Chapter 10 - Understanding Work Teams - Humarang, Joanna Marie C.

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Humarang, Joanna Marie C.

Human Behavior in Organization

BSMA 1-9
I. Find and Choose the correct answer inside the box. Write the letter only in the blank before
the number.
A. Context B. Composition C. Process
B 1. Allocating roles
C 2. Social loafing
A 3. Leadership and structure
C 4. Conflict levels
A 5. Climate of trust
B 6. Size of teams
C 7. Common purpose
A 8. Adequate resources
B 9. Diversity
C 10. Specific goals
II. Answer the following:
1. Recall the time when you were at school and your teacher told the class to create groupings
for a specific project. Each group should also select a leader or set of officers to make the
project more efficient. Unfortunately, despite your efforts, your project was a failure...Share
your story and answer the following questions:
What was the project all about?
- Our project is all about doing a marketing plan for our last project in marketing.
What was your role in the project?
- I was forced to be the leader of our group because our teacher knows that I can handle the
position very well.
How can you describe your group members and your leaders?
- Since, they are also my friends, it is easy to talk and suggest what are we going to do in our final
project. I am open to their different suggestion and plans. All of them are cooperative and active.
Did your group met problems or conflict while doing your project?
- We have some misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
How did your group solve it?
- We talked and explain our sides and listen to different opinions. We lower our pride and decided
to understand one another. As a leader, I didn’t take any sides but what I did is listen to my
member’s different sides.
Which part did your group fall short that caused the project unsuccessful?
- We didn’t experience since we communicate and cooperate. The project was successful because
of that.
If you will be in the same scenario, what would you do to make it successful?

2. Write a short story about your favorite sports and the specific team you cheered on every
time they are playing. Describe the role of each member how they are doing their part in
the game. Does this team always win and what do you think is their strategy/ies in winning?
When the odds are on their side, how do they resolve it?

- Mobile Legends is a ranking and addicting game but I prefer watching people compete. Blacklist
International is one of my favorite team in e-sports field. They play and compete with different
teams. The game is always intense and fun. You can see the fun in the eyes of every player and
how they unite with each other. They play as one with every game.

Every member has different roles in every game and that is a great strategy for them to focus in a
specific goal.

Losing is not a problem to them. They are not blaming each other because losing is normal. It can
be a way of teaching and learning from mistakes. They can practice and make each other stronger
without guilt tripping they co-members.

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