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Routing and Wavelength

(Spectrum) Assignment
Optical Communications Networks
Spring 2021
Routing and Wavelength (Spectrum)
Assignment: Concepts
• Allocating a route and wavelength (or spectrum slice) demands in a
• Effective use of both physical topology and traffic matrix
• Considerations
• Cost
• Latency
• Availability
• Having impacts on congestion and total carried traffic
• Network nodes • Network topology
• Sites that source, terminate and • Interconnection pattern of nodes
switch traffic
• Nodal degree
• Amplifier-only sites are NOT
nodes! • Number of incident fiber-pairs at
• Network links • Optical reach
• Optical fibers running between
two nodes • The distance that signal can
traverse all-optically before
• Almost always bidirectional with a requiring to be regenerated
separate fiber at each direction
• Specially important in backbone
• Also referred to as “hops” networks
Terminology (cont’d)
• Routing (R) and wavelength • O-E-O architecture
assignment (WA), together referred to • Signal regeneration at each intermediate
as RWA node
• Large amount of equipment!
• Drawbacks in terms of cost, power
• Regeneration consumption, reliability and space
• Entering the WDM signal from optical to requirements
electrical domain and again, to optical
• O-O-O (all-optical) architecture
• 3R regeneration • Signal being carried in optical domain
• Re-amplification throughout transmission
• Re-shaping • Also referring to infrequent regeneration
• Re-timing • Reconfigurable optical add/drop
multiplexers (ROADMs) for optical bypass
O-E-O vs. O-O-O architecture
A recent research area:
regenerations also in a
point on links not only

In a typical network,
shortest path was not
the minimum-
regeneration path for
1% of demands!
Wavelength- vs. Spectrum Assignment
• Wavelength • Spectrum
• Fixed griding • Flexible griding
• Sub-optimal due to fixed-grid constraints • More optimal
• Less contention-prone • More contention-prone
• Simple design • More complicated design
RWA (RSA) Perspectives
• WA (SA), O-O-O architecture • Wavelength contention
• Challenging design • Free capacity, but no free wavelength
• Wavelength continuity constraint due to poor design!
• Heuristic algorithms
• WA (SA), O-E-O architecture
• Simple problem of WA • Joint routing and wavelength
• Routing order • More complicated algorithm as opposed
• Fulfilling more challenging demands first to separate RWA
• Back-up paths for a connection • Impairment-aware RWA
• Multiple candidates for a connection • Exploiting models for capturing fiber
• Routing strategies impairments
• Avoiding congestion • Multicast routing
• Shortest path
• Minimum-hop
Shortest-Path Routing Algorithms
• Target • Algorithms
• Finding a path of minimum total • Dijkstra
metric (whether distance, hop, • Minimum distance
etc.) • Greedy
• Always yielding a solution (if exists)
• Assumptions
• Breadth-first-search (BFS)
• Additive cost
• Minimum hop
• No negative cycles in network • Link cost equal to 1
• (bidirectional links; indifference • Constrained shortest-path (CSP)
between source and destination) • Extra constraints on paths found (e.g.
maximum number of hops not
exceeding a threshold)
k-Shortest-Paths Routing Algorithms
• Target
• Generating a set of paths between
source and destination
• Path distances in ascending order
from the shortest up to k-th
• Benefits
• Better load balancing
• Avoiding congestion
• Paths may have common links!
Shortest-Distance Versus Minimum-Hop
• O-E-O architecture
• Cost equivalent to number of
• Setting link metric equal to 1
• Minimum-hop
• O-O-O architecture
• Not a straightforward choice of
metric 
• Running k-shortest-path algorithms
twice (once with minimum-distance
metric and again with unity metric)
and finding the best path with
minimum regeneration
Protection Considerations in Routing
• Service-level agreement (SLA) • Failure-independent protection
• A formal contract between service • Setting up backup paths prior to
costumer and service provider possible failures
• Availability • Typically link-disjoint
• Protection level against network • Also node-disjoint for important
failures services
• Disjoint-path routing for protection
• Failure-dependent protection
• Restoration of a service path around a
detected failure location
• Time-consuming!
Methods for Finding Disjoint Paths
• Method 1 • Method 2
• Running a shortest-path algorithm • Using an original (!) shortest pair
and finding an optimal path of disjoint paths (SPDPs) algorithm
• Removing the links of the path • Minimal sum of link metrics over
from network (topology pruning) the resulting paths
• Running the shortest-path • More advanced topology pruning
algorithm again and finding • Bhandari algorithm
another optimal path • Also applicable to finding more than
• Returning the two results as final two desired paths
response • Suurballe algorithm
Drawbacks of Method 1


