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Name: Gerente, Eric Morate
Age: 30 years old
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: December 10, 1991
Place of Birth: Villareal W. Samar
Address: Ulayan Villareal W. Samar
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Educational Attainment: Grade 5
Health Care Financing: PhilHealth
Attending Physician: Dr. Bernadette Egloso
Date and Time of Admission: September 24, 2021
Diagnosis: t/c Schizophreniform Disorder cannot rule out Substance-induced Psychotic disorder

29-year-old male, single, Filipino, unemployed (previous construction worker), unemployed previously
resided in Laguna but originally from in Brgy Olayan, Villareal, Samar, Patient was accompanied by his mother,
uncle and brother, admitted for the first time in a Psychiatric Ward Date of Admission: September 24, 2021


Patient - poor reliability (denial of symptoms, evasive to interview)
Patient's mother - fair reliability (80%)


"maiha na masakit akon ulo, diri mangaturaq" – patient
"nanigbas iya asaw. Ginkukulba na kami ha iya" - patient's mother


Patient grew up in a low socioeconomic household, with 9 siblings. He is known to be an introverted,
secretive person who kept problems to himself. He had few friends and usually stayed at home playing with
his cellphone, obedient to parents in doing house chores, farming, and in gathering wood. No prior medical or
psychiatric problems.


Around December 2020, Erick and his common-law wife decided to leave their 2 toddlers (4 and 3 yr
olds) with his wife's family in so they could focus on earning for a living, hence they returned to Laguna on the
same month without the children. He had on and off insomnia and headaches but no consult done, no
medications taken. 1 month PTA, Erick found a work at a construction site and was daily exposed to hot
weather which further aggravated his headaches, and insomnia. After a few days he had onset of disorganized
behavior, threw away his bag and shoes (not his cellphone) and ran barefooted aimlessly and found hirself in
a cemetery of San Pedro, Laguna. When he realized that he was in an unfamiliar place, he called a friend to
fetch him. While the cemetery's security guard helped him and contacted his wife. His wife brought him to a
psychiatrist in Laguna who prescribed Risperidone2mg tab, 1tab BID, Divalproex Na 500mg tab 1 tab BID and
Biperiden 2mg tab, 1tab BID, but with poor compliance to medications because he felt a throbbing and
numbing sensation in his head upon intake. Patient had blank stares, anxious looking, on and off headaches,
insomnia, but denied delusion, hallucination, no disorganized speech, behavior, gestures, no observed
manic/depressive symptoms, no changes in sensoriurn. 3 weeks PTA, patient's wife decided to bring him back
to their hometown so his family can help her take care of him. However, few days before arrival Erick had
worsened insomnia, sleepless for 3 nights (September 5 - 8, 2021) due to refusal to take all his medications.
On arrival, they were quarantined and he continued to have insomnia. The following day, without provocation,
having sharp paranoid stares, the patient hacked his wife's face (patient denied hallucination/delusion on initial
interview). He was imprisoned for 36 hours, and was able to escape. However, when he was caught, he
voluntarily surrendered. His quarantine was continued but still the patient refused to take medications, hence
he was brought to the RHU doctor and was referred to EVMC Psychiatry on September 14 (10days PTA) and
was advised to have Carbamazepine 200mg tab, 1tab BID and Chlorpromazine 100mg tab 1tab HS were
added, advised to have RTPCR swabbing for admission at psychiatry ward, but still with poor compliance. On
September 17 (1 week PTA), the RHU followed up the patient while on quarantine and advised to add
Divalproex Sodium and Risperidone also as these were previously prescribed by the psychiatrist in Laguna, still
with poor compliance. Still the patient had on and off insomnia, paranoid stares, auditory hallucinations of
multiple voices (dadakpon hiya, papatayon hiya, gingilitan hiya), persecutory delusion that, he is being
poisoned hence continued to refuse medications. Persistence of symptoms prompted consult, hence admission.


No physical/sexual abuse known to family Emotional neglect due to preoccupation with working for a
living to provide food for the family.




