Medical Tourism: Industries & Markets

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Medical tourism
Table of Contents

01 Overview 04 Leading destinations

Share of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment as of 2019 03 Top medical tourism countries by total index rating worldwide 2020 22
U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by race 04 Top medical tourism countries by destination environment rating 2016 23
U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by generation 05 Top medical tourism countries by industry rating 2016 24
Share of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by gender 06 Top medical tourism countries by facilities and services quality rating 2016 25
Countries U.S. adults would consider traveling to for medical treatment 2019 26
02 Surgery price comparisons Countries U.S. adults had traveled to for medical treatment 2019 27

Cost of a heart bypass in various countries 2019 08 Countries U.S. adults had traveled to for medical treatment 2019, by gender 28

Cost of an angioplasty in various countries 2019 09

Cost of a knee replacement in various countries 2019 10 05 Example: Canadians as medical tourists
Cost of a dental implant in various countries 2019 11 Percentage of patients receiving treatment outside Canada 2020, by specialty 30
Cost of a hip replacement in various countries 2019 12 Share of Canadians leaving the country for medical treatments in 2016, by province 31
Share of Canadians leaving the country for internal medicine in 2016, by province 32
03 Reasons and satisfaction Share of Canadians leaving the country for medical oncology in 2016, by province 33

Reasons U.S. adults had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019 14 Share of Canadians leaving the country for plastic surgery in 2016, by province 34

Reasons U.S. adults had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by gender 15
U.S. adults who would travel abroad for select medical treatments 2019 16
Medical treatments U.S. adults had traveled abroad for as of 2019 17
Medical treatments U.S. adults had traveled abroad for as of 2019, by gender 18
Satisfaction among U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019 19
Satisfaction among U.S. adults who traveled abroad for medical care 2019, by gender 20


Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment as of 2019
Share of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment as of 2019

Prefer not to say 4% Yes, I have 7%

No, I have not 89%

3 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment as of June 2019. It was found that seven percent of U.S. adults had traveled abroad specifically to receive medical
treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment as of 2019, by race
U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by race

Yes, I have No, I have not Prefer not to say


100% 3% 5%
4% 8%
Percentage of respondents


91% 84%
91% 85%


7% 7% 11%
0% 4%
White Black Hispanic Other

4 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment as of June 2019, by race. It was found that seven percent of white adults had traveled abroad specifically to receive
medical treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment as of 2019, by generation
U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by generation

Yes, I have No, I have not Prefer not to say


100% 3% 1% 2%
9% 8%
Percentage of respondents


79% 92% 97%
84% 98%


6% 5% 3%
Gen Z (2000 and later) Millennial (1982-1999) Gen X (1965-1981) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Silent Generation (1928-1945)

5 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment as of June 2019, by generation. It was found that 13 percent of millennials had traveled abroad specifically to receive
medical treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment as of 2019, by gender
Share of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by gender

Male Female Total

92% 90%
90% 87%

Percentage of respondents






8% 7%
10% 5% 5% 4%
Yes, I have No, I have not Prefer not to say

6 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment as of June 2019, by gender. It was found that eight percent of men and five percent of women had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov

Surgery price comparisons

Cost of a heart bypass in selected countries as of 2019 (in U.S. dollars)
Cost of a heart bypass in various countries 2019

Cost in U.S. dollars

0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000

United States 123,000

Israel 28,000
Costa Rica 27,000
Mexico 27,000
South Korea 26,000
Singapore 17,200
Thailand 15,000
Colombia 14,800
Jordan 14,400
Poland 14,000
Turkey 13,900
Malaysia 12,100
India 7,900

8 Description: A heart bypass is a surgical procedure where an artery or vein that feeds blood to the heart is redirected around an internal blockage in the vein or artery. The cost of such a procedure varies significantly globally. As of 2019, the U.S. had the highest costs
of any country for a heart bypass. At that time the cost in the U.S. was about 123 thousand U.S. dollars. Among countries compared, India had the lowest cost for a heart bypass at just under 8 thousand U.S. dollars.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association
Cost of an angioplasty in selected countries as of 2019 (in U.S. dollars)
Cost of an angioplasty in various countries 2019

