Examen P1 Tropi

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Pregunta 1 1 / 1 punto

Regarding venomous and poisonous animals in the Tropics. A patient come to your office
complaining to had been bitten by a BAT in Jumandy caves in the Amazon region. She ask you what
kind of diseases can be transmitted by the bite and also because she has entered in caves without
mask protection.

Rabies and candida

Rabies and histoplasmosis

Yellow fever and blastomycosis

Dengue and chromoblastomycosis

Pregunta 2 1 / 1 punto
Which one of the following Tropical diseases IS NOT considered Neglected Tropical diseases by the



Chagas Disease


Pregunta 3 1 / 1 punto
You diagnosed a patient with CHAGAS DISEASES. Which is the most probably route of

Phlebotomines sandfly

Saliva of anopheles mosquitoes

Feces of Triatomine bugs

Blood transfusion

Pregunta 4 0 / 1 punto

You are posted as a rural medical doctor in Esmeraldas and noticed an outbreak of
ONCHOCERCIASIS. Which one of the following strategy is the best in order to control?:

Massive drug administration with ivermectin

Preventive chemotherapy with albendazol

Safe Water, Sanitation and hands washing (WASH)

Indoors insecticide spraying

Pregunta 5 1 / 1 punto

An African patient with fever and neurological symptoms in whom your provisional diagnosis is
cerebral malaria. Select the MOST ACCURATE item.

He/She was not using insecticide impregnated mosquito net

Plasmodium falciparum is endemic in some African countries

All African countries are endemic for malaria

Is not sleeping sickness because of neurological symptoms

Pregunta 6 0 / 1 punto

You advice people to protect mosquito bites and vector borne diseases. Which of the following
disease IS NOT protected by mosquito net?.


Yellow fever

Malaria, Dengue, Zika & Chikungunyia


Pregunta 7 1 / 1 punto
You are a medical doctor in a small town of the Amazonian region. You advice the local people one
action they MUST NOT do if have a snake bite.


Call a medical doctor

Get medical treatment

Pregunta 8 1 / 1 punto
Tropical Medicine subject study communicable and non-communicable diseases that prevails in the
tropics. Which item IS NOT FOR a communicable diseases?.

Piranha bite, jellyfish stings, lymphatic filariasis

Snake bite, milliaria, leprosy

organophosphates intoxication, Buruli ulcer, scabies

malignant arterial hypertension, diabetes, snake bite

Pregunta 9 1 / 1 punto
Which of the following viruses can be transmitted by drinking contaminated water

hepatits A, hepatitis B


rotavirus, hepatitis A

hepatitis C, herpes virus

Pregunta 10 1 / 1 punto
A patient coming from the tropics concerning about his/her vision loss or blindness. In which tropical
diseases are you going to think?.

Leprosy, onchocerciasis, rabies

onchocerciasis, trachoma

Dengue, malaria, trachoma

onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, trachoma

Pregunta 11 0 / 1 punto
Please let us know one important reason why you are studying Tropical Medicine?

Living in a temperate region

Global warming

Air pollution

HIV is restricted to tropical regions

Pregunta 12 0 / 1 punto
As you known Onchocerciasis was eliminated from Ecuador thanks to which strategy?.

Vector control

MDA (massive Drug Administration)


Pregunta 13 0 / 1 punto
If you or your relatives or Friends are standing in one tropical place, which of the following statement
is WRONG?.

We should use rubber boots or shoes because of cutaneous larva migrans

We should use mosquito net for bats because rabies virus

We should cook very well river fish because of cysticercosis

We should concern about Vector borne diseases

Pregunta 14 1 / 1 punto
The whole blood clothing test (prueba del coagulo) in which envenomation you must perform
according to MSP-Ecuador

Spider envenomation

Snake envenomation by Viperidae family snakes

Scorpion envenomation

Snake envenomation by Elapidae family snakes

Pregunta 15 1 / 1 punto
Please answer the correct option regarding vector transmission and its etiological agent

Aedes aegypti …. Borrelia burgdorferi

Aedes aegyti ….. Plasmodium spp

Triatominae bugs …. Trypanosoma cruzi

Sandfly ….. Trypanosoma gambiense

Pregunta 16 1 / 1 punto

One of the problems of Tropical diseases is:

Most of them have no cure

They contribute to high mortality and morbidity

Microbiology is always necessary for the diagnosis

All of them have pandemic potential


Pregunta 17 1 / 1 punto

The Tropics include:

36% of Earth landmass

Two thirds of the people globally

Equator at the north with highest temperatures

Part of Central America

Pregunta 18 0 / 1 punto

Is it true about Biodiversity:

It is concentrated only in the tropics

Its major influence is humidity and land degradation

It is related to the greatest CO2 production

Could impact human health if there is no protection

Pregunta 19 0 / 1 punto

In relationship with increase of Vector borne diseases, choose the correct option:

It is a consequence of Land degradation

It is consequence of Water scarcity

It is consequence of Air pollution

It is a consequence of Climate change

Pregunta 20 0 / 1 punto

Contamination of drinking water often occurs through:

Undercooked food

Poor sewage disposal

No boiling water

Stocked water

Pregunta 21 0 / 1 punto

One of these diseases is a waterborne disease:

Hepatitis B

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Crimean Encephalitis

Pregunta 22 1 / 1 punto

One of the following pathogens is transmitted by food:





Pregunta 23 0 / 1 punto

Prolonged Fever syndrome could be related to a fungi:

Bartonella spp.

Candida spp.

Histoplasma spp.

Fusarium spp.

Pregunta 24 0 / 1 punto

50-year-old man from Pastaza, with no notable history, was bitten in the right leg
while a small walk in the jungle. He cannot remember the characteristics of the snake. He
came 5 hours later to the emergency department complaining about: edema and pain 10/10
of the leg plus abdominal pain as belt irradiation. At the physical exam you found something
that could be related to a Positive clot test:

Cullen sign

Respiratory distress

Pustular blisters in the leg


Pregunta 25 0 / 1 punto

A relative who witnessed the accident told you that the patient (14 years old) was bitten 12
hours ago by a dark snake, in the external area of the left foot, while walking without boots
through the jungle. Almost 2 hours later, the patient developed edema, redness of the foot

and left ankle. 8 hours later he complained about severe headache, fever 40 centigrade,
hyporexia, an episode of hematuria.
Choose the correct statement:

The patient was bitten by a Viperidae species and presents a severe scenario, so he
should receive 12 vials of antivenom in a solution of 250 cc of normal saline in an
infusion rate of 30 minutes
The patient was bitten by a Viperidae species and presents a moderate scenario, so
he should receive 10 vials of antivenom in a solution of 250 cc of normal saline in an
infusion rate of 30 minutes
The patient was bitten by a Viperidae species and presents a mild scenario, so he
should receive 4 vials of antivenom in a solution of 250 cc of normal saline in an
infusion rate of 30 minutes
The patient was bitten by an Elapidae species and presents a severe scenario, so
he should receive 8 vials of antivenom in a solution of 250 cc of normal saline in an
infusion rate of 30 minutes

Pregunta 26 1 / 1 punto

Metalloproteinases present in the venom of Viperidae snakes produce:




Cerebral edema

Pregunta 27 0 / 1 punto

The thrombocytopenia present in Viperidae snakebite cases is related to:


Complement activation

Binding to Von Willebrand factor

Procoagulant state

Hemorragic consumption

Pregunta 28 0 / 1 punto

One of the expected manifestations within the first 2 to 18 hours in an Elapidean snake bite

Severe pain



Pregunta 29 0 / 1 punto

One of the reasons why assessing the severity of Elapidae sankebites is not recommended

Due to the few amount of inoculated venom

Most cases are due to false coral snakes

All of cases are severe

Clinical escenario of insidious presentation

Pregunta 30 1 / 1 punto

A 42-year-old male patient was bitten by a coral snake 12 hours ago. You would suspect a
neurological deterioration due to one of the following warning signs:


Decrease in oximetry

Cardiac ischemia

Hemorrage from the wound site

Puntuación del intento: 15 / 30 - 5.0

Calificación general (intento más alto): 15 / 30 - 5.0



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