(+) occasional alcoholic beverage drinker
mother denied illicit drug use


(-) Asthma
(-) HPN
(-) Cancer
(-) DM
(-) PTB
(-) Typhoid fever No surgeries
No allergy

Unknown to family if with any other female sexual partner aside from current common-law wife due to
his secretiveness


(-) Hypertension
(-) Diabetes Mellitus type 2


Editha - mother, 56 yrs old, housewife, finished 1st year high school. Kind and loving towards Erick and
Romeo - father, 57 years old, farmer, finished grade 4.
May. Anne - common-law wife

Erick is the 4th of 10 siblings. Both parents worked as farmers, wood gatherers. Due to a large family size,
Erick and his siblings reached elementary and had to work at an early age to provide food on the table.
Birth: delivered via NSVD with no complications by a partera. Development at par with age.
Middle Childhood: Erick had harmonious relationships with his siblings and parents who provided for their
needs. He was noted to be unexpressive of himself, and did not conversant even with his siblings unless asked.
He had few friends from school, but mostly stayed at home helping his family in the house chores and working
their farm. He had average school performance until he stopped schooling in grade 5 when he started to work
like his older brothers.
Young Adulthood: At 24 - 25 years old, he met his current live-in partner who was also from the same
hometown and barangay. They had 2 children (4 yr old daughter Erich and 3 yr old son Erico). His partner had
a more stable job than him, working in a computer parts company. In the first few years of their cohabitation,
they had difficulties balancing work, which lead to some fights. His wife usually went home on weekends;
hence Erick was left to take care of the children's needs, and felt overwhelmed and anxious especially when
they had febrile convulsions. He would have headaches, insomnia and blank stares, but no consult done, no
medications taken.


General: (-) weight loss, (-) easy fatigability, (-) weakness, (-) fever, (-) myalgia
Skin: (-) active skin lesions, (-) itchiness, (-) pruritus, (-) rashes
HEENT: (-) dizziness, (-) excessive tearing, (-) ear pain, (-) hearing loss, (-) nasal discharges, (-) epistaxis, (-)
sore throat, (-) dysphagia, (-) mouth sore, (-) neck pain
Chest and Lungs: (-) difficulty of breathing, (-) cough, (-) shortness of breath
Cardiovascular: (-) chest pain, (-) palpitation, (-) orthopnea
GIT: (-) vomiting, (-) nausea, (-) abdominal pain, (-) constipation, (-) diarrhea, (-) melena
GU: (-) dysuria, (-) incontinence, (-) nocturia, (-) hematuria, (-) polyuria, (-) retention
Extremities: (-) cyanosis, (-) tremors Neurologic: (-) seizures, (-) loss of consciousness


Fair-skinned, wearing a yellow shirt, gray shorts. He had poor eye contact, with paranoid stares, very
evasive attitude towards interviewer and looked away most of the time, refused to disclose symptoms. Anxious
mood, inappropriate, blunted affect. Patient responded only when asked, with paucity in speech (spoke in few
phrases), low volume and tone. Thought process is tangential, with persecutory delusion (that medications
given would harm him, and he would not be returned home), denied auditory/visual hallucinations, denied
suicidality, homicidality, poor judgment, impulse control and insight (complete denial of illness). Rest of MSE
difficult to assess due to uncooperativeness.


General: not in cardiorespiratory distress, with the following vital signs:
BP: 120/80 mmHg
T: 36.7°C
HR: 85 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
Skin: Good skin turgor, (-) active lesions, (-) nail clubbing
HEENT: traumatic, pale-palpebral conjunctiva, anicteric sclera
Chest and Lungs: Symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Cardiovascular: Normal rate, regular rhythm, (-) palpitations Abdomen: Flat, soft, non-tender abdomen
Neurologic: No pertinent data Extremities: Unremarkable

t/c Schizophreniform Disorder cannot rule out Substance-induced Psychotic disorder


Admit to Psychiatry Ward.
- Client is male appears with a thin build and in normal gait. In good groomed, with clean clothes t-shirt
and untidy hair. He sits with his hands on his lap and sitting leaning forward posture.

- The patient mostly appears to have a flat affect with facial expression sometimes and brief eye
contact with the interviewer.

- Client seems to be somewhat cooperative with the interviewer, answering almost all of the
questions but responding with low volume of voice.


- The client has shown a high level of awareness by answering all of the interviewer's questions.

- The patient is seen to be aware of his present condition, in where he is. But when asked about
the date he answered it incorrectly as he didn’t know the date it was.


- Client is not that talkative, we asked then he answered with that specific question only with no other
additional information. Also answers at a low rate and with a soft volume. His answers were few and

- When asked how he was doing, the client responded that he's fine.

- Client mostly had a flat expression with facial expressions sometimes, his responses is well.


