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All characters begin play as either commoners or as scions of the ancient bloodlines.

Only blooded characters

can be regents and thus rule their own domains, but hundreds of blooded characters exist who don’t rule
kingdoms. These scions may be cousins of a regent, second or third heirs, or other relations who aren’t in line for
the throne.

Bloodline Strength

The blood of an ancient hero may run undiluted in a character’s veins, or he may have only the most tenuous
claim to a bloodline. This is identified by his bloodline strength. Over time, the character’s bloodline may grow
stronger through wise rule as a regent or by confronting the scions of other bloodlines and defeating them in
heroic combat. Similarly, a blooded character who is defeated by another scion loses some of his bloodline
strength. Most regents and scions are cautious of possible encounters with others of their kind, since scions have
been known to kill each other for the power of their blood. The creatures known as awnsheghlien do so without
hesitation; the most famous example was the death of Michael Roele, the Emperor of Anuire, at the hands of the
Gorgon. A character designated to be a scion of one of the bloodlines rolls on table 10 to determine a bloodline
strength and then cross-references his bloodline strength on table 10a to get his starting category. The bloodline
category and score are recorded on the character sheet.

Bloodline Strength(Table 10)

d100 Score Strength
01-25 4d4 Tainted
26-65 5d6 Tainted-Minor
66-95 8d6 Tainted-Major
96-00 8d8 Tainted-Great
A character rolls a bloodline strength score and checks the resulting number and type of die used to determine
her Bloodline Strength score. Once that is determined, she checks against table 10a to find her Bloodline Rank.
(Example: a player rolls 67 to determine the number of dice his character rolls for bloodline strength. She rolls
8d6 and gets less than 25 for bloodline strength. His bloodline rank is considered to be of Minor rank. Thus, one
cannot have a Major bloodline of less than 31).This determination is for starting characters only.

Changing Bloodline Rank

Bloodline Strength (Table 10a)

Strength Category
Tainted Bloodline > 16 (10)
Minor Bloodline >=17 (24)
Major Bloodline >= 31 (40)
Great Bloodline >>= 49 (75)
True Bloodline >= 100 (125)
Once a character has been created and he or she begins to change her bloodline strength score, he will remain at
Major Bloodline rank until he passes the halfway point of the next bloodline rank (The numbers in parenthesis,
above). For Example, Anuvier starts out with a Minor Bloodline of 25. He rules his domain well and manages to
raise his bloodline significantly. Once he reaches a bloodline strength score of 40 or above, (which is the
midway point between Major and Great), he will have distinguished himself enough to be considered to have
gained a Major Bloodline. Note that the reverse is also possible, using our example above, Anuvier is a wastrel
of a ruler and rules so badly that his connection with the land wanes, and his bloodline strength score is reduced.
Should his bloodline be reduced to 10 or less (the halfway point between the lowest ranges of Tainted and
Minor), he will have reduced his bloodline rank to Tainted. Tainted bloodlines are either diluted by commoners
in the family tree or were never strong line from the beginning. Only a vestige of the divine right remains, and
after another generation or two, the line may evaporate completely. However, tainted bloodlines have returned to
prominence through the actions of exceptional characters. Minor bloodlines are usually descended from non-
heroic figures who were present at Deismaar. Thousands of common foot soldiers and camp followers survived
the battle to perpetuate minor bloodlines. Many of these minor lines were destroyed, however, in the chaos of the
first two centuries that followed Deismaar. Major bloodlines represent lines descended from the heroes of
Deismaar and the most powerful minor characters who survived the first decades of bloodtheft. Almost all of the
major bloodlines are famous throughout Cerilia, and the deeds and feuds of their heirs are the stuff of story and
legend. Great bloodlines are exceedingly rare. Only the greatest heroes of Deismaar were worthy of bloodlines
of such strength, and even then, only if they happened to be close to one of the deities. In the Anuirean region,
the lines of Boeruine and Avan are great lines. El-Arrasi’s bloodline is a great line in Khinasi. True bloodlines
originate from only one source: the chose champion of one of the gods of Deismaar. The champion must still be
alive, or must have passed the bloodline to his direct descendants. The Gorgon is an example; he was present at
Deismaar as the champion of Azrai and still lives today. If the bloodline of Roele had survived, it would be a
true line today. Player characters may not start out as descendants of true bloodlines (but could possibly discover
such a heritage later).

Derivations of Power

Bloodlines are indications of more than sheer power. The nature of the divine essence pervading a character's
heritage is just as important as its strength. The derivation of the bloodline represents which of the ancient deities
the character’s power stems from. When the gods of the Andu, the Rjuven, the Brechts, the Basarji, and even the
Masetians faced Azrai at the battle of Mount Deismaar, they gave up their own immortal lives in order to stop
their evil brother. The mortals who survived absorbed the essences of these individual deities. Although most of
the ancient deities were closely tied to their tribes, the cataclysm of Mount Deismaar didn’t respect nationality or
race. The bloodlines of the elder gods were distributed almost randomly among the survivors. There is a slight
tendency for bloodlines of an old god to be more prevalent among members if its tribe, since the old gods tended
to perish in the vicinity of their own followers. For example, the line of Andurias is the most common in the
Anuirean lands. Six derivations, or foundations for bloodlines (plus a seventh that no one cares to speak of) are
recognized: the lines of Andurias, Reynir, Brenna, Basaïa, Masela, Vorynn, and the cursed taint of Azrai. Most
people infected by Azrai’s blood have become awnsheghlien. A player may select the derivation of a character’s
bloodline based upon his character's race, or may roll on tables 11.

Table 11: Bloodline Derivation

d100 Anuirean
Derivation Rjuven/Dwarven
01-20 Andurias Reynir
21-35 Reynir Andurias
36-52 Brenna Brenna
53-70 Basaïa Vorynn
71-80 Masela Basaïa
81-90 Vorynn Masela
91-00 Azrai Azrai
d100 Brecht/Halfling
Derivation Basarji/Khinasi
01-20 Brenna Basaïa
21-35 Reynir Masela
36-52 Andurias Andurias
53-70 Vorynn Vorynn
71-80 Basaïa Reynir
81-90 Masela Brenna
91-00 Azrai Azrai
d100 Vos/Elven Derivation
01-20 Vorynn
21-35 Azrai
36-52 Brenna
53-70 Masela
71-80 Reynir
81-90 Basaïa
91-00 Andurias
The Bloodlines
No one has ever accurately counted the number of bloodlines that exist in Cerilia, but each derivation runs in two
or three to as many as several dozen families. All members of a family of a particular generation share the same
bloodline derivation and strength. Every bloodline runs in a different line of descent from a different individual
affected by the events at Mount Deismaar. A bloodline refers only to a specific family line and has no
connection with equivalent bloodlines possessed by unrelated characters. When creating a bloodline for a
character, think about the character’s ancestors, especially the founder of the line. How did these ancestors rise
to power? What alliances, friendships, and marriages exist with other bloodlines? Are there any feuds or
rivalries? Has the line grown stronger or weaker over the years? What other relatives share the character’s
bloodline, and where are they now? The section Blood and Regency later in this Part provides guidelines for
determining bloodlines in cases of intermarriage. An important thing to remember about bloodlines is this:
Regency doesn’t always follow direct lines of descent. From time to time, exceptional commoners have become
blooded simply by being in the right place at the right time when a king or other ruler died. Some of the
explanations for these occurrences remain a mystery, but history records several such incidents. A person’s heirs
are not always his children; in most cases, heirs are actively chosen and not left to chance.

Blood Abilities

Scions of the ancient lines usually posses unusual talents or powers associated with their derivations. These
special powers are known as blood abilities. All blooded characters roll on table 12 to determine the number and
power of blood abilities. The strength categories are cumulative; a character with a bloodline strength of 24 rolls
d100 for the 0-10 category, the 11-19 category, and the 20-28 category. If a character’s bloodline increases in
strength, he is entitled to check for a new blood ability if he crosses into a new category. For example, if a
character with a bloodline of 19 raises his bloodline strength to 20, he can roll on the 20-28 category to see if he
develops a new ability. If a character’s bloodline drops to a lower category, he loses abilities.

Automatic Acquisition of Blood Abilities

When a scion increases his bloodline strength from one category to the next, (i.e., from tainted to minor) a new
blood ability is gained. From Tainted to Minor, the blood ability of Bloodmark is gained. When changing from
Minor to Major, the blood ability of Divine Aura is gained at Major rank. When increasing from Major to Great,
the Divine Aura blood ability increases in rank from Major to Great. This applies to all derivations, even Brenna
who according to the original rules regarding blood abilities is forbidden to acquire Divine Aura. After a
character’s number of blood abilities and their strengths have been determined, roll on the tables below, based
upon the character's bloodline derivation, to decide the particular abilities for the character. Blood abilities are
generally designed to be role-playing tools and magical advantages for blooded characters to reflect their unique
heritages. Abilities that duplicate spell effects do not require material components. If a character rolls a minor
ability when he is entitled to a major or great ability, he has the option of keeping the minor ability or re-rolling.
If the same ability is rolled twice, re-roll to determine a new ability.

* This Result improves one of the character’s existing blood abilities of a minor level to a major level or a major
level to great level.

