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Mobile Booking System in Daniz Floating Resort

Glen M. Laid 1, Shanen Anover2, Shiela jane G. Omecillo3
Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City, Philippines,,,

Mrs. Alma Christie C. Reyna MBA, MSIT

Research Adviser

Abstract: Mobile Booking System in Daniz Floating Resort is a mobile and web-based application designed
and developed in Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and MySQL intended to replace the manual process of
transactions such as the booking of rooms, cottages, payments, and billing. This will also help the management
by promoting innovation to their customers. It is also an online platform that allows the management of the
resort to update the arrival and departure schedules of their customers. In addition, the system can also be
accessed through the users’ mobile devices since it is a responsive web application. With the use of the said
application, it will and can eliminate the problems encountered in the manual process, the problems and
troubles include the inaccurate records that cause the delay of business transactions. The study employs the
Waterfall Model Software development life cycle, in which each phase must be completed before moving on to
the next. Furthermore, this research adheres to the SDLC phases, which are applied as a concept and
foundation for the system's implementation. These phases include model planning, system design,
implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
Keywords: Web-Based, Booking System, Tourism, Resort, Booking
1. INTRODUCTION of the customer complaints, if the customer
data will be lost, and if the customer cannot
1.1 Project Context
receive their confirmation details.
In this time of the pandemic, all of us
want to experience having a vacation to get rid
The booking process in Daniz
of our stress in life. Finding time to have a
Floating Resort will be changed into a Mobile
vacation is rare because of the busy schedules
booking system. Mobile booking systems can
or due to the pandemic and we don’t want to
encounter some problems due to system errors
ruin the vacation by having trouble booking in
or internet errors. Some problems will affect
advance at the resort we want to visit. So, this
the reliability, performance, efficiency, and
system that we want to develop will help the
effectiveness of their day-to-day activities.
guests or customers to book and organize their
These are some problems that must be
time in the resorts. The Mobile Booking
encountered; management of the resort cannot
System in Daniz Floating Resort is the system
reserve their booking information customers,
that involves the delivery of information
cannot access the resort information or the
services or recording and taking details of
booking site, delay of information in collecting
customers using the internet and mobile
and processing the customer’s data and
booking that allows the guest or customers to
information details, some of the customer
inquire and book in advance. The mobile
complaints, if the customer data will be lost,
booking system also provides an opportunity
and if the customer cannot receive their
for customers to check if the resort is
confirmation details.
This solution is based on the problem
statement we wrote. Due to some of the
The Mobile Booking System in
problems, the system we provide can help the
Daniz Floating Resort is the system that
management to retrieve the data of the
involves the delivery of information services
customers, customers will receive a message or
or recording and taking details of customers
call if their information has a problem or
using the internet and mobile booking that
missing and, they can contact the resort or
allows the guest or customers to inquire and
management if they cannot access the mobile
book in advance.
booking system.
There are a few issues that must be
addressed; management of the resort cannot
reserve the booking information of their 1.2 Purpose and Description
customers, cannot access the resort Daniz Floating Resort is one of the tourist
information or the booking site, delay of spots in Day-asan. A mobile booking system is
information in collecting and processing the a system that allows guests or customers to
customer’s data and information details, some book advancements in Daniz Floating Resort

