can also be measured by the potential
recommendations of the internal auditors have a
loss(s) that internal audit was able to avoid. It is
positive influence on the turnover and on the net
difficult to obtain this gain in absolute terms. The
result of the company; but in different proportions.
latter is approached in relative and approximate
terms. The contribution of the recommendations of the
internal audit in monetary form can also face a
- Internal audit recommendations / sales
charge or a loss or even prevent the occurrence of a
revenue / Net income:
lost profit. Indeed, the preventive action of the
By this indicator we mean the portion of the internal audit prevented the loss of a customer with
increase in sales revenue and also the portion of the which approximately 20% of the turnover is carried
increase in the net result of the company attributed out and prevented the risk relating to the total loss
to the recommendations of the internal auditor. of a machine of a value approximately 15% of total
Table N°1: Recommendations - the increase of
sales revenue 1.2. Management indicators

The The Period Number The impact indicators are supplemented by others
improvem improvem of of that measure optimization in internal audit. This can
ent of ent of net improve recomm be explained by the fact that the recognition of
sales result ment endation internal audit as an agent of change is only clearly
revenue s evident if the resources made available to it are
0% 0% _ 0 optimized. These are indeed the elements that
Less than Less than 2008- 6 make it possible to better manage the resources of
10% 5% 2009 the internal audit department. The main
Between Less than 2004- 8 management indicators are: hourly cost of the
10% et 10% 2005 internal audit function and internal audit resources.
20% According to the company's internal audit director,
Between Between 2000- 11 the cost of carrying out the internal audit activity per
20% et 10% and 2001 hour of intervention does not exceed 900 DH
40% 20% (salaries, travel, etc.). In Canada, this cost was in

More than Between 1995- 13 the private market of 1000 DH in 1998. That is to

40% 20% and say, the maximum cost per hour of intervention in
International Journal of Performance & Organizations (IJPO)

International Journal of Performance &

Organizations (IJPO)

2013 is the same as that of Canada 15 years ago. responsibility tasks that the internal audit
This implies that the cost of internal audit is at its management is asked to ensure. From the above,
minimum and in terms of its impact, it is optimal. we can say that all the indicators demonstrate the
This observation is corroborated by the sufficiency positive contribution of the internal auditor's
of financial resources allocated to the internal audit recommendations. Indeed, when the
function within the company. The “internal audit recommendations are accepted and acted upon,
resources” indicator is an indicator that measures they lead to the improvement of enormous monetary
the relative importance of the resources devoted to gains which, certainly, exceed the cost of the
the internal audit function by the company. At the resources committed for this purpose.
company level, the resources made available to the These direct indicators can be supplemented by
internal audit function, in comparison with those others that measure recognition of the contribution
reserved for the other functions, are less important. of internal audit, but indirectly.
This absolutely does not mean that the resources
2. Internal audit and corporate performance:
allocated to this service are insufficient, but rather
indirect indicators.
efficient. The management indicators, as analyzed
above, show that the resources at the level of the In order to measure the link between internal audit
company's internal audit management are well and performance, several indicators coexist
managed and optimized. That is to say, the couple alongside the direct indicators studied. These
cost-value is improved. include three indirect indicators, namely:
1.3 Results indicators. characteristics of the auditor, requests for
These are indicators that measure the work and the assignments, reception by the auditees and their
efforts done with by practicing the audit mission. cooperation.
This is generally about respecting the initial planning
2.1 Characteristics of the corporate auditor.
and the time devoted to internal audit work.
Compliance with the initial audit mission plan is also The characteristics of the listener are very important
an element that justifies the contribution of internal and decisive in terms of recognition, adding value
audit to the company. At the company level, the and improving performance. These include, in
director of internal audit affirms that in 70% of particular, open-mindedness, ethical conduct, the
cases, internal auditors respect the initial plan perception of the auditor by the auditee and the
against 30% where they are not. According to him, behavior of management with regard to the audit.
the cause of this situation is mainly the occurrence
- Freedom of spirit of the auditor: it objectively
of unforeseen incidents. Regarding the time spent
depends on the positioning of the internal audit.
on internal audit work, the internal audit director
Internal audit occupies a sufficiently high rank in the
estimates that internal auditors perform audit work
hierarchy to have the necessary authority vis-à-vis
60% to 80% of the time. This can be explained by
the auditees. In addition, internal auditors have a
other work carried out by the auditor without which
personal intellectual attitude of objectivity since the
does not fall within his remit. Indeed, the auditor
director of internal audit ensures compliance with
develops and implements organizational procedures
international standards.
that take between 5% and 40% of his time. The
performance indicators stipulate that the company is - Ethical conduct of the auditor: the state of
generally able to respect the time reserved for the compliance with international internal audit
work of the initial audit planning, despite the non-
standards leads us to question the ethical conduct know the overall evolution of requests for audit
of management personnel. According to the director assignments.
of internal audit, compliance with the code of ethics
Table N°3: Overall evolution of mission requests
as approved by the board of directors of the major
international internal audit body is the best 2004 2006 2008 2010
guarantee of great professionalism and
Number of 49 60 69 72
competence. He adds that 80% of his staff respect
this code, while the rest are in the middle box,
sometimes respecting its principles, or respecting
for audit
only a few.

