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Padojinog, Princess Marjorie C.


TOPIC: DepEds opening of the school year 2021-2022 on

August 2021.

Many people as well as our parents have argued that Education is important so we
need it to lift us out of poverty. When everything was normal, when we were all still going to
school it was very nice to go. We will go in and go home with a smile on our faces. But when the
pandemic broke out, everything changed, the style of our study changed. Right now many
students can't smile, many students struggle due to this online class or what should call new
normal. Education is important but are healthy, our mentality is important. Education is
important but health is, our mentality is important. Can we stand another year in this way of
learning? Can we stand that many students have to stop because they can't keep up with this
method of learning? Can we stand we heard or saw from the news or in the internet that some
students commit suicide because of the grades they are getting and they can't even finish their
studies now?

According to Rappler (202) millions of students didn’t enroll this school year , at
least 2.3 million students are not enroll in this year. “For now, we consider these 2.3 million as
dropouts…. What we don’t want to happen is to have a permanent dislocation of children, and
instead of studying, they would permanently just go to work,” said Gatchalian. Due to the
distance mode of learning, many students are not able to keep up with this method of learning.
And above all students and teachers need to rest, not a limited time but need to rest with
enough time. Overload work that students faced is not joke, October to July is not bearable
anymore. Then the rest of the teachers and students are only limited. This school year need to
rest because students committed suicide because of many problems--- family and school.
According to investigation, three students committed suicide due to online-related concerns.
Due to the difficulties about the signal or internet connection. The other one student
committed suicide because he was not unable to enroll this year. That’s why I’m against it for
the upcoming school year. Like what I’ve stated earlier we need to rest because our mental
health is already affected.
Overall, I’m not really against to have a school year, my major point here is to have
enough rest because if the school year continues in august and the class ends in july. We are all
aware this school year most of the students have learned almost nothing. Give enough rest and
make sure all students and teachers are ready to move on to the new school year. Studying is
really tiring especially now that it's new normal. Not all students are focused because we are not
in school, we are in our house. Enough rest and make sure no one's student left behind.
Students and teachers are mentally and physically ready to face another year of schooling.


Rappler. (2020) More than 2 million ‘dropouts as a school adapt to

pandemic’ Retrieved from.

E. Dacara.(2020) Three students die from suicide due to education

related problems. Retrieved from

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