- The patient's responses were observed to be linear and goal-directed, as he often mentions he just
want to go home so he can be with his family together.

- Client often felt that other people see him different because sometimes he behaved differently than
others. But himself he knows that he is in normal state.


- None
- Client state and believe that he is in normal condition it is just that sometimes during at night it is hard
for him to fall asleep. Sometimes it took him about 5hrs before he can sleep as the client stated.
- The patient was able to communicate quickly, took a while to address the query. He seems to be
focused and answered to the question. When asked to spell a word, he answered it correctly. In
calculation also answered correctly when we ask to add and multiply some numbers.

- When asked to memorize some word or things he remembers it. But when asked about the names of
the interviewers he forget can’t even remember. Also, when asked about the birthday of his two
children he can still remember but with minor confusion.


- When asked about who is the current president and vice president of the Philippines, he answered it
correctly. In abstraction the client knows the similarities of some mentioned items or things.

“Maupay na kulop sir, ako Looked and asked the Giving recognition Patient answered just by Patient seemed hesitant to
he Deo Balios, nursing patient with a soft tone Rapport building nodding to the interviewer, talk. In schizophrenic patients
student. Studyante ha and comforting voice, sat in a rigid posture with his they show signs of negativism,
RTR.” maintains eye contact, hands on his lap. wherein people have little to no
leaning forward while Establishing rapport by response in conversations or
“Kun ok la ha imo sir mag sitting greeting the patient first even to an external stimulus.
interview ako ha imo before proceeding to the
mayda la ako mga interview
Spoke and asked the Seeking information. “Eric Gerente” Patient cannot maintain eye Patient still showed signs of
“Ano it imo ngaran?” patient with a soft and Starting the conversation contact but answered directly hesitation to answer, but
comforting voice by asking the name of the in a low voice responded to the question.
patient to establish rapport
through this it will initiate a
conversation. This
question does not only
seek information from the
client, this also check if the
patient is oriented and
paying attention.
“Kamusta ka man yana Maintained eye contact to Initiated the conversation “Okay man la” Patient avoided eye contact, Patient seemed unmotivated but
sir?” the patient and showed through the use of an looks down and right while still responded when talked to.
listening and interested. open- ended question answering the question
Spoke and asked the
patient with a soft and Established rapport and
comforting voice showed interest to
converse with the client

“Maaram ka ba sir kun Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “Hospital” Patient avoided eye- contact, Patient still showed signs
hain kita yana?” with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the looks down and right while of hesitation to answer,
voice awareness and perception answering the question of the but responded to the
of the patient nurse. question
Showed an expression that
the interviewer is
listening and interested
“Hain man kita sir na Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “Diri” Still avoided eye Patient still feels somehow
hospital yana? Maaram ka with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the contact and uncomfortable talking
an ngaran han hospital?” voice, maintained eye awareness and answered in a low to the nurse as
contact perception of the patient voice. evidenced by his short
answers which are
signs of negativism were
schizophrenic patient will have
little to no response in
“Aadi kita yana ha Informed the patient using a Providing the patient Patient just nods to the
Eastern Visayas Medical soft and comforting voice information that he is not interviewer
Center dinhe ha Tacloban” aware of
“Kay ano ka man aadi Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “bubulong” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed to be
yana? Maaram ka sir kun with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the a low unaware of his condition and the
ano it rason kun kay ano voice Showed an expression awareness and perception voice nature of his disease which is a
ka aanhi? that the interviewer is of the patient common symptom in
listening and interested schizophrenic patients.

“Hino man an nag dara ha Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Akon pamilya hira tiyo ngan akon Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated but
imo didi?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the mama” a low voice Still responded when talked to.
maintained eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“Kakano ka man sir na Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Diri ako maaram, ma 2 weeks na Patient answered directly with Patient seemed hesitant to
admit dinhe? Gaano na and comforting voice exploring to assess the ako didi” a low voice answer at first, he responded
kaiha?” awareness and perception directly to what was being
of the patient asked by the nurse.
“Maaram ka kun ano na Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Oo” Softly nodded in agreement Patient still feels somehow
yana na adlaw?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the while answering the question uncomfortable talking
maintained eye contact awareness and to the nurse as evidenced by
perception of the patient his short answers which are
signs of negativism where
schizophrenic patient will have
little to no response in