- The perception of the auditor by the auditee: Source: Internal Audit Department of the

we asked the employees of this COMPANY the company

following question: “How are the auditors perceived

From this chart, we can say that the total number of
within your organization? », with the possibility of
mission requests addressed by the other
ticking several answers.
departments to the internal auditors is in positive

Table N°2 : The perception of the audithor by the evolution from 2004 to 2010. This implies that over

auditee time, the internal auditor becomes more also

The perception Number Frequency solicited by operational staff for its

of the auditor recommendations and advice.

by the auditee
2.3 Reception by the auditees and their
Fraud Hunter 9 45% cooperation.
Figures man 17 85%
Consultant 7 35% By this, we aim to measure the cooperation
between the auditees and the internal auditor in
Total 20 --
order to know, if he is well received and helped
within this COMPANY in order to achieve the
Source: Elaborated by the authors
ultimate goal which is that of the entity. . This can be
According to this table, the most widespread
explained by the fact that the internal auditor, as
perception of the internal auditor is that of a man of
soon as he carries out a second mission in the
numbers, with 85% compared to the other
same entity, he can measure his rating and assess
the climate of the progress of his missions.
- Management behavior towards the audit:
Table N°4: Evaluation of the auditees' behavior
Recognition, added value and consulting only result
Evaluation of the Number Percentage
in support and backing from senior management.
Indeed, according to the director of internal audit, behavior
the internal audit department benefits from very
extensive monitoring and support from senior Very good 5 25%
management. reception and
2.2 Assignment Requests.
In marketing, if there is demand, the product is Good reception 12 60%
recognized as good. The more you are asked the and strong
more you are recognized. This indicator aims to cooperation
Medium 3 15%
International Journal of Performance & Organizations (IJPO)

International Journal of Performance &

Organizations (IJPO)

reception and within this COMPANY, to deal with the problems,

cooperation inconsistencies and malfunctions which arise or
Mean reception 0 0% which may arise during operation.
Total 20 100% The objective of this article was to test whether
Source: Elaborated by the authors there is a relationship between the strong
integration of internal audit and corporate
Several behaviors are identified in our study. In fact,
performance. Indeed, after collecting data from our
85% of those audited declare that the internal
sample and processing it, we were able to
auditor is very well accepted and warmly welcomed.
demonstrate and validate the relationship between
Therefore, a very strong cooperation occurs
internal audit and performance. In this sense, the
between them. On the other hand, 15% of those
concept of "corporate performance" is
audited rate the internal audit very moderately,
operationalized through a set of indicators. These
sometimes cooperating and disengaging other
include direct indicators and indirect indicators. The
times. According to the director of internal audit, this
first include all the elements that make it possible to
can be justified, but partially, by the fact that the
judge more or less directly the contribution of
attributions and the role of internal audit are not or
internal audit to performance. On the other hand,
poorly understood, despite the sufficient
the latter allow it indirectly, thus corroborating the
dissemination of the audit charter in the operational.
In general, the collaboration and cooperation
By reading and analysing of these indicators, the
between the internal auditor and the auditees has
relationship between internal audit and corporate
been developed . The forms of cooperation that
performance is confirmed as already analyzed in the
materialize between the auditees and the internal
second chapter. Indeed, the contribution of the
auditor in this COMPANY are in the most basic
internal audit in the improvement of the quality, the
form, represented by the preparatory work and can
production, the strategy, the relations with the
reach the most advanced form; namely self-
various partners, the management of the supplies,
the stocks of the material and the human resources
At the end of this paragraph, which deals with the is practically noted. . Similarly, it was recognized, on
relationship between corporate performance and the one hand, that the recommendations of the
internal audit, all the direct indicators, as presented, internal audit have played an important role in terms
interpreted and analyzed above, are significant. of protection against risks and disasters and have
These results make it possible to say that the made it possible to increase the turnover, and
internal audit through its recommendations has a consequently the result, and on the other hand, the
positive impact on the performance of this professionalism of the auditors plays an important
COMPANY, since the quantitative and qualitative role in this search for efficiency.
benefits that can result from it and largely exceed
A good audithor is the one who makes relevant
the costs of management. These findings are
observations, constructive and precise
corroborated by a set of indirect indicators which
recommendations, and also the person who knows
stipulate that the internal auditor is accepted,
and rigorously applies professional standards and
requested by the operational staff and managers
contributes to the efficiency of the function.
The relationship between internal audit and
performance is stronger the higher the level of
internal audit practiced. Indeed, this COMPANY has
a very strong degree of integration of the internal
audit function, because it benefits much more widely
from the recommendations of the internal audit than
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« Spécialisation et concentration industrielles :
International Journal of Performance & Organizations (IJPO)

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Atouts et vulnérabilités des secteurs et des

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