Cost in U.S. dollars

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000

United States 28,200

South Korea 17,700
Costa Rica 13,800
Singapore 13,400
Mexico 10,400
Malaysia 8,000
Israel 7,500
Colombia 7,100
India 5,700
Poland 5,300
Jordan 5,000
Turkey 4,800
Thailand 4,200

9 Description: This statistic compares the cost of an angioplasty procedure in selected countries as of 2019. In the United States, an angioplasty cost 28,200 U.S. dollars, while in Costa Rica such a procedure cost less than half of that price.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association
Cost of a knee replacement in selected countries as of 2019 (in U.S. dollars)
Cost of a knee replacement in various countries 2019

Cost in U.S. dollars

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000

United States 35,000

Israel 25,000

Korea 17,500

Singapore 16,000

Thailand 14,000

Mexico 12,900

Costa Rica 12,500

Turkey 10,400

Jordan 9,500

Poland 8,200

Vietnam 8,000

Malaysia 7,700

Colombia 7,200

India 6,600

10 Description: In the United States, a knee replacement cost 35 thousand U.S. dollars, while in Israel the average cost is 25 thousand U.S. dollars. At the other end of the scale, a knee replacement costs 6.6 thousand U.S. dollars in India. Knee replacements are more
common in older patients because they are more likely to have problems with the knee joint from conditions such as osteoarthritis.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association
Cost of a dental implant in selected countries as of 2019 (in U.S. dollars)
Cost of a dental implant in various countries 2019

Cost in U.S. dollars

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Singapore 2,700
United States 2,500
Thailand 1,720
Malaysia 1,500
South Korea 1,350
Israel 1,200
Colombia 1,200
Turkey 1,100
Poland 925
India 900
Mexico 900
Jordan 900
Costa Rica 800

11 Description: Dental implants are metal screws used to replace the root of a tooth when the root fails for whatever reason. These are implanted surgically into the jawbone. Dental implants can last a very long time but require maintenance visits and dental check-ups.
As of 2019, Singapore had the highest costs for dental implants globally. The average cost to have the procedure done in Singapore was about 2,700 U.S. dollars. The United States was the second most expensive country to receive a dental [...]Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association
Cost of a hip replacement in selected countries as of 2019 (in U.S. dollars)
Cost of a hip replacement in various countries 2019

Cost in U.S. dollars

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000

United States 40,364

Israel 36,000

South Korea 21,000

Thailand 17,000

Turkey 13,900

Singapore 13,900

Costa Rica 13,600

Mexico 13,500

Vietnam 9,250

Colombia 8,400

Jordan 8,000

Malaysia 8,000

India 7,200

Poland 5,500

12 Description: The cost of hip replacements varied globally in 2019. Among the listed countries, the United States had the highest cost for a hip replacement with a price of over 40 thousand dollars. In the meantime, Poland had the lowest costs for a hip replacement at
around five thousand U.S. dollars. Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association

Reasons and satisfaction

Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment for select reasons as of 2019
Reasons U.S. adults had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019

Percentage of respondents

50% 46%



20% 16%


It was less expensive to receive I thought I would get higher- I don't have health insurance Medical professionals in the Other
treatment abroad than in the quality treatment if I went in the U.S. and thus was U.S. were unwilling to give me
U.S. abroad unable to get treatment here the treatment I wanted

14 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment for select reasons as of June 2019. It was found that 61 percent of adults who had traveled abroad specifically to receive medical
treatment had done so because it was less expensive to receive treatment abroad than in the U.S. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment for select reasons as of 2019, by gender
Reasons U.S. adults had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019, by gender

Male Female Total

61% 60%
Percentage of respondents


50% 46%


30% 27%

20% 17% 16% 16%

10% 11% 10%
10% 7%
4% 5%

It was less expensive to receive I thought I would get higher- I don't have health insurance Medical professionals in the Other
treatment abroad than in the quality treatment if I went in the U.S. and thus was U.S. were unwilling to give me
U.S. abroad unable to get treatment here the treatment I wanted

