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Ronish Ghimire

Exam roll no : 8655/18

Kantipur College of Management and Information Technology

Submitted to :Dinesh Bajracharya

Faculty of management ,Tribhuwan university

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course

Bachelors of Information Management

May 2022
The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation
made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts
with success.

We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya for the guidance,
inspiration and constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this

We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the
Contents 1.
Chapter 1:
1 2. Chapter 2: system Analysis..........................................................................................................2
2.1 Existing system...............................................................................................................................2
2.2 Proposed system............................................................................................................................2
2.3 Feasibility analysis..........................................................................................................................3
2.3.1 Technical Feasibility: ...................................................................................................................3
2.3.2 Economic Feasibility:....................................................................................................................3
3 3. Chapter 3: System Requirement.....................................................................................................4
3.1 Functional Requirement: ................................................................................................................4
3.2 Software requirement: ...................................................................................................................4
4. Chapter 4: System Design .................................................................................................................5
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................5
4.2 Conceptual
Design: .........................................................................................................................5 4.3
Logical Design:................................................................................................................................5
4.4 Physical Design:..............................................................................................................................5
4.5 Use case diagram............................................................................................................................6
4.6 State diagram.................................................................................................................................7
4.7 E-R DIAGRAMS: .............................................................................................................................8
4.8 Database table structure ...............................................................................................................9
5. Chapter 5: Development and Testing .............................................................................................10
5.1 Project modules...........................................................................................................................10
5.2 Development................................................................................................................................11
5.3 Test cases.....................................................................................................................................14
6. Chapter 6: Conclusion.....................................................................................................................15
1.1 Introduction
The “Employee leave management system” has been developed
to override the problem prevailing in the practicing manual system. This system is supported
to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardship faced by this existing system. Moreover
this system is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out the operation in
smooth and effective manner.
The system is reduced as much as possible to avoid while entering leave data. No
formal knowledge is needed for user to use this system. Thus by this all it provides user
friendly employee leave management system. It took about one week to complete the
project. The Employee Leave System is automated version of manual Leave Management
system. The report provides the basic knowledge of database and php in which different
technologies such as bootstrap and Database Server (Mysql) used. Mainly the users of the
project are employee of particular organization.
The report is organized in six chapters’ including
introduction, system analysis, requirements, design, development and testing, and
conclusion. Introduction chapter describes about the project. In second chapter we describe
about the existing system and developed system, advantage of developed system over
existing system. Chapter three describes requirements that are fulfilled by system and how
those requirements are fulfilled. The fourth is all about the overall design of the system. The
fifth chapter insights about Development stages and testing work. Final chapter is conclusion
which concludes the report.

System Analysis
2.1 Existing system :
Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system
and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all
problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis
begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing system. In the
current system we need to keep a number of records related to the Leave of the employee
and want to enter the details of the employee and the date of the leave etc. manually. The
existing system is too much time consuming for employee as well as other employer. In
existing system it is not easy to take leave from an organization they have to do a lot of
manual work such as they have to write application letter to higher authorities.

In proposed system we have the provision for adding the details of the employee by admin.
In this proposed system the admin register the users and provided username and password
to employee. The admin has only right to edit details and other credential of the employee
working in an organization. The admin is well known to who is requesting leave, which
department employee is requesting leave and what type of leave is he/she taking and admin
can approve or reject the particular leave of the employee. So there is no manual work at all
for employee and admin. Admin can edit details and can remove the employee who is not
working in an organization anymore.
Advantages of proposed system are:
No manual work
Time saving Economical and user friendly
2.3 Feasibility analysis:
Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of any
problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the organization
by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or negative. When the
positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here the feasibility
study can be performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

2.3.1 Technical Feasibility:

we can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much
difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as
well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the
maintenance of the same is available in the organization here we are utilizing the resources
which are available already.

Development of this system is highly economically feasible .The organization needed not
spend much money for the development of the system already available. The only thing is to
be done is making an environment for the development with an effective supervision. If we
are doing so, we can attain the maximum usability of the corresponding resources .Even after
the development, the organization will not be in condition to invest more in the organization.
Therefore, the system is economically feasible.

