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1 How often do you go out for lunch/dinner? Where do you usually go? 2 Which of the places in the photos look like your kind of place to eat? Why? ovaunaune The service in there is terrible. Isit very expensive? Itis great, but itll be packed. Isn't ita bit cold to sit on the terrace? Do they only serve meat? !m vegetarian. How about the fish place? Does that suit everyone? The café next door is quite decent and good value. That new Indian place has anice set menu at lunch. Yes, Iknow the one you mean, but | don't really fancy eating spicy food. b_ No, they have those outdoor heaters. Abit, but it’s top quality and the food's really delicious iknow. The last time | went, we waited ages to be served and they still got our order wrong. Actually, 'd prefer somewhere else. allergic to seafood That's OK, there's plenty of choice. |had a vegetable lasagne the last time | went. That's true. You really need to book in advance, but it isamazing. Itwas, but the last time | went they put up the prices and the food wasn't so great. 1 =Howmany people are going? 2 Do they all know each other? 3 What three places do they talk about? 4 Where do they decide to go?

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