15 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment for select reasons as of June 2019, by gender. It was found that 69 percent of females who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment had done so because it was less expensive to receive treatment abroad than in the U.S. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they would consider traveling
abroad to receive select medical treatments as of 2019
U.S. adults who would travel abroad for select medical treatments 2019

Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know

12% 12% 15% 14% 16% 14%
Percentage of respondents


51% 39%
60% 47% 51%
58% 58%

17% 17%
20% 14% 15% 14%
11% 12%
9% 11% 8%
9% 9% 13%
6% 6% 7%
Cosmetic surgery Dentistry Cardiovascular Orthopedics Cancer Reproductive

16 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they would consider traveling abroad to receive medical care for select treatments as of June 2019. It was found that 15 percent of U.S. adults said they would consider traveling
abroad for cancer treatment if they were seeking that kind of care. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment as of 2019, by treatment type
Medical treatments U.S. adults had traveled abroad for as of 2019

50% 47%


Percentage of respondents



25% 22%


Cosmetic surgery Dentistry Cardiovascular Orthopedics Cancer Reproductive Other

17 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically to receive medical treatment as of June 2019, by treatment type. It was found that 47 percent of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment had traveled to receive dental treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment as of 2019, by treatment type and gender
Medical treatments U.S. adults had traveled abroad for as of 2019, by gender

Total Male Female

60% 56%

50% 47%
Percentage of respondents


21% 22% 21%
20% 16%
14% 15% 15% 14%
13% 12% 13%
9% 9% 10%
10% 7%

Cosmetic surgery Dentistry Cardiovascular Orthopedics Cancer Reproductive Other

18 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically to receive medical treatment as of June 2019, by treatment type and gender. It was found that 56 percent of females who had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment had traveled to receive dental treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment and were satisfied with their treatment as of 2019
Satisfaction among U.S. adults who had traveled abroad for medical treatment 2019


70% 68%

Percentage of respondents





2% 1%
Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not very satisfied Not at all satisfied Don't know

19 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment and were satisfied with their treatment as of June 2019. It was found that 68 percent of adults who had traveled abroad
specifically to receive medical treatment were very satisfied with the quality of the medical care they received. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to receive
medical treatment and were satisfied with their treatment as of 2019, by gender
Satisfaction among U.S. adults who traveled abroad for medical care 2019, by gender

Total Male Female


Percentage of respondents


30% 25%

20% 16%

10% 5% 6%
4% 3%
2% 2% 2% 1%
Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not very satisfied Not at all satisfied Don't know

20 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment and were satisfied with their treatment as of June 2019, by gender. It was found that 73 percent of females who had traveled
abroad specifically to receive medical treatment were very satisfied with the quality of the medical care they received. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov

Leading destinations
Top 20 destinations worldwide based on the total medical tourism index in
Top medical tourism countries by total index rating worldwide 2020

Medical tourism index score

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Canada 76.47

Singapore 76.43

Japan 74.23

Spain 72.93

United Kingdom 71.92

Dubai 71.85

Costa Rica 71.73

Israel 70.78

Abu Dhabi 70.26

India 69.8

France 69.61

Germany 69.29

Oman 69.03

South Korea 68.81

Czech Republic 68.32

22 Description: In the 2020-2021 global medical tourism ranking based on 46 destination, Canada came first with an index score of 76.47. The index is based on ratings of the destination environment, the medical tourism industry, and the quality of facilities and services.
This statistic presents the leading 20 countries worldwide based on the total medical tourism index score in 2020.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; 2020; 3,030 Americans
Source(s): Medical Tourism Association; The International Healthcare Research Center
Top 5 medical tourism countries worldwide based on the destination
environment index in 2016*
Top medical tourism countries by destination environment rating 2016

