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Delineation of surface water using MODIS satellite

image for flood forecast in the Mekong River basin

Vo Quang Minh & Huynh Thi Thu Huong

To cite this article: Vo Quang Minh & Huynh Thi Thu Huong (2022): Delineation of surface water
using MODIS satellite image for flood forecast in the Mekong River basin, International Journal of
River Basin Management, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2022.2101467

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Published online: 02 Aug 2022.

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Delineation of surface water using MODIS satellite image for flood forecast in the
Mekong River basin
Vo Quang Minh and Huynh Thi Thu Huong
Land Resources Department, Can tho University, Can tho, Viet Nam


Many studies forecast floods using models, but these methods require a lot of hydro-meteorological Received 25 February 2022
data and complex cycle calculations. With the rich source of satellite images and the perfection of the Accepted 10 July 2022
technique, it is possible to effectively monitor and forecast floods and natural disasters. The study’s
objective is to monitor the status of the flood situation in the Mekong River Basin using satellite EVI; forecast; flood; lSWI
images. The study used MODIS images at 8-day temporal and 500-meter spatial resolution.
Consider a mixed pixel object as the surface water. If the EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) and
LSWI (Land Surface Water Index) are < 0.1, then it remains submerged for an extended time. As a
flood, if EVI > 0.1 but < 0.3. The classification of continuous flooded areas as long-term inundated
objects, with the flood and mixed pixels and water-related pixels with a flood duration > 180 days.
There was a high correlation between EVI and LSWI. Risk flood maps are the foundation for
delineating a flood forecasting approach during the flood season. The precision is 91 percent. This
low-cost weekly flood forecasting system provided a new method for disaster early warning
utilizing satellite images.

1. Introduction
cycle calculations, flow direction, and upstream flood. There-
Climate change has generated many large floods, which fore, hydro-meteorological forecasting agencies need practi-
occur upstream in the Mekong River Delta. The annual cal solutions and forecast the possibility of flooding to avoid
flooding is the main factor impacting the region’s ecosystem or limit the damage to people and property. Currently, many
(Sakamoto et al., 2007). Because it is only a few feet above sea studies apply flood forecasting models in the Mekong Delta.
level, the Mekong Delta is always at risk of flooding. Floods However, these monitoring methods and models require
occur yearly, usually during the rainy season. Flood water complex data, calculation, flow cycle, flow direction, and
pushed downstream by the Mekong River, high intensity upstream flood. Remote sensing image technology is one
localized rainfall over a short period, tidal floods caused by technique that can help monitor and enhance flood forecasts.
storms and high tides, and human action are the four critical They use NASA’s multi-spectral and temporal MODIS
components of this flooding. The information shows that remote sensing combined with the DEM (Digital Elevation
natural disasters have substantially impacted the lives of resi- Model). Therefore, it can help monitor the flood situation
dents in the Mekong Delta (Dasgupta et al., 2009). for natural resources or disaster prediction in the study area.
Flooding lasting more than 3 months causes severe dis- Instead, a technique that can make monitoring and
ruption to socio-economic activities. Although the flood enhancing flood forecasting simpler is remote sensing
peak was lower than in 2000, the prolonged inundation image technology. The interest and utility of remote sensing
affected the lives of 2 million people and caused economic data have often been demonstrated throughout the many
losses (Le Anh Tuan et al., 2007). The historic flood in stages of the flood management process (Malinowski et al.,
2000 involved people, which caused financial losses in the 2017; Rahman & Di, 2017; and Li et al., 2016). By giving a
Mekong Delta region. general perspective of the situation without coming into con-
According to MARD (2016), it is forecasted that global cli- tact with the flooded area and enabling the decision-makers
mate change significantly changes the natural environment, to monitor the water extent during the disaster (Ouled Sgha-
the economy, and society in the Mekong Delta by 2060. For ier et al., 2018). The MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging
example, much of the Mekong Delta flooded as sea levels Spectroradiometers) sensors are located on the TERRA and
rise, which is already inundated yearly, resulting in the loss AQUA satellites. It provides daily data with a wide range
of much agricultural land. As a result, the flood water is of widely used spectrum channels that can provide infor-
higher. In addition, flooding is longer than before, so drainage mation about the earth’s surface for some time (The United
in the rainy season also becomes difficult. Therefore, the auth- States Geological Survey, 2021). Significantly, the level of
orities in charge of hydro-meteorological forecasting must detail of the results from remote sensing images is shown
have practical solutions to forecast the possibility of floods in the whole area and is more effective than those measured
to avoid or limit damage to people and properties. at the monitoring point. Therefore, remote sensing can be an
Many studies have applied flood forecasting models in the effective alternative for floods and the natural environment.
Mekong Delta. Still, these methods and monitoring models However, the traditional measurement methods are applied
require a lot of hydro-meteorological data and complex from current meteorological stations.