through a website. The purpose of this system 1.5 Review of Related Literature/Systems
is to help to know if the resort is available in The application of the Internet in the
times they want to go, easy to be booked in business world has become a major trend in
advance, hassle-free, and some of the activities practice and generated a hot stream of research
in the resort will also be visible. In addition, in the recent literature. This Mobile Booking
the purpose of the mobile booking system is to System aims to develop a mobile web
help the resort gather details about their application for facilitating advanced
customers/guests before they arrive, avoid reservation processes at Daniz Floating Resort.
double booking, and also they can The system provides the reception an easy way
communicate to their customers. to search for available cottages and rooms,
insert client information, get details about
specific clients, make a reservation in the
1.3 Objectives of the Study
resort, and do the payment process.
This study aims to develop a Mobile
Booking System in Daniz floating Resort. This
According to the article of Cruz, et al,
system is developed to address some problems
( 2011), the Web-Based Information System
that the resort encountered. The system will
with Online Booking and Online payment is
help the resort or the authorized person to save
designed to help customers and resort improve
customer data, get information and save time
their manual system through internet websites.
to book.
The system is created for booking clients’
reservations and receiving payment through
The following are some of the specific
the internet. The system will be protected by
objectives of the system.
data access control which will restrict the
1. To allow customers to book and
unauthorized users having access to the
reserve rooms and cottages in Daniz Floating
database by limiting their access to certain
management or confidential information.[1]
2. To provide customers with the
services offered in Daniz Floating Resort.
3. To provide a real-time booking Delizo, et al, (2013) also studied
system. Online Hotel Reservation System (OHRS), an
efficient and brilliant software, yet it is easy
1.4 Scope and Limitations and uncomplicated to use. OHRS grants
This research is focused on the complete authority and power on hotel or
development of the Mobile Booking System in motel room booking over the internet. OHRS
Daniz Floating Resort. The scope and also allows confirming accommodation in real-
limitation of the study are the following: time at the hotel's website and closes the sale
without more ado. There are several benefits of
The following are the scope of the study: OHRS. It makes the reservation process
1. The system can allow customers to computerized and thus helps one to undertake
book reservations in Daniz Floating Resort. a large number of transactions at a low cost. It
2. The system can allow the enables one to check available inventory and
administrator to verify the booking reservation complete an online booking form making the
transaction. reservation process more efficient and less
3. The system can allow the time-consuming. OHRS assists hotel guests
administrator to view customers’ information. and agents with different payment options such
4. The system can only have one as credit/debit cards. The system can track the
administrator who has the authority to manage hotel's performance on a regular basis as all
the system. information concerning payments is updated
5. The system can allow the administrator and online and sent to the reservation manager by
customers to view the available rooms and means of e-mail. [2]
Pelayo (2014) mentioned
The following are the limitations of the that the website of The Theodore Hotel gets an
system. upgrade with the recent addition of a direct
reservation system to its online services,
1. The system requires the internet allowing guests to book accommodations
conmection to book in the resort. within minutes. Guests of the hotel can now
2. The system cannot accept payment enjoy a quick, easy reservation process, thanks
online.  to the recent launch of a booking engine on the
Tagaytay hotel's website. Visitors can access to view and

compare available room types, rates, and app engagement in mitigating the negative
features before indicating their room choice effect. [5]
and length of stay. A 10% deposit through a
credit card secures the transaction and According to Alev Elci, A.
automatically sends confirmation of bookings Mohammed Abubakar, Mustafa İlkan, Eluwole
via email. This innovative way of reserving Kayode Kolawole, Temitope Taiwo Lasisi
accommodations saves time and energy that (2017), the Internet offers a rich atmosphere
guests would normally spend using more for prospective travelers to gain familiarity,
traditional means of booking rooms at the and harvest and retrieve travel-related
hotel. [3] information and resources. An increasing
number of tourism and hospitality firms have
As cited by Sangwon Park, Iis P. turned their attention to new business
Tussyadiah (2016), despite the growing opportunities on the Web. Travel 2.0 has
prevalence of smartphones in daily life and emerged as a new tool for competitive
travel context, travelers still perceive an extent advantage. This study draws on social
of risk associated with using their smartphone cognitive theory and the DeLone and McLean
to book travel products. To alleviate or reduce Information Systems (D&M IS) success model
perceived risk, it is important to better to diagnose the impact of website design
understand the dimensions of and the factors quality on booking/reservation intentions from
that contribute to perceived risk. This study a travelers’ perspective. This research model
analyzed 411 responses from an online panel was tested with 700 valid data collected from
to examine perceived risk in mobile travel travelers using Travel 2.0 websites through
booking and identified the following facets: online surveys using SPSS v18 for the
time risk, financial risk, performance risk, analysis. The results of the data analysis
privacy/security risk, psychological risk, provided support for the hypothesized
physical risk, and device risk. Several relationships of e-service and system quality
antecedents of perceived risk were identified. with booking/reservation/purchase behavioral
Perceived collection of personal information intention implying that an e-travel site’s
via smartphones contributes positively, while quality is an essential success factor for
consumer innovativeness, trust, and visibility tourism enterprises. [6]
contribute negatively to perceived risk.
Further, the predictive validity of perceived Although the Technology-
risk is confirmed as it significantly explains Organization-Environment framework has
perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioral been commonly used by several researchers
intention in mobile travel booking. for organizational adoption of digital business
Implications to manage perceived risk and its technologies, there is a lack of academic
antecedents are provided. [4] research tackling the Technology-
Organization-Environment in developing
Xian Gu, P.K. Kannan (2021), countries (Sufian Khwaldeh, Rami S.
studied that Firms use mobile applications to Alkhawaldeh, Ra’ed Masa’deh, Issam
engage with customers, provide services, and AlHadid, Ala'aldeen Alrowwad, 2020). The
encourage customer purchase. Conventional researchers attempt to fill the gap by
wisdom and previous research indicate that investigating the relations among several
apps have a positive effect on customer Technology-Organization-Environment
spending. The authors critically examine this variables at Aqaba five star hotels located in
premise in a highly competitive institutional Jordan namely relative advantage, complexity,
context by estimating how customers’ compatibility, top management support, firm
multichannel spending changes after adopting size, technology competence, competitive
a hotel group’s app and identifying the factors pressure, critical mass, information intensity,
contributing to such change. Additional age, gender, educational level, personal
analyses suggest the possibility that customers income, and work position in enhancing
who adopt the focal app also adopt competitor perceived usefulness, and the latter on
apps and therefore search more and shop continuous intention to use the mobile hotel
around, leading to a decreased share of wallets reservation system of five-star hotels in Aqaba,
with the focal hotel group. The authors also Jordan. Their research enables decision-makers
find that the negative effect on spending is to identify which variables should be
smaller for customers who use the app for emphasized to impact hotels’ perceived
mobile check-in service than those who use the usefulness of adopting mobile hotel reservation
app for only searching, highlighting the role of systems, and in turn on continuous intention to

