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Creating a Chatbot using Amazon Lex Service
by Akhil Mittal
Creating a real-time chatbot using Amazon Lex Services and deploying the bot over
Facebook messenger
Start/Stop RDS Instances on Schedule
by Ivan Perevernykhata
How to start/stop RDS instances on schedule with aws-sdk, nodeJs Lambda function
and CloudWatch
Using Visual Studio Code to Develop a Service Inside of a Container
by Dmitriy Repin
Using VS Code to author and debug an any-language service inside of a container
running locally, on a cloud VM, or in a Kubernetes pod
An Introduction to Serverless Functions on Azure
by Ryan Peden
Get up and running with serverless by creating a geocoding function on Azure
Latest Articles
Building Auth Endpoint with Go and AWS Lambda
by Bohdan Stupak
This article describes a super-minimalistic auth endpoint based on AWS Lambda.
How to Access Private S3 Objects with AWS Cognito
by Necmettin Demir
To provide a URL link to access objects in private S3 bucket through AWS Cognito
User Pool (using hosted UI), Authorized API Gateway and Lambda in a Secure Way.
How to Create Regional Web ACL (WAFv2) with CloudFormation
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Creating Regional Web ACL with CloudFormation
Connecting Azure Authentication to Other Providers Article 3: Connecting Azure AD
with AWS Cognito for Authentication
by Rahul__Sharma
In this article we learn how to connect Azure AD with AWS Cognito for
authentication in a multi-cloud environment.
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Creating a Chatbot using Amazon Lex Service

25 Jan 2019 Akhil Mittal

Creating a real-time chatbot using Amazon Lex Services and deploying the bot over
Facebook messenger

Start/Stop RDS Instances on Schedule

5 Jun 2017Ivan Perevernykhata

How to start/stop RDS instances on schedule with aws-sdk, nodeJs Lambda function
and CloudWatch

Using Visual Studio Code to Develop a Service Inside of a Container

3 Aug 2019Dmitriy Repin

Using VS Code to author and debug an any-language service inside of a container
running locally, on a cloud VM, or in a Kubernetes pod

An Introduction to Serverless Functions on Azure

10 Mar 2019Ryan Peden

Get up and running with serverless by creating a geocoding function on Azure

Access AWS Secrets Manager via .NET CORE

11 Mar 2019Preetam U Ramdhave

This article will help you to implement the functionality where you can store your
sensitive data in the amazon Secrets Manager and access while bootstrapping the

How to Build a Multi-Cloud App - A Step-by-Step of How to Run the Simplest Web-Page
Hosted by the Load Balancer

6 Mar 2020YegorDovganich
In this article I will explain and show step-by-step how to run the simplest web-
page hosted by the Load Balancer which has nodes both on AWS and Azure behind.

ASP.NET Core Web API + DynamoDB Locally

8 Jul 2020zainafzal
How to access DynamoDB locally using ASP.NET Core Web API

Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT with Intel® IoT Devices and Gateways
20 Jun 2016Intel Corporation
This article provides general guidelines for connecting any Intel® Internet of
Things (IoT) devices (that is, devices that support Intel microcontrollers, such as
the Intel® Edison board and the Intel® Curie™ Compute Module) and Intel gateways to
the Amazon Web Servives (AWS) IoT platform.

Data Cache Synchronization using AWS SNS and Lambda

29 Dec 2015Peter Carrasco

This article describes a pub-sub model using AWS Lamdba along with SNS to keep your
AWS-hosted RDMB system of record and cache in sync.

DIY Mars Probe: AWS Greengrass IoT v2 with a Raspberry Pi (Part 1)

22 Sep 2021Scott Pletcher

In this two-part series, you’ll learn how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a flexible
and powerful Internet-of-Things device with AWS Greengrass v2, ultimately creating
an off-grid remote-tasked data and image collection device.

Building Auth Endpoint with Go and AWS Lambda

3 Aug 2022UBohdan Stupak

This article describes a super-minimalistic auth endpoint based on AWS Lambda.

IoT Reference Implementation: Making of an Environment Monitor Solution

27 Mar 2017Intel Corporation

This IoT reference implementation builds on the existing Intel® IoT air quality
sensor code samples to create a more comprehensive Environment-Monitor solution.

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