Index score
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Canada 78.69

United Kingdom 77.29

Singapore 73.26

Germany 67.5

Israel 66.56

23 Description: This statistic presents the leading five medical tourism destinations based on the rating of the destination's environment in 2016. The United Kingdom was given a high index rating with a score of 77.29 points.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; 2016; * The development of the MTI was a multi-year, multi-steps and multi-stakeholder approach, following an 8 steps methodological, statistical and index construction procedure to develop a psychometric sound [...]Read more
Source(s): The International Healthcare Research Center
Top 5 medical tourism countries worldwide based on the industry index in
Top medical tourism countries by industry rating 2016

Index score
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

India 75.94

Columbia 74.96

Mexico 74.17

Canada 74.13

Dominican Republic 73.85

24 Description: Taking into account the medical tourism industry only, India was ranked first, with 75.94 index score points. This statistic presents the leading five medical tourism destinations based on the rating of the destination's medical tourism only, not including
arguments like the destination's environment or facility quality, in 2016. Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; 2016; * The development of the MTI was a multi-year, multi-steps and multi-stakeholder approach, following an 8 steps methodological, statistical and index construction procedure to develop a psychometric sound [...]Read more
Source(s): The International Healthcare Research Center
Top 5 medical tourism countries worldwide based on the facilities and
services quality index in 2016*
Top medical tourism countries by facilities and services quality rating 2016

Index score
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Israel 81.6

Germany 77.88

India 77.1

Canada 77.02

UK 76.94

25 Description: Taking into account the facility and service quality only, Israel was ranked first, with 81.6 index score points. This statistic presents the leading five medical tourism destinations based on the rating of the destination's facilities and services quality only, not
including arguments like the destination's environment or industry quality, in 2016.Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; 2016; * The development of the MTI was a multi-year, multi-steps and multi-stakeholder approach, following an 8 steps methodological, statistical and index construction procedure to develop a psychometric sound [...]Read more
Source(s): The International Healthcare Research Center
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who stated they would consider traveling to
select countries for medical treatment as of 2019
Countries U.S. adults would consider traveling to for medical treatment 2019

Yes, I would No, I would not Don't know


18% 18% 19% 18% 20% 19% 19% 20% 19% 21% 20% 19%
Percentage of respondents

22% 21%

60% 31%

70% 64% 67% 65%

67% 75% 70% 74% 70% 74% 69% 70% 73%


12% 17% 13% 15%

11% 7% 11% 8% 10% 7% 11% 10% 8%
Brazil Canada China Columbia Costa Rica Egypt India Malaysia Mexico Singapore South Taiwan Thailand Turkey

26 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who stated they would consider traveling to select countries for medical treatment as of June 2019. It was found that 47 percent of U.S. adults would consider traveling to Canada for
medical treatment. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 1,218 respondents; 18 years and older
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment to select countries as of 2019
Countries U.S. adults had traveled to for medical treatment 2019


35% 34%

Percentage of respondents



15% 13%
11% 11%
10% 8%
7% 7%

5% 4% 4% 4%

Brazil Canada China Columbia Costa Rica Egypt India Malaysia Mexico Singapore South Taiwan Thailand Turkey Other

27 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment to select countries as of June 2019. It was found that 34 percent of U.S. adults who had traveled abroad specifically to receive
medical treatment had traveled to Canada. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All US adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment to select countries as of 2019, by gender
Countries U.S. adults had traveled to for medical treatment 2019, by gender

Percentage of respondents

Female Male Total

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55%
Brazil 13%
Canada 34%
China 15%
Columbia 9%
Costa Rica 2%
Egypt 7%
India 11%
Malaysia 2%
Mexico 19%
Singapore 11%
South Korea 7%
Taiwan 7%
Thailand 2%
Turkey 4%

28 Description: This statistic shows the percentage of adults in the United States who had traveled abroad specifically for medical treatment to select countries as of June 2019, by gender. It was found that 49 percent of males who had traveled abroad specifically to
receive medical treatment had traveled to Canada. Read more
Note(s): United States; June 25 to 26, 2019; 80 respondents; 18 years and older; All U.S. adults who have gone abroad to receive medical treatment
Source(s): YouGov

Example: Canadians as
medical tourists
Average percentage of Canadian patients who received medical treatment
outside of Canada in 2020, by specialty
Percentage of patients receiving treatment outside Canada 2020, by specialty

