Placa de Capat HEA160

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Calculations of the connection:Beam/Beam - Endplate -

Placa de capat HEA160

General Information
Beam 1: HEA 160
  Material: S 355  
  Hb1 = 152 mm Beam height
  Wb1 = 160 mm Beam width
  twb1 = 6 mm Web thickness
  tFb1 = 9 mm Flange thickness
  Ab = 38,77 cm2 Section area
  Iby = 1672,98 cm4 Moment of inertia
  Wpl = 245,17 cm3 Plastic section modulus
  W= 220,13 cm3 Elastic section modulus
  fyb = 355 MPa Resistance
Beam 2:HEA 160
  Material: S 355  
  Hb1 = 152 mm Beam height
  Wb1 = 160 mm Beam width
  twb1 = 6 mm Web thickness
  tFb1 = 9 mm Flange thickness
  Ab = 38,77 cm2 Section area
  Iby = 1672,98 cm4 Moment of inertia
  Wpl = 245,17 cm3 Plastic section modulus
  W= 220,13 cm3 Elastic section modulus
  fyb = 355 MPa Resistance


  Material: S 355  
  hp = 290 mm Plate height
  bp = 160 mm Plate width
  tp = 18 mm Plate thickness
  fyp = 355 MPa Resistance
Lower stiffeners:
  hsl = 70 mm Stiffener height
  lsl = 100 mm Stiffener length
  twsl = 8 mm Web thickness
  α    = 145,01 Deg Angle
  tfsl = 0 mm Flange thickness
  bfsl = 0 mm Flange width
Upper stiffeners:
  hsu = 70 mm Stiffener height
  lsu = 100 mm Stiffener length
  twsu = 8 mm Web thickness
  α= 145,01 Deg Angle
  tfsu = 0 mm Flange thickness
  bfsu = 0 mm Flange width
  d= 20 mm Diameter
  cl = 10.9 Class
  nh = 2 Number of columns
  nv = 4 Number of rows
  n= 8  Number of bolts
  du = 35 mm Distance to upper edge of endplate
  dl = 35 mm Distance to lower edge of endplate
  a;b;c = 70;80;70; mm Row spacing
  w= 80 mm Column spacing
  aw = 5 mm Thickness of web weld
  af = 5 mm Thickness of flange weld
  asl = 5 mm Thickness of lower stiffener weld
  asu = 5 mm Thickness of upper stiffener weld
Safety factors:


  γM0 = 1
  γM1 = 1
  γM2 = 1,25
  γM3 = 1,25
  γM3ser = 1,1
Case: Case 1:
Forces in bars:
  N= 1377 kN  
  M= 0 kNm  
  V= 36 kN  
Nodal forces:
  N= 1377 kN  
  V= 36 kN  
Capacity verification
Results of calculations
Resistances of components
  Ft,Rd = 176,4 kN Tension resistance of a single bolt [tab. 3.4]
  Fv,Rd = 98 kN Shear resistance of a single bolt [tab. 3.4]
  Fb,Rd = 367,2 kN Bearing resistance of internal bolt [tab. 3.4]
  Fb,Rd,ext = 194,73 kN  Bearing resistance of external bolt [tab. 3.4]
  Bp,Rd = 447,13 kN Punching resistance of single bolt [tab. 3.4]
  Mc,Rd      = 87,03 kNm Design resistance of the section for bending EN 1993-1-1 [6.2.5]
  Class: 1 Section class EN 1993-1-1 [5.5.2]
Effective lengths for particular rows of bolts:                                                              tab. 6.6
Nb m mx e ex p leff,cp leff,nc leff,1 leff,2 leff,cp,g leff,nc,g leff,1,g leff,2,g
1 26,84 28,34 40 35 70 169,04 80 80 80 0 0 0 0
2 31,34 0 40 0 80 196,93 219,4 196,93 219,4 178,47 171,72 171,72 171,72
3 31,34 0 40 0 80 196,93 175,37 175,37 175,37 160 80 80 80
4 30,34 28,34 40 35 70 169,04 80 80 80 0 0 0 0

Tension capacity of connection

Capacity of row 1
  Mpl,1,Rd = 2,3 kNm Plastic moment for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,1,ep,Rd = 342,79 kN Tension resistance for model 1 [tab. 6.2]


  Mpl,2,Rd = 2,3 kNm Plastic moment for model 2 [tab. 6.2]