CONTACT Vo Quang Minh Land Resources Department, Can tho University, 3/2 Street, Ninh Kieu Ward, Can tho, Viet Nam
© 2022 International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

This study aims to (1) evaluate the multi-temporal 3. Data collection

MODIS satellite images for flood monitoring and (2) provide
3.1. Collection data of multi-temporal MODIS/TERRA
practical strategies for using the remote sensing data to assist
flood forecasting in the Mekong River Delta .
The study used MODIS/TERRA surface reflectance 8-day L3
global 500 m Sin Grid GRID V005 (MOD09) images, the tem-
2. Methods poral resolution at 8 days, and the spatial resolution at 500 m.
2.1. Study area The satellite images were gathered from the NASA’s-
Earth Observation Data System (EOS, 2006) from early
The lower Mekong basin, which includes parts of Thai- 2009 to middle 2011 at
land, Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam, makes up more The EVI, LSWI, and DVEL indexes use MODIS images’
than 77 percent of the 795,000 km2 that the Mekong bands, including Band 1 (RED), Band 2 (NIR), Band 3
River basin drains (Figure 1). The Mekong River is the (BLUE), and Band 6 (SWIR).
tenth-largest river in terms of total flow and the twelfth-
longest river in the world (Vietnam National Mekong
Committee, 2022). 3.2. Collection data of Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
The lower Mekong basin delta, which is in the Southern-
The DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is applied to identify the
most part of Vietnam and is located between latitudes 8°30’
Mekong river systems flow direction and flows on the com-
and 11°North and 104°30’ and 107°East, was the primary
plex of the study area topography.
focus of the study. Vietnam’s Mekong Delta includes the
The study collected DEM data from the Centre of Earth
provinces of Long An; Tien Giang; Ben Tre; Dong Thap;
Data Analysis ERSDAC (http://www.gdem.aster.ersdac.or.
Vinh Long; An Giang; Can Tho; Hau Giang; Soc Trang;
jp/) by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry
Ca Mau; Bac Lieu; Kien Giang; and Tra Vinh. It is bordered
(METI) and the Agency National Aeronautics and Space
on the North by the Vietnam–Cambodia border, the South
Administration of USA (NASA).
by the East Sea, the West by Kien Giang Bay, and the East
The model calculates the river flow based on elevation,
by the Vam Co river (Le Sam, 1996).
slope, and direction indicators. The Mekong River downstream
According to Le Anh Tuan (1996), the length of the
area includes part of the territory of the two countries of Viet-
mainstream of the Mekong River is 4,350 km, and the
nam and Cambodia. The satellite images with a resolution of
total annual flow is approximately 500 billion m3 of
60m×60 m, helping to confirm the results of MODIS satellite
water. From the Tibetan plateau at an altitude of 5,000
image interpretation on the direction of movement of floods,
m above sea level, the Mekong River flows mainly from
serve as an essential basis for forecasting flood trends over time.
North to South. Still, when reaching the Mekong Delta,
it turns in the direction. The river flows through many
areas with different geological and geographical features,
4. Delineation of flood maps
which are very complex, shown in sudden changes. The
monsoon climate of the region influences the flow regime Sakamoto et al. (2007) described to use of the flood assessment
of the Mekong River: flood-causing flows appear in the approach to delineate the flood maps in the following stages:
rainy season and low flows in the dry season. The basin Stage 1. Detects and removes pixels covered by clouds.
of the Mekong River can be divided into three different The pixel is clouded if the EVI value is less than 0.2.
segments according to the descending height of the ladder, Stage 2. For surface water detection, calculate and evaluate
including upstream, midstream, and downstream. EVI, LSWI, and DVEL values.

Figure 1. Lower Basin of Mekong Delta River.