use mobile hotel reservation systems in service the internet. At the end of the study, he
companies, especially in the hotel sector. [7] concluded that users preferred online hotel
management systems (HMS) to conventional
On the other hand, Alleweldt, et al manual hotel processing as investigated. It was
(2009) stated that when a consumer starts an mentioned that mobility, ease-of-use, and cost
online booking procedure, the website is are some of the factors considered to impact a
obliged to display in a prominent and user's choice decision. [12]
conspicuous manner the number of bedrooms
remaining at the specified price, and to display Castillo (2014) studied
a summary of contract terms relating to the Importance of a Computerized System to
cancellations by the consumer and hotel. They the Reservation and Front Office Operations of
also included that online reservation systems Hotels, in Batangas Philippines. Based on their
must display the final price of a hotel room study and results of the assessment, they
both before and during any booking procedure. concluded that; The computerized system is
[8] very important for the hotels in Batangas on
their reservation and front office operations,
Van De Logt, Jetske (2017) studied specifically on sales and reservation, guest
the impact of Online Travel Agencies (OTAs). registration, forecasting room status and room
There are different opinions regarding the availability, during both peak and lean seasons.
impact of OTAs. Some believe it is a great The greatest importance, however, is placed on
marketing tool that brings in a lot of money room availability during peak season and on
while others believe that it costs the hotel forecasting room status during the lean season.
industry a lot of money. Hotels want to Also, during both peak and lean seasons, the
increase their direct bookings to become less computerized system is equally important for
dependent on OTAs. [9] Batangas hotels regardless of their number of
rooms as regards all reservation and front
Moreover, Bemile et al. (2014) office operations. [13]
conducted a study on the Online Hotel
Reservation System for Hansonic hotels. It Oribiana and Cerafica (2015) cited
concluded that the old system does not serve the Online Reservation System of Sallie Ville
the customer in a better way, rather it makes Resort. They developed a system that helped
customer data vulnerable. For security the resort owner in terms of improving and
purposes, their newly developed system keeps updating their current system. It is designed to
proper records of customers. The system helps have a user-friendly interface for the
secure customer information since no customer’s benefit to have an easier way and
information is disposed of unlike the existing hassle-free online reservation. [14]
system of Hansonic hotel. With the help of a
virtual tour created along with the system, it Abi (2010) also revealed his study on
advertises the hotel effectively. [10] 658 Apartelle Online Reservation System.
Short-term base lodging is the main reason that
Louw, Door Janne, (2006) created a hotel has been established. In the Philippines,
and developed a system that enables the wherein many foreign people go and have a
customer to reserve a hotel room online. The vacation, hotels are always their first
system can query the customer for date of destination to have relaxation after long hours
arrival as well as the length of stay, display the of travel in an airplane. Because of the rapid
available rooms and provide the customer an increase of foreigners visiting the Philippines
option to choose one or more rooms, calculate for a vacation, a common sight is the
the availability of rooms in the database, ask establishments and sophisticated hotels for
how many will be staying in the room, competitive advantage. [15]
calculate costs for the customer’s knowledge
and ask for additional service/s to acquire like Jinkyung Jenny Kim, Bee-Lia Chua,
dinner and breakfast, and renting bikes. The Heesup Han (2020) studied mobile hotel
researcher also uses figures accompanied with reservations in the investigation of the
detailed explanations for a better interrelationships between value, attitude,
understanding of the readers. [11] satisfaction, and reuse intention in
consideration of the moderating roles of the
Ogirima S.A.O (2014) led a study channel familiarity and the channel type.
about Online Computerized Hotel Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research
Management Systems. It is a mobile hypotheses were tested using structural
application where this system is connected to equation modeling and multiple-group