Infeasible, trap topology

Method 2: Bhandari Algorithm
Method 2: Suurballe Algorithm

Link metric update:

𝒘′ 𝒖, 𝒗
= 𝒘 𝒖, 𝒗
− 𝒅 𝒔, 𝒗
+ 𝒅(𝒔, 𝒖)
Scenarios with SPDP Algorithm Failure

Maximally disjoint paths

Disjoint-Path Routing with Multiple Sources
and/or Destinations
Shared-Risk Link Group (SRLG)
Routing Strategies
• Fixed-path routing • Alternative-path routing
• Same path for all connection • Many candidate paths for all
requests between source and connection requests between
destination source and destination
• Blocking of new connections if • Choosing path for connection
links are congested requests based on current
• Simple network load
• Non-adaptive • Adaptive
• Optimal from latency point of view • More time-consuming
Routing Strategies (cont’d)
• Dynamic routing Pure dynamicity may
• No route pre-calculations, be sub-optimal from
connection requests are processed the viewpoint of
efficiently packing
once arrived! the wavebands.
• Dynamic change of link metrics
• Considerations
• Cost
• Load Decision delay is a
• Most opportunity for adaptation problem, specially in
to current network state presence of a path-
element (PCE).
Routing Order
• Ordering priority • Ordering algorithm (stimulated
• Whether or not a service requires annealing)
protection • Finding a base result
• Whether or not a service must be • Swapping two services’ priorities
routed over hot links • Running the routing process again
• Service requested rate • Checking the result from
• Distance between endpoints optimality point of view
• Update the result with a
• Proceed these steps long enough
Multicast Routing
• Multicast versus multiple unicasts

capacity by
a factor of 2
or 3
Multicast Routing
• Usage • Multicast protection
• Media distribution • Large protection facilities!
• Multicast tree (Steiner tree) • Protection of tree segments
• Tree cost as the sum of its link • Network coding
metrics • Reception of a linear combination of
signals rather at each destination
• Difficult problem of finding a
minimum-cost Steiner tree • Manycast routing
• Heuristics with good, approximate • Reaching N out of M destinations
solutions • Usage
• Minimum-spanning tree with • Distributed computing
enhancement (MSTE)
• A variation of MP algorithm to
• Minimum-paths (MP) obtain the optimum tree
Multicast Protection with respect to
Regeneration Sites
Wavelength Assignment
• Allocating spectrum portions to
routed connections
• Also abbreviated to as WA
• Cooperation with regeneration
• Wavelength conversion
• Back-2-back transponders
Wavelength Assignment; Challenges
• Major challenges
• Wavelength continuity in an
optical segment of transmission
• Link utilization

There is a trade-off
between WA simplicity
and cost in presence of
Wavelength Assignment Failure

• Four possible options

• Blocking the service (!)
• Changing the places of
• Changing the route
• Increasing the number of
regenerations without re-routing
• Greater cost
WA Studies; Figures of Merit
• Sparse, but sufficient
• Regenerations due to optical reach
constraints in backbone networks Wavelength
are mostly enough! contention is a major
cause of connection
• In metro-core networks, blocking.
regeneration may be offered by
electrical-domain grooming.
Wavelength Assignment Algorithms
• WA problem as graph-coloring
• Generating a conflict graph with
lightpaths as nodes and their
conflicts as links
• Ordering the conflict graph
nodes for coloring
• Well-researched topic
• Methods
• First-fit
• Most-used
Wavelength Assignment Algorithms
• First-fit • Most-used
• Labelling and ordering available • Giving adaptive indices to
wavelengths from 1 to W wavelengths based on their
• Moving over lightpaths, assigning current usage in network
the least-indexed available • Indexing wavelengths from most-
wavelength for each lightpath used to least-used from lowest to
• No relation between wavelength highest
indexing and wavelength position • More computation
on spectrum!
• Manipulations can be made in So, what is the
purpose to satisfy some target. motivation behind
RWA Schemes
• One-step RWA • Topology pruning
• Solving the problems of routing • Moving over wavelengths and
and wavelength assignment reducing the network topology to
together those links with free capacity on
• Better results that wavelength
• Better in heavily-loaded networks • Reachability graph
• More complicated! transformation
• Breaking network topology to all-
optical segments
One-Step RWA; Reachability Graph