Thenkabail et al. (2005) and Xiao et al. (2006) recommend The sign (+) corresponds to the period of the beginning of
pixels without flood as EVI > 0.3. Assume EVI = 0.05 and the flood. The sign (-) corresponds to the period of ending
LSWI = 0.0, then the pixel is flood-water. the flood season.
Stage 3: Identify water bodies and flood long-term sub- Stage 2: Calculation of the forecasted flooded extent.
merged or mixed vegetation. The formula to estimate the flood forecast area is as
After classifying the objects with mixed pixels as flood or follows:
long-term submerged, consider a flood pixel if the pixel Propose flood forecasts areas = The currently flooded
related-water has an EVI< 0.1; if EVI > 0.1 but <0.3. The areas + k * The area at risk of flooding.
definition of composite is the water-related pixel. The separ- Stage 3: Correlation analysis for the relation with the stat-
ation of continuous flooded areas from flood and mixed pix- istical data.
els and water-related pixels with a flood duration > 180 days The study analyzed the current flood to predict the fol-
as long-term inundated objects. lowing week’s situation. The interpreted image results are
The assessment approach to monitoring and predicting diagnosed with the digital elevation model’s slope and flow
the flooded occurrence is shown in Figure 2. direction data (DEM). The hydro-meteorological data and
DEM elevation forecast the severity of flooding in the com-
ing week. The flooding findings from the prior week were
5. Methods of forecasting flood events confirmed and utilized to project the following week. With
Figure 3 shows the strategy stages for forecasting floods in the help of the interpretation of the most recent pictures,
the research area: the flooding danger is identified. It was combined with the
Stage 1: Determined an average increase (decrease) coeffi- hydro-meteorological data sources and proposed flood fore-
cient (k) casts for the next week.
Based on the results of weekly inundated area interpret- The steps are repeated for each image acquisition until the
ation, the k coefficient is calculated as follows: flood season ends.

Area increase (decrease) in week 2 compared with week 1 (S2-1)

6. Results and discussion
S2-1 = area of flood in week 2 – Area of flood in week
1. 6.1. The spatial distribution of flooding
The coefficient of week 1 (k1): By combining images based on classifying objects, the EVI,
LSWI, and DVEL, the study predicted the indexes for the
k1 = Area of flood risk week 1 / S2-1 = 0.02.
spatial distribution of flooding during 2009, 2010, and
The precisely k1, k2,k3, … ,kn coefficients were calculated 2011 (Figure 4). Comparing the flooded area over the
from the interpretation of images from the flood seasons of years shows the flooding direction, which is a basis for esti-
2009 and 2010. mating when the flooded area begins (flood occurs) and
Average increase (decrease) coefficient k = 0.02 was cho- reaches the maximum level. (peak flood), Moreover, when
sen as the value with the highest frequency in the calculated the flood starts to decrease (flood recedes). There have
results k1, k2, k3, … ,kn. been floods in the upstream provinces of the study area

Figure 2. The method of monitoring and predicting flood occurrence in the Mekong Delta using MODIS images.

Figure 3. The method of forecasting floods in the Mekong Delta.

since July 20th, 2009, August 21st, 2010, and August 05th, For the downstream area in the North of Cambodia, the
2011. After August 05th, 2011, there was much rain in flood starts to return earlier because it is the area that directly
the Central and Mekong Delta, and the Mekong River receives rainwater with a large amount. A large part of the
had high tides. It caused many floods. It peaked in the water is from Upper Laos. Still, because the terrain here is
first few weeks of October 2009. For 2010, this time was relatively high and dangerous, the river bed is very high.
from the end of October to November. In 2011, the flood Because it is deep and narrow, the spatial distribution or
increased rapidly and peaked at the end of October. In the submerged surface area does not change much. Only
2009 and 2010, it began to recede in the last week of when the flood reaches the area with relatively flat terrain
November or early December. By the end of December, and widespread flood water will the water surface area
the flood has wholly reduced. change and make a big difference.

Figure 4. The flooding in the Mekong Delta over the years.


Figure 5. The changing of water surface areas in the Mekong Delta over the years.

