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How to develop a customer oriented strategy: And what it really implies is the development of marketing tools and systems

that for one, provides for stores and distribution channel examinations. These tests are conducted so as to evaluate a particular store's suitability to carry a particular product.

Consumer-oriented marketing also requires businesses to check the pricing of their product or service, whether or not it is fitting to their general consumers. Doing so prevents businesses to overprice or under price the commodity they are offering, while giving the best value to the patronizing public.

But most importantly, the need to develop consumer-oriented marketing strategies causes businesses to specifically pinpoint the very people who need, use, and buy their product directly.

Questions to be asked while growing a customer oriented strategy :

Is your target market segmented?:

For you to start developing a marketing strategy targeted to your rightful consumers, it is best that you accurately group your customers into their specific categories. Are most of your consumers branding conscious? Do they consider price over other factors? Do they buy your products to primarily gain its benefits? There are a lot of other buying factors your consumers may have. Try to analyze all of them to ensure that what you are offering answers specifically to their motivations for buying.

Which of the segments you came up with is the most profitable? The moment you know the specific segments of your market are, the next thing you have to do is to check which of them are going to give you more business. You can then start prioritizing the actual people belonging in that category when developing your marketing strategy. The three good points to consider in determining whether or not the segment is profitable are its size, its congestion, and the group's purchasing power. The larger the market it, the more people can buy your product. The fewer competitors you have on that market, the better your performance will be. And lastly, the ability of people within the group to buy or avail of your product determines your actual profitability.

What are the distinctive qualities of the customers belonging in the specified segments?

After the segment is identified and analyzed according to profitability, the next and probably, the last thing you have to know are the attitude and the individual characteristics of the people under each

category. If you know whom you are selling to, then serving their needs becomes a lot easier. And to attain that, an in depth marketing research is required. Doing so allows you to create accurate tools and systems to help you attend to your customers' desires. And if you can serve your customers in the specific way they want you to, your business will surely thrive for several years, if not decades, to come.

Measure the satisfaction level of your customers

The last step in developing a consumer marketing strategy is reviewing your customer's feedback towards your product. You have to check whether or not you are successful in providing accurate solutions to your customer's individual needs by asking about their views, feelings, and thoughts first hand. If the results are not good, then you have to try in modifying your system, strategy, or even your actual product or service to make it the perfect things your consumers need. Developing a customer-oriented marketing strategy is actually a cycle. The whole thing needs to be repeated over and over until all points are perfected so as to make all consumers happy after purchasing your product or availing of your service.

Selling and its strategic role Strategic selling recognises that the market offerings of today need to be customised, flexible and tailored to the business need of the customer. This requires high situational and domain knowledge on the part of the salesforce. strategic selling is a team effort that mobilises the entire vendor organisation. Strategic selling requires that the entire vendororganisation has a customer-focus. This is particularly so in the context of services and solutions sales. Strategic selling must integrate the strategic and political dimensions. It must identify the key players and decision-makers in the customer organisation; manage their differences and promote a unifiedbuying vision that includes your market offering. Strategic selling requires you to create a vision in the mind of the customer, and demonstrate tangible business benefits from your market offering. Customers are also likely to buy, only if they are satisfied that your organisation is able to anticipate future needs and develop a business portfolio to address these needs. Thus, as we have seen, strategic selling must take into account many marketplace factors to be effective. However, the goal of maximising profit must always be the business driver for the

salesperson. KEY POINT Selling is the practical implementarion of the marketing plan. Selling must have a razor sharp focus on the goal of maximising profit for theorganisation. To achieve its goal of maximising profit, strategic selling must recognise: o The importance of customised, flexible solutions to meet the business needs of the customer. That selling is a team effort, with customer-focus required of the entire organisation. Selling requires a high degree of situational and domain knowledge.# The importance of developing a relationship from the highest levels of the buying organisation (emphasising relationship selling and key account management). The importance of integrating strategic and political dimensions. The important role of sales consulting and problem-solving methods. The criticality of promoting a unified buyer vision that incorporates your market offering.

Why it pays off to have close contact with customers/ targeted market segment... Packaging is a part of the 4ps With having a close contact with the customers , this helps know . What is the target group specific need .Who is the target group or customers .Is the target group out of targeted scope of segmentation who or what influences the decision making of customers .what will drive the satisfaction of the customers and strengthen the commitment . . what kind of pricing level would be adequate . .How should the product or service be packaged. .In which context will the product or service be used .. what sort of communication strategy mix could be used . Which distribution strategy would be appropriate for the target group .

Analyse the market, target group requiremen To analyze a market and target groups the company must know: . Who amongst the target groups buys as this depends on their customersbehaviour and pattern towards a product .Analyzing where the product would be really be used .What would be the target groups subjective value .How often is the intensity . .When is the right time to market the product e.gxmas period or ... . How long is the product needed . . Which distribution channel would be used or preferred

Strategic marketing thinking: the traditional and the new model. Strategic marketing thinking is essential for developing a powerful competitive tool that every business needs because what a business plans to do in the shorter term will be far more effective if it is based on a clear idea of longer term objectives and strategy. Self-evident perhaps, but marketing strategy must be rooted in the strategic thinking for the organisation as a whole. So a strategic marketing thinking will review the strategic situation, identify the issues that will need to be addressed if the longer term objectives are to be achieved, and then focus on activities to move the business forward in the more immediate future. as focusing on sale and not on customers ; Traditional Model 1 product 2 price, place, promotion 3 Profit generated turn over via satisfied customers The new model : which is the customers centric approach to deliver a compelling value proposition will differenciate the brand from the competitors in the customers eyes ; 1. customers demand 2 Market research 3 5ps product , place, price ,promotion and packaging ) 4 profit generated via satisfied customers .

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