Network Management Architecture

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Lecture 12:

Network Management Architecture

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi

SITE, University of Ottawa

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-1

Defining Network Management

• Contains multiple layers:
– Business management: budgets, resources, agreements, etc.
– Service management: access bandwidth, data storage,
application delivery, SLAs
– Network management: the
entire network and its devices
– Element management: single
router, switch, hub, etc.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-2

Network Management Tasks
• Two basic functions: transport of management info, and the
management of elements

• Tasks:
– Monitoring for event
• Generally events are associated with alarm triggers (security, performance,
failures, etc.)
– Monitoring for metrics and planning
• Trend analysis in order to determine long term behaviours and trends (For
example for your design you had to capture user data)
– Configuration of network parameters
• Setting parameter in network devices.
– Troubleshooting the network
• Determining what caused the fault.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-3

Network Devices and Characteristics

• Network elements: Hosts, Routers, Switches, Data Service
Units (DSUs), Hubs, NICs, Cable segments, etc.
• End to end characteristics: the characteristics that can
be measured across multiple network elements
• Per-link and per-element characteristics: specific to
the type of the element being managed.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-4

Management Mechanisms
• Done through utilities (ping, tracert, …) and
protocols (SNMP, CMIP, CMOT)
– Utilities are used in service metric instrumentation
and collection
– Protocols allow us to retrieve, change, and
transport management data across the network.
• Three categories of mechanisms:
– Monitoring mechanisms
– Instrumentation mechanisms
– Configuration mechanisms

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-5

Monitoring Mechanisms
• Monitoring: obtaining values for end-to-end, per-link and per-element
• Usually collected through polling involving a management protocol,
such as SNMP.
• Gathered data may not necessarily reflect the characteristics: that has
to be extracted can calculated.
• Data and alarms needs to be displayed (logs, graphs, …) Design
• Data and events also need to be stored.
– Can be done in multiple steps: primary, secondary, and tertiary storage.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-6

Monitoring for Event Notification
• Event: something that occurs in the network that is noteworthy.
Most of the time this is a problem or a failure in a network
• Threshold may be set on end-to-end or element characteristics
for notification of events. This is know as real time analysis.
• Real time analysis
usually involves
short polling intervals:
capacity, CPU,
memory, storage
• Traffic not
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-7

Traffic Example
• A network has 100 routers, each with 4 interfaces, each with 8
characteristics. Polling is every 5 seconds. How much is the
monitoring overhead traffic?
100 network elements x 4 interfaces / network device x 8
characteristics = 3200 characteristics.
Assume Each characteristic = 8 bytes of data + 60 bytes of
overhead. (why so much overhead?)
Total traffic = 3200 x (8 + 60) = 217.6 KB = 1.74 Mb
If we poll every 5 seconds ~ 1.74Mb / 5s = 384 Kbps. (not likely!)
More likely it is a bursty rush of 1.74 Mbps every 5 seconds.
Over a period of a day we have:
1.74Mbps * 720 polls per hour* 24 hours per day
=30 Gb of traffic
and we have 3200 * 8 * 720 * 24 = 442 MB of data are stored per
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-8

Monitoring for Trend Analysis
• Trend analysis: determines long-term network behaviour and
• Mostly uses the same end-to-end, per-link and per-element
• Helpful for planning for future network growth.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-9

Instrumentation Mechanisms
• Instrumentation: set of utilities and tools needed to probe the
– Instruments (h/w or s/w) that do the monitoring
• SNMP, ping, traceroute, etc.
• Example, we need monitoring for the Interface MIB ifTable:
ifInOctets Number of bytes received
ifOutOctets Number of bytes sent
ifInUcastPkts Number of unicast packets received
ifInNUcastPkts Number of mul/broas packets received Used for short term
event monitoring, and
ifOutNUcastPkts Number of mul/broas packets sent
long term trend analysis
ifInErrors Number of erroneaous packets received
ifOutErrors Number of packets that could not be sent
IfOperStatus State of an interface (up, down, testing) availability

• Instrumentation needs to gather the above for each type of device

such as forwarding elements (routers, switches, …), pass-through
elements (DSUs, bridges), and passive devices (RMON) must be
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-10

Instrumentation Considerations
• Instruments need to be dependable, specially during
crashes or problem situations.
– Many of today’s networks don’t have robust and dependable
• How?
– Physically separate management components
– Replicate management components
• Instrumentation needs to produce accurate results:
– E.g., taking alternate measurements of the same parameter at
different points in the network should give the same answer.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-11

Configuration Mechanisms
• Configuration: setting parameters in network devices
for operations and control of the element.
• Can be done through:
– SNMP set command
– telnet or command line interface (CLI)

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-12

Architectural Considerations
• The Network Management process, as part of the overall network
architecture process, consists of:
1. choosing which characteristics of which end host / link / device to monitor /
2. Instrumenting the network devices, or adding collection devices, to collect the
3. Processing the data for display, storage, reporting
4. display of results’ subset
5. storing and archiving of data subsets
• All aspects of network management are covered (FCAPS):
– Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management,
Performance Management, Security Management
• The following must be considered in this architecture:
– In-band and out-of-band management
– Centralized, distributed, and hierarchical management
– Scaling network management traffic
– Checks and balances
– Managing network management data
– MIB selection
– Integration into OSS
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-13