Table 12: Blood Ability Acquisition

Strength d100 Roll Ability Gained
00-10 01-90 None
91-00 Minor
11-20 01-40 None
41-80 Minor
81-95 Major
96-00 Enhanced to Major*
21-35 01-20 None
21-50 Minor
51-80 Major
81-90 Enhanced to Major*
91-00 Great
36-50 01-10 None
11-35 Minor
36-50 Major
51-70 Enhanced to Major*
71-90 Great
91-00 Enhanced to Great*
51-75 01-05 None
06-20 Minor
21-35 Major
36-50 Enhanced to Major*
51-75 Great
76-00 Enhanced to Great*
76-100 01-25 Major
26-50 Enhanced to Major*
51-75 Great
76-00 Enhanced to Great*
100 Auto Special**

New Blood Ability Descriptions

Derivations: Basaia
Ranks: Major, Great

The agitation blood ability enables the scion to heat a substance from the inside. As a result, paper ignites, wood
smolders, skin blisters, water boils, etc. As a major ability, the list below shows what’s possible, depending on
how many rounds the substance is agitated:

Round 1: Readily flammable materials (e.g., paper, dry grass) ignite, skin becomes red and tender (1 point of
damage), and wood becomes dark.
Round 2: Wood smolders and smokes, metal becomes hot to the touch, skin blisters (1d4 points of damage), hair
smolders, paint shrivels.
Round 3: Wood ignites, metal scorches (1d4 points of damage), skin burns away (1d6 points of damage), water
boils, and lead melts (damage does not increase after this round, but does continue).
Round 4: Steel grows soft and bends
Round 5: Steel melts

Where items are concerned, allow a saving throws vs. Magical Fire, but give a -10 penalty to the save (this heat
is quite destructive, as it comes from inside the material rather than outside).
The range for this ability, at major rank is 40 yards. As a great ability, the range of the ability is doubled and
after 1 round, the rate of agitation doubles (3 rounds of damage occurs in just two, 5 rounds of damage occurs in
3 rounds, etc.).
For both ranks, the maximum amount of time (in rounds) per day that this ability can be used is the scion’s
bloodline score divided by 6, used however many times per day the scion wishes.

All-around Sight
Derivations: Brenna, Basaïa, Masela, Vorynn
Ranks: Great

The All-around Sight blood ability allows the scion to see in all directions simultaneously. Thus, the scion can
never be struck from behind or suffer a penalty from a back attack. This ability is continuously in effect unless
consciously suppressed. While in effect, the scion suffers a -4 penalty to gaze attacks that are not beam-like.

Aura of Despair
Derivations: Masela, Azrai
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

With this ability, scions of Masela can instill a feeling of hopelessness in a victim. Creatures affected by this
blood ability may submit to the demands of the scion if a saving throw vs. Spells is not successful (wisdom
bonuses apply). Otherwise, the creatures are 25% likely to do nothing in a round and 25% likely to turn back or
retreat, if the saving throw is successful. At minor rank, the range for the ability is touch, and the saving throw
receives no penalty. At major rank, the aura surrounds the scion at a radius of 20 feet and the saving throw is
made at -2. At great rank, the aura surrounds the scion at a radius of 40 feet and the save is at a penalty of -4. The
scion may use this ability 3 times per day and lasts as long as the scion maintains concentration.

Blood Armor
Derivations: All
Ranks: Major
This blood ability, available to scions of all derivations, acts as a natural defense against attacks. The scion’s skin
is unnaturally tough, gaining an improvement to his armor class depending upon his bloodline strength. For
every 20 points of bloodline strength, he/she gains a +1 to his armor class, to a maximum of +5. This bonus is
cumulative with other protections of any type except for a potion of Ironskin (q.v.).

Blood Abilities of Andurias

Minor Major Great Blood Ability
01-05 01-03 01-03 Animal Affinity - Lions
04-09 04-06 Battlewise
10-15 07-09 Blood Armor
16-21 10-12 Bloodtrait
06-10 22-24 13-15 Breech Immunity
15-15 25-27 16-18 Courage
16-20 28-30 19-21 Detect Lie
21-25 31-33 22-24 Detect Life
26-30 34-38 25-27 Disease Immunity
31-35 39-41 28-30 Disruption
36-40 42-44 31-33 Divine Blessing
45-46 34-36 Divine Wrath
37-42 Elemental Control - Air
47-48 Elemental Invulnerability - Air
47-52 49-52 Endurance
41-45 53-55 53-55 Enhanced Sense
46-50 56-58 56-59 Healing
51-55 59-61 60-62 Heightened Ability - Charisma
56-60 62-64 63-65 Heightened Ability - Strength
61-65 65-67 66-68 Iron Will
66-70 68-70 69-72 Long Life
71-75 71-73 73-75 Major Resistance - Magic**
74-79 76-78 Protection from Evil
79-81 Regeneration
76-80 83-82 82-84 Resistance - Charm
81-85 86-85 85-87 Strength
86-91 88-90 True Sight
86-90 92-93 91-93 Unceasing Vigilance
91-95 94-97 94-97 Unreadable Thoughts
96-00 98-00 98-00 War Cry
Blood Sense
*Derivations: Brenna, Reynir, Vorynn, Azrai
Ranks: Minor, Major

A scion with Blood Sense gains the ability to detect the presence of blooded individuals. As a minor ability, the
radius of this detection is 60 feet + 1 foot per bloodline point. The scion may also deduce the bloodline strength
category (tainted, minor, major, great, true) of any blooded individual within range. As a Major ability, the scion
can determine the relative bloodline strength scores of individuals in the same category. For example, if two
scions with tainted bloodlines are detected, the scion can accurately determine which of the two has the higher
bloodline score.

Breech Immunity
Derivations: All
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

Scions with this ability, through the divine nature of their bloodlines, are able to attack and damage creatures that
are only be hit by magical weapons. As a minor ability, the scion may hit creatures only hit by +1 or better
weapons. At Major rank, the scion may strike creatures that are affected by +2 or better weapons. As a great
ability, +3 is the equivalent magical bonus that the scion has against supernatural creatures (i.e., those only hit by
+3 or better weapons). This ability does not confer a bonus to hit. It only enables the scion to harm individuals
with immunities to certain weapons.
Derivations: Brenna, Reynir, Vorynn
Ranks: Major

The camouflage blood ability allows scions of Brenna, Reynir and Vorynn the ability to Hide in Shadows (q.v.)
similar to the thief ability. Scions with this ability have a percentage chance to hide in shadows equal to 25 + 1%
per bloodline strength point. Those individuals that already have this class ability gain a bonus equal to their
bloodline strength when attempting to conceal themselves through the use of that ability. For scions of Brenna,
this ability is only effective in Urban settings. For scions of Reynir, it is only effective in wilderness settings.
Scions of Vorynn can use this ability anywhere they wish.

Cat’s Grace
Derivations: Brenna, Vorynn
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

The Cat’s Grace ability allows a scion to temporarily increase his Dexterity (q.v.) score to supernatural levels for
short periods of time. At Minor rank, when invoking this power, the scion’s dexterity is increased to racial
maximum, (if below) or +1 to his current dexterity score, whichever is higher. As a Major ability, the scion's
dexterity becomes 20 or he gains a +2 to his current dexterity (whichever is higher). At Great rank, the scion's
dexterity attribute is increased to 22 or gains +4 to this current score (again, whichever allows the higher score).
This ability is usable 3 times per week and for a duration, in rounds, equal to the scion's bloodline strength score
divided by 5.

Danger Sense
Derivations: Brenna, Reynir
Ranks: Great

Scions with this ability have an uncanny ability to know when they are the subject of intense scrutiny or are in
danger. This ability is triggered by the intense attention of another person or creature or when danger looms
(within 1-5 rounds). This power is constantly active unless consciously suppressed.
This ability does not reveal the location or identity of a watcher or how the scion is in danger, it only confirms
that the scion is in danger or being watched. However, the scion does get a sense of the general direction of the
threat or observer. Scions with this ability always gain a +2 bonus on surprise checks, and can, at the DM’s
option, prepare for the oncoming danger. This ability is rendered useless when the observer or threatening
creature is using non-detection type magics or blood abilities, including Conceal Thoughts, or, for scions of
Brenna, when outside of urban type settings, and for scions of Reynir, when outside of natural settings. Note that
underground settings are considered foreign for both derivations.

Blood Abilities of Reynir

Great Blood Ability

01-03 01-02
Animal Affinity - Wolves

Blood Armor

Blood Sense

Breech Immunity


Danger Sense


Detect Illusion

Detect Lie

28-31 23-24 Detect Life

Direction Sense

37-40 34-36 27-29 Disruption

Divine Armor

41-45 37-39 35-36 Divine Blessing

37-38 Elemental Control - Earth

39-40 Elemental Invulnerability - Earth

40-42 41-42 Encasement

43-45 43-45 Endurance

46-49 46-48 46-47 Enhanced Sense

50-54 49-52 48-49 Healing

55-58 53-55 50-51 Heightened Ability - Constitution

56-58 52-54 Immovability

59-63 59-61 55-56 Iron Will

64-67 62-64 57-59 Long Life

60-61 Major Regeneration

68-72 65-68 62-63 Major resistance - Charm

73-76 69-71 64-65 Major resistance - Magic**

77-81 72-74 66-68 Major resistance - Poison

75-77 69-70 Passage through Stone

82-85 78-80 71-72 Poison Sense

81-83 73-74 Protection from Evil

75-76 Regeneration

84-86 77-79 Repel Metal

86-90 87-89 80-82 Resistance - Cold

90-92 83-85 Shape Stone

86-87 Stone Seeing

88-89 Stone Tell

93-95 90-93 Stone's Burden

91-95 96-98 94-97 Strength

96-00 99-00 98-00 Unreadable Thoughts

Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Great

Scions with this ability enjoy the Cerilian Dwarves’ partial immunity to bludgeoning weapons and increased
weight allowance (per Birthright Rulebook page 6). Dwarves that happen to gain this ability are completely
immune to bludgeoning weapons of a non-magical sort. With magical weapons, only the weapon’s bonus does
any amount of damage (i.e., a +2 mace does 2 points of damage per strike, plus any bonuses from strength but
not specialization or mastery). Attacks from piercing or slashing weapons remain unaffected, however. This
ability is constantly in effect, regardless of the scions wishes. As an aside, the effective weight of the scion
doubles when this ability is gained. Movement rate is unaffected.