“Ano man yana sir na Asked the patient with a soft Seeking for clarification to Avoided eye contact and Patient still showed signs
adlaw? Ano an petsa?” and comforting voice help the patient processes refused to talk of hesitation to answer
his ideas more thoroughly
“Diri po kamo maaram?” Asked the patient with a soft Seeking for clarification to “Nangalimot ako” Avoided eye contact and Patient still showed signs
and comforting voice, help the patient process his seems hesitant to talk of hesitation to answer
maintained eye contact ideas more thoroughly

“Sige sir, okay la po” Spoke in a firm but Accepting

comforting manner
Since the patient failed to
answer the previous
question, it’s necessary for
me to show the patient that
it’s ok. This will encourage
the patient to respond
“Hino man an imo upod Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Akon tiyo” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated but
yana didi?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice Still responded when talked to.
maintained eye contact awareness and perception
of the patient

“Mayda ka bugto sir? Pira Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Oo, eleven.” Patient answered directly with Patient took his time in
man kamo na mag and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice answering with moments of
burugto?” maintained eye contact awareness and perception pause as patients with
of the patient schizophrenia manifests
slowed Though processing, but
the he was able to answer the
question with clarity.

“Eleven?” Asked the patient with a soft Seeking for clarification to “Oo” Avoided eye contact and Patient still feels somehow
and comforting voice, help the patient processes Patient answered directly with uncomfortable talking
maintained eye contact his ideas more thoroughly a low voice to the nurse as evidenced by
his short answers.

“Ika pira kaman sir haiyo Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Ika-upat” Avoided eye contact and Patient seemed unmotivated but
magburugto?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the Patient answered directly with Still responded when talked to.
maintained eye contact awareness and perception a low voice
of the patient
“Mayda ka asawa sir?” Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Oo” Avoided eye contact and Patient still feels somehow
and comforting voice, exploring to assess the Patient answered directly with uncomfortable talking
maintained eye contact awareness and perception a low voice to the nurse as
of the patient evidenced by his short answers
“Mayda kamo anak?” Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Bata pa” Patient answered directly with Although maintaining a
and comforting voice exploring to assess the a firm voice while his hands flat affect which is
awareness and are firmly wrapped around his common in schizophrenic
perception of the patient shirt not maintaining eye patients,
contact he was able to respond
immediately to the question.
“Pira man an imo anak Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Duduha” Patient answered directly with Although maintaining a
sir?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a firm voice and not flat affect which is
maintained eye contact awareness and maintaining eye contact common in
perception of the patient schizophrenic patients,
he was able to respond
immediately to the question.
“Pira man an edad an imo Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and There was a moment of The patient has a slowed down
mga anak?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the “tres anyos ngan kwatro” silence before he answered processing of ideas as he
maintained eye contact awareness and perception and his speech was slow at seemed cautious in choosing
of the patient rate a his words to answer the

“Yana na mga adlaw Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Waray” Patient answered directly with The patient gave a negative
sugad kanina, kakulop. and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a firm voice and not response and
Kamusta man po an iyo maintained eye contact awareness and “Gusto ko la umuli” maintaining eye contact seemed hesitant to answer.
inaabat? mayda kaba perception of the patient
“Hmmm” Spoke with a soft and Accepting “……”
comforting voice, nodding
showing that the interviewer Shows that the interviewer
understand what the patient has heard and followed
is saying the train of thought.
It does not indicate
agreement but is non-
“Taga diin man kita sir?” Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Villareal, Samar” Patient answered directly with Patient was able to answer the
and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice question immediately
maintained eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“Pira naman an aton edad Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “29” Patient answered directly with Patient was able to answer the
sir?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice question immediately
maintained eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“An imo birthday sir sano Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “December 10, 1991” Patient answered directly with Patient was able to answer the
man?” and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice question immediately
maintained eye contact awareness and perception
of the patient

“Mayda kaman trabaho Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Waray pero dati nag uuma” Patient answered directly Patient was able to answer the
sir?” and comforting voice exploring to assess the with a low voice question immediately
awareness and
perception of the patient

“Hmm.. maupay dagko Asked the patient with a soft Accepting “Oo” Patient answered directly Patient was able to answer the
man ano an mga tuna and comforting voice, with a low voice question immediately
didto sir?” maintained eye contact Shows that the interviewer
has heard and followed
the train of thought.
It does not indicate
agreement but is non-

“Kun nakaka abat ka na Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Nahuyo la ako” Patient answered directly and Patient was able to answer the
diri ka okay, mayda ka gin and comforting voice exploring to assess the change of tone was noted. question immediately
hihimo para ini awareness and
malikayan?” perception of the patient

