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RUCTIONS ena corrRor Of T@GHNOLOGY 4 AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING T OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SEC STER EXAMINATION, 2017/2018 SESSION ) TIME 7 NUMBER CECI10 PPL: Civil ing Cot LLOWED: 3 HOURS on this que: : ration number. ATTEMPT $ OUT OF THE TOU: hand sketch for Gi skelthes where ne rete paved path ollowing Iron mongeries. Barrel bolt (iii) Locks 'y to the following items of © briefly on each of the fire fighting equipment which you know end indicate— s mode of opere wt break for different types of {folding which normally used for the decoration of an é complex of three floors = rite short notes on the following features of the scaffold. Base plate (ii) ‘Standard iii), Ledger (iv) Coppulier Jation precautionary measure necessary for install Defi 3 s y on the following types of contract —_—— f quantities contract (ii) + Lump-sum contract Prime sum conaact (iv) Target contract Labour contract ‘ort notes on two (2) different types of tendering, aid of sketches, show now Lintel or Lintol is normally ace an opening, now a frame for an opening is usually fixed to brick/ block 2 eAnotated sketches for the main constructional features’ of any form of ‘ope ! and battened door of 25 x 625 x°1 75mm is required to be used for the store it @ housing estate he elevation (ii) The horizontal and ve ‘cal seetion , \ YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOG SCHOOL OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 2° SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 SESSION ENGINEERING PAPER CODE: MTH _COURSE UNIT:2 > MPU Mon hon Cav to acta cca ere ation a ATEN O47 OF € QUT a) lim ASE TITLE. ¢. INSTRUCTION “rere crores = (iw) kim 2a) Differentiate from 1 principle . 2 Wy = Sintx fran NF GCOSY ™ pb dee By (2) Continuous (i) harmonic a - (c) Evaluate () wee wf ne a 3a) Solve the equation roe coty = 0,given y(v2) = %/ (b) Test for homogenuity of (y? — xy)dx + dy (©) Show chat the equation (y* — x*)dx + 2xy dy = Vis exact, hence solve the equation cosx 4a) Differentiate y = (i 2 3 dy (b) Af atyt— axty + $Sine + 0 = 1, find & 9a) Interprete the following © [Cos xds ‘ f art Re | 0 Se bea {b) A particle moves ina straight Jine from 0 with velocity V = Im/s when ¢ = 1see acceleration is (2t ~ 3) m/s*, Calculate the (time when the particle is momentarily at rest Gi) distance travelled when it is momentarily at rest K © Using the trapezium rule with five ordiante at x = 0,0.25,0.5,0.75 & 1.0 Calcualte correct to 4d. p the approximate value of [ V+) ux, a ax az — 6a) Given that z = fx? + y? Fina OF OF eee — a2 dex Hence show that Vx? + y? is a solution in of Rit 5 0 é oy a (b) TF fuy) = tan 7x). Show that f(x,y) is ( * fax" + xt (c) Evaluate wf — ’ #) Continuous (1) harmonic */, wo | See x dx 0 YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF CIVIL AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING . 2) SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2016/2017 SESSION no: ceC 104 CLASS: ND 1 (F/T) PAPER 7 COURSE: SOENCE AND PROPERTIES GE MATERIALS Te aun oD HEE INSTRUCTIONS: THERE MUST BE NO OTHER JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTIONS ON THE QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER. ATTEMPT FIVE OUT OF THE SEVEN QUESTIONS 4 a. (i) Define Quarrying of stones. (ii) Explain quarrying without blasting: the wedge method. ~ * b. Mention five forms of building stones. ©. List four types of natural aggregate. . State the stages invoives in the manufacturing of bricks. a b. List five clay products. p oe © . Explain briefly clay firing. —— Q.3 a. Explain the following: (@ Enameting (ii) Galvanizing b. What are the effects of corrosion on metals? : State the factors that influence rusting and corrosion. < Electroplating 2.4 a. Defitie-the followhiget) Stress (ji) Strain (ii) Modulus of elasticity AS 6, ». Distinguishisetween elasticand plastic deformation. _ RO * ¢, State five application of ime iijeanstruction works, 5%. {i} What is placement of concrete? “ = oI (i) State seven rules of placement of concrete. b. Mention three types of vibrators. ; c, What are the methods of transporting eoncrete on site. a. Explain the following: ({) Silica glass (ii) Lead glass S ii) Alumminosilicate glass b, Describe the two main classes of plastics. oa Joe 7. 