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Data Breach Highlights

Timeline: 01st May – 17th June 2018

June 13,

Dixons Carphone data breach, 5.9 million payment cards exposed


Dixons Carphone discovered an “unauthorised access” to certain data held by the company, it
promptly launched an investigation and hired an external firm to shed the light on the case.

HR Software company PageUp victim of a Data Breach, experts fear a

June 6,

domino effect
The company notified the incident to its customers, informing them that it has launched a forensic
investigation with the support from an independent 3rd party firm.
June 5,

MyHeritage data breach – 92.3 million user credentials exposed


Security researcher found a file named “myheritage” containing email addresses and hashed
passwords, on a private server outside of MyHeritage.

At least 90,000 Canadian bank customers may have been affected by two
May 30,

data breach
Two Canadian banks warned Monday they have been targeted by hackers, and that the personal
information of tens of thousands of customers may have been stolen.
May 27,

Coca-Cola data breach has affected about 8,000 workers


Coca-Cola announced a data breach after a former employee was found in possession of worker
data on a personal hard drive.

Rail Europe North America hit by payment card data breach

May 15,

hackers accessed registered users’ personal information including name, gender, delivery address,
invoicing address, telephone number, email address, credit/debit card number, expiration date
and CVV of customers.
May 14,

Chili’s restaurant chain is the last victim of a Payment Card Breach


The company issued a notice to warn people that recently used their payment cards at a Chili’s
restaurant of a possible data breach
May 3,

Australia’s Commonwealth Bank lost 20 Million customer records


Two magnetic data tapes were lost, both stored customers’ records, including names, addresses,
account numbers and transaction details from 2000 to 2016.

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