Disease Immunity
Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa
Ranks: Minor, Major

Scions with the Disease Immunity blood ability at Minor rank are granted the same immunity to normal diseases
that Paladins (q.v.) have. At Major rank, the immunity extends to magical diseases as well. Paladins and Elves
that gain this ability at Minor rank are considered to have the ability at Major rank, and cannot be enhanced any
further by increasing the scion's bloodline strength. Paladins or Elves that gain this ability at Major rank my Cure
Disease (by touch) once per day.

Dispel Magic
Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Major

Scions of Vorynn may, with this ability, dispel enchantments (similar to the 3rd level Wizard spell of the same
name). The effective level of this ability against other magic is determined by the scion’s Bloodline Rank.





This ability is able to be used only 3 times per day and follows the same restrictions as the Dispel Magic spell as
far as range, duration, and area of effect are determined.

Derivations: Brenna, Basaïa, Masela, Vorynn
Ranks: Major

Emulating the natural ability of the displacer beast, this ability causes the scion to appear to be about two feet
away from his true location. Any creature making a melee or missile attack against the scion automatically
misses with his first attempt and suffers a -2 penalty on all subsequent attack rolls. In addition, the scion also
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws for any spell or special attack aimed directly at him, not at any other
characters or the area around him. The only spell or blood ability that will reveal the scions true location is True
The scion is able to use this blood ability up to three times per day for 1 round per 5 points of bloodline strength
that he/she possesses.

Derivations: Brenna, Vorynn
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

When using this ability, at Major rank, the scion causes the victim to hear a faint noise or see something
indistinct out of the corner of his eye. When invoked, the scion using the power must decide if the distraction is
to be auditory or visual but cannot choose to further define the distraction. It will be a sound, but not a footstep, a
low moan or it can manifest as a glimpse of something, but not a person.
The victim who does not successfully save vs. Spells believes the sight or sound to originate from a direction of
the scion’s choice. The scion cannot choose distance at this rank of ability.
Because the illusion is quick and not detailed, the victim has a -4 penalty to his saving throw. If he fails the save,
he believes the sight or sound to be real but does not know what made it and decides to investigate. If he makes
the save successfully, he assumes he was “seeing things” or “hearing things” and does not act on the distraction.
As a Great ability, the scion is able to further define the distraction to something specific as well as determine the
distance that the distraction originates.
At both ranks, the range of the distraction ability (the furthest possible range at which a victim may be affected
by this ability) is 5 yards per 10 points of bloodline strength (rounded down).

Blood Abilities of Brenna

Minor Major Great Blood Ability

03-06 All-around Sight

04-06 07-08 Alter Appearance

05-09 07-09 09-10 Animal Affinity - Cats

10-11 11-12 Blood Armor

10-13 12-14 13-14 Blood History

14-17 15-17 15-16 Blood Sense

18-22 18-20 17-18 Bloodtrait

21-23 19-20 Breech Immunity

24-26 21-22 Camouflage

23-26 27-29 23-24 Cat's Grace

30-32 25-26 Character Reading

33-35 27-28 Charm Aura

29-32 Danger Sense

27-31 36-38 33-34 Detect Illusion

32-36 39-41 35-36 Detect Lie

37-40 42-44 37-38 Detect Life

45-46 39-40 Displacement

47-49 41-42 Distraction

43-46 Divine Armor

41-45 50-52 47-48 Enhanced Sense

49-52 Equilibrium

53-55 Ghost
46-50 53-55 56-57 Heightened Ability - Dexterity

51-54 56-58 57-58 Hypnotic Pattern

55-59 59-61 59-60 Instant Stand

62-64 61-62 Leap

60-63 65-67 63-64 Locate Bloodsilver

64-67 68-70 65-66 Long Life

67-68 Luck

68-71 71-73 69-71 Major Resistance - Charm

72-75 74-76 72-73 Major Resistance - Non-magical Attacks
76-79 77-79 74-75 Major Resistance - Poison

80-82 76-77 Persuasion

83-85 78-79 Phantasm

80-83 86-87 80-84 Protection from Evil

84-88 88-90 85-86 Resistance - Restraining Magicks

89-92 91-93 87-88 Safe Fall

89-92 Shadow Form

93-96 94-95 93-94 Speed

95-96 Travel

96-97 97-98 True Sight

97-00 98-00 99-00 Unreadable Thoughts

Divine Armor
Derivations: All
Ranks: Great

Scions with the Blood ability find their life force greatly enhanced through the manifestation of this power.
Divine Armor grants the scion a variable amount of additional “phantom” hit points that enable him/her to
withstand the rigors of combat more than other individuals.
To determine the amount of additional hit points the scion gains, divide the scion’s bloodline strength by 3 and
round down. These “phantom” hit points cannot be healed, but they do renew themselves at the start of each day.
If the scion's real hit points drop to 0 or below, he is either dead, or if using the optional rule “Hovering on
Death’s door”, he is knocked unconscious. In either case, the scion’s phantom hit points do not renew
themselves until he heals to at least 1 hit point.

Derivations: All except Brenna and Vorynn
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

Scions with the Blood ability of Disruption may attempt to turn undead and extra-planar creatures, as per the
Priest class ability. The effective level that the scion has is determined by dividing his bloodline score by 5
(rounded down). At Minor rank, the scion must touch the undead in question (attack roll may apply) and only 1
undead creature is affected per turning attempt. At Major rank, the effective range of this ability is 20 feet and
the scion may attempt to turn 1d6 creatures. At Great rank, the scion may attempt to turn 2d6 undead creatures
and has a range of 40 feet. Scions of Azrai with this ability command undead instead of turning/destroying them
and may attempt turning vs. Paladins (as per the Evil Priests and Undead section of the DMG). This ability, at
any rank, is usable but 3 times per day.

Divine Blessing
Derivations: All
Ranks: Minor

Scions with this ability gain an additional +2 on all saving throws, similar to Paladins (q.v.). This bonus is
cumulative with all other adjustments to saving throws.

Elemental Invulnerability
Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa, Reynir, Masela
Ranks: Great
The Elemental Invulnerability ability grants the scion the power to ignore his bloodline's patron element as
Andurias: Scions of Andurias may ignore the presence of air. These scions are not affected by spell that attack
with wind or air, and the scion does not need to breathe. Thus, the scion, while this ability is in effect, remains
unaffected by poison gas, an attack by an air elemental, or by spells such as stinking cloud.
Basaïa: Scions of Basaïa may ignore fire or heat. Their weapons and possessions are also protected. A heat metal
spell would make the scion’s sword glowing hot, but it would not warp or otherwise affect it. When the duration
of the ability has passed, the scion is subject to the full effects of whatever is attacking him, if the attack lasts
longer than the remaining duration of the power. Items that have been heated to extremes will suffer whatever
effects are appropriate if they are not cooled before the power fades. The sword in the above example would
warp as soon as the scion’s power stopped functioning if a heat metal spell was still in effect.
Masela: Scion’s of Masela ignore the element of water. These scion’s can breathe underwater, and are not
affected by most water spells, and can even move through water as if wasn’t there. When the ability expires, the
scion is subject to the usual effects.
Reynir: Scions of Reynir ignore the presence of earth when he gains this ability. He may move through stone,
wade through an avalanche, and otherwise ignore rock, metal, wood or any other earth-based material. If the
scion is still “inside” the rock, metal, or wood, when the duration of this power expires, he is instantly expelled
and takes 4d8 points of damage.
This allows the scion of Reynir to move beneath the surface of the land. In this state, his movement rate remains
the same as long as he travels in straight lines or descends into the earth. She is treated as if she were walking,
but only so long as she remains in the earth (no in water or air). If he must rise through the material, his
movement rate is cut in half. He is in complete control and will no sink or otherwise ‘drift’ when passing through
the soil.
The duration for this ability is 1 round per 5 bloodline points and is usable but once per day. Blood Abilities of

