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It was a bright summer morning; the birds were chirping.

I was having my
breakfast. “Trin, trin” my mobile phone was continuously ringing. I received
the call it was an unknown number. The man on phone said “There is a
secret meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m., you need to be there.” You would be
probably scared but no need to worry! It’s my job. Oh! Let me tell you about
my job. I am Ibrahim from Pakistan, I’m an agent.
At 8:00 p.m. I met my officer he told me that I was shifted to another station
in Karachi. The next day I prepared my stuff and went there. There I met an
officer, he was senior than me. We both stopped and looked at each other for
a while. The officer told me his name was karam daad and he said that he
had seen me somewhere. I was also confused that where did I saw him.
Then, we had a little talk. Karam daad asked me on how many stations had I
worked. I told him about all the stations but he said he hadn’t worked on any
of them.

As the days past I got more curious that how and where did we both saw
each other. One day I was offering my tahajjud prayer. After offering my
prayer I made dua to Allah (S.W.T). I cried a lot! Suddenly I was shocked.
There was a movie going on in my mind. The next day I went to Karam daad
and told him that I remembered where I had seen him. He was so excited!

I said “You are a betrayer! You had always played with Muslim’s blood.” He
was furious. He took out his gun, he was about to fire me. Suddenly all senior
officers entered with their loaded guns and they shot Karam daad. He was
shot dead on the spot!

Let me tell you the truth. Karam daad was just a liar. His real name was
Karam Chand. I remembered that he and I were friends in childhood. We both
lived in Agra but at the time of partition of subcontinent Karam Chand
attacked our house, all of my family members were killed and I was badly
injured then somehow I reached Pakistan. You see how these Hindus are.
They are the deadliest enemy of Muslims. Dear all, we have got this country
by blood, labor and sacrifices. Our ancestors had worked and struggled so
hard therefore protect your nation. Be a loyal Pakistani!

Written by: Afeera Rizwan

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