In-Band and Out-of-Band (1/2)

• In-band: having the NM data flow over the same network that the user
network traffic uses
– Simple network management architecture
– In case of network problems monitoring and troubleshooting may be difficult
• Out-of-band monitoring: providing different paths for NM traffic and
user network traffic
– ISDN D-channel
– Separate Frame Relay/ATM virtual circuit
– Telephone lines

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-14

In-Band and Out-of-Band (2/2)
• In-band cons:
– troubleshooting is adversely affect if data flows are delayed or blocked, which
can happen during “trouble” times.
– Event monitoring when the network is under stress, such as during congestion,
can also be impacted negatively.
• Out-of-band cons:
– Extra equipment and networking resources are needed.
– Speed of monitoring might not be the same as the speed of the actual network
(specially if costs were reduced in the installation of the management network)
– A separate method to
check availability of
the management
network is needed
• Compromise: Hybrid
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-15

Centralized and Distributed Management

• Centralized: single
management system (not
shown here).
• Distributed: multiple and
separate management
components of the
management system
– Local monitoring: each
component is a complete
system for its local subnet
– Distributed monitoring:
components monitor different
things and exchange data
among themselves for
distributed decision making.
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-16

Hierarchical Management
• Hierarchical: monitoring, display, storage, and processing are
separated and placed on separate devices. Advantages:
– Can substantially reduce management traffic overhead: localized monitoring
devices can process and filter data, sending only relevant data
– Redundancy is easier and cheaper, since it’s at the component level

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-17

Scaling of Network Management Traffic

• Rule 1: for a LAN, start with one monitoring device per IP
subnet. For each, estimate:
– Number of user and network devices to be polled
– Average number of interfaces / device
– number of parameters to be collected
– Frequency of polling
– This combined rate should not be more than 10% of the capacity. For
Ethernet keep this at 2-5%.
• Rule 2: for a WAN, start with one monitoring device per each
WAN/LAN interface.
This is in addition to
any monitoring devices
in Rule 1. Dual role
devices (doing both
Rules 1 and 2) are
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-18

Checks and Balances
• Refers to methods to duplicate measurements in order to verify
and validate management data.
• It obviously adds overhead, but it’s advisable to have more than
one method of collecting management data, particularly for data
considered vital to the proper operation of the network.
• Objective: to locate and identify:
– Errors in recording or presenting data
– Rollovers of counters, returning a counter value to zero without proper
– Changes in MIB variable from one version to the other.
• Example, do direct SNMP polling of a device, and double-check
against RMON polling.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-19

Managing Network Management Data (1/3)

• Flows of management data typically consists of SNMP parameter names and
values, and results of queries from utilities (ping, tracert, etc.).
• This consists of frequent event notifications and less frequent trend analysis data.
(some data are sued for both)
• Rule 1: Local storage vs. archival: data that is needed for quick retrieval for event
analysis and short-term trend analysis should be stored locally. Others can be

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-20

Managing Network Management Data (2/3)
• Rule 2: Selective copying of data: A dual role data (event and trend) consider
copying every Nth iteration of that parameter for archival purposes, where N is
small enough to allow for terns analysis yet is large enough to keep the storage size

• Rule 3: Metadata: information about the data itself, such as references to data
types, time stamps, and pointers. These should be stored too to make it easier for
searching and indexing.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-21

Managing Network Management Data (3/3)

• Rule 4: Data migration: trend data can still be kept on local storage until the time
when traffic levels are low, such as after hours, in order to reduce network stress.

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-22

MIB Selection and OSS Integration

• MIB selection: selecting which MIBs to sue, as well

as exactly which MIB objects to monitor and
– E.g., full MIB II , subset of MIB II, an enterprise-specific
MIB, combination, etc.
• Integration into OSS: how management is to be
integrated with the operations support system (OSS)?
– Often called the northbound interface, as you go from
network elements to higher-levels (see slide 12-2)

Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-23

How much storage capacity is required for the following network
management configuration?

Element Management System User Devices Network Devices

All Devices Polled Every 15 Seconds 1500 User Devices 25 Network Devices
100% of Polled Data Stored 1 Interface per Device 4 Interfaces per Device
Storage Needed for 2 Years of Continuous 6 Variables per Interface 10 Variables per Interface
Polling 64 Bytes per Variable 64 Bytes per Variable

• User devices generate 1500 x 1 x (6 x 64) = 576,000 bytes\per poll

• Network devices generate 25 x 4 x (10 x 64) = 64,000 bytes\per poll
• Aggregate of 640,000 bytes\poll
• Four polls per minute = 2,560,000 bytes\min.
• Annual data generated for network management polling
= 1,345,536,000,000 bytes\yearly
• Two years work of network management data: 2.692 TB of data.
Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi CEG 4185 12-24


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