2. State ti.ree properties of each of the following: z \~" (i) Aggregate (ii) Ferrocerment (iii) Asbescos b, State two applications of each of the following: (i) Bitumen emulsion (ii) Mastic asphalt {iii) Bituminous felt ©. State the advantages of high alumina cements over ordinary portland cement, at ECHNOLOGY 'F OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 2019 GEOLOGY AND BASIC SOIL MECHANICS "EC 108 CLASS: ND 1 PT TIME: 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt 5 Questions, 4 From Section A and 1 from section B, THERE MUST BE NO JOTTINGS ON THIS PAPER EXCEPT YOUR MATRICULTION NUMBip SECTION A: ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Je. Define Geology as: i), aa science ii) an applied scieace (10 marks) 1b, Enumerate 5 reasons why the study of Engineering Geology and Basic Soil Mechanics are critical to the practice of Civil Engineering (0 marks) 2a. Rocks are the aggregation of ane or more minerals into a hard mass and are usually classified into 5 types according to how they are formed in the rock cycle. Briefly describe with aclear illustration, the formation and petrological characteristics of the 3 major rocks in the rock cycle (10 marks) T ee cpicin the 3 key processes of denudation QO marks) 3a. structural geology gives an insight into how inherent properties of rocks get modified rendering these rocks suitable or unsuitable for civil engineering projects. Differentiate between the following structures using clear illustrations where necessary. (10 marks) i Outerope and strata ii Dip and stike iii, Folds, Faults and joints iv, Landslides and thnists 3b. _ when rocks are used as building stones or aggregate, the effects of goological structures are minimal. However, the bedrock/foundation for certain construction projects such as tunneliny, dam construction or even quarrying when affected by geological structures could be unstable Discuss. (10 marks? 4a. The Continental drift cheory was relevant up until the early 1960s, State the theory and ihe 3 evidences that supported it. What was the limitation of this theory? (10 macks) tb Explain the process of tandforms anit landscape foumation by exogesicovs and enous geological agents. (5 marks ui List 5 types of depositional landforms and how they are formed. (5-marks) d its application fa. Tsostacy is a flindamental concept in geology, State the principle ant : (marks) it Central Greenland lies below sea level because the crust is depressed by icceaps. 1f oe glazier were to melt, would Greculand remain below the ocean’? Give seasons, (5 marks) sbi What are the 5 immediate ayd semote causes of landslides? ii Describe 5 ways mass movements e.g. landslides can be prevented By: BASIC.SOUL MECHANICS: 6 A liquid and plastic limit determination gave the following, results: (20 marks) Liquid limit test (Casagrande apparatus) Test no, ‘Tin mass tin + wet soil tin dry soil No. ofblows (g) AB) L 23.68 40.86 13 2 93 42.62 20 “Neer 5 L024 3802 Sis a Plastic limit Test t 25.34 32.17 31.01 2 24.83 30.48 29.51 Determine the plasticity index of the soil ae What is the purpose of Soil Classification? (10 marks) li jhiame the two major Soil Classification Systems, b. i From an cogineering standpoint, how would you define soil? ii Soils could be cither transported soils, residual soils or organic soils depending on bow they wore formed, Explain, (20 marks) YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2018/2019 SESSION CLASS: ND1 (FT) PAPER CODE: MEC 102 COURSE: DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS. INSTRUCTIONS: ATTEMPT FOUR (4) OUT OF SIX ( 6) QUESTIONS. “THERE MUST BE NO OTHER JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTIONS ON THE QUESTION PAPER, EXCEPT YOUR MATRICULATION NUMBER” QL. In the mechanism shown in figure Q1, OA révolves anti-clockwise about O while AB slides through the pivoted block C. Draw the locus of B for one revolution OA. OA is 40mm and AB is 145mm. (20 marks) Q2. A land surveyed plan shown in figure Q2, with scale 2:1, reproduce the plan and draw the reduction of the plan using ratio 5:4. (20 marks) Q3. Draw and develop the given