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Strategic communication with your stakeholders

Stakeholder Ally, opponent, adversary, Verified? 1 My goal: Their concern/goal:

bedfellow, fence sitter Pay attention to:

1 My colleague Ally Yes Improve course X Wants to improve course, wants to collaborate
Is busy, bit chaotic, tendency to postpone

2 Promotor Ally Yes Get feedback on paper I’m writing Wants qualitative PhD & papers
Don’t want to wait too long for feedback Busy schedule, other PhD students as well

3 Industrial partner Bedfellow No Build trust, collaborate, involve partner Return on investment, stay informed & involved

Basic requirements for communication Communication plan (type, frequency, when,…)

1 Combine formal and informal communication Formal: focus on results and progress
Formal: retrievable, regular & planned Two weekly meeting (take notes and share), planned discussion/brainstorming, email
Informal: unplanned updates, ask & give feedback on work
Informal: focus on collaboration and motivation
During lunch or breaks, share new ideas/progress, ask how it’s going

2 Plan own work ahead (use GANTT chart) Discuss personally during a meeting
Ask how much time needed and when convenient a) Send meeting request including info on topic (or doodle)
Agree on deadlines for paper ready for feedback & feedback ready b) Plan it during next meeting

3 Discuss nature of relationship + needs to build trust Small updates via mail, presentation/report @ milestones + ask feedback each time
Formal & informal, involve the partner, not just informing During meetings: update + Q&A / brainstorming / discussion session
Stay in contact informally (call, meet in person)

1 (*) Verified? Is it your guess that your stakeholder is an ally/opponent/… or did you get confirmation by discussing it?
Strategic communication with your stakeholders

Stakeholder Ally, opponent, adversary, Verified? My goal: Their concern/goal:

bedfellow, fence sitter Pay attention to:

Basic requirements for communication Communication plan (type, frequency, when,…)

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