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Name: Saibul Bari Date: 21 April 2021

ID: 2012700630
ENG 105
Section: 06
Assignment: Annotated Bibliography
Research Topic: Effects of judging a teacher quickly.

Annotated Bibliography

Topic: Effects of judging a teacher quickly.

Motion picture:

Siddharth P. Malhotra (Director), Malhotra, Ankur Chaudhry, Ambar Hadap and Ganesh
Pandit (Writer), & Maneesh Sharma (Producer). (2018). Hichki [DVD]. India: Yash Raj

This is an adaptation of Brad Cohen's 2005 autobiography Front of the Class: How Tourette
Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had. This is a drama film where the main character
Rani Mukerji play a role as a teacher. But she suffers from Tourette syndrome and for this reason
people misjudged her. She wanted to prove herself by educating a group of underprivileged
students. But at first, students also laugh at his disorder and disrespect her. Her colleague and
others also judging her that she couldn’t teach properly anyone. But she tried her best and turns
her most daunting weakness into her biggest strength.

Stephen Herek (Director), Patrick Sheane Duncan (Writer), & Ted Field, Robert W. Cort,
and Michael Nolin (Producer). (1995). Mr. Holland's Opus [DVD]. United State
This is an American drama film where the main character Glenn Holland is dedicated himself as
a high school music teacher. In his whole life, he attempted to compose his own music while
struggling to balance his job. At first, people questioned about the necessity of music on
education. People also misjudged him and many teachers and students are disallowed to do
music. But Mr. Holland so much struggled to understanding of what it means to be a musician.
As a teacher, he took a good relationship with students and end of his career as a music teacher.


Jane Morris (2016). Teacher Misery: Helicopter Parents, Special Snowflakes, and Other
Bullshit. New York, NY: Glen Ellyn.

In this book the author (Jane Morris) explains the misery of teaching. In this book, share about
Jane Morris’s strange, funny, and sometimes unbelievable teaching experiences are told through
a collection of short stories, essays, and artifacts including real emails from parents, students, and
administrators. Parents are judging teacher for their children guilt. There is also showing
teaching method of education system and how teacher misery increase day by day. This is an
important book for teachers and non-teachers alike.

Lucas Dawn (2020). Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover. Archway Publishing (Publisher).
New York, NY: Bloomington

This book the author explains about why people judging one another. Now, people judged where
as a judicial system but they have not any evidence. In this book, shows the emotional issues
why people judging and this negative behavior leads anyone as committing suicide. Also telling
about avoiding all of the anxiety from being judged. People need to realize moment and handle
situation with good hands without judging anyone.

Social Media:

There are many social media like YouTube, Facebook showing something where teacher was
disrespect and misbehavior by students. Students are quarreled with each other many times in
school. So, their behavior is very rude often and they often disrespect their teachers. Teachers are
so struggle to change student behavior but they are judging when they are not fulfilling their
duty. Sometimes student behavior was so tolerating for a teacher to handle it. Pupil misjudged
also about the aware of teacher’s behavior. So, students often disrespect teacher. Every teacher
struggle to handle student's behavior. Parents also judged teacher for teaching method but do not
say any word to his children for not attentive in class.

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