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Future Solutions Project

Frederick Guthrie


• An opportunity to reduce the workweek

• The solution I am creating is a training
has been discussed more and more
frequently as we have battled covid program that allows the customer to
• Target Customers- Business Owners who implement with little to no disruption to
employee individuals operations.
• The program spans over 8-week period
Stakeholders- Employees, patrons, and
investors (Fig 1 breakdown)
• Customer needs-Increase productivity, • The program allows customers to monitor
ability to meet patrons needs, and cost data and view trends
reduction • The program is highly customizable and
Fig 1- Program breakdown can be tweaked for each individual
customers needs
Societal Challenges
Societal Impact
• Change is often met with resistance both
• Automation technology socially and politically
• Solution may cause other industries to • The joy of living can be restored to the
lose revenue workforce as they will gain back valuable
• Blockchain data collection
• Acts and bills may need updated to cover time to participate in the things that bring
• Training delivery program
new work requirements them joy
• Trending algorithm ( See Fig 2)
• Socially the impact may create a happier
environment to live in
• Economically other industries may see a
References slight dip while hobby type industries
may see growth
• See attached note card • Culturally this solution may allow for
Fig 2 greater unity as people have more time
to bond over interests
Future Solutions Project
Frederick Guthrie


Fig 2 -
Ben Laker “What Does the Four-Day Workweek Mean for the Future of Work?”
four-day-workweek mean-for-the-future-of-work
Ivancevich, J. M. (1974). Effects of the shorter workweek on selected satisfaction and performance measures. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 59(6), 717–721.

Holland I, Davies JA. Automation in the Life Science Research Laboratory. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020 Nov 13;8:571777. doi:
10.3389/fbioe.2020.571777. PMID: 33282848; PMCID: PMC7691657.

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