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1.- Rewrite the sentences using “May”:

a) Perhaps Joan has our tickets. Joan may have our tickets.
b) Perhaps they work at the weekends.
c) Perhaps she is a good driver.
d) Perhaps he doesn’t like chocolate.
e) Perhaps they don’t know Spanish.
f) Perhaps Billy is busy tonight.

2.- Write questions using “May”:

a) You want to get another glass of juice. May I have another glass of juice?
b) You want to use your friend’s computer.
c) You want to go shopping.
d) He wants to go for a walk.
e) Melissa wants to eat some sweets.
f) You want to buy a new pair of jeans.

3.- Complete the sentences using “might” and a correct phrase:

Be cold / not come / bite / rain / meet you / have an accident

a) It’s snowing today. It …………………………. outside.

b) I can’t come to your party. But I …………………………. Tomorrow.
c) You aren’t a careful driver. You ………………………. One day.
d) Take an umbrella. It …………………. Today.
e) Be careful with my neighbor’s dog. It ………………………. You.
f) She is ill. She ……………………. To our birthday party.

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