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Subject: With Pakistan already having a clear upper hand in the war we would like to cause a
civilian led rebellion movement with the Muslims of Kashmir (spread by the ISI). This
distracts Indian forces from the border and then AAK Niazi takes his forces and invades
Kashmir, taking it once and for all for Pakistan

From: Mohammed Akbar Khan, General AAK Niazi 

To: Colonel of Eastern Command of Pakistan’s army, ISI second highest ranking official

The time has come my brothers to rise and take back what is rightfully ours - Kashmir. India
is in a state of political turmoil- without a head of state. Further, as you must be aware we
are currently at war with the infidels, which we are winning. The one front where they were
beating us was the Navy however, now we have destroyed their ship the INS Vikrant. What
better time could there be to takeover Kashmir? What better time could there be to liberate
our brethren, while healing the festering sore in the body of Pakistan since 1947? 

Therefore I, Muhammad Akbar Khan would be needing you to start a rebellion movement in
Indian (at least for now) held Kashmir. This rebellion would be one for liberation led by our
civilian Muslim brethren in the region. For the same I would need you to carry out
systematic radicalisation through  spreading propaganda. Collaborate with the Mujahideen
with whom we have ties and the current movements for their radical networks. You may
also use bribes to radicalise the civilians. If you are able to bribe any religious leaders such
as the imams  at local Masjids that will be an important step since they hold great influence.
Once that action is carried out I need you to address the members of the Masjid.  Any
money that you would like to use for bribes can be secured from the ISI funds, as well as
weaponry from the ISI armouries. This must be listed as equipment needed in the war. 

Since this is a classified operation I will need you to list this withdrawal of money as ‘an
investigation into Indian military power’. The vague nature of this name would easily allow
us to direct the funds without any suspicions to ensure that nobody else can become aware
of our plan. 

The following are some phrases that must be included in the propaganda… 
I. My muslim brothers, the enemy is weak. It is finally time to strike and take what is
rightfully ours. For a better life for ourselves. 
II. In the name of Allah it is time to liberate ourselves from the infidels. 
III. Your 72 virgins await you in Jannah. 
IV. India- the traitor is down, now is when we strike. 

You must spread this propaganda to Muslims all throughout the region of Kashmir. If all else
fails, once again we resort to bribes to ensure that our interests are taken care of.  
You must carry out this action as soon as possible to ensure that we are able to strike when
India is at its weakest. Remember, these radicalised Muslims could cause a lot of trouble for

In order to radicalise the local population, carry out some attacks on the peaceful Kashmiri
Muslims and make sure it is seen as the work of the Indian army. 

To make it looks like the work of India here are some of the actions I would like you to take. 
I. Use phrases which are indicative of the same including but not limited to “Jai Hind” and
“Bharat Mata Ki Jai”. 
II. Have Indian flags and symbols painted on all the equipment that will be used. 
III. Do not use real names, instead refer to them using typical Hindu Indian names including
but not limited to “Ravi” “Ram” “Vishal” and “Dhruv” while actually addressing the
members of the operation by pointing at them. Please explain this to them in advance so as
to ensure minimal issues. 

You will then need to start this revolution in the central parts of Kashmir. The aim of this
location is to force troops from the borders to move further into the country. 

Another important thing to note is that these rebels- who will be radicalised Muslim
individuals- should be demanded to carry out the following actions as per the supreme will
of Allah. 

I. Attack Indian government institutions in Kashmir. 

II. Carry out systematic killings of all non Muslims in the region. 
III. Picket shops. 
IV. Set fire to the homes of hindus. 
V. Any other actions that you believe may provoke a reaction from the Indians.

That is when General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi will carry out the actions.  

The next step is the annexation of Kashmir, I want you to carry out this action after the go-
ahead from the ISI.
You must send in the following;
1) 1000 troops
2) These troops will all have guns
3) Two military vehicles armed with missile launchers
4) 5 supply vehicles with bombs and weapons for chemical warfare
They must also be provided with food supplies and required resources,
The following guidelines must be set out for these troops
1) Constant open fire on all military personnel of the opposing side
2) Open fire on anyone proposed as a threat to our people
3) Bombing to finish the job off
If required to kill in large numbers, we can use the chemical weapons for warfare.
Once cleared through force, or surrender, a Pakistani flag must be placed up in Kashmir and
I will set up bases there to prevent further invasion.

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