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MG II – Seminarul 16


In medicine, a surgeon is a person who performs surgery. Surgery is a broad category of

invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body, whether human or animal, for a
specific reason such as to remove a diseased organ or to repair a tear or breakage. Surgeons may be
physicians, dentist, podiatrists or veterinarians.

1. Excision surgery names often start with the name of the organ to be excised and end in –
ectomy (e.g. alveolectomy, radectomy, gangliectomy)
2. Procedures involving cutting into an organ or tissue end in -otomy (e.g. glossotomy,
septotomy, sialoadenotomy)
3. Procedures for the formation of a permanent or semi-permanent opening called a stoma in
the body end in -ostomy (e.g. pancreatostomy, apicostomy, pericardiostomy)
4. Reconstruction, plastic or cosmetic surgery of a body part starts with the name of the body
part to be reconstructed and ends in -oplasty (e.g.alveoloplasty, genioplasty, pharyngoplasty)
5. Reparation of damaged or congenital abnormal structures ends in -rraphy (e.g.
palatorrhaphy, glossorrhaphy, herniorrhaphy)
6. Surgical fixation ends in – pexy (e.g. gastropexy, pericardiopexy, splenopexy)
alveolectomy - alveolectomie; rezecție a peretelui osos al unei alveole dentare
radectomy (syn.) radicectomy - scoaterea rădăcinii (unui dinte, nerv)
gangliectomy - gangliectomie, scoaterea unui ganglion
glossotomy - glosotomie, incizie la nivelul limbii
septotomy - septotomie
sialoadenotomy – sialoadenotomie, drenajul unui abces al glandelor salivare
pancreatostomy - pancreatostomie, crearea unei fistule care să permită comunicarea
canalului pancreatic cu exteriorul
genioplasty (syn.) chin augmentation - genioplastie, augmentarea bărbiei
mentoplasty (syn.) chin reduction - mentoplastie, reducerea bărbiei
palatorrhaphy - palatorafie, sutură a vălului palatului
glossorrhaphy - glosorafie, sutură a limbii
herniorrhaphy- herniorafie
gastropexy - gastropexie, fixare chirurgicală a stomacului deplasat
pericardiopexy - pericardiopexie
splenopexy - splenopexie, fixarea chirurgicală a splinei

General surgery, despite its name, is a surgical specialty that focuses on abdominal organs,
e.g. intestines including esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and
bile ducts and often the thyroid gland (depending on the availability of the head and neck surgery
specialits). It also deals with diseases involving the skin, breast and hernias.
skin (syn.) integument - piele
hernial - herniar
to herniate - a hernia

Cardiothoracic surgery is the filed of medicine involved in the surgical treatment of

diseases affecting organs inside the thorax, generally the treatment of conditions of the heart and
lungs. Cardiac surgery (involving the heart and great vessels) and throracic surgery (involving the
lungs and any other thoracic organ) are separate surgical specialities, except in the USA, where they
are frequently grouped together, so that a that a surgeon training in the cardiothoracic specialty will
receive a broader but less specialized experience in both fields.
thorax (syn.) rib cage - cutie toracică
thoracic (syn.) thoracal (syn.) pectoral - toracic, pectoral
lung (syn.) pulmo (pl. pulmones) - plămân, pulmon
pulmonary (syn.) pulmonic (syn.) pneumonic - pulmonar
pneumo- formă combinatorie cu sensul de respirație, plămâni, aer, pneumonie
pneumono- formă combinatorie cu sensul de plămân
pulmono- formă combinatorie cu sensul de plămân

Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine dealing with disorders of the rectum or anus. The
field is also known as proctology, but the term is outdated in the more traditional areas of medicine.
Pediatric surgery a of surgery involving the surgery of fetuses, infants, children,
adolescents, and young adults.
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form
and function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of
reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery and the treatment of burns.
fetus (pl. fetuses) - fetus
fetal - fetal
infant – infant, copil sub vârsta de 1 an
hand surgery - chirurgia mâinii

