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Good afternoon, everyone. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Nancy Velazquez, director of the "London Center for Breeding and Conditioning"
project. Today I will explain what the project is about.
This information is important for you because everyone is part of this project.
I divided my presentation into three parts.
To begin I will explain the process of creating people.
Second, I will explain the types of people we make.
Finally I will explain the main citizens involved.
Here we create and condition people through technology. create people with bodies and
minds that we need. we also give them everything they need to be happy, producers and
When they feel uncomfortable, we give them soma to return to their usual happiness.
soma cura sadnes, overcome disappointment and eliminate discontent

The world state creates people in castes with predestined roles in society.
They are, gamma, delta, epsilon, beta and alpha. They are conditioned according to the
role they will occupy in society.
After being examined under powerful microscopes, the fertilized eggs are divided into five
In the upper group are the alphas and bettas, they are educated, inteligent, slender and
muscular. trained to be highly qualified workers,  managers or directors.
In the lower group are the delta,gamma and epsilons, they are ugly, short and stupid,
produced in greater quantity to be factory workers.
Our main citizens are Mr. Foster, a very efficient Alfa. Mr. Mustafa Mond the resident driver
of Western Europe. in the world state there are ten world controllers.
Lenina Crowne is a beatiful, and popular Delta worker
Bernard Marx who is an Alpha plus psychologist but he is short and ugly due to
manufacturing error.
his friend Heimholtz Watson, a tall, handsome and alpha writer. Both were different from
the other alphas.
There is also "Linda", a beta that returned from the reserve of the uncivilized with her son John.
The world state liberated society from sadness, suffering, diseases, freedom,
family,religion, love and hate. here everyone belongs to everyone. In conclusion, we
condition our babies and our children to like a social future from which they cannot escape.
That's all for today, thanks for coming.

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