sheet metal fitting:sttown in-figure Q3-full size with seams a-a. (20 marks) O4. Figure Q4 shows a concrete structure with elevation viewing in the direction of arrow E; end view at arrow S and plan view projected from the elevation, produce the orthographic drawings of the structure in first angle projection. (20 marks) Q5. Draw the given views in figure QS in full size, and project the auxiliary plan ‘on the ground line X1Y1. (20 marks) Q6. Figure Q6 shows two dissimilar cylinders intersecting at an angle of 45°, Draw the views and complete the line of interpenetration on the front elevation, (20 marks) NOTE: 1. Title block, good letterings, neatness and boarder lines will fetch you 20%. YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF CIVIL AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF Civil. ENGINEERING 18/2019 SESSION SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2028/ ani GUASS: ND 1 (F/T) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS INSTRUCTIONS: ATTEMPT FIVE OUT OF THE SEVEN QUESTIONS ‘THERE MUST BE NO OTHER JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTIONS ON THE QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER, 0.1 a. Define Aggregate. b. Describe the following: (0) Clean broken aggregate. (ll) Sand and gravet aggregate. (iii) Porous brick aggregate {iv) Fine aggregate {v) Blast furnace slag aggregate Pf. 2._a, Differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting materials and give two examples “Gf each. b. List five types of glass. ¢. Mention five applications of glass in construction works, Q.3 a. Define Quarrying of stones. b. Explain quarrying without blasting: the wedge method ¢ Mention five forms of building stones and state thelr uses. Q:4 a,Leplain Curing of concrete. b. State five methods of curing of concrete.” >. c. Explain three concrete finishing operations ~ Q.5 a. Define the following: (i) Corrosion —_ (ii) Rusting {ili) Anaerobic corrosion b. Lstseven methods used for protecting metal against corrosion, ¢. State four uses of lime in building construction. “Q.6 & List six types of cement. 5, Mention six acceptable tests for cement. ¢. State eight precautions required for proper storage of cement. Q.7 a, State thtee properties of each of the following: (Asbestos (H) Ferrocement (iti) Bamboo b. State two anglications of each of the following: () Situmen. (ii) Asphatt (iil) Tar c. Siate the rules required for a proper fixed formwork. VARA COLLOCE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL EN’ 2 SEMESTER 2018:2019 VILE # MINEERING GEOLOGY AND CLASS: ND IFT COURSE CODE: CEC 108 Fite: 3 HOURS GINEERING BASIC SOIL MECHANICS COURSE UNIT: 3 from section B. TRICULTION NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt 5 Questions, 4 From Section A and 1 HeRL MUST BE NO JOTTINGS ON THIS PAPER EXCEPT YOUR MA ENGINFERING GEOLOGY a. Define Geology as: i). =a science i) _ am applied science (10 marks) -4 Geology and Basie Soil Mechanics are critical Enumerate 5 reasons why the study of Engineer 1b, Enumerate $ reasons why y of Engi ee) to the practice of Civil Engineering rocks ate the aggregation of one or more minerals into a hard mass and are usually classified inte 3 types cording (0 how they are forined in the rock eyele. Briefly describe with a.clear— itlocation, the formation and pettological characteristics of the 3 major rocks in the rock cycle. mg te (10 marks) ah--— List’and explain the 3 key processes of denudation (10 marks) 3a. structural geology gives an insight into how inhcent properties of rocks get modified rendering sivese rocks suitable or unsuitable for civil engineering projects. Differentiate between the lollowing structures using clear illustrations where necessary. (10 marks) i Outerops and strata i Dip and strike iii, Folds, Faults and joints iy. Landslides and thrusts 3b. when rocks are used as building stones or aggregate, the effects of geological structures are ‘minimal. However, the beilrock/foundation for certain construction projects such a8 tunneling, svn construction or even quarrying when affecte! by geological structures could be unstable. Discuss. (10 marks) ee Grift theory was relevant up until the early 1960s. State the theory and the 3 evidences