Discussion From hsnrs348

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Discussion 5
Nov 27, 2019 2:23PM
Teresa Calderon
1. What is your position, specifically related to those who are elderly, on one of the
following controversial subjects: death with dignity 
The death with dignity laws allows terminally ill people to voluntary request and receive
a prescription medication to hasten their death. I disagree with the death with dignity
law because sometimes our time although is predicted by a physician it might not be the
actual time we might have. Working at an Oncology Clinic, I have seen patients who
outlive the estimated time that they were given; and others go sooner. I think taking this
option would be cutting your life short, almost like suicide. Just because it was
prescribed it does not mean you are still taking your life away. But I do believe in hospice
or in help to make the last days more comfortable. Death sounds like a scary and painful
thing, but it does not need to be. People need to be comfortable and at peace and enjoy
the last couple days with their loved ones. Working in the medical field, I do not think I
would be able to participate or know that we helped a patient take this path, I would feel
guilt and wonder how much longer they could off had.
2. What have you learned from this module on end of life?
From this module I have learned that I need to discuss my end of life wishes with my
family. My siblings and I should also have the same conversation with my parents so we
know what they want. Although my parents are hesitant to discuss this things it is
something we need to address. They also need to point someone to make the final
decision. In the past year I have started to think more about it and I have gotten a life
insurance and now I'm looking into buying a cemetery plot. 
Death with Dignity Acts - States That Allow Assisted Death. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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