Changing the flooded area in the lower Mekong River: and ending date of the flood in study areas. For large floods
Figure 5 illustrates how the water surface distribution of like 2009, the flood start time is earlier than 2010, and the
flood commencement dates varies from year to year. Floods end time is also later. Therefore, prolonged inundation
have changed in timing and location; the water surface area causes difficulties in water drainage and affects the timetable
during the dry season is about 10,000km2. Floods start chan- for sowing and sowing rice. On the other hand, the flood in
ging around July, but flood levels vary year to year. While the 2011 had a reasonably early start and ended later than in
2010 flood season was less severe than 2009, the 2011 flood 2010. Most Mekong Delta provinces had a higher flood
season was more severe. For example, in the Mekong area in 2009 than in 2010 and 2011. The upstream regions
Delta, the 2009 surge began about July 20th and ended in the North and Northwest of the Mekong Delta always
around December 01st. From early July to late December, have relatively high flood areas. These provinces have a
the total inundated area was 460,254km2. It was large total flooded area because they have a low-lying region
317,053km2 in 2010, and 248,643km2 in 2011. The flooding located in the area. Dong Thap Muoi and Long Xuyen Quad-
season begins in September and lasts until late October. rangle are mostly acid soils, constantly watered. Because of
The spatial distribution of flooding: According to Figure 5, the low-lying terrain, it is difficult to drain water. Therefore,
and 6 the onset of the flood in 2009 was earlier than in 2010. In flood water flows to these areas first in the flood season, and
2011 floods started appearing mainly along the Hau and Tien when the flood recedes, it is the slowest withdrawal area.
rivers. Similar to 2009. However, flood distribution is wider in
the Western coastal areas. Therefore, the onset of floods in
7. The comparison of the interpreted and
2011 was earlier than in 2010. The findings were comparable
observed results
to Keisuke Hoshikawa et al. (2016). They found a considerable
rise in flood ranking in areas near high-dyke development. Figure 7a and b show a good match between the water’s sur-
Figure 6 shows that the flood cycle over the years rep- face in the An Giang province and the water depth level in
resents the inundation time determined based on the starting Tan Chau and Chau Doc stations. The determination factors

Figure 6. The changing of water surface area in the difference Mekong Delta provinces over the years.

Figure 7. The correlation between flooded area and actual water level measured at Tan Chau (a) and Chau Doc (b) stations, and the correla.

reveal R2 = 0.94 (a) and 0.95 (b) (2011). Thus, a high R2 8. The prediction of flood occurrence
coefficient of determination indicates a good correlation
The implementation procedure is separated into different
between the interpretation and the statistics. So it is even
prediction periods from July 04th, 2011, to September
more important to measure inundation depth in the study
30th, 2011, matching 11 verification results. The correlation
region at any given time.
between the predicted flood stages and the water surface area
The data collected from the reported results reveal a
(km2), analyzed from the MODIS image simultaneously in
significant association between the flooded area inter-
the study’s same research area, is necessary to evaluate the
preted from the MODIS image and the inundated area
reliability of interpreted results. Besides, it is also essential
interpreted from the MODIS image. It means the applica-
to assess the degree of deviation of the forecast compared
bility of MODIS images for flood studies and other pur-
with the actual result to make the reliability assessment result
poses such as monitoring the change of crop structure
more accurate and comprehensive.
during the year, the progress of rice seeding in agricul-
The correlation coefficiency and deviation between the
tural production, and forest fire monitoring and
predicted and the actual flood area are shown in Figure 7c.
The coefficient of the correlations between projected and
Starting, Ending, and time duration of flooding: In 2009,
the actual-flooded regions derived from MODIS images is
the total flood area from the beginning of the flood season
quite strong (The R2 value is 0.91). Besides, the relation
to September 30th in the An Giang province was 13,143
between water surface areas and predicted stages is also
km2, the Dong Thap province was 14,063 km2, and the
shown in Figure 7d. It clearly shows the changing water sur-
Long An province was 8,395 km2. This area decreased
face area, closely related to the average surface area following
much in the 2010 flood season and increased in 2011. Specifi-
the flooding. It indicates that the forecasting method from
cally, at the same time, the flooded areas of the Dong Thap
MODIS images mixed with other data delivers relatively
and An Giang provinces were higher than those in 2009.
accurate results on flood evolution Tables 1 and 2.
In this result, the flood cycle of years is the length of the
flood based on the flooding dates of start and end. Starting
and ending times for a large flood like 2009 are both differ- Table 1. The information of MODIS data used in the study area.
ent from the 2010 flood. On the other hand, long-term Band Wavelength (µm) Bandwidth (µm) Resolution (m)
flooding causes problems with water drainage and changes 1 0.620–0.670 0.050 250
2 0.841–0.876 0.035 250
the sowing schedule. Much land flooded in 2011 because 3 0.459–0.479 0.020 500
the flood started early and was thought to end later than 6 1.628–1.652 0.024 500
in 2010. (

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LSWI (Land Surface NIR − SWIR Xiao et al. a MODIS-derived time-series water index. International Journal of
Water Index) NIR + SWIR (2005,
Remote Sensing Applications, 6,
DVEL (Difference DVEL = EVI – LSWI
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EVI and LSWI) inity management in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. In T. T. Be, B. T.
Sinh, & F. Miller (Eds.), Challenges to sustainable development in the
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