(Optical reach
is 2,000km)
RWA Schemes (cont’d)
• Flow-Based Methods • ILP-Based Ring RWA
• Modelling the RWA problem as ILP • Same as ILP-based RWA, though in
• Very close to optimal ring topologies
• Time-consuming • Dramatically faster due to ring
• Using LP with solution-rounding structure
techniques • Scalable
• Starting with candidates paths
instead of a free-running of ILP Further research
• Cost functions offering load-balancing suggestion:
• Suitable for highly-loaded networks Studying ILP-Based Ring
RWA in mesh networks
with low number of free wavelengths
through decomposition
Impairment-Aware Routing and Wavelength
• Strategy 1
• Worst-case
• Links fully loaded
• RWA + physical-layer models • Guaranteed feasibility of later-added
• Adaptive link metrics connections
• Effect of wavelength assignment on • Leading to extra regenerations
SPM, XPM and FWM • Too pessimistic!
• Pseudo-linear regime as the most • Strategy 2
popular assumption • Precise calculation of impairments on
• Less regeneration
• Changeable condition of old services
due to the new ones
Worst-Case vs. Precise Impairment

When using precise

calculation with no Optical reach and precise
regeneration: calculation, are of less
Reduction in blocking importance in metro
probability by an order of networks.
Impact of Impairments on RWA
• Changing the link metrics based • Machine learning
on their spectrum • Estimating quality of transmission
• Using a modified Dijkstra (QoT) for new connections
algorithm to find may paths • Establishing databases before
between source and destination • Indexing the stored paths in
• Choosing a path out of many using database based on their character
a scalar function • Detecting resemblance of a new
connection to paths in database
and using those information in
Mixed Line-Rate Systems
• Combination of line-rates of
different amounts
• Carrying 10Gbps and 40Gbps
signals together Reasonable use of precise
calculation of impairments
• Detrimental effect of 10Gbps
due to escaping pessimistic
signals on 40Gbps signals due to design of worst-case
XPM strategy
Elastic Optical Networks (EONs)
• Arbitrary wavelength griding
• Replacing grooming with
spectrum-sliced elastic (SLICE)
optical path architecture
• Allocating a flexible-bandwidth
wavelength to a client service
• More power and cost efficient
compared to grooming
• EONs are networks supporting
EONs (cont’d)
• OFDM • Variable-bandwidth switches
• Carrying a signal over multiple • LCoS-WSSs
• More tolerable to fiber
• Software-controlled bandwidth- The limitation of filtering
technology imposes the griding
variable transponders (BVTs) not to be totally unquantized.
• Handling variable-rate Rather, it must provide
multiples of a base bandwidth
• Serving as multiple virtual called slot.
transponders for narrow-
bandwidth connections
EONs (cont’d)

Ideal and aggressively

pursued for future network
• Routing is the same!
• Spectrum assignment • More challenging and
• Assigning a particular set of slots to complicated design
an optical channel • Multi-step RSA is more
• Continuity constraint reasonable.
• Same slots must be assigned in an all- • The alternative-path routing is
optical segment of transmission favored once again.
• Similar to continuity in fixed-grid • Both link-load and
networks fragmentation are important
• Contiguity constraint now.
• Slots must be assigned consecutively
to a connection
• New concept in EONs!
RSA in EONs (cont’d)
• Spectrum assignment
• Weighted graph-coloring
• More weights to connection
requests with more required
• Considering contiguity
• Variations to first-fit and
• First-last-fit
• Best-fit
• Exact-fit (reverting to first-fit)
RSA in EONs (cont’d)
• ILP-based RSA • Distance-adaptive RSA
• Constraints • Routing, modulation level and
• Unique spectrum assignment on a spectrum assignment (RMLSA)
single fiber • Including modulation level for
• Continuity transmission reach maximization
• Contiguity • Transmission degradation due to
• Objective function multiple modulation formats in fibers
• Minimizing the maximum number of
utilized slots on all links • Routing, Spectrum and Core
• Minimizing the highest-numbered slot Assignment (RSCA)
utilized on any link • Including multi-core fibers and space-
• Minimizing the total number of slots division multiplexing
utilized across the network
• Crosstalk between cores 
• Minimizing the amount of requested
bandwidth that is blocked
• Saving stranded bandwidth and displacing gaps
Push-Pull Defragmentation
Any Questions?

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