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Judiciary Impeachment Markup

Since January, I have been privileged to serve the people of Georgia’s
Sixth District.
When I was a small child my family instilled in me the importance of
service and building community.
As I have grown in life, I have held many roles-- daughter, wife, working
mother—but, I never imagined Congresswoman would be one of them.
My goals were the same as many other Americans. I wanted to start a
family and raise a caring, compassionate child.
Like many women, I struggled to get pregnant. And, after years of
trying, my son Jordan was a miracle for me. For our family.
I dreamed of who Jordan would become. I dreamed of watching him
walk across the stage at his high school graduation, full of love and
hope for the future. I dreamed of him carrying on our family’s legacy of
public service.
But seven years ago, on a day much like today, Jordan was sitting in the
back seat of a car at a gas station with his friends. A man pulled up next
to them and complained about the “loud music” they were playing.
He pulled out a gun and fired 10 shots into the car, hitting Jordan three
times, killing my only son.
I found myself asking how God could allow this to happen to me, to my
family, to my Jordan?
I prayed to God and found the strength to forgive my son’s killer.
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I stood up for families like mine in Marietta, Georgia who are terrified
that they will send their kids to school and never see them come home.
I stood up for the teens who sent texts to their parents in Parkland,
I stood up for their mothers reading messages from their children that
plead “If I don’t make it, I love you, and I appreciate everything you did
for me.”
I made a promise to my community that I would act. I promised that I
would take that sense of protection, that love a mother has for her son,
and use it for my community – for the American people. I promised I
would work with the President when his policies are right for Georgia
and stand up to him when they are not.
And I am proud of our progress. I am proud to have passed bills that
protect our communities. I am proud to have written a bill that was
signed into law by President Trump. A bill that protects our veterans.
But, I am not proud of the President’s actions that bring us here
For months, we have carefully and methodically explored the facts.
I have listened to our witnesses. I have examined the evidence from our
intelligence community. I have heard from the brave men and women
who have dedicated their lives in service to our country, both at home
and abroad.
I am greatly saddened by what we have learned, and I am forced to
face a solemn conclusion.
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I believe the President abused the power of his office, putting his own
interests above the needs of our nation -- above the needs of the
people I love and serve.
For that, I must vote my conscience.
I do so with a heavy heart and a grieving soul.
This is not why I came to Washington.
I came to Washington because I love my country.
I came to Washington full of hope, empowered by my community to
serve them in Congress.
And it is an honor to carry out that work every day, to make sure that
no one else goes through the same pain that I did.
To my neighbors, my district, and my nation: after this vote, the work
you sent me to do in Washington carries on.
After this vote, I will continue to champion the ideals this country
instilled in me, to stand up for the safety and security of our
communities, and to fight for an America I prayed would make my son
Jordan proud.

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