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Human Behavior in Organization

B1. Juan here is the report you asked me to complete. Let me know if I need to make any changes.
a. vertical – downward b. vertical – upward c. Horizontal d. Grapevine
C2. “Jackson, I just closed a larger sales order with Tyson, but I had tom guarantee delivery by next
Tuesday. Can you produce 100 units on time?
a. vertical – downward b. vertical – upward c. Horizontal d. Grapevine
A3. “Hi Tyler, please take this over to the mail room right away for me”
a. vertical – downward b. vertical – upward c. Horizontal d. Grapevine
D4. “Jamal, have you heard that President Flynn is using the company jet to take his mistress out on
a. vertical – downward b. vertical – upward c. Horizontal d. Grapevine
A5. “Judy, will you please hold this so I can put it together-the way I help you all the time”
a. vertical – downward b. vertical – upward c. Horizontal d. Grapevine
B6. A type of channel that used to transmit personal or social messages.
a. Formal Channel b. Informal Channel c. Channel
A7. A Communication that flows to a higher level.
a. Upward Communication b. Lateral Communication c. Channel
C 8. A Communication that flows from one level to a lower level.
a. Upward Communication b. Channel c. Downward Communication
A 9. A network which is very formal and rigid chain of command.
a. The Chain b. The All-Channel c. The Wheel
C 10. It is a superficial consideration of evidence and information making use of heuristics.
a. Controlled Processing b. The Chain c. Automatic Processing
II. Select the most appropriate channel for each message
a. Face-to-Face b. Telephone c. Meeting d. Presentation e. Memo f. Letter g. Report h. Poster
A 1. An employee came in late for work again today. This is not acceptable behavior and needs to
C 2. The supervisors is getting together with a few employees to discuss a new procedure that will be
going into effect in a week.
G 3. Shelly, the supervisor, is expecting needed material for production this afternoon. She wants to
know whether it will arrive on time to make the product.
H/M 4. Employees have been leaving the lights on when no one is in the break room. As the manager
concerned for saving electricity, you want employees to shut off the light when they leave.
G 5. The boss asked for the sales data for the quarter.

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