“Nahuyo kala?” Asked the patient with a soft Restating what the patient There was a moment of The patient has a slowed down
and comforting voice has said to clarify whether silence patient seems to be processing of ideas as he
the idea was effectively hesitant to answer seemed cautious in choosing
communicated his words to answer the

“Pero mayda ka ba Asked the patient with a soft Seeking information and “Akon tiyo” Patient answered directly Patient was able to answer the
nadadaopan? mayda ka and comforting voice exploring to assess the with a low voice question immediately
na iistoryahan?” awareness and perception
of the patient

“Imo tiyo? hmmm” Asked the patient with a Restating what the patient “……” There was a moment of silence The patient has a slowed down
soft and comforting voice has said to patient seems to be hesitant to processing of
clarify whether the answer ideas as he seemed cautious
idea was effectively in choosing his words to
communicated answer the question.
“May mga panahon ba na Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “waray” Avoided eye contact and Maintaining a flat affect
mayda ka gin iinsip na dri soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the Patient answered directly with which is common in
hiya natatangal ha imo awareness and a low voice schizophrenic patients, he
huna huna?” perception of the patient was able to respond
immediately to the question
“Mayda kaba Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “waray” Stuill avoided eye contact and Maintaining a flat affect
kinakahadlokan didi or ha soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the Patient answered directly with which is common in
iyo?” awareness and a low voice schizophrenic patients, he
perception of the patient was able to respond
immediately to the question
“Nakaka abat kaba na Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “waray” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect, he
waray na gamit an imo soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low voice was able to respond
kinabuhi o awareness and perception immediately to the question
na diri kana mabuhi?” of the patient

“Danay ba sir may Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “waray” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
nababatian ka na diri na soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a firm voice which is
babatian han iba?” awareness and common in
perception of the patient schizophrenic patients,
he was able to respond
immediately to the
“An mga nakalabay na Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “gusto ko la umuli” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
adlaw, mayda kaba naiisip soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low which is common in
na gusto mo pasakitun an awareness and voice schizophrenic patients, he
imo perception of the patient was able to respond
sarili?” immediately to the question
“Sige sir, mayda ka iba na Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “……” Patients seemed hesitant to
gusto istoryahun?” soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the talk
awareness and
perception of the patient

“Sugad han imo mga anak Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “…….” Patient paused for a while. Although patient seemed
sir?” soft and exploring to assess the “Amo ito gusto ko la umuli para Still avoided eye contact and hesitant to answer at first, he
comforting voice awareness and perception makita ko na hira, mahal ko it akon answered the question in a responded directly to
of the patient mga anak….” slow rate and with low voice what was being asked
by the nurse.
“Hmmm… amo an imo Showed an expression of Accepting
bagan kusog or understanding to the
motibasyon para statement of the patient Shows that the interviewer
makagawas dinhe” has heard and followed
the train of thought.
It does not indicate
agreement but is non-
“Hain man yana an imo Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Aadto haak asawa. aadto ha Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
mga anak?” soft and comforting voice, exploring to assess the barangay Ulayan harani man la an a low voice and not but still responded when talked
maintain eye contact awareness and amon balay didto” maintaining eye contact to.
perception of the patient
“Ahhh okay sige sir.” Showed an expression of Accepting
understanding to the
statement of the patient Shows that the interviewer
has heard and followed
the train of thought.
It does not indicate
agreement but is non-
“Kanina sir nag yakan ka Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Diri ako nangangaturog” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
han rason kay ano ka soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low voice and not but still responded when talked
aanhi yakan mo kay ig awareness and maintaining eye contact to.
bubulong ka Anoman an perception of the patient
rason kay ano ka gin
bubulong, ano it mayda ha
imo? ano man an yakan ha
imo han doctor?”

“Mayda pa ba iba na rason Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “asya la ito” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
na maaram ka kun kay ano soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low voice and not maintaining which is common in
aadi ka yana?” awareness and eye contact schizophrenic patients,
perception of the patient he was able to respond
immediately to the
“hmmm… sige sir” Nodded to the statement Accepting

Shows that the interviewer

has heard and followed
the train of thought. It does
not indicate agreement but
is non-judgmental
“Bago kumaturog ano man Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Nahigda la” His eyes moved from right to Lack of eye contact is one of
an imo gin hihimo?” soft and comforting voice, exploring to assess the left direction. the so-called negative
maintain eye contact awareness and symptoms of schizophrenia
perception of the patient
“Nahigda la sir ngan diri Asked the patient with a Seeking for clarification to “…..” Silence was much longer as The patient gave a negative
kala talaga soft and comforting voice help the patient process his “Oo” the patient took 5 seconds to response and seemed
nangangaturog?” ideas more thoroughly answer and briefly answered. hesitant to answer.

