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Exam Result

Student Detail Exam Detail

Roll No.22 Date:7/27/2021

Exam Type:Periodic Test
Standard:VII - B

Question Marks Negative

Question Right/Wrong Remarks
No. Obtained Mark

1  Universal Adult Franchise is a  1.00 0.00

2  The United States Bill of Rights came into being in 1.00 0.00

3  The President is elected indirectly in a  1.00 0.00

4  Enhancing Human Dignity is a 1.00 0.00

5  Solon was a  1.00 0.00

6  French Revolution took place in the year 1.00 0.00

7  Renaissance was a period of 0.00 0.00

8  Magadha was part of 1.00 0.00

 Who said " Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the
9 people" ? 1.00 0.00

10  Basalt is an example of  1.00 0.00

11  The  topmost  layer  of  the  Earth  is 1.00 0.00

12  The  SAIL   is  heavier  than  the  SIMA 1.00 0.00

13  The  average  density  of  SIMA  is 1.00 0.00

14   Sedimentary  rocks  are  also  known  as 1.00 0.00

15   Rocks  are  composed  of   1.00 0.00

16  When  the  magma  reaches  to  the  surface  of  the  Earth  this  magma  is  known  as 1.00 0.00… 1/2
17  When  transformation  of  the  original  rocks  is  primarily  due  to  high  pressure  1.00 0.00
such  rocks  are  said  to  be  formed  through  

  The  inner most   part  of  the  Earth  is  composed  of  iron  and  nickel  and 
18 1.00 0.00
therefore  is  called 

19  Graphite  is  transformed  from 1.00 0.00

20  Who are called anthropologist? 1.00 0.00

21  Gold coins were first issued by the 1.00 0.00

22  The study of inscription is called 1.00 0.00

23  What was the other name of India from the third century BC? 1.00 0.00

24  Who was the author of Akbarnama? 1.00 0.00

25  Who was the founder of Pratihara Dynasty? 1.00 0.00

26  Jaichand was the ruler of  1.00 0.00

27  The temples of Khajuraho were built by 1.00 0.00

28  Name the ruler who invaded the famous Somnath Temple of Gujrat for seven times 1.00 0.00

 Who are believed to come out of the sacrificial fire pit of Saga Vashistha on Mount
29 1.00 0.00

30 The term 'Democracy' was first used in the year:   (POL) 1.00 0.00

Total 29.00 0.00

Total Obtained
Total Marks:30
Marks:29.00… 2/2

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