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A. QUIZ: Solve the following. Show your complete solution.

Boyle's Law

1. A gas occupies 11.2 liters at 0.860 atm. What is the pressure if the volume is increased to
15.0 L?

0.642 atm

2. A gas occupies 4.31 L at a pressure of 0.755 atm. Determine the volume occupied by the gas
if the pressure is increased to 2.25 atm.

V₂ = 1.45 L

Charles' Law
3.A 500.0 mL sample of nitrogen is warmed from 77.0°C to 86.0°C. Find its new volume if the
pressure remains constant.

V₂ = 512.9 ml

4 A balloon has a volume of 2500.0 mL on a day when the temperature is 30.0°C. If the
temperature at night falls to 15.0°C, what will be the volume of the balloon if the pressure
remains constant?

V2 = 2334.983498 ml

Gay-Lussac's Law
5. Determine the pressure change when a constant volume of gas at 1.50 atm is heated from
20.0°C to 30.0°C.

Pressure increases by 0.03 atm

6. If a gas in a closed container is pressurized from 15.0 atm to 16.0 atm and its original
temperature was 25.0°C, what would be the final temperature of the gas in degrees Celsius?


Combined Gas Laws

7. In a flexible-walled container, 300.0L of gas is prepared at 600.0 mm Hg and 200.0°C. The
gas is placed in a tank under high pressure. When the tank cools to 20.0°C, the pressure of the
gas is 30.0 atm. What is the new volume of the gas?

V2 = 3,716L

Avogadro's Law
8. A sample of the gas contains 2.5 moles of He. What volume does this sample occupy at STP?

Ideal Gas Law
9. Determine the volume occupied by 4.26 g of CO2, gas at STP.

2.17 L

10. At what temperature will 0.731 moles of neon gas occupy 10.30 L at 2.50 atm?

429 K


Answer the following questions.

1. How will the volume of a fixed sample of gas change if the pressure is doubled and its Celsius
temperature is halved?
The volume will decrease by a factor of 4.

2. Draw and explain what gas particles would look like in a situation of high volume compared to
low volume.

High volume expands to fill available volume, therefore as the volume increases, the pressure
produced by the gas decreases as the particles "spread out" more in the larger area. Low Volume
particles will hit with the container walls more frequently. They put force on the walls every time
they clash with them. Greater collisions equal more force; hence the pressure rises. When the
volume is reduced, the pressure rises.

3. Give 1 real-life application of Gay-Lussacs Law and explain briefly.

Pressure cooker: Heat applied to a pressure cooker raises the pressure inside the device. Increasing
the pressure raises the boiling point of water, resulting in shorter cooking times. Because the
container is sealed, steam does not lose tastes to the air.

4. Briefly discuss real life examples of applications of combined, Avogadro's, Ideal gas laws.
Volume, pressure, temperature, and quantity (amount) of gas can all have an impact on one
another. The Ideal Gas Law integrates multiple laws, notably Avogadro's Law, into a single tidy
formula! This rule is frequently used to calculate how the volume of a gas changes when the
temperature, pressure, or quantity of gas changes. When you inflate up a balloon, for example, you
are introducing molecules of gas into it. As a consequence, the volume of the balloon expands – and
in order to do so, you reduce the amount of molecules in your lungs (which reduces their volume)!
A bicycle pump performs the same function on a bicycle tire.

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