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Name: Saibul Bari Date: 25 April 2021

ID: 2012700630


Sec. 06

Argument Analysis-2

Dickensian Democracy

Stripping convicted felons of the right to vote is a slap at America's democratic ideals. Many

states are backing away from this policy, understanding at last that voting rights are in fact basic

human rights that should be abridged only in the rarest circumstances. That lesson has yet to

penetrate the state of Washington, which has created a form of disenfranchisement that is straight

out of "Oliver Twist."

Last week, an article by The Times's Adam Liptak introduced us to a disabled woman named

Beverly Dubois who lost the right to vote because she could not pay about $1,600 of charges that

were assessed in connection with her marijuana conviction. The debt is growing rapidly because

of the interest charged by the state. Ms. Dubois, who served nine months in jail, has paid her debt

to society. But until she settles the one to the state, she is stripped of her rights as a citizen.

Disabled in a car accident, she can send in only $10 per month. At that rate, she is likely to die

before paying off the debt.

Several states permanently marginalize ex-offenders by saddling them with unfair charges and

fines that are supposed to help pay for public defenders, drug tests, halfway houses and other
"services." But Washington leads the pack in dunning impoverished offenders. People who

commit certain crimes are even charged for having their DNA registered in the offender


In addition to devastating poor families that can barely feed themselves, these fees push

exoffenders even further into the margins of society. And Washington's policy of stripping

people of their right to vote until they can cough up enough money to pay these unfair charges is

morally outrageous.

(New York Times, 2016)

After reading the above, identify and explain in separate paragraphs the following in

complete sentences: (2+3+1+4 points)

a. Identify the claim of this editorial and its type.

b. The support that is provided for the claim and the type or types of the support.

c. The warrant underlying the claim (in one sentence).

d. Finally, give your evaluation of the effectiveness of the argument and passage as a

whole in one paragraph of at least 100 words. (You can discuss the relevance of the topic or

claim, the quality of the support, the acknowledgment of counter-arguments, the organization

of the passage, the quality of the language, etc.)

a. The actual claim being made and its type.

- Washington’s policy of stripping people of their right to vote until they can cough up

enough money to pay these unfair charges is morally outrageous. This is claim of value.

b. The support that is provided for the claim and the type or types of the support.

Factual Support

1. any states are backing away from this policy, understanding at last that voting rights are

in fact basic human rights that should be abridged only in the rarest circumstances.

2. That lesson has yet to penetrate the state of Washington, which has created a form of

disenfranchisement that is straight out of "Oliver Twist”.

3. Several states permanently marginalize ex-offenders by saddling them with unfair

charges and fines that are supposed to help pay for public defenders, drug tests, halfway

houses and other "services."

4. The debt is growing rapidly because of the interest charged by the state.

5. People who commit certain crimes are even charged for having their DNA registered in

the offender database.

Motivational Support

1. Stripping convicted felons of the right to vote is a slap at America's democratic ideals.

2. Last week, an article by The Times's Adam Liptak introduced us to a disabled woman

named Beverly Dubois who lost the right to vote because she could not pay about $1,600

of charges that were assessed in connection with her marijuana conviction.

3. But until she settles the one to the state, she is stripped of her rights as a citizen.

4. Disabled in a car accident, she can send in only $10 per month. At that rate, she is likely

to die before paying off the debt.

5. In addition to devastating poor families that can barely feed themselves, these fees push

exoffenders even further into the margins of society.

c. The warrant underlying the claim

- Every government need to give people the right to vote and basic expences of life.

d. Finally, give your evaluation of the effectiveness of the argument and passage as a

whole in one paragraph of at least 100 words. (You can discuss the relevance of the

topic or claim, the quality of the support, the acknowledgment of counter-

arguments, the organization of the passage, the quality of the language, etc.)
-This will differ from person to person. But the following acts as a guide:

-there is counter-argument

-lots of examples used for both factual and motivational

-some of the evidence is strong (specific) and some is weak (not specific)

The snatching of those convicted of the right to vote is a slap in the face to American

democratic ideals. Many states are moving away from this policy, eventually realizing that

suffrage is in fact a basic human right that should only be resolved in rare cases. That lesson has

yet to enter the realm of Washington, which has created a kind of prosperity after moving out of

the ‘Oliver Twist’.

There is an article published in the Times' Adam Liptak at last week where introduced

us to a disabled woman named Beverly Dubis, who lost her right to vote because she could not

assess the 1,600 charges related to her marijuana offense. Debt is rising rapidly due to state-

imposed interest rates. Mrs. Dubois, who spent nine months in prison, has paid off her debt to

society. But until he settles one in this state, his rights as a citizen are taken away. Disabled in a

car accident, he can send only $10 per month. At this rate, he is likely to die before the pay.

Several states permanently marginalized ex-offenders by making unfair accusations and

maneuvers Fines that are thought to help pay for public defenders, drug tests, halfway houses,

and others "Services." But the pack is at the top among Washington’s poorest criminals. People

who Even some crimes are committed for having their DNA registered in the criminal database.
In this case, there are no rights of American people to vote who had previously been

involved in various crimes. Even those whose na,mes are involved in a crime or whose name is

in the register or the police register. Many states have moved away from the rulling, but

Washington still lead the rulling. Many poor people are seen to be unable to get out of the case

due to lack of money so their rights are also taken away. As a result, they are deprived of

democracy. It’s an insult to humanity.

Instead of the rights of those criminas who had not enough money to pay, we have to

aware of those people and government also give them right to vote and other basic expences of


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