“Na abot ba hin pira ka “Aw diri mga oras la” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
adlaw na diri ka a low voice and not maintaining but Still responded when talked
nangangaturog?” eye contact to.

“Para ha imo ano man an Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Karuyag ko umuli” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
maupay na buhaton para soft and comforting voice the patient an opportunity to a low voice but Still responded when talked
mabuligan mo an imo sarili discuss what’s on his mind to.
yana na aadi ka guin
bubulong hini na
“Yes sir… para ka makauli Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Bubuligun ko nakon kag anak Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
anoman an imo hihimoun? soft and comforting voice the patient an opportunity to ngan aalagan ko an akon mga a low voice but still responded when talked
discuss what’s on his mind anak” His eyes moved from right to to.
left direction.
Lack of eye contact is one of
the so-called negative
symptoms of schizophrenia
“Hmm..” “Habang aadi ka Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Matumar ako” Patient answered directly with Patient still feels somehow
gin bubulong sir diba gin soft and comforting voice the patient an opportunity to a low voice uncomfortable talking
tatagan ka sir hin discuss what’s on his mind to the nurse as evidenced by
medisina anoman dapat his short answers patient will
an imo himoun?” have little to no response in

“Naka skwela kita sir?” Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Oo pero abot grade 5 la” Patient avoided eye- contact, Patient seemed hesitant to talk
soft and comforting voice the patient an opportunity to looks down and right while with the interviewer and
discuss what’s on his mind answering the question of the answered briefly because of
nurse. the slower thought process that
accompany with
schizophrenic patients
“Kay ano kaman Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Problema han kwarta” Patient avoided eye- contact, Patient seemed unmotivated
humunong han pag soft and comforting voice, the patient an opportunity to looks down and right while Still responded when talked to.
iskwela?” maintain eye contact discuss what’s on his mind answering the question of the
“Kamusta man an imo kag Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Hi papa adto la ha amon. Hi mama Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
anak? hain man hira soft and comforting voice the patient an opportunity to naman aadi ha Tacloban nakadi la a low voice still responded when talked to.
yana?” discuss what’s on his mind hiya kun nahatag hin pagkaon”

“Mayda kamo didi balay?” Asked the patient with a Seeking information to allow “Waray mayda la kami inuupahan” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
soft and comforting voice, the patient an opportunity to a low voice but still responded when talked
maintain eye contact discuss what’s on his mind to.

“Sunod na pakiana sir…. Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “waray mahuyo la” Patient answered directly with Patient seemed unmotivated
tatagan ko ikaw hin patient with a soft exploring to assess the a low voice but
senaryo kuntaloy aadto ka and comforting voice awareness and perception Still responded when talked to
ha iyo tas mayda ka of the patient
nababaho-an na aso or
masunog sunog, ano man
an imo hihimoun mag
aano kaman?”

“Diri mo ba kukuhaon an Spoke and asked the Seeking for clarification to “Kikitaon….” Kitaon an mga Patient answered directly with The patient has a slowed down
imo mga importante na patient with a soft help the patient process his gilid gilid” a low processing of ideas as he
gamit? O kikitaon kun kay and comforting voice ideas more thoroughly voice seemed cautious in choosing
ano masunog sunog an his words to answer the
iyo balay?” Showed an expression that question.
the interviewer is
“Ha iyo lugar damo ba an Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “Oo” Patient answered directly with Patient still feels somehow
imo kasangkayan?” patient with a soft exploring to assess the a low uncomfortable talking
and comforting voice awareness and perception voice to the nurse as
of the patient evidenced by his short
Showed an expression that answers have little to no
the interviewer is response in conversations
“Ano kaman na klase na Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “Mahilig ak makig inupod haak Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
tawo ha iyo?” patient with a soft exploring to assess the mga sangkay” a low voice which is common in
and comforting voice awareness and

