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A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings:

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale by Gabriel García Márquez. This short

tale is fascinating since the general tone appears to have a quiet vibe to it. It gives the impression

that the events detailed here are just something that occurred without any exceptional features.

Gabriel Marquez tells the story of an older man with giant wings who suddenly appears in a

small community. In Pelayo and Elisenda's backyard, he is noticed, and neither he nor the

villagers know about such a thing since they do not believe in miracles. According to the

neighboring lady, the elderly man's current predicament "had taken away whatever feeling of

grandeur he could have had," and his appearance and demeanor reflect this. Moreover, his

wretched physical appearance is at odds with the common conception of angels. As a result,

people treat him more like a freak than a regular citizen. His response to the brutal treatment of

the people stands as a symbol of the cultural features he was trying to describe.

Intolerant and narrow-minded peasants become a symbol of harshness because of how

they treat unusual newcomers. The locals see helpless people as terrible sinners. Therefore, weak

and defenseless individuals are brutalized. The older man and spider lady are mocked, deceived,

used, and confined like circus animals. "They only roused him by branding him with an iron."

The angel's abuse demonstrates that the locals are hostile towards him, as they tortured him to

conduct more amusing acts.


In a nutshell, Marquez uses the tale as a vehicle for a societal critique of human views,

which results in constant character development. We've come to give meaning to what's just a

pack animal survival technique because of the emotional weight we've given it via evolution.

We've been taught to place religious faith in practical matters. Bottoms are not always attractive,

good is not always lovely, and evil is not always wrong. Indeed, we are all held captive by the

flesh on our plates. This means that people's social environments are the source of their impact.

Work cited

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. "A very old man with enormous wings: A tale for children." Leaf

storm and other stories (1972).


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