Percentage of patients
0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 1.8%

All Specialties 1.2%

Cardiovascular Surgery 0.4%
General Surgery 1.2%
Gynaecology 0.8%
Internal Medicine 1.3%
Medical Oncology 0.9%
Neurosurgery 0.6%
Ophthalmology 0.9%
Orthopedic Surgery 1.7%
Otolaryngology 1.4%
Plastic Surgery 1.4%
Radiation Oncology 1.6%
Urology 1.7%

30 Description: This statistic shows the average percentage of Canadian patients who received medical treatment outside Canada in 2020, by specialty. In that year, an average of 1.2 percent of patients in Canada received treatment outside of the country. IN 2020,
orthopedic surgery and urology were two of the most sought out treatments for Canadians outside of their own country. Read more
Note(s): Canada; January 7 to October 1, 2020; 1.300; Practitioners in 12 medical specialities
Source(s): Fraser Institute
Percentage of Canadians leaving the country for medical treatments in 2016,
by province
Share of Canadians leaving the country for medical treatments in 2016, by province

Percentage of patients
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%

Alberta 1.8%

British Colombia 2.4%

Canada 1.4%

Manitoba 1.2%

New Brunswick 1%

Newfoundland and Labrador 0.9%

Nova Scotia 0.9%

Ontario 1.3%

Prince Edward Island 0.1%

Quebec 0.6%

Saskatchewan 1.2%

31 Description: This statistic displays the percentage of Canadian patients that received any medical treatments outside of Canada as of 2016, by province. According to the data, about 2.4 percent of patients seeking medical treatment in British Columbia sought
treatment outside of Canada. Read more
Note(s): Canada; 2016
Source(s): Expert(s); Fraser Institute
Percentage of Canadians leaving the country for internal medicine
treatments in 2016, by province
Share of Canadians leaving the country for internal medicine in 2016, by province

Percentage of patients
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%

British Colombia 1.8%

Alberta 2.4%

Saskatchewan 2.5%

Manitoba 0.5%

Ontario 1.4%

Quebec 1.4%

New Brunswick 0.8%

Nova Scotia 0.8%

Prince Edward Island 0%

Newfoundland and Labrador 0%

Canada 1.5%

32 Description: This statistic displays the percentage of Canadian patients that received internal medicine treatments outside of Canada as of 2016, by province. According to the source, about 2.5 percent of internal medicine patients in Saskatchewan left Canada to
receive such care. Read more
Note(s): Canada; 2016
Source(s): Expert(s); Fraser Institute
Percentage of Canadians leaving the country for medical oncology treatments
in 2016, by province
Share of Canadians leaving the country for medical oncology in 2016, by province

Percentage of patients
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5%

Alberta 3%

British Colombia 0.5%

Canada 1.5%


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador 2%

Nova Scotia 0.5%

Ontario 1.8%

Prince Edward Island 0.5%

Quebec 0.1%

33 Description: This statistic displays the percentage of Canadian patients that received medical oncology treatments outside of Canada as of 2016, by province. According to the source, about three percent of medical oncology patients in Alberta sought treatment
outside of Canada. Read more
Note(s): Canada; 2016
Source(s): Expert(s); Fraser Institute
Percentage of Canadians leaving the country for plastic surgery in 2016, by
Share of Canadians leaving the country for plastic surgery in 2016, by province

Percentage of patients
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5%

Alberta 1.1%

British Colombia 1.6%

Canada 1.2%

Manitoba 0%

New Brunswick 0%

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia 0%

Ontario 2.2%

Prince Edward Island

Quebec 0.2%

Saskatchewan 0%

34 Description: This statistic displays the percentage of Canadian patients that received plastic surgery treatment outside of Canada as of 2016, by province. According to the data, about 2.2 percent of patients from Ontario received plastic surgery treatments outside of
Canada. Read more
Note(s): Canada; 2016
Source(s): Expert(s); Fraser Institute

Expert(s) (Barua et al.)
Fraser Institute
Medical Tourism Association
The International Healthcare Research Center


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