Showed an expression that perception of the patient schizophrenic patients,

the interviewer is he was able to respond
interested immediately to the
“Nainom kita sir?” Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “Oo pero talagsa la beer la nak Patient paused for a few Although patient seemed
patient with a soft exploring to assess the iniinom diri ko man kaya it alcohol” seconds with eyes hesitant to answer at first,
and comforting voice awareness and wandering, then nodded. he responded directly to
perception of the patient what was being asked by
the nurse
“Yana na adlaw mayda Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “Oo” Slowly nodded in agreement Patient showed signs of
kaba medisina na gin patient with a soft exploring to assess the while answering the question affirmation
tumar?” and comforting voice awareness and
perception of the patient
Showed an expression that
the interviewer is
“Maaram ka kun para Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Oo” Patient answered directly with Patient showed signs
ano?” soft and comforting voice, exploring to assess the a low voice of affirmation
maintain eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“Anoman an ngaran? Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Diri basta kulay orange” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
maaram ka para ano?” soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low voice which is common in
awareness and schizophrenic patients, he
perception of the patient was able to respond
immediately to the

“Anoman na oras nimo na Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Kanina pa, mga alas unse” Patient answered directly with Maintaining a flat affect
tumar?” soft and comforting voice exploring to assess the a low which is
awareness and voice common in
perception of the patient schizophrenic patients,
he was able to respond
immediately to the
“Hino man an Asked the patient with a Seeking information and “Hi Duterte ngan Patient answered directly with Patient was able to answer the
Presidente ngan soft and comforting voice, exploring to assess the Leni” a low voice question
Vice President han maintained eye contact awareness and immediately
Pilipinas?’ perception of the patient
“Kakano man kamo nag Spoke and asked the Seeking information and “Mga abril 2016 ada” Patient answered with a low Although the patient gave an
usa han balay nimo patient with a soft exploring to assess the voice affirmative
padis?” and comforting voice awareness and response, he was hesitant to
perception of the patient answer due to the slower
Showed an expression that thought process that
the interviewer is accompany
interested schizophrenia
“Yana liwat sir mayda ako Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the “Blue…table… ambot dire na ako Patient seemed to forgot
ig yayakan ha imo na comforting voice, patient in order to maaram” what the nurse was
tutulo na gamit, kikitaon maintained eye contact participate effectively asking about. This is
ko kun imo ine hiya common in schizophrenic

“An siyahan na gamit kay patients as they experience

color… blue.., sunod cognitive difficulties,
naman kay gamit… table… compromising their ability to
sunod kay anima… horse” understand and immediately
“Blue, table ngan horse” process thoughts.
“Ig yakan sir ano an akon
gin papahinumdum”
“Yana liwat mga numero Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the “Sige” Slowly nodded in agreement Patient agreed with the nurses
liwat kita… Mayda ako comforting voice, patient in order to while answering the question instructions and showed
iyayakan ha imo na tutulo maintained eye contact participate interest
na numero…. effectively
Sugad hin 1,2,3 an imo
liwat iyayakan haakon pa
baliktad sugad 3,2,1”
“Okay sir… 5,1,6” Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the “6,5,1” Patient answered in a slow Patient failed the last two
comforting voice patient in order to rate, showing he was thinking numbers. This is common
participate by using his hands in schizophrenic patients as
effectively they experience cognitive
difficulties, compromising their
ability to understand and
immediately process
“Madugang ako hin usa pa Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the “7,6,5,1” Patient answered in a slow Patient failed the last two
na numero kun sugad comforting voice patient in order to participate rate, showing he was numbers. This is common
mayda na kita upat” effectively thinking by using his hands in schizophrenic patients as they
“5,1,6,7” experience cognitive
difficulties, compromising their
ability to understand and
immediately process thoughts.
“Sunod mayda ako word na Spoke and asked the patient Giving instructions to the “w..o..r..l..d” Patient answered in a slow Patient was able to spell the word
ig papa spell ha imo an imo with a soft and comforting patient in order to participate rate correctly
word na ig spespell kay voice effectively
‘world’” Ano man an
spelling han world?” Seeking information and
exploring to assess the
awareness and perception
of the patient
“Aton liwat pa baliktarun an Spoke and asked the patient Giving instructions to the “d..l..r..o..w” Patient answered in a slow Patient was able to spell the word
spelling han world… with a soft and comforting patient in order to participate rate backwards correctly
anoman an pa baliktad voice effectively
Seeking information and
exploring to assess the
awareness and perception
of the patient