that supported it, What was the limitation of this theory? (10 marks) Ta. Tb, i geneous and ‘scape formation by exogencou mee (S marks) the process of landforms and land endogenous geological agents. fc 5 marks) a y are formed. (5 marl List 5 types of depositional lendforms and how they are for ‘inci its application fi ay, State the principle and its app! i Isostacy is a fundamental concept in geology, State the p! aaa r icecaps. If the ii, Central Greenland lies below sea level because the crust is depressed eee fa "glazier were to mett, would Greenland remain below the ocean? Give r er i. What are the 5 immediate and remote causes of landslides? ji, Describe 5 ways mass movements e.g, landslides can be prevented BASIC SOIL MECHANICS. A liquid and plastic limit determination gave the following results: (20 marks) Liquid limit test (Casagrande apparatus) Test no, Tin mass tin + wetsoil tin + dry soil No. of blows ~) (8) (g) 1 23.68 40.86 34.68 13 2 22.93 42.62 35.78 20 3 26.27 38.02 34.27 47 — Plastic limit Test 1 25.34 32.17 31.01 2 24.83 30.48 29.51 Determine the plasticity index of the soil, i, What is the purpose of Soil Classification? (10 marks) li Name the two major Soil Classification Systems. From an engineering standpoint, how would you define soil? ii Soils could be either transported soils, residual soils or organic soils ing on I ; s nding on how they were formed, Explain, i oats (10 marks) YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, YABA. LAGOS SCHOOL ENGINEERING, CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. SECOND SEMESTER, 2018/2019 SESSION COURSE CODE: CEC 106 COURSE TITLE: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS PROGRAM: ND I (FULL-TIME) TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS INSTRUCTION: (@® ATTEMPT ANY FIVE (5) OF THE SEVEN (7) AVAILABLE QUESTIONS i) THERE SHOULD BE NO JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTION ON YOUR QUESTION PAPER OTHER THAN YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER. QUESTION ONE (@) _ Define the following : @ Stress (vi) Compressive Strain (Strain (vii) Shear Strain (ii) Direct Stress (viii) Young’s Modulus (iv) Indirect Stress (ix) Modulus of Rigidity (v) Tensile Strain (x) Modulus of Elasticity () Asteel wire 2m Jong and 3mm in diameter is attended by 0.75mm when a weight W is suspended from the wire. If the same weight is suspended from a brass wire, 2.5m long and 2mm in diameter, it is elongated by 4.64mm. Determine the modulus of lasticity of brass if that of steel be 2.0 x 10° N/mm’, QUESTION TWO (@) Mention three ways load can be classified and state the different types under each class. (b) A hollow cast-iron cylinder 4m long, 300mm outer diameter and thickness of metal 50mm, is subjected to a central load on the top when standing straight. The siress produced is 75000kN/m?. Assume Young's modulus for cast-iron as 1.5 x 108 kN/m? and find (i) magnitude of the load (ii) longitudinal strain produced (iii) total decrease in length QUESTION THREE (a) Define the term “Center of gravity” (b) With the use of diagram and equations, prove the parallel axis theorem. (©) Determine the center of gravity of the shape shown in FIG Q3. UESTION FOUR ‘ ith the aid of diagram. 2 Mention five types of beam and illustrate each of them with ported beam : ‘ su (b) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the simply sup) loaded as shown in FIG Q4. QUESTION FIVE ; . : ent: () Define with the aid of diagram and equations, the perpendicular axis Gee ame (b) Determine the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis XX an section as shown in FIG QS. QUESTION six : (@) Define the following (i) Shearing Force Gi) Bending Moment () Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the simply supported beam loaded as shown in FIG Q6. QUESTION SEVEN If an I-section as shown in FIG Q7 is subjected to bending moment of 1000kgm and a shearing force of 1000kg. (Draw the shear stress distribution Gi) Find the maximum tensile stress (ii) Find the maximum shear stress Fie 93 : ———— 0mm __y | & I2tm VABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY _ SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYING & GEOINFORMATICS SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 