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Generic Name: Pharmacologic Class: Selectively suppresses General Indications: Hypersensitivity, CNS: Fever, chills Before

Captopril Angiotensin-converting renin-angiotensin- For the treatment of lactation, heart block, CV: Hypotension, -Wash hands before
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor aldosterone system; essential or renovascular children, potassium- postural hypotension, administration of
Trade/Brand Name: inhibits ACE; preventing hypertension (usually sparing diuretics, tachycardia, angina medication.
Capoten, Novo-Captopril conversion of administered with other bilateral renal artery GI: Loss of taste, -Check the doctor’s
angiotensin I to drugs, particularly stenosis increase LFTs order.
Patients’ Dose angiotensin II thiazide diuretics); used GU: Impotence, dysuria, -Verify patient’s
25 mg 1 tab OD to treat congestive heart nocturia, proteinuria, identification.
Therapeutic Class: Pharmacokinetics: failure in combination Precautions: nephrotic syndrome, -Assess pt’s history of
Route: Oral Antihypertensive Onset: 30-40 minutes with other drugs (e.g. Pregnancy © 1st acute reversible renal captopril allergy, hx of
Peak: 1 hour cardiac glycosides, trimester, dialysis failure, polyuria, angioedema, impaired
Form: tablet Pregnancy Category: Duration: 6-12 hours diuretics, β-adrenergic patients, hypovolemia, oliguria, urinary renal function, CHF, salt
C 1st trimester blockers); improve leukemia, scleroderma, frequency or volume depletion,
Maximum dose: D 2nd/ 3rd trimesters Absorption: survival in patients with SLE, blood dyscrasias, HEMA: Neutropenia, pregnancy, lactation.
Child:6 mg/kg/dose 60-75 % absorbed from left ventricular CHF, diabetes mellitus, agranulocytosis, -Assess patient’s skin
Adult: 50 - 450 mg TID the GI tract dysfunction following renal disease, thyroid pancytopenia, color, lesions, turgor;
myocardial infarction; disease, COPD, asthma thrombocytopenia, temperature, pulse rate,
Minimum dose: Distribution: used to treat anemia blood pressure,
Child: 0.3- 0.5 Protein-binding: 30%; nephropathy, including INTEG: Rash, peripheral perfusion;
mg/kg/dose crosses placenta and diabetic nephropathy angioedema mucous membranes,
Adult: 25 mg BID - TID enters breast milk at MISC: Angioedema, bowel sounds, liver
about 1% of maternal hyperkalemia evaluation,; urinalysis,
Availability: blood concentrations RESP: Bronchospasm, LFTs, renal function
Tabs 12.5, 25, 50, 100 dyspnea, cough tests, CBC and
mg Excretion: differential.
Via urine (40=50% as Patient’s Indication: -Check if pt is pregnant
changed, the rest as or lactating.
disulfide and other
Content: metabolites During
Captopril Administer 1 hour before
-Monitor patient closely
for fall of BP secondary
to reduction in fluid
volume (due to excessive
perspiration, and
dehydration, vomiting, or
diarrhea); excessive
hypotension may occur.
-Reduce dosage in
patient with impaired
renal function.

-Advice patient to take
drug without food as
advised by physician.
-Do not stop
administering the drug
without the healthcare
provider’s knowledge.
-Encourage patient to tell
the nurse-on-duty if
dizziness occurs.
-Advise pt to use
contraceptives to avoid
being pregnant for it can
cause severe fetal
-Avoid OTC drugs,
especially cough, cold,
allergy medications that
may contain ingredients
that will interact with
ACE inhibitors.
-Assure pts that side
effects such as cough, GI
upset, loss of appetite,
change in taste
perception (limited
effects, will pass); mouth
sores (frequent mouth
care will help); rash; fast
heart rate; dizziness,
lightheadedness (usually
passes after the first few
days; change position
slowly, and limit the
activities to those that do
not require alertness and
precision) are normal.
-Report mouth sores;
sore throat, fever, chills;
swelling of the hands or
feet; irregular heartbeat,
chest pains; swelling of
the face, eyes, lips or
tongue; difficulty
Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Mosby M.. (2006).
Mosby M.. (2006). Mosby M.. (2006). Mosby M.. (2006). Mosby M.. (2006). Mosby M.. (2006). Mosby M.. (2006). Nursing Guide
Nursing Guide Nursing Guide Nursing Guide Nursing Guide Nursing Guide Nursing Guide Reference. Philadelphia,
Reference. Philadelphia, Reference. Philadelphia, Reference. Philadelphia, Reference. Philadelphia, Reference. Philadelphia, Reference. Philadelphia, USA.
Vallerand, A., Sanoski,
Vallerand, A., Sanoski, Vallerand, A., Sanoski, Vallerand, A., Sanoski, Vallerand, A., Sanoski, Vallerand, A., Sanoski, Vallerand, A., Sanoski, C., & Deglin, J. (2017).
C., & Deglin, J. (2017). C., & Deglin, J. (2017). C., & Deglin, J. (2017). C., & Deglin, J. (2017). C., & Deglin, J. (2017). C., & Deglin, J. (2017). Drug Guide for Nurses.
Drug Guide for Nurses. Drug Guide for Nurses. Drug Guide for Nurses. Drug Guide for Nurses. Drug Guide for Nurses. Drug Guide for Nurses. 15th Ed. FA Davis
15th Ed. FA Davis 15th Ed. FA Davis 15th Ed. FA Davis 15th Ed. FA Davis 15th Ed. FA Davis 15th Ed. FA Davis Company: Philadelphia
Company: Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia

Drugbank (nd). Captopril.

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