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Test Case Format with Example

An ideal test case template

Below is a template which you can always use for documenting the test cases without bothering with
what your application is doing.

Test Scenario ID Test Case ID

Test Case Test Priority
Pre-Requisite Post-Requisite
Test Execution Steps:

S.No Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Test Test

Output Output Browser Result Comments

Example Scenario
Based on the above template, below is an example that showcases the concepts in a more
understandable way.

Suppose you are testing the login functionality of any web application, say Facebook. Below are the test
cases for the same:

Test Scenario ID Login-1 Test Case ID Login-1A

Test Case Login – Positive test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite A valid user account Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:

S.No Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Test Test

Output Output Brows Result Comments
1 Launch https:// Facebook Facebook IE -11 Pass [Priya
application www.facebook.c home home 12/17/2016
om/ 11:44 AM]:
2 Enter Email id : Login success Login IE -11 Pass [Priya
correct success 12/17/2016
Email & Password: 11:45 AM]:

Password ****** Login
and hit successful
login button

Test Scenario ID Login-1 Test Case ID Login-1B

Test Case Login – Negative test case Test Priority High
Pre-Requisite NA Post-Requisite NA
Test Execution Steps:

S.No Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Test Test

Output Output Browser Result Comments
1 Launch https:// Facebook Facebook IE -11 Pass [Priya
application home home 12/17/201
6 11:44
2 Enter Email id : The email The email IE -11 Pass [Priya
invalid address or address or 12/17/201
Email & Password: ****** phone phone 6 11:45
any number number AM]:
that you've that
Password Invalid
entered you've
and hit doesn't entered login
login match any doesn't attempt
button account. match any stopped
Sign up for account.
an account. Sign up
for an

3 Enter valid Email id : The The IE -11 Pass [Priya

Email & password password 12/17/201
incorrect Password: ****** that you've that 6 11:46
Password entered is you've AM]:
incorrect. entered is
and hit Invalid
Forgotten incorrect.
login password? Forgotten login
button password attempt
? stopped

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