Minor Major Great Blood Ability

01-03 01-02 Agitation

01-04 04-06 03-04 Alertness

05-08 All-around Sight

05-12 07-12 09-12 Animal Affinity - Eagles

10-15 11-14 Blood Armor

16-18 15-16 Bloodtrait

13-16 19-21 17-18 Breech Immunity

22-24 19-20 Character Reading

25-27 21-22 Charm Aura

17-20 28-30 23-24 Detect Lie

21-24 32-33 25-26 Detect Life

25-28 34-36 27-28 Disease Immunity

37-39 29-30 Displacement

29-32 40-42 31-32 Disruption

33-36 Divine Armor

33-36 43-48 37-40 Divine Blessing

49 41-43 Divine Wrath

44-47 Elemental Control - Fire

48-51 Elemental Invulnerability - Fire

50-52 52-53 Endurance

37-42 53-55 54-56 Enhanced Sense

43-48 56-58 57-58 Faerie Fire

49-52 59-61 59-60 Healing

53-56 62-64 61-62 Heightened Ability - Intelligence

57-60 65-67 63-64 Hypnotic Pattern

61-66 68-70 65-66 Instant Stand

67-72 Invulnerability

67-70 71-73 73-74 Long Life

71-74 74-76 75-76 Major Resistance - Poison

77-79 77-78 Protection from Evil

75-80 80-82 79-80 Resistance - Fire

81-84 83-85 81-82 Safe Fall

83-86 Scrying

85-88 86-88 87-88 Speed

89-92 Travel

89-91 93-94 True Sight

89-92 92-94 95-96 Unceasing Vigilance

93-96 95-97 97-98 Unreadable Thoughts

97-00 98-00 99-00 War Cry

Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major

The Encasement blood ability causes its victim to sink into any stone or earth he stands on as if he were standing
in quicksand. The victim sinks 18 inches (1.5 feet) per round. (A Halfling would sink over his head in two
rounds; Dwarves in 3 rounds; and Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans in 4 rounds).
A character who has something capable of supporting twice his own weight within arm's reach can try to keep
from sinking further.
If the character makes an open doors check by less than his exact open doors score, he can pull himself free in a
number of rounds equal to the number of rounds he was sinking. If she makes the check by the exact amount, she
can prevent herself from sinking further, but must continue to make checks on the following rounds until he
succeeds by more than the required number or fails (in which case he continues to sink). The victim of this effect
may make an open doors check once each round until she pulls herself free or sinks over her head.
Once completely submerged, the air is immediately forced from the victim’s lungs and he or she begins to
drown. The victim must then make a constitution/fitness check with a cumulative -2 penalty per round. (No
penalty for the first round, -2 for the second, -4 for the third, etc.) If the check fails, the victim dies. This ability
is usable but once per week and has a range of 5 feet per 10 points of bloodline strength.

Enchant Item
Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

The blood ability Enchant Item is similar to the blood ability of Breech Immunity, with one important difference.
With Breech Immunity, the scion may hit creatures normally affected by magical weapons based on his
bloodline rank without gaining actual bonuses to hit and damage. With Enchant Item, the scion actually gains the
bonuses to hit and damage. At Minor, Major, and Great rank, this bonus is +1, +2, +3, respectively. This bonus is
cumulative with other bonuses a weapon/item may have as long as the total combined bonus is +3 or less. If the
combined bonus is +4 or greater, the bonus granted is equal to the highest bonus the scion has available,
determined eparately. The duration of this ability is 1 round per 2 points of bloodline strength and may be used
once per day. Once activated, the power remains active until the duration expires.

Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa, Masela, Reynir
Ranks: Major, Great

Scions with this ability can undertake physical hardship that borders on the supernatural. As a Major ability, the
scion may perform any labor for twice the duration that a normal character could, given equivalent ability scores.
Thus, using the Player’s Option: Combat and Tactics Fatigue system, the scion’s fatigue points effectively
double. As a Great ability, the scion performs labor for 3 times the duration, and his number of fatigue points (if
that system is used) triples. Once a scion gains this ability, he may no longer take the Endurance non-weapon
proficiency. Any proficiency slots that are taken up by the Endurance proficiency before this ability is gained are
still considered expended.

Derivations: Brenna
Ranks: Great

The Equilibrium blood ability allows the scion to adjust the weight of his or her body to correspond with the
surface he’s walking upon. Thus, he can walk on water, quicksand, or even a spider’s web without sinking or
breaking through. If the character is falling while having this ability, he will fall 120’ per round - slow enough to
escape injury. Also, those with this ability gain a +4 bonus on dexterity/balance checks and also on saving
throws vs. knockdown, if that optional rule is in play.

Faerie Fire
Derivations: Basaïa, Vorynn
Ranks: Minor

This ability enables the scion to outline one or more objects or creatures with a pale glowing light, similar to the
1st level Priest spell of the same name. This ability corresponds to the spell exactly in terms of range, area of
effect, saving throws and general description. The scions effective level is determined by dividing his bloodline
strength by 5 (rounding down). This power is usable only 3 times per day.

Feel Magic
Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Minor

Scions of Vorynn with this ability have an excellent feel for magical items. They can discern the potential
magical ability of an item merely by handling it. The scion can determine the magical pluses, general amount of
charges, or general purpose, of any item handled for more than 1 round. The scion must concentrate, however, so
this precludes any other action other than a slow walk. General purpose is defined as the magical schools used to
enchant the item. Each piece of information is revealed 1 at a time for every round of concentration after the
first. This ability is usable at will.

Derivations: Brenna, Vorynn
Ranks: Great

This blood ability allows the scion to shift his body into a different frequency of motion, making him ghostly and
transparent to the unphased world around him. The scion can walk through solid matter, his enemy’s weapons
will pass right through him, and no physical force or energy can harm him. He can be affected by other phased
object or creatures, though (including objects or creatures in the Ethereal Plane).
A ghosted scion is not affected by gravity. He will retain any falling momentum he has, but when he arrives at
the ground, he is not harmed, Nor is he stopped from "falling." He can move over solid ground at his normal
movement rate, over water or quicksand at one-half normal, and through solid matter at one-quarter his normal
move. He is able to move vertically at 10 feet per round, as long as he is passing through solid matter. This
ability does not allow the scion to fly. However, it can be used to counteract the momentum retained from falling
once he/she has passed into the ground. Momentum is retained for a distance equal to the amount fallen. Thus, if
the scion fell 100 feet and then passed into the ground, he could use the vertical movement to counteract his
momentum and would emerge from the ground 10 rounds later. If the scion fails to maintain phasing while
passing through matter, he takes 3-30 points of damage, falls into a coma for 1d6 hours and is trapped in the
Ethereal Plane. The duration of this ability is 1 round per 10 points of bloodline strength and is usable once per

Blood Abilities of Masela

Minor Major Great Blood Ability

01-04 All-around Sight

01-06 01-06 05-08 Animal Affinity - Dolphins

07-12 06-10 09-10 Aura of Despair

11-14 11-12 Blood Armor

13-18 15-19 13-15 Blood History

20-24 16-17 Bloodtrait

19-22 25-27 18-19 Breech Immunity

23-26 28-30 20-21 Detect Lie

27-30 31-33 22-23 Detect Life

31-34 34-36 24-25 Direction Sense

26-30 Displacement

35-38 37-39 31-32 Disruption

33-37 Divine Armor

39-44 40-47 38-41 Divine Blessing

48 42-45 Divine Wrath

46-50 Elemental Control - Water

51-55 Elemental Invulnerability - Water

49-54 56-57 Endurance

45-48 55-57 58-59 Enhanced Sense

49-52 58-60 60-61 Keening

62-66 Liquid Form

53-56 61-63 67-68 Long Life

57-60 64-66 69-70 Major Resistance - Non Magical Attacks

61-64 67-69 71-72 Major Resistance - Poison

65-70 70-72 73-74 Obscurement

73-77 75-76 Protection from Evil

71-74 78-80 77-78 Resistance - Water Based Attacks

79-85 Scrying

86-90 Travel

75-78 81-83 91-92 Unceasing Vigilance

79-82 84-86 93-94 Unreadable Thoughts

83-88 87-91 95-96 War Cry

89-94 92-94 97-98 Water Breathing

95-00 95-97 99-00 Water Walking

98-00 00-74 Wither Touch

Hypnotic Pattern
Derivations: Basaïa, Vorynn, Azrai
Ranks: Minor

When this ability is used, the scion creates an illusion of weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air.
This pattern causes any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as the scion
maintains the display, plus two rounds thereafter. The scion can captivate a maximum of 24 levels or hit dice of
creatures. All creatures affected must be within 30 yards of the scion and within a 30 foot cube centered
anywhere within range, and each is entitled a save vs. spell. The saving throw is modified by the bloodline of the
scion, gaining a +2, 0, -2, -4 bonus/penalty at Tainted, Minor, Major, and Great ranks of bloodline, respectively.
Alternatively, the scion may create an effect equivalent to the 1st level Wizard spell Hypnotism. The saving
throw modifiers above are cumulative with those given in the spell description and range, and area of effect are
the same as well. The duration of the effect is 1 round plus 1 round per 10 points of bloodline strength. (1 round
per 10 points of bloodline strength is the effective level of the scion when using this power).

Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major

When a scion of Reynir with this ability makes himself immovable, he is exactly that. A tremendous amount of
force is required to uproot him from his current location.
Moving the scion requires a combined strength total that is at least 10 times greater than the scion’s constitution
score, minus 5. If a character is pushing the scion, and makes a successful bend bars roll, that character can
double the strength he is contributing to the total effort. Even if a group manages to move the scion once, they
may not be able to move him any easier the next time. The scion remains immovable until he ceases to use this
ability, or its full duration for the day is exhausted.
The ability has nothing to do with weight. A character will not crash through the floor because he has made
himself immovable. He has instead attached himself to the fabric of the universe, which is considerably more
powerful than the strongest castle. He does, however, need a horizontal surface as an anchor. The scion may
move normally while under the effect of this power and is also immune to knockdowns or overruns (Optional
rules outlined in Player’s Option: Combat and Tactics).

Instant Stand
Derivations: Basaïa, Brenna
Ranks: Minor

Scions of Brenna and Basaïa, by virtue of their divine bloodlines, are able to regain their feet after being knocked
prone, quicker than other creatures. This ability enables the scion to instantly stand after being knocked prone,
negating the need to forfeit an attack or ½ move to stand. This ability is usable 3 times per day if the scion has a
tainted bloodline, 6 times per day for those with Minor bloodlines, 9 times per day if of Major and 12 times per
day if of a Great bloodline.

Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Major

By means of this power, the scion confers upon himself immunity to metal, including normal metal weapons, for
a duration of 1 round per 10 points of bloodline strength. Such weapons will pass harmlessly through the
individual as if he were a phantasm, not solid flesh. The individual can pass through iron bars, gates, and other
metallic objects. Non-metallic objects with still affect the individual and harm him (this includes, interestingly
enough, Tighmaevril).
Ironguard applies only to the individual's body, not anything he is carrying or that is attached to him.
The Ironguarded scion is still subject to other types of attack, such as heat, cold, and poison, even if these attacks
are delivered by weapons that will normally pass through him. A sharpened stick becomes more dangerous than
a sword. The scion retains his normal armor class. Magical weapons can strike him, but only inflict damage
equal to their magical bonus (a long sword +2 inflicts 2 points of damage). Enchanted metal is an impassable
barrier to the scion. Spells using metal is their spell effects (such as Blade Barrier) affect the individual normally.
The scion may attack metal armored opponents as if they were unarmored, but only with bare-handed or natural
weapons. Such opponents would be armor class 10 minus dexterity and magical adjustments.
If for some reason, the scion has his body in the same space as a metal object, when the abilities’ duration
elapses, he is instantly killed.

Derivations: Masela
Ranks: Minor, Major

When a scion of Masela uses this ability, he or she is gains tremendous vocal powers. As a minor ability, the
scion can emit an ear-splitting scream that has an area of effect of a radius of 30’ around the scion. Any creature
in this area (other than the scion, who is immune to her own wail) is deafened for 2d6 rounds and suffers 2d6
points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates the deafness and halves the damage inflicted. Any
exposed brittle or crystalline substance subject to sonic vibrations is shattered by this ability, while those objects
in possession of a creature receive that creature’s saving throw. Deafened creatures suffer a -1 penalty to surprise
rolls, and those that cast spells with verbal components are 20% likely to miscast them.
As a Major ability, the wail of the scion is even more powerful. A victim of this ability must succeed in a saving
throw vs. spells or be permanently deafened, is stunned for 2d4 rounds and receives 4d6 points of damage. If the
saving throw is successful, the deafness only lasts for 2d6 rounds, and the stun effect is negated and damage is
reduced by half. Additionally, if the saving throw entails a critical effect, (If that Optional Rule, detailed in
Player’s Option: Spells and Magic is in use) the victim must also succeed in a saving throw vs. Death at -4 or
die. This ability is usable once per day. The effective level of the scion for optional rule purposes is equal to
his/her bloodline score divided by 10.

Blood Abilities of Vorynn

Minor Major Great Blood Ability

01-06 All-around-Sight

01-04 07-08 Alter Appearance

01-04 05-06 09-10 Animal Affinity - Owl

07-10 11-12 Blood Armor

05-10 11-12 13-14 Blood History

11-16 13-16 15-18 Blood Sense

17-20 19-22 Bloodtrait

21-24 23-24 Breech Immunity

25-28 25-26 Camouflage

29-32 27-28 Character Reading

17-22 33-34 29-30 Detect Illusion

23-26 35-36 31-32 Detect Lie

27-30 37-38 33-34 Detect Life

39-42 35-36 Dispel Magic

43-46 37-38 Displacement

47-50 39-40 Distraction

41-44 Divine Armor
31-38 51-56 45-48 Divine Blessing

39-42 57-58 49-50 Enchant Item

43-46 59-60 51-52 Enhanced Sense

47-50 61-62 53-54 Faerie Fire

51-56 63-64 55-56 Feel Magic

57-59 Ghost

57-60 65-66 60-63 Heightened Ability - Wisdom

61-64 67-68 64-67 Hypnotic Pattern

68 Invulnerability

69-70 69-70 Ironguard

65-68 71-72 71-72 Locate Bloodsilver

69-72 73-74 73-74 Long Life

72-76 75-76 75-76 Major Resistance - Magic

77-80 77-78 Non-Detection

81-84 79-80 Phantasm

85-88 81-82 Protection from Evil

77-80 89-90 83-84 Resistance - Invoc/Evoc Magicks

81-84 91-92 85-86 Safe Fall

85-88 93-94 87-88 Scrying

89-94 95-96 89-90 Shielding

95-00 97-98 91-92 Translation

99-00 93-94 True Sight

95-99 X-Ray Vision

00 Vorynn's Fire**

Derivations: Brenna
Ranks: Major, Great

With this ability, a scion of Brenna is able to perform extraordinary feats of springing and leaping. As a Major
ability, from a standing start, the character can leap 4’ into the air and 3’ forward plus 1’ up and forward per 5
points of bloodline strength (his or her effective level). He can also flip in mid air to automatically change his
Standing start leaps do not take an entire round, costing instead only one attack allowed during the round. Thus,
a character could flip over an opponent, land behind him, and execute an attack from the rear with his next melee
From a running start, the scion can leap 8 feet upward and 10 feet forward plus 1 foot up and forward for every 5
points of bloodline strength. The character must have room to run at least 10 feet before making such a leap.
As a Great ability, standing leaps uses the running leap distance progression as per the Major rank ability, and
running leap progression is ½ again further than the Major rank.

Liquid Form
Derivations: Masela
Ranks: Great

When using this ability, scions of Masela convert their body to a liquid like substance. During combat, any non-
magical piercing attacks are wholly negated, slashing attacks cause only 1 point of damage per hit, and
bludgeoning attacks are at double damage dice. Thus, if a scion of Masela was to be hit by a non-magical mace,
he would take 1d6+1 plus 1d6+1 points of damage (before modifiers are applied). Attacks from magical
weapons simply add their bonus to the amount of non-magical damage done. The scion may use this ability for a
duration, in rounds, equal to his bloodline strength score divided by 9 (rounded down). Also, while using this
power, the scion can ooze through any non-watertight opening at one-half his normal movement rate. The
scion’s equipment is also rendered liquid by this power, however, the scion may selectively solidify his
equipment to make them effective in combat. Thus, the scion may make his body liquid but his armor and
weapons solid to allow him to make attacks. This ability is usable 3 times per day.

Locate Bloodsilver*
Derivations: Brenna, Vorynn, Azrai
Ranks: Minor

This ability allows the scion to sense bloodsilver (Tighmaevril) within a radius of 50 yards plus 1 yard per point
of bloodline strength. The scion can follow the “smell” to its source in much the same way a potion of treasure
finding guides one to treasure. The scent of tighmaevril is detectable only to scions with this blood ability. The
aroma is similar to cinnamon, yet most of the scions with this power find the smell unappealing. An Obscure
Object spell prevents this blood ability from functioning even if the tighmaevril object is within range.

Luck (Brenna’s Luck)

Derivations: Brenna
Ranks: Great
With Brenna’s Luck, a scion can seemingly accomplish the impossible. When a scion gains this ability, he is
allowed two die or dice rolls whenever he attempts an action that has a die roll that determines the success or
failure of that particular action. The scion then is able to select the most advantageous of these rolls. This ability
is only available to Scions of Brenna with a Great Bloodline Rank or higher. This ability is constantly in effect.
It only affects actions that the character undertakes such as attacks, saving throws, and the like. It does not apply
to rolls on table 12 or 13 in the Birthright rulebook, which are not considered character actions.

Derivations: Vorynn, Azrai
Ranks: Major, Great

This ability, at Major rank, makes the scion undetectable by divination spells such as clairaudience,
clairvoyance, locate object, ESP, and detect spells. It also prevents location by such magical items as crystal
balls and ESP medallions. It does not effect the know alignment or the ability of intelligent or high level beings
to detect invisible creatures. If a divination is attempted, the scion must roll a saving throw vs. spells. If the save
is successful, the divination fails.
At Great rank, any divination attempt automatically fails (without the need for a saving throw). For divination-
type effects not covered in the Major rank ability, the scion is considered to have possession of an Amulet of
Proof vs. Detection and Location.