System Requirement
Leave management has mainly two modules for functioning i.e. Admin module and user
module. The user i.e. employee can only login into the system make leave request. The admin
has all rights related to leave management system such as edit, delete, add and approve etc.

3.1 Functional Requirement:

Add record of different departments of an organization e.g. HR department, Sales

Edit and delete the department.
Add, edit and delete different types of leave e.g. sick leave, earned leave and casual
leave etc.
Add, edit and delete details of employee’s.
Approve or reject the leave status of employees.

3.2 Software Requirement:

Front end language: Bootstrap

Back end language: PHP

Database: MYSQL

Web Server: Apache HTTP Server

Chapter 4:

System Design
System design is a process through which requirements are translated into a representation
of software. Initially the representation depicts a holistic view of software. Subsequent
refinement leads to a design representation that is very close to source code. Design is a
place where quality fostered in software development. Design provides us with
representation of software that can be assessed for quality; this is the only way that can
accurately translate the customer requirements into finished software product or system. We
look the design process from three distinct perspectives:

Conceptual Design

Logical Design

Physical Design

The higher view is the conceptual view, followed by the logical view and finally the physical
view. In designing an application, we generally begin and end each phase in a sequentially
order, although they may overlap one another along the way.

4.2 Conceptual Design: Conceptual Design is the process of acquiring and evaluating,
documenting and then validating what the user envisions to be the business relation. It
identifies the user and business requirements of the application and leads to a business
solution as seen by the user.
4.3 Logical Design: Logical Design derives business objects and their related services directly
from these usage scenarios. The logical view of the solution provides a basis for evaluating
different physical options. It also formalizes the solution for the project team.

4.4 Physical Design: The purpose of Physical Design is to translate the logical design into a
solution that can be implemented effectively, according to performance, administration and
development process requirements. This physical view should correctly implement the
desired system behavior while meeting the constraints imposed by the technology.
The Entity-Relationship data model is based on a perception of a real world, which is
consists of set of basic object called entities and relationships among these objects. An entity
is an object that exists and is distinguishable from other objects/entity is an object as a
concept meaningful to the organization. An entity set is a set of entities of the same type. A
primary key is an attribute which when take, allows us to identify uniquely an entity in the
entity set.
5. Chapter 5: Development and Testing
5.1 Project modules
This system deals with two modules:
1. User module
2. Admin module

User module:
Employees are the users of this leave management system where they can request leave.
The employees can only login into the system but they cannot register into system
themselves. The admin has only the authority to register the new employees .

Admin module:
Admin has all the authority to register new user. Admin can edit employee details, delete
employee details, add employee details, add department and add employee leave. Admin
has authority to approve or reject leave proposal of the employee.
Login The login form is for security purpose. Only the authorized users are allowed to proceed
further. There are only two users they are employee and admin Login. Admin and employee
login from same login interface. The different roles are provided for employee and admin in

1. Employee Interface
After login into the system employee can make his/her leave request, can view
his/her details and log out from the system. Leave: employee can view his/her leave
2. Admin Interface :
From admin interface admin can do various activities related to employee such as he/she can
add department, add employee, edit employee details, delete employee, add leave type and
reject or approve leave status etc.

In this section admin can add department, view department, edit department and delete

Add department :
Admin adds new department.

Leave type:
In this section admin can view leave types, add leaves, edit leave and delete leave.

Add new leave Admin adds new leave type.

Employee ::
In this section admin can view employees, add employees, edit employees and delete

Add employees:
Admin adds new employees.

In this section admin can view leave status and can reject or approve leave status.
Chapter 6:

The system that is developed is simple, efficient and user friendly. The main
objective of this Employee Leave Management System is to internet based leave
management system rather than old manual leave management system in an
organization. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the
administrator guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build web
based program to reduce the manual work for managing the paper based leave
management. It provides the all the facilities that is mentioned above. This
system helps to solve the maximum problem regarding the leave management
system of an organization

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