analyses. The casual relationships proposed The Resort Management or

among the study variables were found to all be receptionist/front desk also will be the one to
significant, and the importance of the see the availability of the resort, check the
utilitarian value was substantiated. Moreover, customer’s booking if it has no error, view
the analysis results indicated that channel check-in and check-out time of the customers,
familiarity is an important moderator that view customer’s payment method, and send
affects the strength of the relationships Email confirmation to the customers.
between (1) the attitude and the reuse intention
and (2) satisfaction and the reuse intention, 2. METHODOLOGY
which suggests that a different approach
should be arranged for novice and expert users. The methodology used in designing and
Also, channel type moderated the links implementing the system is Rapid Application
between (1) hedonic value and satisfaction, (2) Development (RAD), as it allows the
utilitarian value and satisfaction, (3) attitude researchers to make multiple iterations and
and the reuse intention, and (4) satisfaction and updates to software rapidly without needing to
the reuse intention, which separately provided start a development schedule from scratch each
more relevant implications for the hotel owned time. The four basic steps in RAD were:
and the third-party-owned channels. [16]
2.1 Planning Requirements: During
this initial stage, the researchers came to an
agreement on project scope and application
requirements, so that future stages with
prototyping can begin. These requirements are
1.6 Technical Background discussed as follows:

Understanding the Application

This chapter presents the technical
background of the study. It discusses and
describes the relevant technical aspects of the System Requirements
Security Check. This module contains
the security countermeasures of the system. It
serves as validation of different types of
reporters to ensure the correctness of data.
Lastly, this security measure was executed
only once, after successful installation.

Mobile Data/Internet Transmission.

The transmission of data into the webserver
has been done through mobile data or an
internet connection. This mobile application
checked the availability of this communication
medium upon transmission. After successful
transmission, the web server will then receive
an image, type of incident, and reporter’s
Figure 1 it has shown an overview of the system number.
This includes the step-by-step
instructions for creating a useful application 2.2 Prototype: This is where the actual
that can help to know if the resort is available development takes place. It allows the
in time they want to go, easy to book advanced researchers to create initial modeling and
and book advanced. prototypes with different features and
To begin, the customers will be signing functions. These prototypes are then shown to
up in the system to access the online booking the users who decide what they like and what
system of the resort, fill up their information, they don’t. These prototypes are quickly made
make a booking of what day and time they will to work, just to show off certain features,
arrive in the resort, make payment, cancel the without proper polish. The developments are
booking if they want to reschedule their day of discussed below:
arrival in the resort and check the availability
of the resort. System Development and Testing.