Derivations: Masela
Ranks: Minor

The use of this ability causes a misty vapor to arise around the scion. It persists in its original locale for two
rounds per 5 points of bloodline strength (rounded down) and reduces visibility ranges of all types of vision
(including Infravision) to 2d4 feet. The ground area affected by the ability is a square progression based upon the
scion's bloodline strength score: 10’ x 10’ square per 10 points of bloodline strength (rounded down, which is his
effective level). The height of the vapor is restricted to 10 feet, although the cloud will otherwise expand to fill
confined spaces. A strong wind (such as the 3rd level Wizard Spell, Gust of Wind) can cut the duration of the
power by 75%. This ability does not function underwater. The duration of this effect is 4 rounds per effective
level and is usable but once per day. The obscuring effect created by the use of this power is considered weather

Blood Abilities of Azrai

Minor Major Great Blood Ability

01-05 01-02 01-02 Alertness

03-05 03-04 Alter Appearance

06-10 06-08 05-07 Animal Affinity - Serpent

11-14 09-10 08-09 Aura of Despair

11-13 10-11 Battlewise

14-16 11-12 Blood Armor

15-18 17-21 13-18 Blood Sense

19-23 22-29 19-25 Bloodform

30-32 26-27 Breech Immunity

33-35 28-29 Charm Aura

24-26 26-37 30-31 Death Touch

27-29 38-39 32-33 Detect Illusion

30-32 40-41 34-35 Detect Life

33-37 42-43 36-37 Disruption

38-39 Divine Armor

38-40 44-48 40-43 Divine Blessing

41-43 48-50 44-45 Enhanced Sense

51-53 46-47 Fear

44-46 54-55 48-49 Heightened Ability - Charisma

47-49 56-57 50-51 Heightened Ability - Intelligence

50-52 58-59 52-53 Hypnotic Pattern

54 Invulnerability

53-55 60-61 55-56 Iron Will

56-60 62-65 57-58 Locate Bloodsilver

61-63 66-67 59-60 Long Life

61-62 Major Regeneration

64-66 68-69 63-64 Major Resistance - Charm

67-69 70-71 65-66 Major Resistance - Magic**

70-72 72-73 67-68 Major Resistance - Non-Magical Attacks

73-75 74-75 69-70 Major Resistance - Poison

76-80 76-77 71-72 Non-Detection

78-79 73-74 Persuasion

81-85 80-84 75-77 Poison Sense

78-79 Regeneration

86-90 85-86 80-81 Resistance - Necromantic Magics

82-83 Shadow Form

84-85 Touch of Decay

86-87 Travel

91-93 87-88 88-89 Unreadable Thoughts

90-94 Vampiric Regeneration

94-96 89-92 95-96 Vitriolic Touch

97-00 93-96 97-98 War Cry

97-00 99-00 Wither Touch

Passage Through Stone

Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major

A scion with this ability may, once per day, pass through stone as if it were air for a total of 100 yards + 10 yards
per point of bloodline strength. Scions of Major bloodlines with this ability may take one additional human-sized
creature with him on such a stone walk per 20 points of bloodline strength. With a Great bloodline, scions can
take two additional creatures (man-sized) per 20 points of bloodline strength. The scion, when using this power,
can intuitively sense distances between passages and caverns separated by walls, so that they always know
whether a stone walk can take them to a safe place, or whether they might be trapped in solid stone at the end of
the walk. The duration of this ability is equal to the amount of time it takes the scion (walking at his/her normal
pace, without stopping) to traverse the length of the stone that lies between him and the safe-point that is his/her
destination. Once the scion emerges fully from the stone, the effect ends. Note that this ability cannot be used to
avoid hazards that threaten the scion directly. Thus, if the scion was about to be caught in an avalanche, he could
use the ability to travel through the mountain that he was climbing, but he could not use it to phase through the
boulders that were directly threatening him.

Derivations: Brenna, Vorynn
Ranks: Major, Great

With this ability, at Major rank, the scion creates a transparent duplicate of himself. The Phantasm appears
adjacent to the scion. It wears all the clothing and carries all the equipment that were in the scion’s possession
when the ability is invoked, leaving him unclothed and unarmed; the clothing and equipment are not transparent.
For one hour or until the Image is struck in combat, the scion controls the image’s actions and sees through its
eyes. It is an extension of him and possesses all of his physical and mental skills but not his magical or blood
abilities. The scion sees through both eyes at once. When the image is waiting or resting, the scion can take
actions of his own, but he cannot make both his real body and his image act at the same time.
If the image is struck in combat or hit with a successful dispel magic spell, it disappears - leaving behind all the
clothing and equipment it was carrying.
As a Great ability, the scion may create two such images at the same time. The second image gains the same
equipment as the first (through magical duplication), although when the second image disappears, all of its
equipment disappears as well. Plus, the images are semi-real and each has 40% of the scions normal hit points
and can be struck multiple times (however many it takes to drop the image to 0 hit points). This ability is usable
but once per week at both ranks.

Repel Metal
Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major, Great

As a Major ability, scions with this blood power cannot be hit by metal weapons for as long as the power is
maintained. The ability is usable but 3 times per day and lasts for a duration of 1 round per 10 points of bloodline
strength. During this time, any metal swung, shot or hurled at the scion veers away at the last moment, doing no
damage. For attacks that are hurled or propelled (i.e., arrows or axes), the DM should use the Scatter Diagram
for Grenade-like missiles when the scion is attacked using these weapons. It is entirely possible for other
creatures around the scion to be threatened by a “scattered” missile, even the attacker, himself.
As a Great ability, the scion gains all the abilities of the power at Major rank. Also, once per day, with a round of
concentration, he may enhance this ability, causing any metal within one foot per bloodline point to be hurled
away from him. All metal within this radius is propelled outwards to the limit of the area of effect. Those
wearing or carrying metal items may make a saving throw vs. death magic at -1 per 10 pounds of metal he is
carrying or wearing. Those that succeed in making saving throws stay in place but cannot approach the scion
until the next round. Those that were unsuccessful are hurled backwards. If any creature under the effect of this
ability (i.e., fails the save) comes into contact with a surface (such as a wall, the ground outside the area of
effect, or another creature) takes damage as if they had fallen that distance. If another creature is hit, the flying
creature takes normal falling damage and the creature that was hit takes ½ of the damage inflicted upon the
creature that hit him. If an object is struck, the object must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be
shattered by the hurling object/creature. The flying object/creature continues in its flight as per above and takes
damage as above, also. The area of effect of this ability at Great rank is 1 foot per 2 points of bloodline strength.
Safe Fall
Derivations: Basaïa, Brenna, Vorynn
Ranks: Minor

This ability allows scions to mimic the spell Feather Fall (q.v.) to a limited extent. For every point of bloodline
strength, the scion may fall 1 foot without harm. Unlike with wizard spell, this ability only affects the scion and
his/her equipment. Safe Fall is constantly in effect. If the falling distance exceeds the distance that he scion may
fall without harm, subtract the length of the safe fall from the total distance fallen and calculate the damage

Derivations: Basaïa, Masela, Vorynn
Ranks: Great

This blood ability allows scions to scry, just as if they were using a Crystal Ball (q.v.) with no additional
properties. Scions of Basaïa scry using fire, those of Masela scry using a pool of water, and scions of Vorynn are
able to use this power through any mirror or crystalline object. Detrimental effects for prolonged use and
multiple use is the same for using a Crystal Ball (q.v.).

Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Minor

When using this ability, an invisible barrier comes into being surrounding the scion. This barrier totally negates
magic missile-like attacks. It also provides the equivalent protection of AC 2 vs. hand-hurled missiles (axes,
darts, javelins, etc.), AC 3 against small device-propelled missiles (arrows, crossbow bolts, bullets, manticore
spikes, slingstones, etc.), and AC 4 against all other forms of attack. The shielding also adds a +1 bonus to the
scion’s saving throws vs. physical effects. The scion may use this ability for a duration per day, in rounds, equal
to one-half his bloodline strength score. This ability is invoked and dispelled at will and the scion can use up its
duration in any combination he or she pleases.

Shape Stone
Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major

By means of this ability, the scion can form an existing piece of stone into a shape that suits his or her purposes.
For example, a stone weapon may be crafted, a special trapdoor fashioned, or an idol sculpted, if the applicable
non-weapon proficiency checks are successful. This ability can also enable the scion to reshape a stone door so
as to escape imprisonment, providing the volume of the stone involved was within the limits of the area of effect.
While stone coffers can be thus formed, and stone doors made, the fineness of detail is not great. If the
construction involves moving parts, there is a 30% chance they do not function. The area of effect of this ability
1 cubic foot of stone per 10 points of bloodline strength that the scion possesses.

Derivations: Basaïa, Brenna
Ranks: Minor

Some scions are able to drastically increase their physical reactions, in comparison to the world around them,
effectively doubling their speed for short periods of time. A scion using the Speed ability is effectively hasted for
as long as he maintains the ability. The scion’s movement rate and rate of attack are doubled, and he gains a -2
bonus to initiative rolls while the power is in effect.
Spellcasting and or psionics (if used) are not sped up by this ability, although this ability can be used to counter a
magical slow effect. After the duration of the ability expires, he must rest for a number of rounds equal to the
time he used the ability, doing nothing but catching his breath. If forced into combat, he is severely fatigued and
suffers a -4 to hit and a +3 on his armor class until he can rest for the full amount of time. He does no suddenly
age a year as a would the recipient of a Haste spell. The duration of this ability is equal to 1 round per 10 points
of bloodline strength (the scion’s effective level, for this ability), and is usable once per day.

Stone Seeing
Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Great

By means of the Stone Seeing blood ability, a scion is able to make a section of metal, stone or wood as
transparent as glass to his gaze. Normally, up to four inches of metal can be seen through, stone up to six inches
thick can be made transparent, and 20 inches of wood can be affected by this ability. This ability will not work
on lead, gold, or platinum. It may be used a number of times per day equal to the scion’s bloodline strength
divided by 10 and each use lasts 1 turn.

Stone Tell
Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Great

When a scion uses the Stone Tell ability upon an area, the very stones speak and relate to the scion who or what
has touched them, as well as telling what is covered, concealed, or simply behind them. The stones relate
complete descriptions, if asked. Note that a stone’s perspective, perception and knowledge may hinder this
power’s effectiveness; such details, if any are decided by the DM. The scion may use this ability one time per
day and has a duration of 1 turn per use. During this time the scion is absorbed in the conversation and is
automatically surprised by any opponents.