  FT,2,ep,Rd = 272,18 kN Tension resistance for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,3,ep,Rd = 352,8 kN Tension resistance for model 3 [tab. 6.2]
  BP, Rd = 894,27 kN Punching resistance  
  Ft1,Rd = 272,18 kN Tension resistance of row 1  
Capacity of row 2
  Mpl,1,Rd = 5,66 kNm Plastic moment for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,1,ep,Rd = 722,69 kN Tension resistance for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  Mpl,2,Rd = 6,31 kNm Plastic moment for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,2,ep,Rd = 374,92 kN Tension resistance for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,3,ep,Rd = 352,8 kN Tension resistance for model 3 [tab. 6.2]
  Ftwb,Rd = 467,33 kN Tension resistance of beam web []
  BP, Rd = 894,27 kN Punching resistance  
  Ft2,Rd = 352,8 kN Tension resistance of row 2  
Capacity of row 3
  Mpl,1,Rd = 5,04 kNm Plastic moment for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,1,ep,Rd = 643,57 kN Tension resistance for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  Mpl,2,Rd = 5,04 kNm Plastic moment for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,2,ep,Rd = 339,01 kN Tension resistance for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,3,ep,Rd = 352,8 kN Tension resistance for model 3 [tab. 6.2]
  Ftwb,Rd = 373,54 kN Tension resistance of beam web []
  Ft,Rd,g(2+3) = 597,27 kN Tension resistance - group  
  Ft,wb,Rd,g(2+3) = 536,15 kN Tension resistance of beam web - group  
  BP, Rd = 894,27 kN Punching resistance  
  Ft3,Rd = 183,35 kN Tension resistance of row 3  
Capacity of row 4
  Mpl,1,Rd = 2,3 kNm Plastic moment for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,1,ep,Rd = 324,65 kN Tension resistance for model 1 [tab. 6.2]
  Mpl,2,Rd = 2,3 kNm Plastic moment for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,2,ep,Rd = 268,14 kN Tension resistance for model 2 [tab. 6.2]
  FT,3,ep,Rd = 352,8 kN Tension resistance for model 3 [tab. 6.2]
  BP, Rd = 894,27 kN Punching resistance  
  Ft4,Rd = 268,14 kN Tension resistance of row 4  
Tension capacity of connection
Nj,Rd = ∑ Ftj,Rd
Nj,Rd = 1076,47 kN
Verification of tension capacity:
N / Nj,Rd = 1,28 > 1.0 The condition is not satisfied    (128%)
Shear capacity of connection


Connection category: A
  βLf    = 1 Coefficient for long connections EN 1993-1-8 [3.8]
Capacity of row 1
  Fv1,Rd = 196      kN Shear resistance of bolts in row 1
  Fv1,Rd = 196      kN Reduced resistance of row 1- long connections
  Fv1,Rd,red = 57,84      kN Shear resistance reduced due to tension [tab. 3.4]
Capacity of row 2
  Fv2,Rd = 196      kN Shear resistance of bolts in row 2
  Fv2,Rd = 196      kN Reduced resistance of row 2- long connections
  Fv2,Rd,red = 16,92      kN Shear resistance reduced due to tension [tab. 3.4]
Capacity of row 3
  Fv3,Rd = 196      kN Shear resistance of bolts in row 3
  Fv3,Rd = 196      kN Reduced resistance of row 3- long connections
  Fv3,Rd,red = 102,93      kN Shear resistance reduced due to tension [tab. 3.4]
Capacity of row 4
  Fv4,Rd = 196      kN Shear resistance of bolts in row 4
  Fv4,Rd = 196      kN Reduced resistance of row 4- long connections
  Fv4,Rd,red = 59,89      kN Shear resistance reduced due to tension [tab. 3.4]
Shear capacity of connection:
Vj,Rd = ∑ Fvj,Rd
Vj,Rd = 237,57 kN
Verification of shear capacity:
V / Vj,Rd = 0,15 < 1.0 The condition is satisfied    (15%)
Verification of welds
  Aw = 52,8 cm2 Total area of welds  
  Awy = 24,4 cm2 Area of vertical welds  
  Iwy = 3378,27 cm4 Moment of inertia of welds about Y axis  
  σperp= τperp =  184,41 MPa Perpendicular stress in welds  
  τpar  = 14,75 MPa Parallel stress in welds  
  β w  = 0,9 Appropriate correlation factor [tab.4.1]
Sqrt[(σperp2+ 3(τ perp2 + τ par2)]<= fu/(β w * γM2); 369,7 MPa < 453,33 MPa The condition is satisfied (82%)
σperp <= 0,9*fu/ γM2; 184,41 MPa < 367,2 MPa The condition is satisfied (50%)


Final verification
Connection verification:
Verification of connection FEd – force FRd - capacity Ratio FEd/FRd
N j,Rd - Tension capacity N = 1377 kN N j,Rd = 1076,47 kN 128 %
Vj,Rd - Shear capacity V = 36 kN Vj,Rd = 237,57 kN 15 %
Welds 369,7 MPa 453,33 MPa 82 %
The connection does not conform to the    (EN 1993-1-8:2005/AC:2009)
Critical component:
Verification of tension capacity :
N / Nj,Rd = 1,28 > 1.0 The condition is not satisfied (128%)

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