This module is the testing phase of This section presents the findings and
the system execution to identify its usability discussions regarding the study. The data
and reliability. The researcher selected the presented in this chapter are data-based. Tables
programming environment and standards used and figures are used to add to the clarity of the
in building the system. The Android Studio is presentations of the findings.
used in developing the mobile application
because it fits the requirements needed in
developing the mobile app. In developing the 3.1 Project Design
web-based interface application, an open-
source programming language PHP was used
and hosted online with an Apache webserver.
PHP was chosen due to its popularity among
both developers and hosting companies.
Another language used is SQL, which is a
query language that serves as storage of the
system on the different kinds of reported
incidents. Validation, verification, and testing
are done in this phase. They are conducted Figure 2. Project Design
according to the plan and conclusively Figure 2 illustrates the Waterfall Model
demonstrate that both the user and system method in which the system requirements were
requirements have been met. The first testing clearly defined and documented; save a lot of
done was desk checking the program in which time on the development process, and detect
the researcher reviewed the entire system fault at an early stage since every step has its
process to check for logical and physical review process. Below are the discussions
errors. Next, the researcher conducted a series about how the various phases of the model
of unit testing to identify and solve different used in the study.
system errors that cause the program to end
abnormally. Requirements Gathering - During this
phase, the researcher collected and analyzed
2.3 Receive Feedback: In this stage, the requirements based on the resort's needs
feedback on what’s good, what’s not, what and perspective. Then the researcher
works, and what doesn’t is shared. This conducted interviews and actual observations
feedback isn’t limited to just pure to gather data and information about the
functionality, but also visuals and interfaces. current manual system existing in the Daniz
This is described below: Floating Resort. At the outset, the researcher
made a project schedule as shown in Table 1.
System Check Relevant tasks were identified, and their time
This section deals with the various intervals were determined.
feedback to the system after conducting tests
that have been made as to what should be System Analysis - In this phase, the
improved, changed, or even what is not researcher has come up with a draft of
appropriate especially on the user interfaces. flowcharting, system architecture and made a
use case to visualize the process and flow on
2.4 Finalize Software: Here, the how the system project is done.
researchers finalize the features, functions, and .
interface of the software. The stability, Coding - During the phase, the researcher
usability, and maintainability are of paramount created the system. The system database of
importance as well before being delivered to JavaScript language was used to design and
the user. implement the interface of the project. The
researcher's Daniz Floating Resort using a
System Implementation mobile booking system or mobile app is
This is the last and final checking of the needed to create the project. Furthermore, it
system after a long process of developing, requires hardware and software specifications
improving, and testing before it is approved for the system to run easily.
and even be implemented to the public.
Testing - After the completion of the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION requirements gathering, system analysis, and
coding phase, the testing phase starts where we
test each of the specification processes to
detect and eliminate bugs in every process.

The researcher makes sure that the

development code is working as expected.
During this phase, the researcher has worked
their best to run a program every time a piece
of code is changed. Allow errors to be resolved
soon as possible.

Implementation - After the completion of

the testing phase, the researcher ensures that
there will be no issues, defects, or any kind of
problem that will affect the application or
project. This will be implemented to the user
and the user starts using the application.

Operation and Maintenance - After the

implementation of the project, the researcher
will keep an eye on the application and will
provide all the necessary bugs and issues to fix
if it occurs in the system. The user's responses
on the system will be used to enhance the Figure 3. Use Case Diagram of the System
application to get better. Figure 3 shows the used case diagram of
the system, the diagram indicates the roles of
the users in the system. The customers will be
signing up in the system to access the online
booking system of the resort, fill up their
information, make a booking of what day and
time they will arrive in the resort, make
1.2 Project Development payment, cancel the booking if they want to
reschedule their day of arrival in the resort and
check the availability of the resort.

The receptionist/front desk also will

be the one to see the availability of the resort,
check the customers' booking if it has no error,
view check-in and check-out time of the
customers, and view the customer's payment
method. The owners of the resort must log in
to the system to proceed to the inventory of the
resort and the owner will be the one who
manages and updates the report database,
inventory, and budgets of the resort.

3.4 Hardware and Software Requirements

Table 2. Hardware Specification of the System
Table 1. Gantt Chart of the Capstone Project
The table shows the hardware and Table 2 shows the hardware
software resources needed to implement and requirements and mobile phones needed for the
execute the system. The Booking System in
development of the system. The suggested OS is
Daniz Floating Resort using Mobile
Application will have to go through these Windows 7 or greater will be much better. The
seven (7) phases of planning including processor will be Intel Core i3 or higher if needed
requirements gathering, system analysis,
with 32GB Memory and a storage capacity of 256
coding, testing, implementation, and operation
and maintenance. The mobile booking system SSD. Android mobile phones with a Dual-core
has a special duration starting from the month processor and 16GB RAM or higher are
of January to the month of May.
recommended for use with the program.
3.3 Use Case Diagram

Table 3. Software Specification of the System

In table 3, it shows the software

requirements needed to develop a system. It shows
in the table what the tools of the software are.
Software tools are some tools that are needed to
create and design the perfect system for our Figure 1. Where a user of the system can
plainly select some system operations such as
proposed study.
Home, Room and Cottages Rates, Admin
Login, Check Availability, and Guest Login. In
summary, a system's primary interface.

