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Tests Name: __________________

Unit 6
I Write the words in the correct order.

1 been / before / book / born / had / he / published / The / two / was / years / .

2 when / was / teenager / read / must / it / He / he / have / a / .


3 couldn’t / have / He / he / it / read / was / when / younger / .


4 was / to / the / letter / June, / His / dated / author / 1874 / .


5 after / book / have / He / he / it / might / read / soon / the / written / .


II Write words or phrases from the box.

go on his car had broken down incredible oh really

A Did I tell you that I met Tom Cruise last night?

B 1 ______________? Where?
A We were driving home when we saw this guy had broken down on the highway. Of course we
stopped and we saw Tom standing there with a broken car.
B 2 ______________?
A Yes, and we helped him fix it.
B 3 ______________!
A Yeah it was!
B 4 ______________, is he as handsome in real-life? What did he say to you?
A He’s gorgeous. He thanked us and invited us to see the premier of his next film.
B 5 ______________, you lucky thing!

III Write phrases from the box.

adventure stories escape from reality love stories moved to tears non-fiction

A What do you like to read?

B Well, it depends. I like to read 1 _____________ to relax and 2 _____________ to learn something new.
When I’m feeling romantic, I read 3 _____________ to be 4 _____________.
A What do you read to 5 _____________?
B That’s easy—science fiction. I just transport myself to another world.

Listening Comprehension
IV [Track 3] Listen to this urban myth and then circle True or False.

True False 1 There were four teenagers.

True False 2 The statue represented a woman who had been abandoned by her boyfriend.
True False 3 The teenagers hadn’t heard the legends about the statue.
True False 4 The girl who spent the night with the statue had been very nervous when her friends left.
True False 5 The statue killed the girl.

Tests Level 4 Unit 6 1 of 1

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