“Sunod mag aadd naman Spoke and asked the patient Giving instructions to the “Twenty-three” Patient answered in a slow Patient was not able answer the
kita… Mayda kami ipapa with a soft and comforting patient in order to participate rate, with the question correctly.
add na number sugad 1+1 voice effectively guide of his hands
=2 An imo aanswerun kay he answered the question
15+2+7?” Seeking information and
exploring to assess the
awareness and
perception of the patient
“Iba naman na numero, Spoke and asked the patient Giving instructions to the “Eighteen” Patient answered directly in Patient was able to get the answer
10+3+5?” with a soft and comforting patient in order to participate a low voice correctly
voice effectively

Seeking information and

exploring to assess the
awareness and perception
of the patient
“Try naman kita pag Spoke and asked the patient Giving instructions to the “two” Patient answered directly in At first patient’s answer was
multiply… Pira man it 2x2?” with a soft and comforting patient in order to participate “……” a low voice wrong however he changed his
voice effectively “four” answer with the right one

Seeking information and Patient took his time in

exploring to assess the answering with
awareness and
perception of the patient

moments of pause as
patients with
schizophrenia manifests slowed
though processing, but the he was
able to answer the question

“Diba nag pa kilala ako Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “Diri ako Patient answered directly in Patient was not able to recall the
kanina sir? anoman an with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the nakanumdum” a low voice name of the nurse. In association
akon ngaran?” voice awareness and perception with patients with schizophrenia
of the patient manifests slowed though

“Sige mapakilala ako utro Spoke and asked the patient Seeking for clarification to “ahhh.. Deo” Softly nodded showing Patient was able to understand the
haimo.. Ako utro hi Deo” with a soft and comforting help the patient process his agreement and nurse
voice, maintain eye contact ideas more thoroughly understanding

“Anoman na kurso an akon Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “……” Patient answered directly in Patient took his time in
gn kuha?” with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the “Nurse?” a low voice answering with moments of pause
voice awareness and as patients with schizophrenia
perception of the patient manifests slowed though
processing, but the he was able to
answer the question with clarity.
“Yes sir… nursing” Spoke with a soft and Accepting
comforting voice, nod,
maintained eye contact Shows that the interviewer
has heard and followed the
train of thought. It does not
indicate agreement but is
“Mayda ko iyayakan ha imo Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the
na mga prutas ig yakan comforting voice, maintained patient in order to participate
haakon kun ano an iya eye contact effectively
itsura ngan kun nakapot ka
hine ano an iya texture”

“Una… apple” Spoke with a soft and Giving instructions to the “malidong, mahamis” Patient answered the Patient was able to participate and
comforting voice, maintained patient in order to participate question while understand to the nurse’s
eye contact effectively showing a hand gesture instructions
imagining the fruit with a low
“Okay sir… an orange sir?” Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “malidong gihapon Patient answered the Patient was able to participate and
with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the mahamis ngan mahumok” question while understand to the nurse’s
voice, nod and maintained awareness and showing a hand instructions
eye contact perception of the patient gesture imagining
the fruit with a low
“Mayda ka talent sitr?” Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “Nag babasketball la ako” Patient answered directly in Maintained flat affect
with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the a low voice with simple and direct responses.
voice, maintained eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“Nasayaw ka sir?” Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “Aww oo nasayaw gehap Patient answered directly in Maintained flat affect
with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the ako” a low voice with simple and direct responses.
voice, maintained eye contact awareness and
perception of the patient
“Mayda ka pa ba sir iba na Spoke and asked the patient Seeking information and “amo la adto an akon ma Patient answered directly in Maintained flat affect
gusto ig yakan? Mayda mo with a soft and comforting exploring to assess the shashare gusto ko la a low voice with simple and direct responses.
guso ig share haakon?” voice, maintained eye contact awareness and umuli”
perception of the patient

“Yes, sir makaauli kita… Spoke with a soft and Voicing agreement to the
inoma la an aton medisina comforting voice, maintained patient. Showing that the
para kita makauli ngan eye contact nurse supports with the
maupay” patient’s statement
“Sige sir amo la po adto Spoke with a soft and Ending the interview by “Salamat” Patient answered directly in a Responded directly to the nurse
damo po na salamat an imo comforting voice, maintain greeting the patient to show low voice and nodded
pag partisipar yana na kulop eye contact that the interviewer while slowly getting up on his
han akon interview… aadi la appreciated the time with the seat
po kami didi kun mayda po patient
kamo tuyo or gusto niyo hin

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