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“Amar Bondhu Rashed” was written by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal.

I came across the movie back in 2014 during 26th March. The was played in a bengali
tv channel. The movie is based on the book “ Amar Bondhu Rashed” which was directed
by Morshedul Islam. The movie comes up with a great message that shows how the
liberation war influenced the teenagers during the war in 1971 to help the freedom
fighters ( Mukti Bahini ). In the movie there are two main characters named Rashed
& Ibu, where they both studies in a school in class eight in Dinajpur. The movie
shows how the teenagers got to know about the war that was ahead of them, it showed
their bravery acts and how strong their beliefs were as young teenagers.

They teenagers in the movie showed me how selfless they were as they tried alot to
contribute to the war against the Pakistani military. They helped the Mukti Bahini
by bringing informations about Pakistani militaries next move of attack and how the
Mukti Bahini can counter attack. Rashed who plays a big role in saving their area
in which they lived in. He joined the Mukti Bahini secretly and gave them alot of
advantages. He asked his friend Ibu to join them and help him by stying by his
side. The movie showed how they used to connect with the Mukti Bahini and how they
used to fight against the militaries. The movie held different aspects of the war.
How the Razakars were growing in number and they used to loot the houses of hindu
people. How people could join in the Razakars group. It showed how the innocent
people were scared of loosing their lives and how they escaped to India. The hindus
were in risk the most. Even the muslims were also at risks and they proof alot of
things to the military to live. People were getting homeless, food was limited.
Still they had high hopes of being free from all of this, living in an Independant

The movie or the book “Amar Bondhu Rashed” is a big influence for our generation
and the generations to come for knowing how our beloved country got Indepance, how
the bengalis sacrificed their lives to get a free country and to speak their mother
language Bangla. The “Joy Bangla” slogan was not only in the mouths of the adults
but also the kids and how much it meant to them. It showed who and how
‘Bangabondhu’ stood up against the pakistani politicians. This movie showed how
hundreds or thousands of brave kids like Rashed sacrified their lives to give us
this beautiful Bangladesh.

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