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04 PC 353 stirrer (replaced by PC 510); and filtration apparatus for

AOAC Official Method 980.13 solvent purification.
Fructose, Glucose, Lactose, B. Reagents
Maltose, and Sucrose in Milk Chocolate
Liquid Chromatographic Method (a) Sugar standard solution.—10 µg/mL. Dry individual sugar
stan dards (fruc tose, glu cose, su crose, lac tose, and malt ose;
First Action 1980
Final Action
available from Sigma Chemical Co.) 12 h at 60°C under vacuum.
Dissolve in H2O and serially dilute to concentration of 10 µg/mL.
A. Apparatus Prepare daily.
(a) Liquid chromatograph.—With Waters Associates, Inc. (b) Mo bile phase.—CH 3 CN (No. 2442; Mallinckrodt
M6000A pump, R401 refractive index detector, or equivalent, and Nanograde, or equivalent) + H2O (charcoal filtered) (80 + 20). Filter
10 mV recorder. through Whatman GF/F 0.7 µm glass fiber filter, and degas in
(b) Column packing.—µ-Bondapak carbohydrate column, 300 × ultrasonic bath before use.
4 (id) mm (Waters Associates, Inc.).
C. Preparation of Test Solution
Column must meet following criteria:
Weigh 10.0 g finely divided milk chocolate into ≥100 mL
centrifuge bottle and add 50 mL petroleum ether. Centrifuge ca
Capacity factor for fructose = K′ = (tR − t0)/t0 ≥ 5
15 min at ca 1800 rpm. Decant and discard supernate. Repeat
where tR = retention time for fructose = time from injection to
Pulverize residue with glass rod, add 100 g H2O, and weigh.
maximum peak height of fructose; t0 = retention time for solvent =
time from injection to maximum peak height of first baseline Place in 85°–90°C water bath 25 min. Cool to room temperature
distortion or solvent peak. and add H2O to original weight. Centrifuge 10 min at 2000 rpm,
Resolution factor (distance between 2 band centers divided by withdraw portion of clear supernate, and filter through 0.45 µm
average band width) = Swinney syringe filter.
D. Determination
Rs = (t2 − t1)/0.5(tw1 + tw2) Fill 50 µL injection loop with test solution and inject into column
with mo bile sol vent flow ing at 1.5–2.0 mL/min. Cal cu late
where t2 and t1 = times from injection to maximum peak heights of concentrations of each sugar by comparing peak heights or areas of
second peak (glucose) and first peak (fructose), respectively; and tw1 each sugar peak from test solution with corresponding height or area of
and tw2 = baseline widths (in time units) of first and second peaks, standard. Use same method of measurement (area or height)
respectively. For fructose:glucose ratios of 2.0–0.5, Rs ≥ 1.0; for throughout.
ratios ≥2, Rs ≥ 1.25. Reference: JAOAC 63, 595(1980).
Replace column when either or both criteria are not met.
(c) Injection valve.—7120 LC injector with 50 µL loop (Waters CAS-57-48-7 (fructose)
Associates, Inc.), or equivalent. CAS-50-99-7 (glucose)
(d) An cil lary equip ment.—Bransonic 12 ul tra sonic bath CAS-63-42-3 (lactose)
(Branson Ultrasonics Corp., Eagle Rd, Danbury CT 06810-1961, CAS-69-79-4 (maltose)
USA; No. B1210 MT), or equivalent, to degas solvents; Corning CAS-57-50-1 (sucrose)


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