3.5 Interface Design of the System

This section entails our system's user interface.

A short description will be provided for each
of our system's interfaces.

Figure 1 – Main Page

Mobile-based system Figure 2 – Sign-in Form


Figure 3. Shows the rate of the rooms and

cottages. The user can book a reservation in
the “Rooms and Cottages Reservation”
section, by simply picking the desired schedule
in the “Check-in” and “Check-out” button.
After that, the user must click the “Check
Availability” button and the system will show
the available schedules of the said date. Once
decided, click the “Book Now” button.

Figure 4 – Booking Cart

Figure 2. This page displays the sign-in form

for users who need to log in to this system.
The user or customer should be required to
register first and check the box button where
you will agree to the terms and conditions of
the management.

Figure 3 – Room and Cottages Rates/Check


Figure 4. The system shows the Booking Cart

section where the user/customer can see the
information of the booking reservation.
Clicking the "Clear Cart" button will cancel
the user's reservation.

Figure 5 – Guest and Billing Details


Figure 6. Once confirmed, the system will

show the complete reservation details and the
user will automatically receive a reservation
code. Along with the details is some additional
information below for the user/customer.

Figure 6. Admin Login

Figure 6. Shows the sign-in form for the

admin, that requires a login in this system.

Figure 7 – Administrator Panel

Figure 5. The system shows the breakdown of

the Guest and Billing Details.

Figure 6. Reservation Details

4.1 Conclusions
The purpose of this research was to
assess whether the manual method of booking
reservations in Daniz Floating Resort is
effective or if it needs improvement. After
thorough assessment and investigation, this
research found out that the manual method is

not efficient and convenient for both the guests accomplish this project while maintaining
and staff of the resort. excellent health. We'd like to express our
gratitude to everyone who has helped us gain a
Following are the conclusions reached after deeper understanding by supporting our
analyzing the study's findings. These initiative in this way. We are also appreciative
conclusions are based on the objectives stated of our school advisors for their tolerance and
above: support in helping us overcome several
challenges during our research.
● The system will make booking
reservations easy, fast, and Finally, we would like to express our
convenient for the customers. gratitude to our parents and friends. Without
● The system will boost the number of their tremendous understanding and
customers the resort can respond to encouragement in the past few months, it
and accommodate every day. would be impossible for us to complete our
● The developed project will increase study.
the income of the resort and at the
same time, the service will be
improved, improving the customer’s 6. REFERENCES
experience as well.

[1]Hotel Information with Online Reservation

4.2 Recommendations
and Billing System for Yuj Inn Hostel
The researchers recommend the system for its
efficiency and reliability that can be rendered
to the intended users. The system will improve [2]
the overall process of booking reservations in
Daniz Floating Resort, eliminating all the content/uploads/2014/05/IJCT-Online-Hotel-
difficulties encountered in the manual method.
The researchers suggest that other resorts Reservation.pdf
should adopt the use of the system and
integrate it into their daily operations and
transactions. [3]

The researchers specifically recommend the Hotel_Information_with_Online_Reservation_

● The system should cater online
● The researchers recommend that the [4]
system should be available in the
Front Desk area for them to
electronically manage and respond to
the inquiries of the customers. 287516675062

First and foremost, we are extremely [5]
grateful to our Program Chair, BS Information
System Mrs. Jovie M. Gallera, to our
respective panelists, Mr. Arvin S. Salvador,
Mrs. Eva Mary A. Birao and Mrs. Alma 0022243720988257
Christie C. Reyna. To the staff of CEIT, and to
the Dean of CEIT Engr. Robert R. Bacarro.
Their immense knowledge and plentiful [6]
experience have encouraged us in all the time
of our academic research and daily life.

Second, we offer our heartfelt 2278533717692909

gratitude to Almighty God for his divine grace,
which has enabled us to successfully

[7] encountered-by-balai-ha-buksu-is-its-current-
manual-based-system/? fbclid=IwAR3V_kDEPEHfYXqbF-
1467358420907176 WoZ2cXmPg

[8] [15]

etudes/etudes/join/2009/416205/IPOL- 297752545/Related-Studies?

IMCO_ET(2009)416205_EN.pdf fbclid=IwAR2O3NCZ84V3DkigIVKIbxvFcN

[9] [16]
review-of-related-literature-a-major-problem- 1356766720952122

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