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Answer to the question no 1

Imperialism comes from Imperium to have commando a strong country over a weak country.
Colonialism comes from Colonia it means to settle in a foreign land. So we can see that
imperialism is the policy and colonialism is the implementation of that policy. Colonialism is a
form of political control political subjugation economic subjugation and socio-cultural dominance.
On the other hand, imperialism is controlling politically, administratively the indigenous political
system. Both are from exploitation in the form of again (political subjugation economic
subjugation and socio-cultural dominance.)

Colonialism is not over yet. After the end of colonial rule, the colonial empires have
started to bring an impact on cultural and political supremacy as well as in our economy
too which is known as Neocolonialism. Also, they started to influence our culture and
language. For example, we can see many people tend to use branded and costly
products which are created by other countries. It is because they are influenced by
western culture. As a result, those manufacturer companies are getting profit. They set
up branches of their companies in those countries with a promise of employment. In this
way, they are influencing government policy. Cristian missionary schools, colleges, and
universities played a very important role in our Indian subcontinent education system.
Like, when university graduates wear gown it’s a symbol of the Christian church father.

For the industrial revolution, many European countries focused on industrializing their
society. For continuing industrialization, they needed raw materials for their
manufacturing factories. But they had fewer resources for raw materials. For this
reason, they set out to find lands and people to produce their raw materials. Many
countries started central colonization (France), others started decentralized colonization
such as England. From those people, they get the raw materials and also extort tax.
With this tax, they used to form a stronger army or military power. And with this military
power, they conquered more land and this chain goes on.

During the colonial reign, the British empires have forced the people of the Indian
subcontinent to produce raw materials for the industrial society such as cotton, opium,
and blue vitriol. They used the local zamindars to extort taxes. They created ‘sunset law’
to proceed with these systems. In this way, the European colonizers developed both
economically and politically but left the victims to degrade slowly.

In the time of the colonial period, the people of the Indian subcontinent had to go
through many famines. 35 million Indian people died because of these man-made
disasters. Also, it threw 90 percent of people under the poverty line. With the resources
of India, they could have reached so far by now. They had vast textile resources and
industries. But British colonial forces made them a subordinate part. For this reason,
India couldn’t keep pace with other industrial countries. Not only Indians paid the price.
In 1943, because of Winston Churchill’s act 4.3 million Bengalis lost their lives due to
famine. After 1940, the colonial empires started to build many multinational companies
which started to become so influential that they influenced the policy of the government
of those countries. They started to give employment in their companies with low wages.
Also, many NGOs from colonial empires started to work in those countries. These
NGOs started to influence our culture such as education (English medium).

Moreover, in those educational institutes, colonial history is not taught. In this way, the
students are ignorant about the colonial period of their own country. Also, they started
programs like SAP (Structural adjustment program). Through these programs, they give
foreign AIDs or loans to develop constructions. Such as in Bangladesh, China is
willingly giving AID to build up the Padma bridge and metro rail project. They are not
only giving AIDs to Bangladesh but also to other countries

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