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Good afternoon, .

I am the director of this "London Center for Breeding and Conditioning"

I will explain the process of creating people. Here human eggs are created and treated by
scientists through technology. Children are trained and educated according to their social
class. Children are trained and educated according to their social class. The world state
decides what kind of people will be according to the role they will play in society.
The motto of the world state is community, identity and stability
This means that each person will be the same as the others in their class. Everyone must
be happy and obedient because the world state knows what is best for everyone.
The incubators are glass tubes where the eggs are given life in a warm liquid, male seed
and female eggs joined.
Men and women gave the center male seed and female eggs for the human factory. they
did this for the sake of the social system.
Human beings are produced by castes according to the work they are going to do. all
trained and obedient to the world state.
The alphas and betas are beautiful intelligent and highly qualified, the gamma, deltas and
epsilons are ugly, short and stupid do not need to be smart to do their job.
Here we create people with bodies and minds that we need, we also give them everything
they need. When they feel uncomfortable we give them soma so they are calm and happy.
We make people do what they have to do and like what they do.
Our main citizens are Mr. Foster, a very efficient Alfa. Mr. Mustafa Mond the resident driver
of Western Europe. in the world state there are ten world controllers.
The world state liberated society from sadness, suffering, diseases, freedom, family,
religion, love and hate. here everyone belongs to everyone, they are happy ,producers and

Lenina Crowne is a Delta worker and goes out with Henry foster.
Bernard Marx is an Alpha plus psychologist but he is short and ugly.
his friend Heimholtz Watson who is a writer a tall and handsome alpha. both were different
from the other alphas.
Also is Linda a beta that was lost in the reserve of the uncivilized and his son jhon.
In the world state our god is ford whom we adore and thank.
that's all for today, thanks for coming.

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