CLASS NDI CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE SUG 102 COURSE BASIC PRINCIPLES IN SURVEYING II TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS THERE MUST BE NO JOTTINGS OR WRITING OR INSCRIPTION OF ANY SORT ON TH QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT THE STUDENT'S REGISTRATION NUMBER. “PION: Attempt Question 12 and any ather three (3) questions J. (a) Pinnnerate the precautions to be taken in theodolite traverse to ensure accurate: angular observation. (b) State the operational procedure for microwave system. (e) List the stages of traversing (d) Using the coordinates of a total station loop traver ry out a back computation [STATION EASTING(n) NORTHING(m) CEGOL Fsatas7.000 (Seco? p 474.910 Feecor ’ 440.974 (ercoa 4396.6002. CLG0S 544269.299 SEG06 ANV97.199_— =a CEGOT O04. 116 720890,118 " ive the stadia forn 2{9) Using a well annotated diagram, der aan inclined p {byThe following is a page of level book observations. Calculate the reduced levels of other pegs using both methods of reduction and their corresponding checks. The R.L of the B.M is 100.138 Station | B.S 453 1.892 | Peps Pep? Peni Pegtt Pegi? LM Peo Pegy 2 . j ; ing? ‘7marks) 3(a) (i) Whot are the criteria for selection of stations in total station traversin8? ( ; ten Fred (6marks) (ii) List and explain the types of traversing. ‘cians (bx) Explain the term ‘contouring? a marks (ii) List the methods of contouring (amarks) 4(a) Enumerate the precautions to be taken in theodolite traversing to ensure accurate distance measurement. (6marks) (b) State the principle of EDM. (Smarks) (c) List the types of EDM instrument, (4marks) (d) State the operational procedure for electro-optical system (Smarks) 5 (a) Define triangulation and explain its principle. (Smarks) (b) What are the factors affecting choice of station selection in triangulation? —_ (7marks) (c) Using the stadia formula, derive the horizontal component H=KsCos*6+eCos9 and the vertical component V=1/2Ks Sin 20+cSin® (Smarks) 6(a) Define tacheometry and state its branches, Tmarks) (b) Write short notes on the following (i) A level surface. (ii) A datum. A reduced level. (iv.) Bench-mark. (v) TBM (vi). Fore-sight. (vii) Back-sight. (viii) Change point, 8 anarks (c) State the objectiv Azimuth observation in traversing. (Smarks) 7 (a) List and explain any four types of level (@narks) (b) List the applications of triangulation, (Smarks) (c) List five uses of contour maps and plan, {omarks) H yana course OF TECHNOLOGY é ‘gcnooi OF CIVIL & NATURAL RESGURCES ENGINEERING © peranmenT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING A 2” semes! TER EXAMINATION 2017/2018 SESSION cuass NOI EL) PAPER NO. MEC 102 course: DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS INSTRUCTIONS: ATTEMPT FOUR (4) QUESTIONS OUT OF SIX (6) “THERE MUST BE NO OTHER JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTIONS ON THE QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER”. Qi. (a) Draw Hyperbola whose ordinates 100mm, vertex from the ordinate 50mm and the transverse axis 40mm in full size (a5marks) {b) Briefly define the term hyperbola (5 marks) 2. (a) __ Fig. Q2 shows a wooden component, produce the orthographic drawing of the component with (a) Elevation looking in the direction of arrow A {b) An end view in the direction of arrow ‘a’ (c) Plan view projected from the elevation Using first Angle projection (15 marks) See eee - - F {b) From the given fig. Q2 in (a) above draw the cross sectional view locking in thé g direction of section s-s (S marks) Q3. (a) Fig. Q3 shows a crank-connecting rod- piston mechanism, using tine diagram construct the locus of point ‘p” of eight revolutions (12 marks) {b) Differentiate between an involute and a locus (8 marks) Q4. Produce full size pattern for the part coné shown In fig. Qa Q5. fa) Using Auxiliary method, produce an ellipse with major axis of 100mm and minor axis of 50mm and draw a tangent on It at a point of 200mm from the center of the ellipse (15 marks) {b} State the relevant of parabola in the theory of structure « (S marks) ‘06. Draw the given views fig. Q6 full size and complete with the interpenetration curves with D= 58mm diameter (20 marks) a Mee 