Stone’s Burden
Derivations: Reynir
Ranks: Major, Great

Scions with this blood ability may carry heavy burdens easier than other persons. As a major ability, the
encumbrance value of all equipment carried is considered 2 categories lighter for all purposes. Thus, an
individual with a strength/stamina score of 18 is normally severely encumbered if carrying 353 pounds ore more
of equipment, treasure, etc. A scion with this ability with the same strength/stamina score and same load is only
considered to be moderately encumbered. As a Great ability, this power affects all creatures within a 30’ radius.
Also, once per day, the scion may reverse the effect of this ability, on all enemies within 30 feet, for a duration
of 1 round per 10 points of bloodline strength (rounded down). Moderately encumbered creatures under this
effect have a -1 “to hit” penalty. Heavily encumbered creatures have a -2 “to hit” penalty and a +1 AC penalty,
while severely encumbered individuals have a -4 “to hit” penalty and a +3 AC penalty, that is applicable when
the reversed version of the power is in effect.

Derivations: Andurias, Reynir
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

The use of this blood ability bestows a temporary increase in strength to the scion. At Minor rank, the scion may
increase his strength score by 1d4 points. At Major rank, the increase is by 1d6 points. At Great rank, the scion
rolls 1d8 to determine the bonus to his strength score. Each percentile bracket counts as 1 point for this purpose,
and even non-warriors can gain exceptional strength in the manner. The power lasts 1 round per point of
bloodline strength per day. Once the power is invoked, it cannot be dispelled voluntarily until the duration
expires. Racial maximums may be exceeded by the use of this ability.

Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Minor

A scion with this ability is granted the constant power of the 1st level wizard spell Comprehend Languages
(q.v.). In addition, the scion is granted a saving throw (at normal chances) vs. the spells Confuse Languages and

True Sight
Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa, Brenna
Ranks: Major, Great

When using this ability, an effect exactly the same as the 5th level Priest spell True Seeing is bestowed upon the
scion, although, this ability cannot detect alignment. This power, at Major rank, is usable 3 times per week for 1
round per 10 points of bloodline strength. At Great rank, it may also be used 3 times per week, but the duration
increases to 1 turn per 10 points of bloodline strength (all fractions are rounded down).

Unceasing Vigilance
Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa, Masela
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

When employing this blood ability, the scion is endowed with supernatural stamina and abilities as described

1. At Minor rank, the scion's sense of sight is enhanced. He can see through normal darkness and can see
invisible creatures and objects. He cannot see through solid objects, however, and the range of this enhanced
sight is limited to 60 feet.

2. At Major rank, the scion gains those abilities gained at Minor rank, and for the duration of the ability the scion
has no need for food, water, or rest. He does not feel fatigue (of any kind) and regenerates 1 hit point per hour.
However, he does not actually rest and therefore cannot regain spells until he actually sleeps.
3. At Great rank, he gains the abilities of both Minor and Major rank, and for the duration he is totally immune to
the effects of magical and natural fear, as well as sleep and charm spells.

The duration of this ability is one hour per 10 points of bloodline strength and is usable one time per day. When
the duration of the ability expires, the scion must rest for a number of turns equal to the number of hours under
the influence of this power. If forced into action (say by being attacked), he can move at only half his normal
movement rate, maximum, has an armor class and “to hit” penalty of -2, and losses all dexterity combat bonuses.
Unlike the 5th level Priest spell with the same effects, the scion is not restricted to one location and may move as
he or she wishes.

Vampiric Regeneration
Derivations: Azrai
Ranks: Great

This ability mimics the ring of the same name, and is constantly in effect. Unlike the ring’s power, the ability’s
healing power is usable when in non-melee combat. It will heal the scion of ½ of the damage he or she (or it)
inflicts even through missile and spell combat. The use of this ability can dramatically hasten the change to
Awnshegh form, if this power is gained and is possessed alongside the Bloodform ability.

Vitriolic Touch
Derivations: Azrai
Ranks: Minor

Similar in effect to Death Touch, Vitriolic Touch exudes not a poison, but acid. When invoked, the scions acid
touch must be used within one round per effective level of the scion (1 round per 10 points of bloodline strength,
rounded down) or its use for the day is wasted, and the acid becomes inactive. During the duration of the power,
a scion may attack an opponent and cause 1d4+1 hp of damage per effective level (maximum of 10d4+10). In
other words, an attack made by a scion with a bloodline strength of 57 points does 5d4+5 hp of damage. Only
one successful attack may be made within the power’s duration. Once that is successful, the duration of the
ability expires. The attack must be made with a bare hand. Any objects handled by the scion must save vs. Acid
or be destroyed.

Vorynn’s Fire
Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Great (Special)

The rarest and potentially the most powerful blood ability known, Vorynn’s Fire allows the scion to absorb
magical spells and redirect that energy back at his enemies. This includes spells cast from scrolls and innate
spell-like abilities, but excludes the following: area effects that are not centered directly upon the scion, spell
effects delivered by touch, and spell effects from devices such as wands, staves, and so forth. Thus, a light spell
cast to blind the scion could be absorbed and redirected, while the same spell would be unaffected if cast to light
an area within which the scion is standing. The scion may absorb up to one-half his bloodline strength score in
spell levels in order to redirect them at a later time as magical blasts of energy, visually similar to fire. Only one
spell level per effective level of the scion (the scion’s bloodline strength score divided by 10, rounded down)
may be released per round. The blasts cause 1d4+1 points of damage per spell level. The exact spell levels of any
spells absorbed by the scion are always known. If the scion has absorbed his full allotment of spell levels, he
starts taking damage from any spells that he cannot absorb. The magical blasts have a range of 10 yards per
effective level of the scion and they automatically hit when fired. Saving throws for half damage always apply.
For purposes of Magic Resistance or the Resistance blood abilities, the spell energy released is considered to be
from the Invocation/Evocation school of Magic. This ability is constantly in effect, and is not able to be
consciously controlled by the scion. Thus, even helpful spells (from the scion’s allies) are absorbed, if the fall
under the above criteria. This ability is only available to scions with Bloodlines of Great Rank or higher.

War Cry
Derivations: Andurias, Basaïa, Masela, Azrai
Ranks: Minor, Major, Great

With this blood ability, a scion may unleash a war cry that causes fear in enemies and rallies his allies. As a
Major ability, this effect has a range equal to 1 yard per point of bloodline strength (to a maximum of 150 yards).
Any creatures opposed to the scion must immediately make a morale check or flee at their maximum movement
rate. PC’s, NPC’s and any creatures without a morale rating must roll a save vs. paralyzation. An opponent who
succeeds suffers no ill effects from the War Cry, but those who fail suffer a loss of courage and are effected as if
struck by a Fear spell. Simultaneously, the scion’s allies are inspired to do battle and gain a +1 “to hit” and +2 to
damage. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the scion’s bloodline strength score divided by 10 (his
effective level, again, rounding fractions down). As a Great ability, this effect is applicable to all units in the
scion’s area of the battlefield (if this is not applicable, use the ranges given under the ability at Major rank).
Also, the saving throw/morale check is at -4 and allies gain +2 “to hit” and +4 to damage. This ability is usable
but 3 times per day, at either rank of ability.

Water Breathing/Water Walking

Derivations: Masela
Ranks: Minor, Major

These two abilities are exactly the same as the 3rd level Wizard and Priest spells, respectively. The scion’s
effective level (as far as the spells are concerned) is equal to his bloodline strength score divided by 10 (rounded
down). As a minor ability, these abilities are usable (individually) one time per day. As a Major ability, they are
usable (individually) 3 times per day.

X-Ray Vision
Derivations: Vorynn
Ranks: Great

This ability gives the scion the ability to see into and through substances that are impenetrable to normal sight.
Vision range is 20 feet, with the viewer seeing as if he were looking at something in normal light. X-Ray vision
can penetrate 20 feet of cloth, wood, or similar animal or vegetable material, and up to 10 feet of stone or some
metals (some metals cannot be penetrated at all) as per the following chart:
Substance Scanned Thickness Penetrated
per round of use Max Thickness
Animal Matter
4’ 20’
Vegetable Matter
2 ½ 20’
1’ 10’
Iron, Steel, etc.

Lead, Gold, Platinum Nil Nil

It is possible to scan up to 100 square feet of area during one round. Thus, during one round, the scion could scan
an area of stone 10 feet wide and 10 feet high. Alternatively, he could scan an area 5 feet wide and 20 feet high.
Secret drawers, recesses, and doors are 90% likely to be located by use of x-ray vision. Even though this ability
enables the scion to scan secret doors, traps, hidden items, and the like, it also limits his use of the power, for it
drains 1 point of constitution if used more frequently than once every six turns (one hour). If it is used three turns
in one hour, the scion loses 2 points from his total constitution score (including sub-abilities), 3 if used four turns
in one hour, etc.
Constitution loss is recovered at the rate of 2 points per day of rest. If a scion’s constitution score reaches 2, the
scion is exhausted and must rest immediately. No activity, even walking, can be performed until his/her
Constitution score returns to 3 or better. This ability is usable at will, given the restrictions above.