Vascular surgery is a specialty of surgery in which diseases of the vascular system, or

arteries and veins, are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures, and
surgical reconstruction. The specialty evolved from general and cardiac surgery. The vascular
surgeon is trained in the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting all parts of the vascular
system except that of the heart and brain. Cardiothoracic surgeons manage surgical diseases of the
heart and its vessels. Neurosurgeons manage surgical disease of the vessels in the brain (e.g.
intracranial aneurysms).
artery (syn.) arteria (pl. arteriae) - arteră
vein (syn.) vena (pl. venae) - venă
brain (syn.) encephalon (pl. encephala) - creier, encefal
intracranial - intracranian
extracranial - extracranian
cranium (pl. crania) (syn.) skull - craniu, cutie craniană
skull fracture - fractură de craniu
skull injury - plagă craniană

Transplant surgery is the division of medicine that surgically replaces an organ that is no
longer functioning with an organ from a donor that does function.
Trauma surgery. Trauma surgeons are physicians who have completed a residency training
in general surgery and often fellowship training in trauma or surgical critical care. The trauma
surgeon is responsible for the initial resuscitation and stabilization of the patient, as well as ongoing
evaluation. The attending trauma surgeon also leads the trauma team, which typically includes
nurses, resident physicians, and support staff.
donor - donator
recipient - beneficiar, receptor; destinatar; recipient
residency training (syn.) specialty training - rezidențiat
resident (syn.) specialist-in-training – rezident
fellowship – bursă de cercetare, post ocupat într-o universitate de beneficiarul unei burse de
to nurse - a nutri, a hrăni, a alăpta; a îngriji un bolnav
nurse - asistent medicală; doică

Breast surgery is a form of surgery performed on the breast. Types include breast reduction
surgery, augmentation mammoplasty, mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast-conserving surgery, a less
radical cancer surgery than mastectomy and mastopexy.
Surgical oncology is a branch of surgery which focuses on the surgical management of
cancer. The specialty of surgical oncology has evolved in steps similar to medical oncology, which
grew out of hematology and radiation oncology, ehich grew out of radiology.
Endocrine surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to achieve a hormonal or anti-
hormonal effect in the body. The commonest operation is thyroidectomy.
Skin surgery. Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases,
a unique specialty with both medical and surgical aspects.
breast reduction surgery – operaţie de reducţie mamară
augmentation mammoplasty – mamoplastie de augmentare
lumpectomy - lumpectomie, excizia unei tumori mamare; tumorectomie, excizia unei
breast conserving surgery – chirurgie conservatoare a sânului
mastopexy (syn.) breast lift surgery – mastopexie, lifting mamar
thyroidectomy – tiroidectomie

Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose and throat) is the branch of medicine that specializes in
the diagnosis and treatment of the ear, nose, throat and head and neck disorders. The full name of
the specialty is otolaryngology-head and neck surgery.
Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics is the branch of surgery concerned with the conditions
involving thr musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and non-surgical
means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, dgenerative diseases, infections, tumors and
congenital disorders.
otolaryngology (syn.) ENT specialty - otorinolaringologie
otolaryngologist (syn.) ENT specialist - otorinolaringolog
injury - leziune, rană, traumatism; ofensă, jignire; lezare
to injure - a (se) răni, a leza, a avaria, a dăuna

Neurosurgery is the surgery focused on treating structural diseases and the spinal column,
the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system amenable to surgical intervention.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the
visual pathways, including the eye, hairs and areas surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system
and eyelids.
Podiatric surgery is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of
disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg.
Urology is surgical specialty that focuses on the urinary tracts of males and females, and on
the reproductive system of males. Medical professionals specializing in the field of urology are
called urologists and are trained to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with urological disorders.
spinal column (syn.) vertebral column (syn.) rachis (pl. rachides) (syn.) backbone - rahis,
coloană vertebrală, șira spinării
central nervous system (CNS) - sistem nervos central
peripheral nervous system - sistem nervos periferic
visual pathways - căi vizuale

Gynecology and Obstetrics. Examples of procedures are hysterectomies and abdominal or

laparoscopic myomectomies. Obstetrical procedures include cervical cerclage, amniocentesis,
cesarean section, circumcision, and forceps and vacuum-assisted vaginal deliveries.
hysterectomy - histerectomie, extirparea uterului
myomectomy (syn.) fibromectomy - miomectomie, fibromectomie, excizia unui fibrom
cerclage - cerclaj al colului uterin; metodă de fixare a fragmentelor osoase
amniocentesis - amniocenteză
delivery - naştere, parturiţie, travaliu, delivrenţă; livrare, predare
forceps delivery - naştere cu ajutorul forcepsului

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