5, te? nt On B soz NbYfET) ave et" “| 2012/1018 q YARA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 2° SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2018/2019 SESSION CLASS: NDICET) COURSE CODE: CEC 102 COURSE: INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY TIME ALLOWED: 2HRS 30 MINUTES INSTRUCTIONS: ATTEMPT FOUR QUESTIONS IN ALL. THERE SHOULD BE NO JOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIPTIONS ON YOUR / QUESTION PAPER OTHER THAN YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER Question 1 4) Explain with the help of @ neat sketch the hydrologic cycle, indicating it various phases(® marks) b) What are the basic data required for hydrologie studies? (8 marks) Name the egencies from which the data can be obtained. (3 marks) ©) Explain the hydrologic equation and its various parameters (3 marks) 4d) What is the function of hydrotogy in water resources development? (2 marks) Question 2 a) Write short notes on the following: (i) Longitude (5 marks) (ii) Latitude (5 marks) ees i Earth’s rotation and its effect (S-mavks)-——————~ EE ““(iv) Earth's revolution and its effect (5 marks) b) What is meteorology? (3 marks) Distinguish between climate and weather (2 marks) Question 3 a) A 3-hour storm occurred at a place and the precipitation in the neighborhood rain gauge stations P,Q, R and S were v measured as 3.8, 4.1 and 4.5cm respectively. The precipitation in the neighboring station could not be measured since the rain gauge bottle was broken. The normal precipitation in the four station P, Q, R, and S were 45, 48, 53 and 50cm respectively. Estimate the storm precipitation at station S, (10 marks) b) Enumerate and expiain any TWO using sketches where applicable the methcds that can be used to find the average rainfall in a given catchment, (8 marks) ©) Define infiltration (2marks) Differentiate between recording and non- recording rain gauges (S marks) Question 4 8) Explain the following: (Evaporation (3 marks) (i) Transpiration (3 marks) (ii) Consumptive Use (3 marks) (i) Potential Evapotranspiration (3 marks) b) What ase the factors affecting evaporation (5 marks) ©) Explain detail how to control evaporation (8 marks) Question 5 8) What are the factors affecting infiltration? (5 marks) >) Explain any one method of determining the infiltration capacity of a soil (6 marks) ©) Sketch a typical curve of infiltration and give its equation(S marks) 4) Enumerate the methods available for the measurement of infiltration (3 marks) ©) Differentiate between: (i) infiltration rate and infiltration capacity (3 marks) (ii) Double ring and tube infiltrometers (3 marks) Question 6 Using Thiessen meihod to measure average precipitation over a particular area it was observed and ile the average precipitation for the catchment. the following data were recorded. Estim workings (12 marks) b) Write short notes om tie following Using appropriate sketches where applicable: (i) The run-off eyele (7 marks) Gi) The component of a unit hydrograph (6 marks) TECHNOLOGY SOURCES ENGINE -RING hgh ENGINEERING TION, 2047/284 : : E tatengis Sih a RUCTIONS: é : WESTION Ps MUST BE No CTER IOTTINGS, WRITINGS OR INSCRIFT 3 CEPT YOUR REGISTE ATION NUMBER. : ATTEMPT FIVE QUT OF THE SEVEN QUESTIONS t 2 aD sine dp ageregate, : : . bebersnbe the following Ae) Sand and gravel aggragate, : it Blast furnsee cian ec, ing aggregate, é . ean breken aggregate, Sh 32 a. eptain Waning: Corration: L > Ruiting. > |, “Anaurobis condsion, Bb. ust srurn methods wsed for protection uf metals again ve ihe of cucroston on mecais? Q.3 > a. State the stages Invalves ia miscufacturing af bricks f i. Gxplalo betefh, the chemical chany sluce | i Dehydration. i. Oxidation. iil, ~ vitrification, 26 that tole place in beinus burning procass: Q.4 2, Doserlbe the following, quacrylng-without blasting: ie wf ok Tho wedge matiod. ‘ ¥ Ii. — The channeling methad, €.5 a. cxplain curing of concrete, b, State five metiods of curing ot concrate, ¢. Explain the three concrete finishing operations. explain the following: me oe ee iat Portland cement, : ’ ii, Rapid hardening Portiahy coment. ~ k Ql Portland porzolan coment.) p. state the advancages af ferrocerint, +

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