Important Note: Blood Abilities marked with an asterisk in the above list are not of my creation, they are listed
and described in this article for sake of completeness - Memnoch

Blood and Regency When a child is born to a scion of an ancient bloodline, the child inherits the bloodline
strength and derivation of one parent. The child gains the bloodline derivation of the parent with the stronger
bloodline, but the strength is diluted by the weaker bloodline. The child’s bloodline strength begins as the
average of his parent’s bloodline strengths. For example, a father derived of Brenna with a strength of 40 and a
mother derived of Reynir with a strength of 30 bear a child. The child inherits the bloodline of Brenna with a
Strength of 35. Bloodline rank is also inherited from the parent whose bloodline is the strongest. However, due
to the dilution of the bloodline strength by the weaker bloodline, it is possible for a child to have crossed the
point to where he has been reduced in bloodline rank. However, due to the overlap in bloodline strength points in
table 10a, it will actually take 2 generations (from Grandparent to Grandchild) for an actual reduction in
bloodline rank to occur. A Bloodline can be said to have declined when the children born to its possessor do not
achieve its full potential, in terms of Blood abilities. Their children will inherit a reduced Bloodline, meaning
that it will require two generations for a reduction in Bloodline Strength to become effective, or “official”.
For example, let us assume that the Gallaudet Bloodline was a Major Bloodline in Anuire following Deismaar.
Henri Gallaudet, who had been a commoner before Deismaar, marries Marie, a woman with no Bloodline;
Henri’s has a Score of 42. Jacques Gallaudet, the son of Henri and Marie, begins life with a Score of 21, and a
Major Bloodline of Anduiras even though due to his bloodline strength score, he should have a minor bloodline
(based upon table 10a). Jacques is not an adventurer, and is spoiled by his parents, never improving his
Bloodline. He marries a woman with a Tainted Brenna Bloodline (12). Their children have the Gallaudet-
Anduiras Bloodline (Jacques’ is the stronger Bloodline) at a strength of 16, which is now considered a minor
bloodline. When noting a character that has a certain bloodline rank due to parentage (as Jaques does, above) but
qualifies for another bloodline rank, the bloodlines should be noted thus: Andurias, Major (Minor), 21.
A blooded child doesn’t gain or lose bloodline strength based on the actions of parents or family. If a blooded
father is slain in battle by an awnshegh, his daughter’s bloodline is not affected. Similarly, if a blooded mother
becomes the Great High Queen after her daughter’s birth, the mother’s increase in bloodline does not increase
the daughter’s strength.

Passing the Bloodline A character can voluntarily pass his bloodline to another character by participating in a
ceremony of investiture (described in detail in part II of the Birthright rulebook). The recipient of the bloodline
increases his bloodline to the power of the donor, while the donor reduces himself to a bloodline strength of 0. If
effect, the donor gives up all his heritage and passes it to another individual. If the recipient’s bloodline strength
is already stronger than that of the donor, the recipient’s strength increases by only 1 point.
This altruistic act normally occurs when a parent has gone on great conquests and gained honor after the birth of
a child, and wishes to pass the stronger bloodline to his offspring rather than allowing his powers to disappear
upon his death. A ruler without heirs may ennoble a trusted advisor and thus designate him as heir. Characters
are rarely forced to give up their bloodlines, although the threat of death, use of hostages, mind-controlling
enchantments, or similar dirty tricks may persuade them to participate in the investiture ceremony "voluntarily."
Note that this type of investiture ceremony can only be performed on a character that has been previously
designated as an heir of a regent or scion. If a ceremony of investiture is performed on a individual that has not
been designated as an heir, the divested regent loses his bloodline in its entirety and the investing scion has his
bloodline score increased just as if he had killed the scion by piercing him through the heart (see usurpation,

Regency While many scions and awnsheghlien wander Cerilia with noble heritages and potent blood abilities,
their powers have little significance without a domain to control. Blooded characters who control kingdoms are
blessed with a mystical connection to the land - a right to rule that infuses them with supernatural powers,
responsibilities, and benefits. No one knows how this bond between ruler and domain occurs, but some scholars
believe it is connected to the powers of confidence and belief - in effect, the power of the ruler is derived from
the fealty of his subjects. Something in the semi-divine blood of a noble scion responds to the allegiance of his
followers in the same way that a true deity gains strength from worshippers. Kings and nobles aren’t the only
rulers blessed with this mystical ability. Charismatic priests derive the same kind of power from the confidence
of their congregations. Merchant-princes and guild-masters enjoy the confidence of those who work for them or
pay them tribute. Even wizards gain power from the respect of the masses. Because every ruler and every
domain is unique, the people of Cerilia refer to these individuals as regents. In this sense of the word, they’re
stewards of power who hold both the trust of the people and responsibility for the land. The mystic power that
regents derive from the stewardship is known as divine right, karma, or nobility - but it’s most commonly and
correctly called regency.
In game terms, regency is measured by a Regency Point (RP) score, just like hit points and bloodline strength.
Not all blooded characters gain a Regency Point score - only regents amass a Regency Point score! Scions who
choose not to rule domains never gain Regency Points, nor do characters without a divine bloodline.
A ruler’s Regency Points can be used to increase the power of his bloodline (possibly gaining new blood
abilities) or to increase the success of ruling his domain (described in the Birthright rulebook, part II).

Usurpation (Bloodtheft)

When two scions meet in battle and one dies, special circumstances may allow the slayer to gain part of the
victim’s bloodline power. The scions of Cerilia discovered this strange condition soon after the events at Mount
Deismaar. The resulting betrayals and feuds among Cerilia’s scions have contributed to more than a thousand
years of ceaseless wars. If a blooded character dies a natural death or perishes at the hand of a commoner, there
is a chance that the commoner inherits his bloodline. Otherwise, his bloodline is unaffected and all his bloodline
characteristics die with him. There is a chance, however, of a commoner inheriting the slain scion’s bloodline
through what is called The Land's Choice. For Further information see The Land's Choice (under Investiture) in
the Book of Priestcraft If a regent character dies in a similar manner, his heir assumes the regent’s domain and
his Regency Point score. The heir does not gain any bloodline strength or abilities and the commoner may gain
the regent's bloodline at half strength, per above. If the dying regent has no heirs, the Land may choose a
successor of the provinces of the domain. The holdings of the domain enter a contested state immediately, and if
they are not invested by another regent by the time maintenance is to be paid in the next domain turn, they
disband. Sources, since they require continuous control, disband immediately unless a ley link action is
performed to designate an heir at the time of death. If a scion or regent dies as a result of another blooded
character piercing him through the heart, the victim’s heir assumes his domain, but the victim’s Regency Points
are lost. (The act of piercing the regent through the heart must be the killing blow. Piercing the regent’s heart
after he is dead does not affect the transference of regency or bloodline.) In addition, the slayer increases his
bloodline strength by 1 point if the slayer’s bloodline was stronger than or equal to his victim’s strength; the
slayer gains 2 points if his bloodline was weaker than his victim’s. If a victim pierced through the heart was the
last of his line, the killer’s bloodline increases by 1 point per 5 points of the victim’s bloodline strength and the
killer also claims the victim’s Regency Points. A regent’s heir need not be his child; the heir be a lieutenant or
even a commoner who lives up to the ideals of the bloodline. Regents always actively choose their heirs, which
must be done through a ceremony of investiture. See Investiture in the Book of Priestcraft.

The Taint of Azrai Bloodtheft has a special consideration when it comes to Awnsheghlien. The difference
between a “normal” scion of Azrai and Awnsheghlien is the presence of the blood ability Bloodform.
Awnsheghlien possess this blood ability and normal scions do not. Tighmaevril

The rarest cases of bloodtheft occur when a scion is killed with a weapon made of tighmaevril (tih-MEE-vril), or
bloodsilver. The killer adds one-half the victims bloodline strength to his own bloodline and severs the tie
between land and king. The victim’s domain thus becomes uncontrolled, and his heirs gain no regency points.

Tighmaevril is a rare alloy created by an elf smith named Ghoigwnnwd over 2,000 years ago. He was the only
person who ever knew the secret of working the metal, and made about a dozen tighmaevril weapons. The
weapons were first prized for their strength and beauty. Their unusual properties remained undiscovered until
one such weapon was used to kill a scion.

When a scion of another derivation performs bloodtheft on an Awnshegh, there is a chance that the corruption
inherent in Awnsheghlien will pass to the slayer. This mechanic is performed by an opposed roll between
bloodlines. The character who performed the bloodtheft divides his bloodline strength by 6 (rounding down) and
rolls that many six-sided dice. The bloodline strength of the slain Awnsheghlien is divided by 8 (rounded down)
and then the DM rolls that many 8 sided dice. If the character’s total roll exceeds that of the Awnsheghlien that
was slain, his bloodline is strong enough to withstand the taint of Azrai and normal bloodtheft occurs. If the
Awnsheghlien’s rolls are greater, then the curse of Azrai’s blood takes over. The slaying character’s bloodline
derivation switches to that of Azrai, and the character gains a new minor blood ability (Bloodform). He loses all
blood abilities prohibited to those of Azrai’s bloodline, but for each ability lost, he gains one new roll on Table
12: Blood Abilities Acquisitions (above), at his current bloodline strength (including the points gained through
bloodtheft of the Awnsheghlien). This transformation does not mean the character becomes evil. If the character
already has an evil alignment, he becomes worse; if he is not evil, he must fight evil thoughts and tendencies at
every choice and opportunity. Any time the character acts in a manner that could be construed as selfish, cruel,
or evil, the character’s appearance changes a little more, and the player of the character should be warned that his
character is growing increasingly dominated by the blood of Azrai. As noted before, this form of corruption can
only happen when an Awnsheghlien is slain and bloodtheft occurs. If the Awnshegh is slain normally, and no
bloodtheft occurs, the corruption of the slayer’s bloodline does not occur. This taint also cannot happen when a
normal scion of Azrai (those without the Bloodform blood ability) is slain, even if bloodtheft occurs. Note that
the switch of derivations is immediate, however, DM’s can keep the “corruption” secret from the player until
such time as physical manifestations of the curse of Azrai take place.

Created by Memnoch

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