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Order and disorder work sheet


1. We think that in our daily life we like to structure everything and keep it in order, it
makes us feel more confident since we like routine, at this time our daily order
could be what we have every day like waking up, taking a bath, having breakfast,
going to school and have a set schedule of classes, all this is structured by order. so
I think that in these cases the order is presented as routine and schedule.
2. Yes, there are different fellings depending the situation:
ORDER: The special feelings are like satisfacción, clean, senere, but repetitive.
DISORDER: The feelings are like restless, discusting, relax, surpriding and
As the rutine of goong school you feel clean and senere.
When you are late for school and you feel insecure if you have everthing for the
clases and more.
3. & 5
Beauty in disorder 
If you are obsessed with order and you feel that everything in your life must be perfect, you
will eventually get exhausted. When you then know that you can’t control everything in
your life, then you start to worry for things that are out of your control. That feeling of
knowing that you can’t decide over everything causes unnecessary amounts of stress.
That’s why sometimes you need to accept disorder and start to let loose some situations
over which you have no control. When you accept disorder as something inevitable in your
life and decide that you can’t control everything, then you release that stress. The way I see
this, is that sometimes I try to look for an explanation to everything, as if everything
happens for a reason, but when you accept that randomness has a powerful effect on
happiness you realize that there´s no need to worry about everything in life. You can’t be
truly happy if you live stressed out and worry about everything. 
The power of randomness resides on the fact that it happens for no apparent reason. The
beaty of randomness, and entropy as well, is that it has no explanation. You can’t look for
an explanation for something that makes absolutely no sense.  
Let’s imagine the story of a little kid. This kid, which we’ll call Sofia, doesn’t have to
worry about anything in life. Sofia, essentially, could be the definition of true happiness.
When Sofia thinks about something that concerns her, she can always rely on her parents or
a responsible adult to take care of her problems. If she doesn’t need to worry about
anything, then she’s happy. When Sofia starts to grow, she starts attending to school. She’s
excited about it, and after some time she realizes it’s sometimes stressful, but still, she
doesn’t worry about it, she can always rely on her teachers to take care of the things that
she can’t control.  
Some years pass by and now Sofia is almost near her graduation. She, as always, is
extremely excited. A new chapter of her life is about to begin. Eventually, she realizes that
now she must be more responsible than ever. Her entire future will be decided on the
actions she takes. She should be really careful with her actions, as everything rest on her
shoulders. This only generates unnecessary pressure and stress. Sofia suddenly starts to
worry and thinks about everything that could go wrong. Then, one day of summer, she
wakes up and notices that she had been kicked out of college for her poor performance. She
feels as if everything was her fault, even though some of the subjects were taught by
teachers who literally made it impossible to pass. Now she must carry with this burden all
her life.  
Sofia wishes she could go back to that previous state, when she was a little kid, and
everything in her life was random and she was happy.  

4. ORDER in Colombia: Is define as a certain displays of a situation, that can be

different in other places.
EX: USA market aré organizade in a certain mall, but here in Colombia is a plaza
de merado which is orden as a system of lines in a outside area, were there are fresh
fruits or vegatables. There are in an area that is very natural that aslo you can see
farm animals as chickens. This situation for others can be DISORDER, but for us is
normal situation.
We believe that order in beauty can be relate, since over the years it has been shown that
unconsciously the human brain feels it sees beauty in patterns and symmetry, so even if it is
unconsciously, we humans believe that there is beauty in the order and we reflect that in the
way we "judge" if someone seems attractive to us. “The Evolutionary Advantage theory
proposed that symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive because the symmetry
indicates good health in an individual.”( L.Bader, 2014) For example, in general, some of
the actors or models that we commonly classify as attractive or beautiful have very
symmetrical faces. Example Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pitt, Marilyn Monroe, Amber Heard
and David Beckham.

Liberty: ORDER: they can be ralated because liberty have a certain orden like the lawas
that has a place that a person need to follow, but can be free in the country.

Order vs disorder

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